Wk Of Nov 25 - WISH Walking/Running Club

As you know, I am no expert with respect to running or walking training, but I would think the answer depends on whether you are referring to long runs/walks or your weekend cross-training. ;)

even magazines directed towards running.

I knew it. I just knew it. :rolleyes:


Kristi - Oh stop! It's a great car and its brand new and it's all yours! So...YAY! I hope you start to feel better. :wizard: Maybe you can start your taper now.
Thanks to all who wished me a happy bday - I must say it was a great day (even though I had to work - at least I got off early) My DH surprised me with a bouquet of flowers with a vase (I was expecting nothing!!!)

This morning I was able to get in a 2 mile run on the TM - and I managed to run the whole 2 miles - kinda funny how I can do it on the TM but outside I have been having to stop and walk when I get to .5 mile - maybe I just need to push myself more when I am outside and not give in so easy to walk (on the TM I don't like to change the speed of it so I guess that gives me incentive to keep running)

Jen in GA - Harry is such a cutie!! And I bet he would LOVE to wash the cat!!

Jen in Vegas - Vegas Baby!!! At least you can say your in Vegas and getting in some runs - good for you.

Leana - BURRRRRR :sick: 15 degrees F!!!!!! That is freezing - I would be happy with a little bit of cold but I don't know about THAT kind of cold. Glad you were able to get out on your lunch.

Craig - Paris - how exciting. At least you know some French - me I would be totally lost!!!

Kristi - Congrats on the new car. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks guys!

I get my husband to check the boards for me for ONE day..... Now he is all excited about cross training and new uses for body guide . I am gonna have to go back and read what I missed! Meanwhile I have to find my pepper spray....
Well, I have missed everything today due to further testing on the belly "issue" which is apparently in my head, not my belly :mad: and more testing to come.....:eek:

But the good news is that I decided to ignore everything (except my body) and I ran for 2 miles. Not much, I know, but I am willing to take anything at this point. I played around on the elliptical but it is so boring to me. I can get in the zone running but anything else just seems like work. :lmao:

So, sorry I am out of touch, something about Body Glide which I have missed and will have to go back and review popcorn:: and catch up in general.

Keep moving everyone. Oh, and the 15 degrees that everyone was :scared1: about today.....we hit 20 today for a high and by Sunday it will be 0. Yes that was 0...and snow on Monday!!!!!!!:dance3:
Hey all--another day of training for me!:cool1: 3.65 in 32:00--including 5 min warm-up and 5 minute cool-down, 4X800 at 7:30 with 2 minute recovery intervals. Felt really good. Then got some arm work in as well

JenGa--Was it you that posted about having your LR and then a bday party? Doing the same thing here on Saturday--but add in a 5K walk with the kiddos and parents. I'm running 16 Sat. morning, booking it to downtown for the Jingle Bell Jog/Walk, then off to DD/DS's bday party in the evening. Crazy times I tell ya!
You guys are killin' me here.

I had all these plans on w/o and have misreably failed. I've got a bit of time to maybe put in some Pilates at least, but that is lame. Oh well, tomorrow will be a much better day!

Carrie, good advice and good job. You've got this one in the bag already!
Hey all,

I've been suffering from a bit of post-Philly marathon syndrome for the past week and a half. It's been hard to get psyched up since the race.

I ran 5 miles yesterday in Philly yesterday along Kelly Drive. This was basically the stretch run of the marathon. It was cool to relive the memories but a little bit of a downer.

Ran 5 miles on the TM tonight in 42:00. I felt good by the TM is SOOO boring.

I'm feeling pretty good right now. No more knee or feet pain. I still have some mild groin muscle pain but it's much better then during or after the marathon.

I just want to stay in shape for WDW.

Carrie & Judy - thanks! :hug:

Still nothing to report training-wise. Still sick. :sad2:

I know Chad finally signed up for an account here.
Wonder if he's reading all this Body Glide information...? :rotfl:
Okay Craig - you lost me, what's this bit mean 'regarder les peintures extraordinaire' I think it's seeing something fabulous (or is regarder different from regardez) - but what. Can't believe I managed to work out the rest of it though - I haven't done French since I was 15 (and let's not do the math on that please) .

Other than exercising my brain muscles, exercising leg muscles is going okay - I did half my run today as didn't so much feel tired during it as run down and exhausted so thought, doing 30 minutes instead of 55 was probably not going to make that much difference on an 'easy week' and that Sat and Sun were more important to get the miles in. Anyone else think Goofy training is way more tiring than marathon training - even though it's the same number of miles. I don't remember feeling this weary last time - having fun though as using it as character building exercise.

Anyway, it's 10.30pm here and considering I'm complaining about fatigue I should probably go to bed (just finished work hence the computer useage). Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone. Helen
No training to report today but I do have to report that I am now officially signed up for the Minnie 15K. YEAH At least now I have a long race in my future to prepare for. I am still planning on entering a 5k in Jan in my town.

Kristi and Lisa - hope you both feel better soon.
Kristi: :wizard: to you!! Sometimes, I get rebound when I come off prednisone (usually a longer course though) so that could be part of it. Just a tired, achy, yucky feeling usually. No energy but not wheezy anymore. I hope that this is all you have.

