Wk of Sep 21 - WISH Walking/Running Club

I did 1 hour on the stationary bike Wednesday, about 14 miles, and felt good.

On Thursday, I did 10 1/2 miles, and by mile two I was a bit tired. Got through it at an 8:45 average per mile pace. Not the best run, but I got it done.

Cold Stone Creamery was well earned by this WISHer!
OK...I have a logistical question...

I am thinking of doing the Eat & Greet at the WWoS on Saturday after we complete the 1/2 Marathon... I'm trying to decide if I want to see if there are spaces available for a late lunch (1:30) or if I want to try to come back for dinner...

1) Dinner---We are staying at the Poly and had planned to do the Magic Kingdom that day after a nice cool down in the pool (maybe). How exactly could I get to WWoS from Poly or MK?

2) Lunch--I'm thinking I may feel too rushed to get from Epcot back to Poly, maybe have a quick swim, shower, change and get back to WWoS.

Honestly, I would prefer lunch because that would give us the rest of the day to do whatever, but I just don't want to feel rushed you know.

I expect it to take us around 3hrs to complete the 1/2 Marathon. Then I assume there will be characters and you can get your picture taken... This is my first Half Marathon and since I've not experienced this before, I'm not sure what to expect.

Thoughts??? Suggestions???

Oh and the reason I was looking at Saturday instead of Friday was the fact that would then have our Medals and could get out pictures taken w/ the characters...

Have a great weekend WISHers! Today is supposed to be a running day for me but it is pouring and windy here in MA. It is supposed to be like this all day so I think I'll just do some cross training in the house with the Wii Fit. I tell myself I don't want to ruin my shoes but really I am enjoying being in my comfy clothes in a warm house with an apple candle burning far too much to go out there in the cold!

Howdy WISHers!

I agree with Kira - life is so busy! The kids' activities are really keeping us on the go! I swear it gets busier the older they get.

So, I apologize if I missed anything on here. :guilty:

I ran close to 12 miles this week, average pace was around 11:40. I was looking over my "starting all over" ;) program and in a couple weeks I will have pretty much phased out my walking breaks. Not too sure my knee is up for that, but I'm gonna give it a go. My neighbor has pretty much given up I think. I'm sad about that cause it helped the time go by when you have someone to talk to. Oh, well... DH is able to run with me at least once a week.

Krista, I'm right with ya on the half. I'm definitely not going for a PR! :rotfl: I'm planning on going and just having fun. :thumbsup2

OK, WISHers have a great weekend and I'll catch ya later! :grouphug:
Stacey -- I think a 1:30 lunch would be perfect. You should have plenty of time to shower and dress and get to WWoS in time. I'd think that you're more likely to skip a dinner reservation, or it would chop your day up too much.

AFM -- 50 minutes of strength training today -- all nautilus upper and lower body, plus 3 core machines (including 100 weighted double crunches -- OWWW! ;) ). Tonight is dancing (a dance party at the ballroom where we are taking lessons), so I think I can call it a solid XT day. :banana: Tomorrow is 6 miles, weather permitting. Scrambling now to up my miles in case I can do the San Antonio 1/2. Doing a 1/2 marathon 8 weeks earlier than originally planned is putting me in a crunch to build my miles. But I love the prospect! :cool1:
I did 1.5 miles today. My new Nike plus said more, but I still have to calibrate it. My legs are really sore too. I blame it on the weather and the first thing in the morning run. I may walk tonight just to get some extra miles in. Tomorrow I will hit the gym for the eliptical. We gave our old one away last weekend since it didn't work and we didn't want to put the money in it to make it work. Now I just have to find my card for the gym.
Lemme tell you WHAT.... My wedding reception was catered by Larry Raymond - The man behind the Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce. AND, he personally took care of DH and I... And it was AWESOME!!!!!!! He lives here!!!

Oh and my most recent claim to fame.... when I was in San Diego two days before the marathon in January... I had a connection in LA (took the red eye to Orlando for the marathon)... I MET OWEN WILSON. He was coming back from one of his many Hawaii trips and was coming in on the gates I was waiting to leave! Ahhhh....

Vic - Lou Sounds Cool... does he deliver???

So my training report... 30 minutes on the TM last night. I wasn't feeling it, so I did some speed work to keep my mind working. Up Next... Rump Roast Run 5K tomorrow...
Kira: Wow you've got some busy kids there! :dance3: :thumbsup2 Good job on the PDR!

Tracy: 105 sleeps now! :yay:

Krista: Aww do you have any pictures of Carter to put up? And it's Disney-- you don't have to PR to have a good race!

Cam: You are such an inspiration! What is your favorite dance? I think Disney needs to put on a ballroom something...perhaps a ballroom cruise :cloud9: LOL I so just pictured dancing with characters...a tango with Goofy....a samba with Tigger....a meringue with Stitch...:rotfl: BF and I are going dancing tonight also. I just got new dance shoes and whew they are taller than may others and that's an adjustment!

Jeff: Which Coldstone option did you go for?

