Wk of November 16 - WISH Walking and Running Club

Hi everyone! I have a training session tonight so I'm off to the gym - no running until tomorrow.

Kim - I think it's the Whitby Waterfront race. Keep your fingers crossed that the snow stays away for one more weekend :) Hope you're feeling better today!

Maura - Sounds like my office. I usually keep a mug full of tea on my desk just so I can keep my hands warm!

Jeff - 40 miles/week! Wow!

Have a great day everyone! Keep warm :)
Hello everyone!

Quick run by as work is..well, being work-y today.

Duckie - There you are!! Kept meaning to holler at ou two. Glad you're finally feeling better. BTW, I'm doing the full instead of the half in Jan. Yes, you can yell at me anytime you'd like. :rotfl:

Tracy - hmm, 64 yesterday? Better than double what it was here when I went out. Cloudy, windy and 30. Think I put on too many layers as was sweating at the end of 14 miles but still trying to figure it out.

Hope everyone feeling under the weather gets better soon; WTG for all those getting in the steps!!

BTW, thanks to everyone's tips for warming up after a cold weather run/walk. Helped alot yesterday - didn't cool down as fast and did not start shivering either. Although the two guys in the parking lot looked at me like I was nuts when I pulled off my vest and tech shirts to pull sweatshirt on. :scared1:

Also very happy to report that after doing 14 miler yesterday I can still walk and get up/down stairs today. This is the longest distance I've done so far so this is a definite plus.

Have a great day!!
Sorry for the total drive-by (again!)! :moped:

Just back from 5 miles with Mom. We finished in 1:13:16 - all walking. Considering the cold weather, I think we did great. Normally, I would chicken out & head for the indoor track. But Mom doesn't belong to the Y and a guest pass is $10! So, we braved the cold and did well.

Now, off to get allergy shots & hit the grocery store before picking up the rugrat...
Hi everyone,
Tracy, those commercials were great!!:rotfl2:
Went for what I thought was a cold walk yesterday it was in the 60's. So more power to all those who are braving the truly cold weather.
Have a great week everyone.
Hockeychic: I am one of a few (if not the only) one on this boards that follows a program by the about.walking.com website by Wendy Bumgardner (Certified Marathon Coach -RRCA). I found this program when I did my first half marathon. It works well with my schedule and got me through the race. I do not do the 14 miles on that day I just do 13.10.

I do 4 miles on Tuesday, Thursday and either Friday or Saturday. SUnday in my long days...
Next Sunday is 10 miles then...
8miles, 12miles, 8miles, 13.10, 6miles, 6miles then the race!!

Here is a link http://walking.about.com/cs/marathontraining/l/blhalfmarathon.htm

Hope that helps.

AFM: its a rest day for me. Right now it's 62degrees and beautiful here in South Florida!!. Found out some more bad news about my uncle in CA. He is in the hospital again and now he has MRSA in his bloodstream and his kidneys are starting to loose function. If things get worse and such, I may find myself flying back out to CA with my Dad.
If for some reason you don't see me posting for a few days you will know why.

Thank you Tracy.

So sorry to hear about your uncle, lots of PD coming your way!!!!!

Vicky, I did a 10K event in Whitby a year or 2 ago in April it was along Lake Ontario....boy it was cold so make sure you bundle up....wind off the lake was brutal at times.

Liz: Your doing the full:scared1: ;)
Tracy - I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle! I will keep you and your uncle in my thoughts today.

Kim - Thanks for the tip! Guess I'll have to break out those running tights after all. Sue mentioned that parts of the course had snow and ice so I'll have to watch for that as well.

Have a great day everyone!
hey all, I am looking to buy gu, blister kits, and nippits, and was hoping to not have to go to 3 different places...anyone know of a place where I can just do one order?

Tracy, sorry about your uncle. PD and Prayers for his recovery.

It sure has been kinda cold here. Today 32 deg and Kirby dog and I did a nice 2 miler. It started really snowing just as we were loading back into the car. Lovely day.
So, I emailed the Turkey Trot people several days ago to ask if strollers are allowed in the race, and haven't received a reply. There isn't any other contact info, so I can't call and ask.

What should I do? I know turkey trots are usually family-friendly, but I'd hate to show up and then not be able to run. It's possible that I could get Mom to watch DS while DH and I run the race. Maybe that's the best option, but I was hoping to be able to bring him along!
Ang, it's a fun run, I'd go with the jogger stroller. Just stay in the back.

As for me, 8 miles at a 8:17 average pace. Despite blustery tradewinds. Strong headwinds going out, and favorable downwinds on the return. Excellent run.

Hope everyone's training is on track for January. 52 days until the half, 53 for the full.
Hope everyone's training is on track for January. 52 days until the half, 53 for the full.

Yikes! It's a bad time for my IT Band issues to resurface with a vengeance. Oh well, I have at least 3 weeks of slack in my training plan, so I guess I'll deal with it.

Hi everyone! I went out for a 3 miler last night. It was really chilly so maybe that was the motivation I needed to move faster. Anyway, I managed an average pace of 10.15 m/m which is my fastest so far! I also ran in my new Kayano 14s and they were great! Really comfy!

I'm back out tonight for a 35 minute tempo run. I'm not exactly sure how to do a tempo run. Can anyone give me some ideas? Am I just running faster than I normally would for about 25 minutes with a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down?

Jeff - Wow! So we're less than 2 months away ... I have a feeling that December is just going to fly by!

Maura - Sorry to hear about your IT band problems. Those are no fun :( Have you tried a sports massage or ART before?

Ang - Have fun at the Turkey Trot run :) Hope you're allowed to bring the jogging stroller!

Lily - It's chilly here too! The forecast is calling for snow here too but I'm hoping it will hold off until later tonight. Or at least stay to the areas north of us :)

That's all for now... Have a great day everyone!!
Yikes! It's a bad time for my IT Band issues to resurface with a vengeance. Oh well, I have at least 3 weeks of slack in my training plan, so I guess I'll deal with it.


Maura -

I'm having such awful ITB issues that I saw my orthopedic surgon Monday just so I could get a prescript for PT. I'm calling today to schedule my first session. I've been stretching and foam rolling but apparently I'm doing doing it right because it doesn't seem to be helping.
Yikes! It's a bad time for my IT Band issues to resurface with a vengeance. Oh well, I have at least 3 weeks of slack in my training plan, so I guess I'll deal with it.


Maura & Judy,

Roll your hip on either a foam roller, or a used soft tennis ball. You'll feel a lot better.

Do a search on IT Band or foam roller on youtube.com . A few trainers or physical therapists have posted videos online.


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