Wk of November 16 - WISH Walking and Running Club

Big Vic

DIS Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

Hey everyone maybe this time I will be able to keep up:thumbsup2

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!!!
Hey, I can keep up now - there are only 2 other posts. Hi folks!

Rest day today. Yahoo! Cold front moved in. High only in the mid 60's. (LR yesterday ended with 85 degrees and 80% humidity) We get to wear long pants, make Chili and cornbead.... What a great day :)

Hey everyone!!!
Good morning to you.

Hey Duane: Got up this morning and it was 64degrees!! I had on a longsleeve tech shirt and capris!! Hot chocolate maybe on tap!! Just alittle bit breezy for me, but hey, I'll take the open the windows/no A/C anytime!!

AFM: Did my 9 miles this morning as part of my training for the WDW Half Marathon. Took it easy and steady. Tried the jog every 10 min and it worked well. Not feeling too bad. GOt home and sat in my cold outdoor pool for 15 min - kinda like an ice bath.
Saw movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth. $.99, was very good for the price.

On tap for today is .... laundry, Miami Dolphins Football and Final NASCAR race of the season.

Have a great Sunday wishers!!

Hey everyone maybe this time I will be able to keep up:thumbsup2

Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!!!

Story of my life, I have been doing "drive by" reading lately. Work has me on the road a LOT and I am just behind!

I did MY FIRST HALF today. I am truly kind of in shock! I am 48 years old. I NEVER thought in my wildest dreams I would do a half (even using the Galloway walk/run method) I posted a report on the event thread.

I think I get a few days off to recover. Heck my legs are already stiff! LOL!

Have a good week everyone!
Carol Yeah for you! Great job and sorry about no bling--it's funny what the promise of a medal can do for your motivation or satisfaction with your experience. I actually tracked down a medal from a recent race after one month of waiting for it to arrive!

Tracy and Duane I can actually say I prefer the 32 degrees, wind (not too bad) and snow spitting that I had for my 7 miler earlier today. I get really warm when I run--I probably would have felt fine in shorts and a tee by the time I was done!

So rest for me now and some football--as my son said "Who are the Lions going to lose to this week!"

Tracy and Duane I can actually say I prefer the 32 degrees, wind (not too bad) and snow spitting that I had for my 7 miler earlier today. I get really warm when I run--I probably would have felt fine in shorts and a tee by the time I was done!

So rest for me now and some football--as my son said "Who are the Lions going to lose to this week!"


Even though it got 2 degrees cooler when I was finished I had my long sleeves rolled up. I quickly cooled down though.

CarolA: :banana: :cheer2: :cheer2: CONGRATULATIONS! :cheer2: :cheer2: :banana:
Especially being your FIRST completion of a Half Marathon!! OK you need more smilies...
:cool1: :cool1: :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :woohoo: :woohoo: :cheer2: :woohoo: :woohoo: :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :cool1: :cool1: !!!!!!
I think when you do finally get your bling at WDW, you may get alittle teary eyed again. I remember doing my first Half at WDW 2 years ago and they "supposedly" ran out of medals. I was VERY upset, but they "found" them. Keep moving around today, don't want to stiffen up to much.
Congratulations again a big :hug: from all the team!:grouphug:

Tracy: Oh goodie so there is hope on Thanksgiving day...if I can get off my bum and go run! I saw the shuttle go up a few years ago. It was so cool because it goes from pitch black (it launched at 4:55am) and then it got bright as noon. Definitely worth a trip to go see. I can't wait til the race! Gee if I remember right it wasn't too bright though it certainly was early! Hope you have a good 9 miler! Start doing the "No Rain" Dance now!

Carol: :woohoo: Great job on the 1/2! Be sure to keep moving, it will help keep you from getting too stiff.

It is COLD here--down in the low forties with humidity and wind (yes I know all you northerners are laughing). Friday it was up in the upper 70's. Crazy weather.

I had a nice 60 min run today and I certainly didnt get too sweaty!
Carol, great race!

Tracy & Claire, great training.

AFM: I did a 13 miler this morning. Cool and overcast, a little drizzle.

Heading out to watch the Winter League Baseball Championship this afternoon. Hopefully the rains hold off.

Have a great day Team.
Hi everyone! Another chilly day here - about 35F. I had a really bad sinus headache this morning so I missed my LR :( I took two Tylenol pills hoping it would go away, no such luck. If I add an extra mile or two onto each run I do this week, will that make up for the 8 miles I missed today? I have a 10K race next Sunday so my next LR won't be for another two weeks. I'm more disappointed that I won't get to record the miles.

Carol - Congrats on your first 1/2!! I'm off to read your race report!

Tracy - Very cute commercial! The bugs on the woman's teeth was a little gross ;)

Duane/Claire - I'm jealous of the "warm" weather :) I am not looking forward to the day when I'll have to wear my running tights - that won't be a pretty sight! :laughing:

Jeff - WTG on the 13 miles! I'm always really impressed by how much running you do!

Kim - Is the snow sticking on the ground up north? We had a few flakes here in the afternoon but everything's melting.

