Wk Of Nov 25 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Kristi, that is so sad and too young. :sad1:
That is mine and DH's dream, too - we want to retire near WDW and both go to work there. I love warmth - I like being in sandals and shorts. I hate the winter.

Jen, that is great you got your LR worked out. There is no way I could do that and then host a birthday party! Course, there is no way right now I could do that long of a run. :lmao:

Really all of you amaze me with these runs. I'm looking at my half training program I'm about to start in a couple weeks and I see that 12 mile run and I get very scared. And most of you are running over 20! :eek:

I didn't do my run this morning. I feel very guilty about it, but I have a monster head cold. :sick:

We went to the Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers concert on Wednesday night. My girls had so much fun. If I get around to it I'll post a couple pics. I have a funny pic of my six year old almost in tears when the Jonas Brothers came out. :rotfl2:

Oh, a couple of things -
Have any of you heard of this site? I saw an add in a magazine and checked it out. My shoes they have for $71.95 (compared to $90) and DH's for $69.95 (compared to $95)! Plus, it is free shipping and no tax!

And that speaker set I bought from safesoundsports.com? OMG! I clipped it on my shirt neckline and I got the most massive sore there! It is so gross, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up with a scar there. I didn't even feel it rubbing me and I only ran 2.5 miles that day. Really gross...
A day late and a dollar short, but I feel I needed to clarify:

Unlabeled use of Body Glide = Charlie getting "The Full Number" = Judy stuck to the mattress..... Hmmmm..... Got it.

And to think I actually MISS YOU when you don't post. :snooty:


Greetings all -

Three miles on the TM this morning. Looking at 5 tomorrow. And there you have it. :thumbsup2 I'm right on schedule.

Now, where is Sunny? :hug: Since I have have finished Hitchhiker I know now about towels. :laughing:

And while I'm looking for people, where is Paul???? Hello, Paul???? popcorn::
Hi everyone! :surfweb: RedDragon here--NOT Calcio.

All about me today, I'm afraid. First, I'm starting a new job on Monday and I'm excited as all get-out. I'm officially unemployed right now and I'm out spending money like a Kennedy! Christmas shopping is almost done. I'm just waiting for deliveries then I have to wrap it all.

On Tuesday I started on a 50 minute run and had to stop after 38 minutes. That's a first for me. My left calf solius muschle is strained. I've been icing and taking lots of ibuprofen. It's getting better but I haven't run since Tuesday. I thought I'd try tomorrow to see if I can run at all but I'm really scared of hurting it further. No long run for me this weekend. I was hoping to do 4 hours but maybe next weekend. I built in enough padding in my training schedule so if I have to rest more, I can. It's better.

Happy training everyone and don't do what I did: hurt myself so late in training!
Optimator said:
A day late and a dollar short, but I feel I needed to clarify:

Originally Posted by Honeibee
Greetings Team -
Vic What happens if you put Body Glide on nips? OK, wait. I probably shouldn't have asked that here.

Originally Posted by Honeibee
Greetings Team -

No training for me today. I seemed to be stuck to the mattress this morning and just could not get up. Charlie got his Full number last night.

Unlabeled use of Body Glide = Charlie getting "The Full Number" = Judy stuck to the mattress..... Hmmmm..... Got it.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Now, that's funny!

Looking at the weather forecast for Calgary I needed to refigure my running schedule because I didn't want to be outside in -20 deg weather!!!

So I ran my 4 miler yesterday (43:26 - 10:52/mi) and an 8 miler (1:28:17 - 11:02/mi) over lunch today (that was one long lunch!). It was sunny out, but the wind was wicked!

Have a great weekend everyone!
I am VERY happy to report that I totally blew off my XT and weights today and ran a 45 minute interval!!! :woohoo: I was going through such withdrawal that I HAD TO DO IT. :cool1: Besides, tomorrow morning is the 2 hours of catching so that is technically XT.....right?? :confused: Did I mention I was VERY happy!!! :banana:
Leana, I can never again complain about running in the cold after seeing your post. I waited an hour to go out the other morning cause it was 29 degrees out. :lmao:
Well, I've had a little too much fun at our neighborhood Christmas party, so my LR for tomorrow is on hold until Sunday. We'll see how I feel in the morning, but me thinks the Pinot is going to rear it's ugly head at the break of dawn tomorrow! Good luck to all those running tomorrow and especially to those recovering from injuries (that means you Martha!):wizard:
Hi everyone -

I am trying to get motivated to go out and run in the cold. Its 35 degrees out there. Its dark. My legs are stiff and ever so slightly sore. My nice warm bed is only a few steps away.....

Its gonna be fun, right?

Cecilia - Did you make it out for your run this morning... or did the bed win?! Goodness knows my bed has one a few too many!!

JeninGa - I hope your LR went well this morning!!

Kristi - I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

Shan - Holy Crap ..... about those speakers. I have had a sports bra rub a raw spot on my chest, and didn't even feel it until I got in the shower. I had the worst sore there for weeks. I have started using bodyglide around the seams of all of my sports bras ever since. Also... you have every right to complain about the weather... 29?.... Here I don't go out if it is below 40!!

Judy - I don't think that anyone has seen or heard from Sunny in quite a while. Her website that used to host the clippies isn't active anymore either.

Leana - Ok... I definately don't get to complain about the weather. You don't need to rearrange... you need to buy a treadmill!!

