Wk of November 16 - WISH Walking and Running Club

Thanks for all the IT words of wisdom. Sad to say I have done everything everyone has mentioned and then some--exercises, foam rollers, Therabands, stretches, massage, IT band strap. Just when I though I had it lickes, it has come back. Since mine is apparently caused by a weak hip, I'll have to see if the doc can recommend something else.

Vicky What is ART? I think I've read about it once, but what exactly is it/how's it done?

Jeff - I've had a foam roller since before foam rollers were cool. Ain't helping. I may just be getting old. ;)
Maura - :wizard: for teh ITB!

Tracey - :grouphug: So sorry about your uncle,

Claire - Actually, you are suppoed to burn more calories runnign in cold weather. So, there's a plus. :rotfl:

Angie - My best guess is RUnningwarhouse.

Vicky - COngrats on teh new shoes!

Due fro first post-SanAntonio run tonight. Then again, I wish my Garmin hadn't died post-race. we put in a lot of walking miles SUnday and Monday.
Maura - ART stands for Active Release Therapy. I'm not sure how to describe it exactly. For the treatments I had done, it reminded me of a combination of stretching and a massage. Some of the treatments were really easy like the knees... but some were really painful - hip/piriformis and shins. But after all of them I felt a million times better. Check out this website, they probably have a better explanation and you can find a practitioner in your area. http://www.activerelease.com

Carrie - Is your Garmin toast or did the battery just die? Btw, did not know that about cold weather running and calories :)
VIcky - Just a dead battery. I only started with six hours and forgot to turn it off post-race. SHould have worded that better.
Maura - I saw a chiropractor who did ART and did wonders for my PF. But it was my sports massage therapist who actually explained it to me. Like Vicky said, it's similar to massage, but you are actually moving the muscle while they're working it - hence the "active" part of active release therapy, and what makes it different from traditional massage/therapy. I solved my IT band issues by taking 2 months off, but it's a little late now for that solution! Good luck!

Jeff - And if our training's not on track, what do you suggest? I'm only at 16 miles for the full, and due to scheduling conflicts this weekend may not be able to get a LR in at all for the 2nd weekend in a row. No, I'm not panicking or anything... :scared1:

Judy - Nope, you're not getting old. Can't be that. Next suggestion? :scratchin

Lily - Cold here too. :cold: We had snow flurries yesterday, and NC does NOT see snow in November! I'm almost glad that I've been sick and had an excuse not to run, cause I'm not ready to tackle 30 degree weather yet!

Tracy - :grouphug: More thoughts and prayers for your uncle. Any update?

As for me - nothing to report! DD brought home "band kid disease" and generously shared it with DH and me. I've been sick :sick: since last Wednesday - went to the doc yesterday and got some killer cough syrup which is definitely brightening my outlook! Saturday DD's band marches in the Christmas parade, and DH and I are supposed to chaperone and walk with them, so I'll get to do a 2 mile walk - pretty lousy mileage when I should be at 23 with my Galloway group that morning!

...I've had a foam roller since before foam rollers were cool. Ain't helping...
Uh oh, I was on my way to Dicks Sporting Goods to p/u a foam roller on one of our next journeys. I may still give it a whirl. Get it, give it a whirl...oh well, I guess it won't be cute as I'm trying to figure out how to get myself rolling about.

I do try to make sure I spend extra time stretching that and my Achilles too along with the other stretching.
Jeff - And if our training's not on track, what do you suggest? I'm only at 16 miles for the full, and due to scheduling conflicts this weekend may not be able to get a LR in at all for the 2nd weekend in a row. No, I'm not panicking or anything... :scared1:


As for me - nothing to report! DD brought home "band kid disease" and generously shared it with DH and me. I've been sick :sick: since last Wednesday - went to the doc yesterday and got some killer cough syrup which is definitely brightening my outlook! Saturday DD's band marches in the Christmas parade, and DH and I are supposed to chaperone and walk with them, so I'll get to do a 2 mile walk - pretty lousy mileage when I should be at 23 with my Galloway group that morning!


Jackie, I'm not Jeff -- I don't even play him on TV, but I wouldn't worry too much about a missed long run. If you're still on for the "20 on the 20th" -- or planning to get that in with your Galloway group, you're going to be fine. It is the rare marathoner that doesn't miss a long run or two sometime during their training. It may mean your marathon is not as pretty as you would have liked (more walking or whatever), but you can do it -- and hey, stopping for all those photos is going to mess up any PR you had planned anyway, right? ;)

Seriously, good solid training generally means a faster pace and a more comfortable raceday. Less than stellar training usually means dealing with a little discomfort and a slower pace, but the race is still doable -- and training ain't over yet! You've still got some weeks to get in some long ones. Get well and enjoy the weekend with your band kid.

P.S. Just my 2 cents, but this comes from a lady who did a marathon 6 weeks after a c-section on virtually no training. It wasn't fun, it wasn't pretty, and it took a long time, but I did it. I don't recommend skipping long runs, but I wouldn't worry a ton about something you can't help either.
Vicky and Jackie Thanks for the ART explanation. Turns out the guy I went to have my video gait analysis is also a PT who does ART (not to mention having an "off" marathon of 2:18 at the Freep!) When I vist my doctor in a week or so, I may ask for a PT scrip and go back to him.

Wendy A marathon? after a C-section? 6 weeks? seriously? WOW! you must be one strong, pain-intolerant, or crazy person!

Just touching on some stuff I forgot yesterday adn have a good storyto share.

Maura - I hope you can find somethign that helps teh PF. time off maybe? I know it''s hard now, but you have the base to be able to afford it.

Liz - Scott saw an ad for a blanket that pllugs into your cigarrette ligher the other day. Maybe that would help too.

