Wk of Nov 5--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Jen - Whenever Chad & I have the rare chance to go out child-less, we never know what to do either!

Are you near a big city? I was thinking maybe you could get tickets to a show or something. We keep meaning to come into Boston to see Blue Man Group (or any show), but it never happens!

What about bowling? I brought Zack last week for a birthday party and was thinking Chad & I should do that sometime.

Or you could just stay home... ;) :teeth:
:offtopic: Too excited and just have to share...

I just won another Meet & Greet with the Goo Goo Dolls! :woohoo:

I did this in August, but it was 2 days after my 16 year old nephew was killed and I just wasn't myself. I was very grateful to still be able to go to the show and get a pic with them - but I was "off." Nevermind, it was crazy hot & humid, so my hair looked SO bad in my picture. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I wanted to pick your brains about a good question to ask - specifically of Mike. He is the drummer who runs marathons, ultras, etc. Last time I asked him about running Disney and he hadn't done that one yet. I told him he should since it was a flat course. He said he heard it was a fun race. I just would like to ask something normal of one or all of them and not look like a groupie/crazy person. :crazy: So, I figured asking Mike more about something running would be 'normal.' Any thoughts? Maybe just congratulate him on the ultra he did this past Sept.? I know - maybe I could offer him my FIL's race number since he is now not going? (I know that is not allowed, but I can dream, right?)

I am just about bouncing off the walls right now - thanks for listening! :dance3:
Kristi - How do you keep winning these??? You want to pass some of that Luck my way????? When is this one? I have no clue on what to ask because I know I would act like a star struck goof!!! I hope you have a great time!!!

Well, we are in the middle of a snow storm. I went and put on my old running shoes because my sandally shoes made my feet wet. Now I have the urge to run the hallway.
What to do on a night without kids?

I think I would have an easier time winning the lottery.....but I think we would go to dinner then head home for a quiet evening - perhaps we would watch a movie. Oh enjoy enjoy enjoy!!

What was the other question? Oh what to talk to a the Goo Goo dolls about. No idea, my age must be showing ( I don't know who they are). But I think something along the line of congratulating on the ultra and whats up next would be a great idea. They probably get all the obvious questions all the time.

18 miles tomorrow. Yikes. I think I am ready. Yikes. I am a little bit nervous about how I will do.

Happy trails everyone!
Jen117 said:
Well, we are in the middle of a snow storm. I went and put on my old running shoes because my sandally shoes made my feet wet. Now I have the urge to run the hallway.


It almost hit 80 degrees here in NC, I am actually worried tomorrow morning will be too warm for my LR! :scratchin

Check out the "pacing partners" thread here if you are interested in finding a running buddy for the half or full marathons. A few people have already posted their desired pace and/or finish times.


Yoga tape for me today, now I want to sleep! I guess this glass of wine isn't helping! :rolleyes1

Cam & Howard - My condolences to both of you. :grouphug:

Judy - I have my fingers crossed for you and Mist.

Dave - After 2 weeks of not having time to check in, I've spend 2 hours tonight catching up, and will definitely be back tomorrow night to see DW's reaction when you break the news!

Angie - This is late, but your story had me in tears too!

Monica - I'm still shooting for '08.

Christa - Guess I'm close enough to come run with you, but I don't think I'm quite up to your miles!

Colleen - Isn't this weather gorgeous?

I'm doing a 5K on Sunday - haven't run AT ALL in 3 weeks since Mystic dragged me down during our last run. DH thinks I can't do it, but I reminded him that I did the Minnie after a 3 week break because of shin splints and did just fine. Of course, the adrenaline rush of it being my 1st 5K and being Disney had a lot to do with that, but I still think I'm perfectly capable of running/walking 3 miles without killing myself.

For all of you struggling with LRs and bad runs and everything else, it's still amazing that you're doing it at all - never forget that! As one of those who's not training for either the half or the full in '07, it's such an inspiration reading everyone's accomplishments. Whenever I think maybe I should just give up running I remember my "training group" and decide I have to go on - 2008 is only 14 months away!

