Wk of Sep 21 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Stephanie - I think you are on to something there. Kristi, Jen, Mel, Stephanie.... Hmmmm....

Chris - Party on Garth! Hope you feel better soon!!!

Cam - We should start a new songs list thread. I never use my MP3 player now that most long races don't allow them. I just got used to listening to myself (so sad!!). It's really not so bad tho.

No training for me yesterday. My DD5 went to Sesame Street Live last night with dad and I took DD7 to a school thing. Then she broke out in hives and still has them, just worse. Poor thing. Her whole face was covered and she was crying that everyone would laugh at her. So I have her at work with me today. She sits with her blanket and watches movies.
Only time for a quick drive-by tonight. Just got back from the gym where I did 3.5 miles in 41 min. I am still doing a r/w program, but I am feeling stronger and will continue working towards running the whole way.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hi everyone!

I just got back from my first post-PDR run. I think I did ok, there was definitely some residual soreness burried deep in the muscle tissue that whispered some sweet nothings to my brain. However, after mile two they were all history. Here is the scoop:

Miles: 8.06
Time: 1:10:41
Pace: 8:46

Splits: 9:12, 10:05, 8:25, 8:37, 8:49, 8:33, 8:21, and 8:09.

I feel bushed, but good. Time for a shower.

To all of our friends participating in the EE event - HAVE A GREAT TIME!!! Show them where you live! (or post in this case).


Just alittle FYI for Jan 09 Marathon weekend:

The course has changed a bit for the Half Marathon - check the thread that is out there about it and it has a link to the map.

Also the waiver/bib number will be the same as they did for the Disneyland Half. It will be electronic. You will get an email when yours is ready and then you download it. I am assuming your bib number will be on it like for the DL 1/2.

Nothing for me today, I'll do some core work tonight later after the Dancing with the Stars.

Racey Tracy
Just 2 miles for me tonight on the TM.

The half course doesn't look wildly different to me. Is it the first 4 miles or so that's changed? It's always dark when we go through that part anyway...not sure I've ever noticed.

Party on, Chris...great run!

Great job on the 2 miles, mla and Cam!

Nice runs, Howard and Kristi!

Vic...when you do stadiums, how long do you run? I think I'd trip running up and down those little stairs.
Hi everyone! It is the perfect-est weather here right now for me. Cooler a.m. and I love this time. I get on the trail mornings then take Kirby dog with me for the p.m. walks. I think I'm finally getting into a better groove with training. Weather here has sure been cooperating. Slow me did 4 miles in about an hour. I'm still happy keeping my pace to about 15 min/miles. Some days are better than others, but back of the pack is where I'm at and still steppin.
I spent Wednesday attending the 5th Annual International Women's Leadership Conference in Waikiki, hosted by Governor Linda Lingle.

It was a very good event to get talked into attending. The breakfast was prepared by the executive chef of the White House, Cristeta Comerford. She is the first female to hold the position. She spoke about how she rose through the culinary trade, and how she landed the job.

Other keynote speakers were from across the country, and from around the world. It was inspiring to hear from Ambassador Kristie Kenny (Philippines); Chief of Police Cathy Lanier (Washington D.C.), and Moira Cameron Yeoman Warder of the Tower of London. She is the also the first woman to hold the position. She has quite the personality.

There were other speakers there, but those aforementioned really shined.

Just thought I'd share with you what the view at the Sheraton Waikiki hotel looked like on my breaks. Enjoy! (Sorry for the grainy picture, it was taken on my camera phone, and the lens was dirty).

hhmmmmm, Jeff at a Women's Conference - You might need to explain that more.:confused3
Just alittle FYI for Jan 09 Marathon weekend:

The course has changed a bit for the Half Marathon - check the thread that is out there about it and it has a link to the map.

Also the waiver/bib number will be the same as they did for the Disneyland Half. It will be electronic. You will get an email when yours is ready and then you download it. I am assuming your bib number will be on it like for the DL 1/2.

Nothing for me today, I'll do some core work tonight later after the Dancing with the Stars.

Racey Tracy

So if we find out our bib number then does that mean we'll be able to tell where we line up a little earlier than normal?
The weather this week is perfect for outside runs. :goodvibes I love this time of year. I did a brisk 4 miles (walking) yesterday and plan on 1.5 miles today over to the fitness center for cross-training, then 1.5 miles back.

