Wk of Nov 5--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Mouse Skywalker said:
Hmmmm, actually looking at my splits, I guess they don't seem that bad. Maybe it just felt tough. Maybe I should decrease my expectations of trying to finish the marathon in 4:30 - I think 5:00 hours is more realistic for me.

OK, need to rest up, and get ready for the big date night tonight.

Dave, I meant to post this earlier. I noticed that my first half marathon was also 2:14. The general rule of thumb is double your half marathon time and add 10 minutes. Just to give you an idea, that would put you at almost 4:40 for a full. I ran Disney last year in 4:48, so pretty close. I think 4:45 is a more accurate goal than 5:00.

Here is a pace calculator that a lot of people use.

http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/Running University/Article 1/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm

Good luck with your training and great job getting in those 16 miles.

Tiger Lily 03 said:
It's 8 miles for me tomorrow. I had to keep checking my calendar to see if I'd got it right with so many posting up the bigger miles. Mine is 8 this week and 8/16 next weekend.

Lily, I too had to check out my schedule to see if I was suppose to do a long run this weekend when everyone else seemed to be putting in LR's today. I will try and do my 8/16 next Wednesday and Thursday while the kids are in school. I am totally impressed that you are doing Goofy for the second time, I already know that once will be enough for me. I really don't like back-back runs.

As for my training, I did get 10 miles in this morning with a 10:08 pace. I felt really good and run mile 9 in 9:38 and mile 10 in 9:08. :banana: Felt so good, it has been over a year since I have been able to break the 10 mpm barrier on medium length runs.

Can't wait to hear how everyone else's runs went this morning.

Oh, does anyone have a good suggestion for a disposable camera for the marathon? The one I had in Chicago did not produce very good pictures, too bad.

Good Afternnon Everyone -

We ran 18+ miles this morning. I felt strong the entire time. I was even able to speed up the last couple miles! Wow what a difference from my last long run!

I say we ran 18+ because we know we did 18 but a couple of us split from the group to find a restroom and we ended up running an extra loop on one of the trails so I really ran between 18.5 - 19. We finished in 3:16 including any water and bathroom breaks. I used to turn my watch off when we stopped but they won't at the marathon so I just let it run.

Mike - sorry to hear about your wife's accident! I am so glad it wasn't any worse. That is an absolutely awful birthday. Get some rest and don't worry about your training for a couple days.

Vic - Welcome! My husband grew up in Shalimar so we know exactly where Niceville is located! Lucky you to have all that warm weather to train

Dave - Looks like yoiu had a great run! way to go. Good luck with date night!
Mike - how awful! I am so glad your wife is going to be ok. And on your birthday(s)? :sad2: The birthday thing reminds me of my Mom. She used to always get hit by someone on Christmas Eve (none of the accidents were her fault). She was never injured, but it happened like 3 years in a row. She was not allowed to drive on Christmas Eve for quite a few years after the 3rd time! :rotfl: Here's more :wizard: for your DW!

Vic - :welcome:

Colleen - Chad used to bring a discposable to races, but the pics were always pretty crappy. One year he brought my old Advantix camera. Now we just bring our digital & try not too worry too much about dropping it.

Terri - take it easy with that inner ear, balance thing! Until recently I would have spells where I would get dizzy for no apparent reason, until the point where I thought I'd pass out. Then, it would clear-up. They never did figure that one out! And, knock on wood, it hasn't happened in about a year. I guess I am telling you this since I know how scary that feeling can be.

Dave - can't wait to hear all about the big date tonight! :teeth:

Cruella de mom - awesome job this morning! :cheer2:

Cam - still thinking about your family during this difficult time. :grouphug:

Jen, Lily & whoever else asked - The Goo Goo Dolls are a rock group for anyone that didn't know. Most people know their song "Iris" from the City Of Angels movie. They've been around 20+ years. Anywho...I joined their fan club (geek!) when they started one this past spring. Part of your membership is to be able to enter a lottery for shows you go to, to win a meet & greet with the band. You are only allowed to win twice per year. They choose 15 people per show. I entered for this past August and won. So, I got creative this time - I entered for their Boston show coming up (have tix for that show). But I also entered for Portland, ME & Albany, NY. I didn't have tix for these 2 shows, but if I won, I would buy them some way, somehow. I told Chad to get me nothing for my birthday last month, but that if I won one of those 2 meet & greets, I would need to buy concert tix to that show. I ended up winning for Portland, ME! :woohoo:

I kind of feel guilty for winning again, when there are fan club members that have gone to more shows than me & haven't won yet. :guilty: I am so happy though since I wasn't really 'into' the m&g this summer since it was less than 2 days since my 16 year old nephew was killed in a car accident. I was kind of numb & probably the least excited fan there. This time I can really enjoy the night & savor it.

And not to go on more about a band no one else here really cares about...I think I am going to try to hang out near the buses after the show & see if the drummer, Mike (the ultra runner) will autograph a running hat for me to wear at WDW! (they don't allow autographs at m&g) How cool would that be? I may still offer him my FIL's 1/2 registration... :rolleyes1

Back on topic -
I did 6 miles this afternoon, and they felt hard! The weather was nice though - low 60s. I have no splits since Chad did something weird to the Garmin. But my total time was 1:17:36.
Mike: OMG....so scary to hear about your wife's accident :(. I know it could have been much worse but I'm sure she's feeling awful right now. I'll keep you guys in my thoughts!!! Hope you get some rest and sure hope she's feeling much better very quickly!

Cecelia: Nice run!!! Wow...how awesome that you felt so strong during your run. Awesome job out there!

Dave: Sounds like your run went well :). So glad to hear you're feeling good. I have my 16 mile run next weekend and I'm a bit nervous. I plan to take it slow and steady :thumbsup2 . Good luck with date night...cannot wait to hear about it :goodvibes .

Kristi: WTG on the 6 miles. You got your steps in!!! great job!! And congrats on winning the tix!!!

I did my 8 mile run today :). It was definitely a good one! I finished in 75:32...I'm very pleased with that pace and best of all I'm feeling injury free still. I'm a bit sore from yoga of all things LOL....but my running injuries are definitely much much better!!!

Next week is a tough one. I'm trying to mentally prepare for all the runs...especially the big 16 mile run! Have a great weekend everyone!


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