Have a great day everyone!
Here I am!

Sorry, WISH friends, for my disappearance, and thank you RaceyTracy for finding me. :-)

I did two walking events in October--a 5 miler and a 5K, both untimed for charity. I felt bad bad bad from the car accident for several days afterward (that was six weeks ago) and had a severe headache for a couple days, but I pushed through to do that 5 miler.

However, my training has sucked. I admit it. I got a grant for my students for the month for a special project and that has meant more time, and then the end of the quarter sucks up all my time, and DH said if the credit card is paid off we can buy DVC so I've needed to put time into my side business to make some cash.

Anyway, here I am now. DH and I walked a few miles this afternoon but it was cold and so windy it was hard to breathe. I'll be back on the wagon this week, especially since I have no real choice--January will be here before we know it!

I'll be back later this week. Hugs to all my WISH friends!
Hey everyone. Well it has been freezing cold the last couple days. Yesterday I did just over 7+ miles and today I did 17+ miles out in the upper 20's with a wind chill in the lower 20's. Todays really kicked my rear. :tiptoe: I did get to enjoy a few flurries during runing and for whatever reason I laugh every time it snows while I'm running.

Congrats to CarolA for finsihing her first Half. That's awesome! :cool1: :dance3: :cheer2:

So jealous of the South's "Cold" temps.

Tomorrow is back to work and a much needed rest day. Hope I can stay awake at work. :rolleyes1
Duckie: Hey girl :wave2: Nice to see you around. Sorry you've been so busy and unable to hang on the boards. Thanks for coming back and checking in.
Glad to hear you starting to get back to training, I don't want to see you passing out during the races in Jan!!!

Duane: that's funny about you laughing when it snows. Reminds me that I always laugh on Space Mountain. Hehe. I guess your Goofy training is coming along nicely. RIght now it's 59 degrees and will dip down to 50 tonight.

Rest Day for me tomorrow. We are having a potluck Thanksgiving lunch at the office!! Just a staff thing. Should be fun. I made cucumber and onions - grandma's recipe.

Hi Team!

CarolA - Congratulations on your first 1/2!!!:thumbsup2 :banana: :cheer2:

Tracy - Cucumber and onions?? Sounds.....interesting. I do like cucumber.

Jeff - What? Only 13 miles? The 13 miles didn't magically turn into 26? Or wait...I know, you had only planned on doing 3 miles and it turned into 13, right? :rotfl: :lmao: :laughing: ;)

AFM...I was able to get to the gym tonight. 30 minutes of weights and 35 minutes on the treadmill. Not bad. I wish it would cool off around here. We have been in the 80's. Come on winter...I like to run in the rain!
Jeff - What? Only 13 miles? The 13 miles didn't magically turn into 26? Or wait...I know, you had only planned on doing 3 miles and it turned into 13, right? :rotfl: :lmao: :laughing: ;)

Yeah, I know, I was slacking. Actually, since the Honolulu Marathon is just 4 weeks away, it's time to lower the mileage and decrease the pace. Let all the muscles recover from the micro-tears.

I'll see what I feel like doing next Sunday. Possibly 16.

Vicky, I usually average 40 miles a week, give or take.
Good morning team!!!!!

Tracy 9 miles....wahoooo.....what plan are you following mine only called for a 6 this weekend, and DH who is doing the full had a 8M.....wow you will be more then prepared!!!!!:thumbsup2

CarolA: FIrst 1/2 that is awesome!!!!!!!!:woohoo:

lilouisianagal: WTG on your 60 min run!!

Jeff: WTG on your run...but have to ask. What is your idea of cool:laughing: we have almost a foot of snow:scared1:

Vicky: Where is your 10K??? Good luck and hope you are feeling better. We have almost a foot of snow and it is staying on the grass but not on the roads which is good

MsDuck: Hi and congrats on getting out there!!

Goofy: Awesome workouts

Mia: Great workouts as well.

AFM: Have been sick all weekend and am taking today off work....just getting the hot and cold spells so will stay home today and hope it is finally the end of it. My deal friend PrincessRunner has emailed me a training program and will start it tomorrow so along with my 1/2 training all should be good for January!!!!
Tracy: Funny commercial! The nun is my fav, but the words are a great touch!

Chris: 20's??? I'm turning blue just thinking about it.

I wonder if you burn more calories in cold weather just trying to stay warm? One perk for all you northerners!

I did my short run with sprints today. Still a bit nippy out there (okay in the lower 40's). Oh I am so ready for Thanksgiving....or better yet Christmas! (more to do with the lack of classes than the holidays)
G-G-Good monring people. They shut the heat off at work for the long weekend and it takes a full day at least to get it going again, so I am sitting here with my winter coat on in about a 60 degree office!!

Duckie Happy to see you back, even if it is for a quick post. Hope your training kicks up soon.

Did XT today--although something more cardio would at least have elevated my core temp and I would be so freezing! Might be time to take the laptop home and work.

Maura (fingers getting numb.......)


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