Wk of Oct 1--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Good luck to everyone racing today!! :wizard:

Christa, I was thinking about you today during my LR. It was/is a perfect morning for marathoning here in NC. I hope your trail marathon is going well.

I ran my 10 mile LR today as part of my taper. I love :cloud9: taper. It was effortless, I feel great. We ran a little faster than our 20 miles last week and we felt like we could do another 10. So this tapering is really working, don't know how I am going to manage another 2 weeks.

Lily, are you going on a cruise?? Did I miss that somewhere?

Monte, great job on that cross training!

Gotta run, off to a swim meet for my DD7. This is her first swim meet, but she has trouble diving off the platform. So we will see what happens!! :confused3

Hi everybody! I'm back from my trip to the World!

Had a great time. The weather was perfect and the love bugs were virtually gone. Food and Wine was excellent. I stayed at BWV in a BW view. Boy, am I now spoiled :)

I ate so much. Had the DDP and enjoyed every tasty bite! I think I gained at least 5 pounds. Now I must get back to training. I did a lot of walking and got a workout pushing my mom around in the wheelchair.

I know I won't get caught up on this week's thread, so I'll start fresh with the new week.

hope everyone's training is going well. :wave:

That's a shame that you won't make the 1/2M tomorrow. I was looking forward toward meeting a fellow WISH team member. :wave2:

I'll still wear "the shirt", so the WISH team still has some hooks into the Towpath Marathon.

Good Luck Everyone with your weekend events and training.
HI everyone!

I ran a 10 mile training run today. It took 1:38 so I thought that was pretty good. I felt good and strong at the end of the run but I was also glad it was over.

I also decided to sign up for the Awesome Alpharetta half marathon in two weeks. I am not going to race, just run for the experience. I can't believe how close the WDW Marathon is getting!

I did my 5 miles this morning. I had wind in my face for 1/2 of it and 3 hills that tried to kick my butt. I did it in 62 minutes and was happy with that. I am sure I will get faster as I train more. On my trek back home, DH drove by with the girls. That sped me up a little. They pulled over and had to chat for a minute. Then they headed to Home Depot for Kids Craft Day.

Tonight is dinner with family and is supposed to be a huge feast. It's a good thing I ran today!!! Tomorrow is a much needed rest day!

PIXIE DUST to all the racers today. I can't wait to read the reports!!!!
Jen117 said:
PIXIE DUST to all the racers today. I can't wait to read the reports!!!!

That was today!!!! I kept thinking it was Sunday. Oh I can't wait for the race reports!!!! I seem to recall Wendy and Anne doing it, who else??? Oh I can't wait!!! Hope they had a blast and all made PR. Did everyone where the medals to dinner? Susan is arriving on Monday and is hoping to spot some medals still in the parks.

Wooohooo our RftT Team Members!!!!! :cheer2:

By the way Jen excellent time on the 5 Miles. We did 6 this morning and apparently we need to stop talking so much :lmao: We won't discuss OUR morning pace.

ETA after reading a page back on the posts...

KIM great idea on the shirt and VERY supportive idea.

Kristi: We're at OKW too. 4 ladies with 4 Pal Mickeys.

And I might actually take the Pal on Sunday's walk, we're introducing my athletic running dog Keely to Susan's Jack Russel and since the Jack has such short legs will only get in maybe 3 miles or maybe 5 if I continue after Susan's done. I'll see if I can stand his bouncing on my belt to put up with him.
Kristi-- great time :moped:

Judy-- BE CAREFUL, your work stress, recent bronchitis all sounds way too familiar to what happened to me in May (and hasn't gone away). I was under beyond human stress at work (partly my fault for letting them do it to me), sick as a dog, but still putting in 12-14 hour days and next thing I knew-- Pneumonia :scared1: And you know the rest of teh story all too well :sad2:

Kim-- awsome shirt idea. I love the idea of building up the runners around us during a race.

Terri-- welcome back!

Minnie-- that's great news! So many people from my group have gone to Orlando for symposia, conventions, etc. and I NEVER HAVE :furious:

OK, my LR today. It was intended to be a 12 mile LW but half way through the first mile my back hurt so much I thought I'd have to call it quits. I decided to try a light jog and that eased the pain significantly. I quickly learned every walk break was getting more painful than the one before and by mile 9 I had to jog it all the way in. My legs were screaming; they are not trained for a 12 mile jog. But I screamed right back, "There's only one way back to the car and you're it". So we made it.

Stats: Bike path, gorgeous weather
12 miles 2:36:53


average pace: 13:02

The funny thing is, my pace is only a tiny bit faster than Applefest and that was almost all walking!

LSD baby :smokin:


ETA: Today was the first cold soak of the season. Oh how I've missed them-- NOT!!!!
If the races are tomorrow.... then PIXIE DUST to all races this weekend!!!!