AFM: Had a stonker first run back yesterday, but good stuff came out of it. This is for everyone who feels inferior because they are slow.

So we are running on the indoor track last night and this guy who's all muscle starts running too. Of course, he's passing us like we were standing still. ALways makes me feel bad, even though I know I should be proud of myself. He finishes and starts walking with his wife. As we pass, he asks, "Aren't you guys ever gonna' stop?" We laughed and said we were really close (less than a minute). His wife says, "DOn't you recognize them, they run in front of our house all the time." DOn't think we were suppoed to hear that. We were both flyign afterwords. Scott was commenting that that was one of the nicest compliments we had ever gotten. Comming from someone who blew us away speedwise, it just felt so good. Then, to hear that the wife isn't surprised because she sees us runnign all teh time, just solidified it more. Very cool. We thought it was even funnier because we only did a 40 min run last night. Shortest run we do these days. Felt really good!
Good morning everyone! I didn't make it out last night :( There was quite a bit of snow by the time I got to DF's house. I'm going to head over to my running store today to see if I can get something to winterize my running shoes. That way I won't have to skip tonight's run.

Carrie - That's a great story! And I think you should feel proud :) If it makes you feel any better, DF and I use to get passed all time in the summer by a couple that was at least 20 years older than us. Now that made us feel slow!

Wendy - Wow! 6 weeks after a C-section!

Jackie - Hope you feel better soon!

Maura - Let us know if you're able to see a PT and how the ART goes!

Have a great day everyone!
Vicky - We have Yak Tracks (trax?). Great in snow. SUpposed to be good in ice too, but we don't like to push it on ice.

Jackie - We have bene ok when we didn't finish our max run of 20 or our 18-milers. You don't want to skip too much, but 1 missed lR will not hurt you. Better to let your body recover from being sick than to push it and get the miles in.
Carrie - Do you have trouble keeping snow off/out of your shoes? Along with slipping, I was also afraid of coming back with soaking feet...
Morning Team!

Today is a rest day for me. Thank goodness. Got in 6 miles yesterday and 4 on Tuesday. Really cold and it's making it more difficult to get outside. I mentally am making myself do it, but I don't want to.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Vicky - Unless I hit a puddle, it's usually fine. My feet may start a bit chilly, but, like everythign else, tehy warm up pretty quickly. I do sometimes wear thinker socks in teh winter, but that's about it.

Chris - I hear you. SO hard fr me to get myeslf out these days.
Hey everyone!

Quick fly by here.

Maura - hope you can find something to take care of that.

Wendy - wow....that's all I've got to say...wow....

Carrie - Did pretty well on the warming up Sunday so may have this figured out, sorta. Going to look into the Yak Trax as will need something for more traction. I agree on the ice though - that means stay inside.

Big HELLO to all!

Took last night off. Doing big weight work out day after long walk was not a good idea. Tuesday has sore and annoyed leg muscles while on TM so decided to rest yesterday. Today is bike and core then out tomorrow for 16 miles. Going to be in NY over the weekend so had to move it. Just hoping I'm not too sore on the plane!

Have a great day!
52 days as of 11/20/08 to the start of the half marathon.

53 to the start of the marathon
HI Everyone!

I am in lovely Lake Tahoe. It really is BEAUTIFUL here. I went for a short run this morning. Of course I didn't think about the fact that it's a LOT higher here the Atlanta so it did kind of take something out of me.

Jeff's countdown is making me nervous. I am trying to figure out how to keep on track. My Galloway group ends this week. So that means I have to motivate myself to do the longer runs! YIKES!

Carrie, that was a great story!
Carol - Wish you were closer (or traveling in this area). Our Galloway group continues through the 7th of December, but after that I'm on my own too! Leaves a lot of runs between now and Disney. And I think Jeff's trying to see how crazy he can make us... his countdowns are not making me happy. :scared:

Carrie - Love the story!

- Thanks for all the encouraging words. I'm definitely on for 20 on the 20th, and I have to keep reminding myself of that. If I do that I really should be okay. I already know this marathon won't be as pretty as I'd like, but I imagine it will be my one and only full so time really won't matter!

The magic cough syrup is working, and I'm almost back to normal. I think I'd feel like running this weekend if I weren't parading instead!

Hey guys, Happy Thursday...

Lily: Your brave for getting out in the snow.

Angie: I would try taking the stroller and just hang in the back.

Maura: IT issues, ART, gait analysis, how's it going, have you started to slack?

Vicky: Nice 3 miles run in the chilly weather.

Jackie: "band kid disease"? Not sure if I have ever heard of that or if I ever hand it. Being in band for about 12years, maybe its a new strain or something. Glad to hear the magic cough med is working for you. Marching in the Christmas Parade - cool!! If you march along you'll get some good XT in.

Wendy: C-Section, Marathon, ............WOW!:worship:

Carrie: Cool on the lady's comment about you at the gym!!I'm sure that bumped your self-esteem up a few notches!!

Chris: Hang in there with getting out in the chilly weather!

AFM: I just want to say a big THANKS:thanks: to everyone who asked about my uncle and are saying a prayer for him. I have not had any updates since the 18th. He is still in the hospital, trying to get the kidneys going, getting the infections under control and keeping the liver bile draining. You guys are awesome!!:grouphug:
DId a good 5 miles this morning. I had 4 on the training schedule but added in another mile since weather was gorgeous at 55!! That's right 55 in Sunny South Florida. I am off to a gmae watching party. My Canes versus GA Tech - GO CANES!!!!

Aloha Jeff, Liz, Mel, AmyBeth, ScoJo, MsMightyDuck :wave2: and everyone else I missed.

Take care everyone,


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