Wk of Nov 5--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

cam and howard -- my thoughts and prayers with you and your family during this difficult time (HUGS)

i just finished my LW for the week, probably just over 6 miles, i loop together some loops on my path and then just over a mile to get there from my house. i took me about 85-90 mins, I guestimated b/c i swept out my garage on the way in. LOL i don't have a garmin, can you tell? does that drive garmin folks crazy, things like "about 6 miles" in "about 90 mins" -- i don't get all hung up on accuracy :teeth: when i do then i get really anal and crazy with it. so i let it go............bye bye now

anyhow -- shoes -- i'm wearing New Balance. impatiently awaiting my new orthotics to come in, should've been in yesterday. i'm calling later today. i need them back! i have tendonitis in my right foot, miss those orthotics.

someone asked me about my 'powerwalk' -- well that's my term i use to counteract the smirkly looks I get when I tell people I walk for exercise. I did communicate with Lisa loves Pooh's dad a couple times, as he is a racewalking coach. he described some technique drills to reteach my body how to walk in a racewalking form. I have tried, really tried, but it's not real natural for me. I will say that i have adapted some of the technique and i think it helped me be more efficient. I focus on roll heel to toe and walking in a straight line. when i focus on the hip swing thing I just get really tired. it's harder then it looks. i can only go a mile or so doing it. maybe someday i'll be able to put it all together :)

thanks for the welcomes -- this is a fantastic group!
Good morning all. :)

Did 45 min @ 1% this morning, alternating 5 minutes of walking @ 4.0 and running @ 5.0. It felt pretty good. :thumbsup2

I'm really concentrating on my Kayanos. (OK like you all don't already know that!) I'm trying to decide if these are the shoes I want to race in come January. Because if they are, I need to follow the sage advice of both Cam and Runner's World and start breaking in a new pair now. I'm pretty sure they are. I feel no pain, my arches feel good, stability feels good, fit is great.....I guess I better make up my mind. :confused3

Oh Dave - YAY! :banana: I can't wait! Nuts. I usually don't check-in on the weekends. Now I'll have to! Oh I'm glad. I was just about to drive up there and stay with princess: princess: while you two went out! Ohhh! I can't wait to see what she says! :Pinkbounc Sending lots of :wizard: your way!

Christa - You know what's sad? Dean came in right after Lance and the coverage didn't even acknowledge him. :rolleyes:

Nancy - Oh thank you! :goodvibes The Sanctuary Director is begging us all to come up there to the trial next week. I didn't want to, but I told her I would. I don't know how I can be in the same room as that monster. But thank you for all your good wishes.

Kristi - Where's that "whack the husband" smilie when we need it!!?!? :furious: Oh....:hug: for you. And I'll tell Charlie you said that!

Amy - WOW! :woohoo: You are doing GREAT! :thumbsup2 Wow, I'm really impressed reading your post.

Mel - Awww! How sweet of you! :blush: You can come on up and live with us anytime. We have spare bedrooms. But just know that we get a TREMENDOUS amount of snow where we live. But hey, my offer still stands!

Sara - Oh you're funny! :lmao: But of course!

Heather - Oops! Sorry! But that line from Golden Girls always cracks me up! :rotfl2:

Cam and Howard........ :grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss. But I do believe you're right when you say he's in a better place.
Howard and Cam

I'll add my regrets to those of everyone else. I'm very sorry to hear of your sad news and hope you and your family are doing as well as can be expected. From what Cam said it sounds like a life well-lived. In the end I don't think any of us can expect more than that.

Hi all,
I got sent here from a thread about which resort to stay at when at WDW for the marathon. I am not running it this year (I ran the Nike Women's at the end of October), but I am considering it for next year. Hey, it combines running with Disney - how can you go wrong!

I've read through some of the thread, but there is way too much to read it all.

Good luck to everyone (I'll be living vicariously through you).
Well, I had to suck up and do it--double digits on the TM for me today! ;) Dsis had to cancel watching the kids this afternoon b/c she's helping out a friend with a really bad home situation--and DH doesn't get home until WAY after dark, so it was the TM or nothing. I did 10 miles in 91:14--Not too shabby! However, instead of the shot bloks I grabbed a triple berry gu for half way through--ICK!!!! It really gagged me--are the lemon lime ones any better???? The sporting goods store I was at last night was out of the lemon lime and that's what I was originally looking for. On a positive note, the new shoes were great--now I just get to relax (if you can do that with 2 kids under 3) and chomp on this can of carmel corn sitting next to the laptop!!! :goodvibes
Cam, Howard and family. I am sorry. No matter the circumstance, it is difficult to lose someone.

For the Gu question: have you tried Vanilla? That seems to be ok for me. I also try to go with the caffine version I think its coffe/chocolate or something first thing in a.m. since I don't get my cuppa before I start off the event.

Molli, glad you are doing good on that walking technique. I tried that and it hurts too much. Even after I talked with Lisa's Dad, it still hurts. I prefer to hobble.

crashbb, Weclome to our group! Glad you stopped in to join us. You will love it here. Stay around and post often if you can. Some of the group will be participating WDW in 08 for sure.

Christa, thanks for the links you have for us. Hope all goes well for you. It seems so busy for you. At least you have a great base and you can still manage the event even if you must slow it down for training.