That should cover it. I love checking in on Sundays to get motivation from all the reports.
Did the annual charity bike ride today. I couldnt find anyone to ride the 100 miler w/ me this yr., so i just did the 50miles. It was fun. I'm in so much better shape that when i did the 50 before.

Can't wait to hear weekend race reports!!!
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Did 60 min of yoga Friday for x-training (felt great!), and I got another 10 m LR in yesterday (2- 10 mile weeks in a row!). Yesterday was a "Technology Free" run. My Garmin never found a satellite so only the timer worked, and my MP3 player went hoooey too. My MP3 player has been acting up for a while, and this time the volume wouldn't work. I couldn't turn it down and it was just blasting music into my ears. So I bagged it. I was a little concerned about running 10 miles with no music or Garmin to track my pace and distance, but it was fine. I ended up doing 10.4 miles in 1:49.03 min for a 10:29 mpm. A little on the slow side, but that's OK. My legs feel fine which is great! Oh, I also used GU for the first time. Last week I felt dead tired by the end of my run - so I was thinking I needed a little boost this time. I had my turn around point around 50 min, and I sucked down a strawberry banana GU. Not too bad, and I felt a lot stronger towards the end of my run. My plan for next week is to scale back and take a "rest week" as a mini taper before my half-marathon at Niagara Falls in 2 weeks.

Lily- Are you going on a Disney cruise? I didn't know that. Have fun!!!

Monte- Nice job with your x-training.

Colleen- Great job on your taper LR. I'm excited for you for the Chicago Marathon! It's the same day as my half-marathon, so I'll be thinking of you. I'd like to run Chicago some time. It always sounded like a GREAT race.

Terri- Welcome back! Sounds like you had a great trip to WDW. What are Love Bugs? So you excited for the Eagles/Dallas matchup this week? What did you think of the T.O. news?

Cecilia- That LR is awesome! You did sub-10 min miles for your 10 mile LR. That is great! I think you and I will be running 1/2 marathons on the same day. Are you running on 10/22? Looks like the WISH team will be out in full force that weekend. BTW: I'm going to be in Atlanta for a meeting next weekend. That was another reason I shifted my training schedule around. This way I only have to run 6 miles in a city I don't know anything about. I'm staying downtown at the Embassy Suites next to Centennial Olympic Park. I thought I could run for an hour around the park (I hope it's big enough to do that).

Jen- Nice 5 miler. Hope the feasting was good.

Denny- Can't wait for your report from the Towpath 1/2 Marathon. Hope you had a super run.

Christa- Can't wait to hear how your trail marathon went. I was hearing about rain in NC, and I was hoping it didn't affect your race at all.

Oooooh, RFtT was this weekend!!! I just remembered that, thanks to DianeL's post. I can't wait to hear how it was.

Anne- Hope you had a great race, and I hope you had a great weekend at WDW!

Wendy- Hope you had a great race too.

DianeL- Great job on your 6 mile walk. Thanks for keeping an eye out for HCOE Pal Mickey's to go on sale. My DD8 princess: asked me just the other day, "if we can't get my Pal Mickey to work can we get another one if they go on sale?" That was totally unsolicited by me. BTW: I put new batteries in both DD's original Pal Mickeys and I got them to work again. They were so excited about that (so was I). It was so nice to see how happy their Pal Mickeys made them with his groaner jokes.

Sunny- Great job on your 12 mile jog. That's awesome!!! You will be passing us all at Goofy in January!

MelR- Just did 50 miles on the bike!!! WOW, WTG! Was that towing the boy behind you as well?

Amy- How's your shin/ankle holding up?

Hi Jodi :wave2: How was your LR this weekend? You didn't have a race this weekend did you? I know you have a 1/2M next weekend, but for some reason I thought you might be running another 5K this weekend.
Mouse Skywalker said:
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Hi Jodi :wave2: How was your LR this weekend? You didn't have a race this weekend did you? I know you have a 1/2M next weekend, but for some reason I thought you might be running another 5K this weekend.

Unfortuntely, I didn't get to do my long run this week --- It really stinks. My stomach still hasn't gone back to normal. I'm just relieved that this isn't the 1/2 Marathon weekend.

No - 5k this weekend, but the weekend after the 1/2 marathon weekend, I will be doing a 4 mile run, I know I mentioned that earlier in the week.....that might be what you are thinking.

My last run long run was much like your long run.....no music and no Garmin! but I actually kind of like it better that way. It's harder to gauge your time but I like the fact that I had no worries....I just enjoyed the scenery! sounds like you had a great run! Great job!

So are you at all nervous about your 1/2 Marathon? For some reason, I am....I don't know why....I mean it's only a little bit more than my 20k :confused3 .