Jen, Congrats to you that you have a chance for a day together. Whatever you choose to do my suggestion would involve sitting for a bit of time, holding hands and talking for some of that time. Uninteruppted time is precious when the young ones are around. DH and I are celebrating 30 years and enjoy the moments of being able to talk, either walking in the park, sitting in a coffee shop, driving around or at dinner. Then have a party!

Kristi, I want to know too. How do you do it? My question would be do they get to enjoy a "normal" day very often and what is normal for them. Or better yet, ask if you could go on one of his training runs with him!

It's 8 miles for me tomorrow. I had to keep checking my calendar to see if I'd got it right with so many posting up the bigger miles. Mine is 8 this week and 8/16 next weekend.

Jackie, good to see you checking in. Glad you are still at it. You will be in a great place for 08 if you keep at it.
Thanks for the invite Tiger Lily 03.

My name is Vic, and my DW and I live in Niceville, FL (Panhandle). I'm a retired USAF Senior Master Sergeant (E-8), and currently manage the law enforcement side of a 911 center.

I've run off and on since retiring in 1998. When I turned 50 in July I decided to start running regularly, but needed a goal. Soooo, I registered for the WDW 1/2 marathon. Currently I'm up to 8 miles for my long runs and run 45 - 60 mins on Tues and Thurs.

The plan is to get my long runs up to 12 miles before starting the taper.

Thanks for letting me introduce myself and join the group.

Take care. :)
Mouse Skywalker said:
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Not too much to report for me. I've been taking it easy this week. I took a rest day on Wednesday (instead of a scheduled 40 min run). Yesterday I swogged (deep water run) for 40 min over lunch instead of running outside. I think the advice I got here to give my body a little break was definitely good advice. I've been sleeping in until 6am instead of getting up at 5am and getting to the gym, I feel a lot more rested and energized, and the little soreness, aches, and pains in my legs are going away. Today I have my reguarly scheduled yoga x-training which will get me all stretched out for my LR on Saturday. I'm scheduled to go 16 miles on Saturday. Whew, I'm a little nervous about it, but I'll just take it one step at a time, right?

I too have been resting this week -- I hope to do some crosstraining. Like you I have been catching up on sleep too!
hey everyone! it's been a while since i've poked my head in. i hope everyone's training is going well. i'm really happy with myself and excited for the marathon this year. last year at this time was when i started getting really lazy with the whole 'running' thing. but this year i've stayed on top of it. this week was ok for me run-wise. i had to take thursday off because my foot started hurting the other day and being the smart cookie that i am i ran 5 miles on top of it. so thursday was hurting pretty bad. but now it's all better so i can do my runs this weekend! :teeth:

and it's been so nice out too! it's supposed to be in the mid 70s today! :love:

and we finally made our 'final' reservations for january! :banana: we're leaving on thursday at 645am... nice cheapo flight on southwest, way to go dad :rotfl: and then we come back monday at about 945pm i believe. and we're staying at the beach club villas... whoohoo! :yay:
Hey folks, can I please take a minute and vent? Yesterday was mine and my wife's birthdays - I know, odd to have a birthday on the same day but we do - and her ever-so-caring company has her traveling to Baltimore for a required training course and leaving the office at 6:30 in the morning. Well, at 7:30 I get a phone call, while getting DD and DS ready to go to school from an EMT that DW and her two colleagues have been in an accident and that they are being taken to Lancaster General Hospital. Nothing else, no detail of how she - they - are doing, what happened or anything. Now I get kids off to school and wait for almost 2 hours before I get a call from the hospital. My wife gets the worst of it with a grade 2 concussion and some pretty major bruising to chest, shoulders, abdomen, and knees - nothing broken or nothing major thank God but lots of pain. Apparently an 18-year-old was driving too fast (her words) and lost control and careened into the opposite lane and hit my wife head on. Our brand new Honda Pilot was totaled and the girls 1985 Pontiac was as well (her and her younger sister walked away without any injuries, thank God). My wife is still in the hospital and we are waiting on additional testing to get a status report. Needless to say, 2006 will go down as our worst birthday ever and I will be putting off training today. Sorry for the rant but I am working on about 3 hours sleep and simply needed to spew a bit. Hope everyone has a great weekend and training is going well.