Well... I got out for my 20 miler this morning... and miracle of miracles.... I finished it all!! I felt pretty good the whole time too. One of the guys I used to run with last year was there and he ran the first 5.5 miles with me. It is so much easier to run with someone else!! Anyway, here's my stats for today!!

20 Miles - 2:59:37!!! avg 8:59 mpm!! I am so excited to try to run a sub 4:00 in January!!

Does anyone know if Clifshots is going to be having pace groups again like they did this year?

OK... gotta run... kids screamin!!

Well... I got out for my 20 miler this morning... and miracle of miracles.... I finished it all!! I felt pretty good the whole time too. One of the guys I used to run with last year was there and he ran the first 5.5 miles with me. It is so much easier to run with someone else!! Anyway, here's my stats for today!!

20 Miles - 2:59:37!!! avg 9:59 mpm!! I am so excited to try to run a sub 4:00 in January!!

WTG on the 20 miler. :cool1:
Did you mean your pace was 8:59? To get to mile 20 at 3:00, you have to run a 9 MPM ave. Not trying to be the Evil QUeen or anything.:goodvibes But this is something I have staring me in my face everyday to reach my goal for next weekend. Really...I have it pinned everywhere to remind me of my goal. This is why this caught my attention.;) :wizard: :wizard: with your goal.

Did my last "LR" this morning with Bree. Only 8 miles. Next week at this time I will have finished the marathon...but I have 2 shows that night (and Friday night) and Sunday night.....so I am running 26.2 miles and have 6 shows that same weekend!:scared1: Just hope I can do it all.
WTG on the 20 miler. :cool1:
Did you mean your pace was 8:59? To get to mile 20 at 3:00, you have to run a 9 MPM ave. Not trying to be the Evil QUeen or anything.:goodvibes But this is something I have staring me in my face everyday to reach my goal for next weekend. Really...I have it pinned everywhere to remind me of my goal. This is why this caught my attention.;) :wizard: :wizard: with your goal.

Did my last "LR" this morning with Bree. Only 8 miles. Next week at this time I will have finished the marathon...but I have 2 shows that night (and Friday night) and Sunday night.....so I am running 26.2 miles and have 6 shows that same weekend!:scared1: Just hope I can do it all.

Yeah .... sorry I meant 8:59 mpm... I'll go fix that. I can't believe your marathon is next weekend, and you have THAT much going on... You really are superwoman!! I will be rooting for you until I hear from you next weekend. But you have to make sure you come on here and let me know you made your sub 4 ASAP!! :thumbsup2

Congrats on the run Dana! :woohoo:

You should see my sore from the speakers today. It is like I have a hole in my chest! :scared1:

I can't even envision me running right now - I'm in a total fog. I almost feel like I have the flu, but I had my flu shot. We're all still in PJs at 3:00 today. :lmao:

I need to get moving and run some errands. :sick:
Yeah .... sorry I meant 8:59 mpm... I'll go fix that. I can't believe your marathon is next weekend, and you have THAT much going on... You really are superwoman!! I will be rooting for you until I hear from you next weekend. But you have to make sure you come on here and let me know you made your sub 4 ASAP!! :thumbsup2


GIRL! After I posted...I thought, how mean of me! But I have made that error b/4 and you totally deserve kudos for ave that pace! Trust me! I know...
I have to admit, I am totally freaked out about next weekend. I don't know if it is just the goal for the marathon or everything I have going on. Thanks for your encouragment. I am really starting to wonder if I have talked a big talk and now will I be able to walk (or run:lmao: ) the big walk.:confused:
Dana- you were moving, girl! Maybe you can snag some bagels for those of us wandering in a couple of hours after you at the marathon!:laughing:

Harry and I did my 20 miler, but my average pace was closer to 10ish mpm. (Total was about 3.5 hours). Harry went to sleep around mile 15, which was exactly when I needed him to be chatting with me. He's a baby of few words, but I like thinking he is listening when I'm rambling. :laughing: I was about two blocks from home at mile 18 and I actually stopped for awhile to decide if I was going to finish. But, nothing specific hurt, so although I was thoroughly miserable, I finished. Took an icebath and feel ok. I'm so scared of Goofy!:scared1:

Martha- take care. I aggravated my IT band two weeks ago during my 18 miler, and took off the next LR. It bothered me to take the time off, but it didn't hurt today (except in the context of my entire body hurting- no sharp pains!). You're doing the right thing to rest for at least one LR! Get better and enjoy the new job!

Leana- I'm sure Canada has lots to offer (DD is dying to see real snow) and summers are pretty intense here, but I ran in a T-shirt and shorts today. :rolleyes1

Shan- no way I'd run in 29 degrees either! I own 3 pairs of running pants, and have yet to run in any of them. I do feel sporty hanging out in my house in them. ;)

OK, good running/resting/recuperating to anyone I missed. I posted at one point that it's the day after my LR that I pig out... so turns out sometimes I feel the need to eat everything in sight the day of the LR! If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen!;)

Jen in GA
Hey everyone!! I am back and our weather is COLLLDDD! If fact, we are in the middle of a major snowstorm, the first of the season. So I haven't run yet today, I may attempt our TM tomorrow morning. Thankfully it is a cut back week!!!! Our temps may be slightly colder than Leana's. We are Fahrenheit and she is Celsius and the conversion is way too much for me right now!!! So the snow is piling up and we are supposed to get up to 8 inches!!!

I want to congratulate everyone on their training, races and accomplishments this week. Since I was gone, there is just too much to catch up on!!!


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