Today is a FANTASTIC weather day here and I am going out as soon as I can break outta this joint! I am not staying on moment longer than necessary and telling all here I MUST put in the steps outdoors as I run out the door. Look out here I go! PD that "Arthur Itis" keeps it low key. I've also got to get shoes I waited for DS to go with me and he went already. Sheesh! (He did tell me not to wait, I just figured I would and try for a mother-son opportunity.)
I was able to get 45 mins. in today.....30 on the tm & 15 on the total trainer. Now I'm ready to tackle my job tonight! :thumbsup2
7 years ago, on a beach (now a pool), far, far away....


Dad & me in the 1929 Cadillac that sits in front of the Grand Floridian - my wedding coordinator surprised me & let us use it since it wasn't being used. So they had someone drive us from the lobby of the GF over to the beach area - I had planned on just walking over.


Us after the ceremony


Us in the front of the monorail - traveling over to our reception at the California Grill - who needs a limo???

I had some others I thought would be better to share, but they were really blurry. However they were scanned in long ago, they are really bad quality.

On a workout note - Mom & I are headed to the Y once Dad gets out of work & gets here to babysit. I am going to do my 40 mins. on the track today.
Oh Kristi, what lovely pictures. :cloud9:

And may I just say, your dad is a handsome guy! :goodvibes
Kristi - I love the pictures.

Chirsta -I would love to come there and do your run w/ you. I am not even sure how much i am going to actually run to train as i just can't bear to pound the pavement alone!!! I think i'll actually start running after the adv. race this weekend.

Went mt. biking today on the puss. Rode 9 miles of single track. Keeping it low key for adv. race this weekend.
Cam & Howard - :grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss. Hope you can find some comfort that he lives on in the people he cared about and whose lives he touched. I know I am thankful for at least 2 of those people. :grouphug: :grouphug:
OK, way too many pages to catch up with everyon .

AmyBeth - So glad you had a good run!

Kevin - Darn those people who think they are more important than everyone else and hog bike paths, side walks, boardwalks, tracks... Grrr.. Tri???? :banana: Thats my favorite time to go to Disney. Debating on whether or not to tell dh,m as he'd want to do it. Just not for me. Probably not 07, though. Not enough vacation time with teh family reunion I am oh so looking forward too. :rolleyes: You really have gone Goofy, haven't you??? :teeth:
A quick update. Today was a rest/xt day so it was fairly easy. Tomorrow is supposed to be 10-12 and then Saturday is supposed to be another 10. We will see how the motivation goes that early in the morning.

Lynnda is doing better now. Either that or she is tired of my cooking (she actually told me the other night I didn't have to cook, wonder what that means :rolleyes: ) or scared of me doing more laundry (I don't think I turned anything colors :teeth: ).

I figured that I should come up with my next two major races this weekend so I have some motivation after Disney. Otherwise I may find the bed and recliner way too comfortable.

Kristi - Great pics. It is always nice to get a grandparent as a babysitter. Although the kids tend to get a little spoiled.

Lily - Glad you are having great weather. Hopefully you were able to get out this afternoon.

nucpharm29 - great job on the training. As for flavors, get an assortment and try each flavor. Some I love and some I can't stand. Lynnda likes other flavors so it may be time to experiment.

Mel - hope your filling and feet are feeling better tonight.

Dave - Good luck on your reveal. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Not too much to report for me. I've been taking it easy this week. I took a rest day on Wednesday (instead of a scheduled 40 min run). Yesterday I swogged (deep water run) for 40 min over lunch instead of running outside. I think the advice I got here to give my body a little break was definitely good advice. I've been sleeping in until 6am instead of getting up at 5am and getting to the gym, I feel a lot more rested and energized, and the little soreness, aches, and pains in my legs are going away. Today I have my reguarly scheduled yoga x-training which will get me all stretched out for my LR on Saturday. I'm scheduled to go 16 miles on Saturday. Whew, I'm a little nervous about it, but I'll just take it one step at a time, right?
Judy - my fellow Disney bride! I'll have to tell Dad he has an admirer! Too bad he is not coming with us marathon weekend.

Christa - I keep forgetting to thank you for sharing the pics of Lucas! What a cutie! Almost makes me want to have another.....NOT! :rotfl:

Dave - you'll do fine! I think your body did need the rest too.

Mom & I stayed home and walked the neighborhood instead of hitting the YMCA. We did 43 mins., and avg. a 13:xx min. mile. We talk too much, and then I forget to do my running intervals (sounds like a Disney race to me, huh?). It's all good though since we got the steps in!

Today is 30 mins. xt. I am so exhausted, I think I am just going to do my yoga DVD at home.
HAPPY FRIDAY... the snow is falling here, so I think my 8 miles tomorrow will be inside. BOOOO HOOO. 96 laps at the YMCA is going to drive me nuts. I didn't get up this morning to XT, I was just so tired. I will either go to the Y at lunch or do something tonight when I get home.

QUESTION... tomorrow DH and I are childless. My mom actually wanted to take the kids as an anniversary gift. Now we have no clue what to do. Options are: going to the casino (if the weather is good, because the roads are wicked driving to it) or dinner and a movie. I just can't think of anything to do. How sad is that. Any suggestions????


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