Cam, hope you and Howard are getting through this time with positive thoughts and good rememberances of a very good life. PD and hugs from me and mine.
GoofyGuy - So sorry to hear about DW's accident. I hope everything is ok and she heals up well. Doesn't that just get to you, though? The person who causes the accident walks away fine, but everyone else is hurt (not that I want the 18 y/o to be injured, but it just seems in accidents that that's the way it usually works out).

Vic - Welcome to the group! :wave:

Well, I went for a run outside today. The weather was awesome! I was hoping to run about 6 miles, but got a later than planned start, so only did 3. But kept it just under a 14 mpm pace, so I was happy. My ears still feel clogged, but I didn't have that off-balance feeling. Gonna try for 6-8 on Monday, since I took 1/2 day off from work.

Have a good weekend everybody!

Oh, my goodness, Mike!!! A head on collision!! :scared1: What a awful, scary situation for you!! and you being a nurse, I am sure you had all kinds of things running through your head!! Many prayers for a speedy recovery for your DW!!! Come here and vent any time!! :sunny: Anne
Oh, Terri, GREAT JOB!! especially when you are still not feeling quite right. :thumbsup2
Mike- Oh my, I hope your DW is OK. I'm so sorry to hear about the accident.

Terri- Nice job on your run.

Holly- Good job on your run too. Good to hear from you.

Jodi- Good luck with your training this weekend.

Vic- Welcome to the team. Great to have you!!!

OK, I did 16 miles solo this morning (all my training is solo - so I guess that's no news). Wow, it was a tough run. The last couple of miles I really faded, and just wanted to get to the end of the run. I even switched from a 9R/1W interval to 5R/1W interval, to walking whenever I wanted. Not sure what the problem was, but it really felt like I was struggling to make the miles today. I ate a new kind of energy bar this morning, could that have done it? Temperature wise I felt kind of warm too. It was really humid today, I was in my tights, and I wish I was in my shorts. I ended up at 16 miles in 3:01.30 min/11:20 mpm. Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 10:35
Mile 2: 10:36
Mile 3: 10:13
Mile 4: 12:44 - ate a GU
Mile 5: 10:27
Mile 6: 10:41
Mile 7: 11:04
Mile 8: 10:36 - ate a GU
Mile 9: 12:39 - started to fade here
Mile 10: 11:24
Mile 11: 11:00
Mile 12: 11:57 - ate a GU
Mile 13: 11:17
Mile 14: 11:32
Mile 15: 11:50
Mile 16: 12:45

Hmmmm, actually looking at my splits, I guess they don't seem that bad. Maybe it just felt tough. Maybe I should decrease my expectations of trying to finish the marathon in 4:30 - I think 5:00 hours is more realistic for me.

OK, need to rest up, and get ready for the big date night tonight.
Hello Team,

Work has me swamped (a good thing... work, that is...), and I've been reading posts here and there, without time to write.... will write this evening... until then:

Blessings and healing to those physically and emotionally suffering. I hurt with you.

Best to all,

goofyguy1958 said:
My wife gets the worst of it with a grade 2 concussion and some pretty major bruising to chest, shoulders, abdomen, and knees - nothing broken or nothing major thank God but lots of pain.

Oh, no, lots of prayers for your wife! It sounds like she will have a rough few months ahead of her. I was in a serious accident like this about 10 years ago. Day 3 and the rest of the week was the worst day for pain for me. Please try and keep her comfortable, I think she may be in for a lot of PT.

So sorry to hear about this, vehicular accidents are so scary!



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