Oh Friday, they sent the 1/2 Marathon numbers out in e-mail.....it's an express check in. This coming Friday, I bring the e-mail with me to pick up my 1/2 Marathon packet!
Colleen – how was DD’s swim meet? Jenn was so scared to start off the platform when she was young – I think it seemed really high to her. For a while she started from the side of the pool. When she got on the platform, her coach used to stand right by her with his hand on her back, calming her down and reassuring her. It was great. She actually was best at backstroke and won 3rd place at championships one year – that was amazing.

Terri – I’m glad your trip was wonderful! I am sure you’re glued to the tv today, watching T.O. face the Eagles. What a circus, right?

Cecilia – awesome time on your 10 miler!

Jen - I hope you made good use of all those extra calories you were allowed to eat yesterday after your run! :teeth:

Sunny – you never cease to impress me. I hope you didn’t overdo it, though, with all those miles. How are you feeling today? :hug:

Melissa – was your 50 mile bike ride for MS? Our bike to the bay was this weekend, I think. Yesterday was horrible (rain and wind and very cold), but today is gorgeous!

Dave – Glad you gave your body GU this time. It’s really important to find something that is going to work for you during the race. Great job on your second 10 mile week!

Howard and I got out this morning for the first time together in weeks. He did over six miles of trail running and then another 7, I think, on the track with me. I stayed on the nice flat track the whole time for my 10 miler. I wasn't even sure what the plan called for this week, but I was supposed to do 9 last weekend and only did 8.25 (Monday), so I thought 10 was a safe bet.

We didn't get out until about 8:30 a.m. so it wasn't as cold as it was earlier. The sun was pretty strong from early on. But was an absolutely gorgeous morning. A lot of the trees are already starting to change their clothes for fall and it was just beautiful! We saw so many squirrels frolicking and gathering their winter stores. Lots of people out with dogs, too -- some were so cute. I was thinking of Krista and Hines and it made me smile!
I was wearing my blue "Run Disney" tech shirt that matches my new avatar, and just kept reminding myself that I have to get the steps in if I expect to be able to finish the Full in time. So, even though a lot of my mile times weren't great, I was glad that I could mostly able to stick to jog 1/walk 4 through most of the first 7 miles. Then it just became a matter of finishing the full 10.

I am going to have to get some cliff blocks and really start figuring out how to nourish my body for the long times we spend on the course. I did PBJ before starting and within an hour my stomache was growling so much it hurt. Sport beans, powerade and 1/2 a power bar held me through the last 90 minutes. I have to go back and read the posts from earlier this year where I think it was Carrie who reminded us of how much and how frequently to take something in.

Cross posting from my journal:
keenercam said:
My mile times:
1 -- 14:35
5 -- 14:58

total time: 2:34:31 for 10 miles -- avg pace 15:27

Cant' wait to hear about everyone's races this weekend!
I apologize for the total drive-by today, but I just wanted to report that I ran a 2:02:35 at the US Marine Corps half-marathon in Albany, NY this morning. I am beat but I have to go back down to Albany (1 hr away) right now to drive my parents to the airport. I SO need a nap!!

I am off for the holiday tomorrow, so I promise to catch up with you guys and post a full report. You know I was cruising in my W.I.S.H. socks and my fine new long-sleeve W.I.S.H. shirt on the run today. It definitely helped with my motivation.

Best of luck to everyone else competing this weekend.
keenercam said:
I am going to have to get some cliff blocks and really start figuring out how to nourish my body for the long times we spend on the course. I did PBJ before starting and within an hour my stomache was growling so much it hurt. Sport beans, powerade and 1/2 a power bar held me through the last 90 minutes. I have to go back and read the posts from earlier this year where I think it was Carrie who reminded us of how much and how frequently to take something in.

Cam, If you find that info could you post it here? I'd be really interested in that too since I tend to get hungry half way into training and the race. I love the banana at mile 6 in the WDW Half, it's perfect for me because even though I try to eat something in the morning I know I don't get in enough since I start to starve but I'm just to nervous in the mornings and at home for training typically sleep to late to eat much.

We only managed 3 miles today with the 3 dogs in tow but had a great time non the less. My corgi hasn't been to the park since before we went to DL so she had a blast :) But I feel good since I managed to get to the park for something and had 1 day on my machine and only 1 day of total rest between Monday and Sunday. I'm getting into the groove again :)

Happy training and can't wait for those RftT reports!!!!

ETA: I posted and then saw Sara's post sooo CONGRATS!!! Hope you get that well deserved nap :goodvibes GO SARA GO!!!! :cheer2:

I noticed on another thread someone else finishing a Half this weekend too so to anyone else out there that I might have missed Way to Go with those Fall Half/Full Marathons!!!!! And to those training for ones sooner than WDW Best of Luck!!!!! :cheer2:


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