My Coldstone failed me! BF and I went after my class last night and they had a sign "No free ice cream at this location" BAH HUMBUG!!! :sad2: I had a "buy one get one for a penny (love it or larger)" coupon, so we got some any way but booooooooooo--hisssssssss!

I have discovered my new food addiction-- Tahini-Honey Spread. You take tahini (ground sesame seeds, aka. the stuff that gets mixed with garbonzo beans to make hummus) and mix it with an equal amount of honey. Mmmm vaguely like peanut butter--only better! Actually, it makes a really effective substitute for pb if you have someone who is allergic.

I went on my 8 mile long run today. It's nice to finally be back to having long runs be ....long. It was going quite well until the last mile. I was running alongside the park that they are renovating, where there are some construction fences. There was a big dump truck about to turn onto the sidewalk in front of me, so I wasn't watching where I was going. I tripped over the "foot" of one section of fencing and completely wiped out. :headache: doi! Just a few brush burns and a good dose of humiliation. Needless to say the last half-mile or so was not my best. Oh well!

Any Garmin users out there have trouble with the heart rate monitor? Mine stopped working and I switched out the battery (it's been a few years so thats not surprising), but it still isn't picking up at all. Any ideas?

Tomorrow is a rest day, though I may go skating or do some bellydancing before our football game against MS state.

Happy running!
Oh, Claire! I am so glad you are okay! You poor thing! I won't tell you how many times I've fallen while running. I will just tell you I feel for you! :hug: I hope you don't discover any new aches or bruises tomorrow. As for the dances, the waltz is still the one that I picture in my head as being so elegant and beautiful. We are learning foxtrot, swing & waltz so far. I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to dance with Mickey at my wedding reception. :lovestruc :faint: Poor Howard! Showed up by a mouse! (love you, honey! :hug: :love: )
Jeff: Which Coldstone option did you go for?

Any Garmin users out there have trouble with the heart rate monitor? Mine stopped working and I switched out the battery (it's been a few years so thats not surprising), but it still isn't picking up at all. Any ideas?


I had a half and half of the free sample flavors. Oreo/Nutterbutter.

Too bad you had to buy your scoops, but yeah for the coupon!

Garmin, double check that your heart rate monitor is synched up with your watch. May have shut off if your battery was dead on the strap.

The kidlets have gotten me sick early this year. A third of the staff is sick, and many of the students. I have a sore throat and stuffy nose. :( I have a big wedding tomorrow (a friend of mine, so it will be an all-day affair).

Trying to rest up.

Good luck to all the WISH racers this weekend!
Before dancing and after work, I got 5 miles in. It was misty raining the whole time, overcast, ugly and wet. I had to make sure of my footing as I ran and couldn't see much due to the fog on my lenses and the mist of rain that covered them the whole run. Here are my results:

Miles: 5.0
Time: 42:49
Pace: 8:34

Splits: 8:34, 8:58, 8:18, 8:43, 8:15

Have a great weekend!


Doodlebops & Peanut


Rooney, Deedee, Mo


Deedee needs a tan, maybe she can go to the beach while here in Hawaii.



Jeff: Very cool and I'm sure the princess loved it!!

I did a nice 4 miles last night after work because today I have to out of the house by 9am and will be gone most of the day for the University of Miami game!! GO 'CANES!!! Hopefully it won't rain too much.
It was nice last night - very overcast with lots of clouds.

Jealous of the Expedition Everest WISHers!! The race is tonight so cna't wait to hear all about it tomorrow!!

Jeff - How fun! I bet she loved every minute!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

I get to go get new running shoes today! :banana:
How did you swing that Jeff? I bet that was fun. :goodvibes


The more I spend at Disneyland, Disney World, Disney Store, Disney Store.com, DVC, the better the perks. :rotfl:

Actually, I won the Doodlebops VIP package from a local new station by entering online. It included four row 5 seats, a DVD, a CD, a program, a coloring book, and the pre-show meet and greet.

My 10 year old wasn't quite as excited at my 5 year old. She just sat there while the little one bounced up and down. We reminded the elder that she went BONKERS :scared1: when the Wiggles, and Elmo/Sesame Street rolled into town when she was a toddler.


Today is a rest day for me, good thing, as it would have been very hard to get in a workout. My fiance and I are babysitting my two nieces and nephew all day while my sister and BIL are at a wedding. But, I will be back at it tomorrow with a 7 mile LR. I am actually looking forward to my run. I am not sure if I am going to do it outdoors or on the TM. I am going to wait and see how the weather is tomorrow morning.

Jeff--The Doodlepops shows looked like fun. My two nieces just saw the pictures and went nuts!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
I am home from my disappointing lose to NC. If we could just get rid of Coach Nix I would be a happy fan!!

I got a bit sunburnt, so got home and took a nice cold shower and put on my "2008 Disneyland Half Marathon white shirt". It makes me feel better and all warm and fuzzy. Good memories. That is what makes the WISH team great!! We always WIN!!

I am a bit glad because USC and Gators lost.

Hoping everyone is having fun at WDW, I know I would be walking around witht the biggest smile on my face!

Hope the EEC is great and goes off without a hitch.

Depressed Tracy


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