Expedition Everest participants, I hope you have a great time!
Jeff, women's leadership conference? Dare I ask what are you doing there?

As for me, today I did 4 miles at a comfortable 8:45 pace.

When I got back I found out I had made it to the next round of Teach for America process. Thank you guys for all your support. And keep those fingers crossed we still have two more rounds.

I'm going to Disney World!!! I got my gear all packed and ready to go!

I am so excited! I ran today with NO foot pain so I think the race is gonna be fun fun fun. Although, I also expect a few glitches since its the first race of its kind at WDW.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Cruella de mom
For the inquiring minds who want to know...

I work for the State of Hawaii, and our department Director purchased a table for 10. The entire event is put on by Hawaii's Governor Linda Lingle (she introducted Sara Palin at the Rebpublican National Convention).

Anyways, the table had open spaces at the last minute, so I was asked to fill a seat ($175. was paid for me to go an listen to several speakers). The breakfast and lunch was included, so I figured a day off from work, down in Waikiki, nothing wrong with that.

How many of you out there can say you had breakfast prepared for you by the executive chef of the White House, and who just happens to be the first female Filippino to hold hold that position? At least I can!

The speakers were from all different backgrounds. Presidents and chancellors of universities, business owners, police chief, scientist, guard from the Tower of London, Sudanese refugee survivor, military helicopter pilot, and so many more.

It was a pretty good conference to attend. Of the 1,100+ plus attendees, there were at least 100-150 men there. So I wasn't the only male there.

I didn't attend in 2007 when it was offered to me to attend. I will go again if offered in the future.

If your company can afford it, I highly recommend you look into this event in September 2009. This was the fifth annual, and I hear that it keeps getting bigger and better from people I sat with.

If you want to watch videos of the conference, you need Real Player on your computer.


I highly recommend these two videos. Moira Camerson, Yeoman Warder at the Tower of London. Also Captain Vernice Armour, America's first African-American Female Combat Pilot.
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I've been so MIA here, but the beginning of the school year is simply nuts for me. Between back-to-school nights, the kid's getting into their activities (soccer/dance/fencing/aerials/cello/violin and more!), and the start of a new admissions season, life has been crazy!

Oh, and there was a little half marathon I ran on Sunday! It was great to see so many WiSHers out there for the Philadelphia Distance Run. I've finally put a race report on my blog, so check out my link below if you want to read it.

I enjoyed it so much, I've signed up to do the Philadelphia half marathon in November.

I did my first post-PDR run today. I took it REALLY easy - since this was my first half, my body still isn't sure what truck hit it! I felt good, and I'm looking forward to racking up the miles again.

I'll try to check in here more often. Have a great week - I'm really enjoying the fall weather here.
Jeff said:
How many of you out there can say you had breakfast prepared for you by the executive chef of the White House, and who just happens to be the first female Filippino to hold hold that position? At least I can!

I had breakfast made by a fat guy named Lou the other day. Does that count? :confused3
Hellllooooooo fellow WISHers.

I went to my favorite place - Mount Trashmore!! DId a good 4 miles up and down the trash heap. (To the dump, to the dump, to the dump dump dump.)

For those who want to know there are 106 sleeps until the 09 WDW Half Marathon.

Take care and have a good night.

I had breakfast made by a fat guy named Lou the other day. Does that count? :confused3

I would just love for ANYBODY to make me breakfast! Of course it doesn't take much effort to shake up a can of Slim Fast. :)

Hey everyone! Life has been crazy, but good. Carter is 2 months old now, I can't believe how fast the time is flying by! He is starting to goo and gaa and has been smiling for over a month now. His newest trick is sticking his tongue out when we stick out our tongue to him. I think we may have a talker on our hands! Wonder where he gets that from??? ;)

I started running again a couple of weeks ago. Slow and steady so far, but I feel like I'm making a little bit of progress. I'm no where near what I was before I got pregnant and the half in January will not be a PR for me, but I don't really care about my time. I'm just looking forward to seeing all of my Wish friends, having fun, and getting back out on the road again. :)

I hate to do a drive by, but I need to wash bottles and then head to bed. Carter has already been asleep for an hour and will be up wanting more milk in a couple of hours. I'll post when I have more time to talk, just wanted to say hi.

Good luck to everyone running Everest this weekend!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:



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