I am feeling better daily. No answers for the "pain" yet just a lot of things it is not. More testing to come, yay me :confused: .

Oh and IT IS SNOWING today. Just a little nuisance storm but IT IS SNOWING!!! :cloud9:

Yes regarder is the base of regardez. I'm talking about Renoir and the other impressionists at Musee d'Orsay. My french is really stale, although I will work on it in the spring before I go. I try my best to speak passable tourist french. Forget about tenses, I focus on vocabulary and situations. Stringing them together gets better after a few days there.

And my high school french was taken when Richard Nixon was in the White House, truly the last century!


Enjoy the new wheels.


I think I'd do well training with you and your DH, we sure produce results that are almost identical, going back to the TOT. Yesterday I did 3:55 in 30:40, virtually the same pace as you. No intervals, just a 9 minute 1st mile and then a bit more pace in the later ones. The baseball team was on the track when I was, and the quote from John Kruk really is true, "I'm not an athlete, I'm a baseball player." For a bunch of college age guys who allegedly play a sport, they are in pitiful shape. They couldn't even keep up with one of their professors.

Be sure to look after your health from now on everybody. Lots of runners break down in the last few weeks before the marathon. Better to be a little less trained on race day than have to take a DNS - injured.

Craig - You're bring back memories from your 06 trainign with teh b-ball guys. Still have a visual on that, but I don't thtink the others want em to share. ;)
Craig--Will definitely look forward to spending some of those 26.2 with you in January. And Congrats on the upcoming Paris experience. One of DH's cousins and his family are about to return from a 3 month stent in Paris. His cousin's wife has been blogging her experience in Paris with twin 3 year old boys and a daughter under a year old. It was quite humorous!

Kristi--PD that you are 100% soon!:wizard:

Today is another xmas decorating xtraining day for me. I've got to get all these decoration boxes out of my living room. Hope everyone has a great day!
Did 6.25 miles today outside in the drizzle- how's that for dedication?! OK, I admit it, I got yet another new pair of shoes, and this run was all about trying them out. Oddly enough, while the shoes seemed fine, they did not make running easier or faster...:rolleyes1

I think I just found an opportunity to move my LR (20ish- I may cut some miles) to Saturday. Now I won't get to experience the LR/Birthday party on same day combo. I didn't want to start sobbing out of exhaustion in the middle of cutting the cake. :laughing: We'll see.

Everyone injured or sick, take care! I took a few extra rest days, and felt better today. Do the same!

Jen in GA
I loved it most when we got to visit the musée d'Orsay. I would love to go and visit there as you are planning. I could spend a great deal of time in the museums and the cafes. I need someone though that can speak for me. I have no training in French.

Helen, I haven't been feeling more tired over the Goofy training. For me the only difference these last three years is the LR weekends when I double up. Otherwise, training as usual. (Except this year has had a major interruption at a major critical time for me.)

Waiting for my TM to become available here. That's it for tonight.

Kristi, get well already!
Chad, where are you? Come on in and play.

Lou, good job! Keep it going.

Lisa, hope it all gets figured out.

Jen in GA, I am so glad you are getting to move your LR. I just could not imagine doing what you were thinking.
A day late and a dollar short, but I feel I needed to clarify:

Greetings Team -
Vic What happens if you put Body Glide on nips? OK, wait. I probably shouldn't have asked that here. :upsidedow

Greetings Team -

No training for me today. I seemed to be stuck to the mattress this morning and just could not get up. :rolleyes1 Charlie got his Full number last night. :yay:

Unlabeled use of Body Glide = Charlie getting "The Full Number" = Judy stuck to the mattress..... Hmmmm..... Got it.
Unlabeled use of Body Glide = Charlie getting "The Full Number" = Judy stuck to the mattress..... Hmmmm..... Got it.

Visual, Wish guys on knees bowing, 'We're not worthy, we're not worthy".

This is better than 'Desperate Housewifes'.popcorn::

Innocent Panda:angel:
Thanks for all the well-wishes, guys! :goodvibes
I think I am having a bit of that steroid let-down that someone mentioned.

Unfortunately, I have a wake to attend tonight. So, no workout for me. I have no time to squeeze that in with Zack's swim class.

An old friend from my Disney Store days died of a massive heart attack last weekend. Her & her hubby had just a month ago realized their dream. She had retired from teaching in June and they moved to an place just 2 miles from the Magic Kingdom. She had begun tutoring students. David just got a job at Epcot guest relations. She was only 56. :sad1:
Kristi: :hug: Sorry for the loss. And, steroid rebound stinks. I get it on longer courses than yours, but it still stinks. It should be better in around 5-7 days after your taper...hopefully. I use the small weight room during my son's swim class. It has a window that opens to the pool. Unfortunately, it is like a sauna in there most of the time!!!!!!!!!

I am starting to come back to normal. I can run a little and walk a lot. Today is 30 minutes of XT and weights so I should be able to handle that okay. We got about .5 inches of snow and some ice yesterday and Monday due for 4-8" so I can FINALLY break out my XC skis and snowshoes.

Happy training and I will live vicariously through everyones LRs this weekend since mine are still on hold. :mad:


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