Wk of Sep 3--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

2007 WISH Team

akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
bekagain Bekah
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4mk Michael GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
escape Susie AR
gatorphipps Christa NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gradtchr Beth TX
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
Houstonmouse Tracey
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
Kaycee Kaycee KY
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
KeriZ Keri AB
Kim10110 Kim
Kimickey Kim MD
Kimwim8 Kim NJ
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
martysmom Jenny FL
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Suzy
momoftwogirls K
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy NH
Rachael Q Rachael BC
RedSonya Sonya UT
rKyDeX Chester FL
RunningLilo Dena FL
ryley26 Rich OH
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
sjams Janet TX
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Viking Eric GE
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
5 miles today in 1:11:13 for a 14:14 pace. I was pretty bummed by the run. I guess I expected to be doing better than that by now. I have done well on the TM with W2/R8, but have only made it to W4/R6 outside. Maybe too much heat/humidity? Or too fast a pace outside?

Good news for DD13...she was elected president of her school's National Junior Honor Society on Friday :goodvibes

Denny...the taper is important. Helen had a good way of explaining it last year, but I don't think I can do it justice. Anybody else?

Anne...lots of people followed MFM to the letter last year and did fine with the 10 mile as the longest LR before the half. You'll be great...you'll be well-conditioned and you'll have a great time enjoying DL.

Carrie...how was the camping trip? I can't wait to hear all about the Alaska cruise when you go.

Krista...what kinda shoes didya get?

Christa...great pics! Hope the Nexium helps...I don't do well without Prevacid anymore.

Jen...LOVE the DL pics! As much as we go to WDW, we've never been to DL. I'm kinda thinking about pushing for the DL half next year.

Monica...speaking of next year, DD13 wants to go to Colorado as a happy end of middle school trip. School just happens to end the week before Memorial Day...which would be perfect timing for the Bolder Boulder ;)

Dana...what time should we be there? ;)

Two weeks til DL...5 weeks til RFTC/RFTT...18 weeks til WDW!

I have a proposition for someone that would be available on Sept 17 that is NOT doing DL. There's another Disney-focused forum that did a really cool thing last year for the WDW half/full. Someone who did not attend signed up to track the members that were running and posted the updates as they were received. I was planning to do this for our WISH team members who'll be there at DL for the half...until I realized we'll be in WDW that weekend. I think it would be relatively easy for someone on the east coast due to the time difference, but you would have to plan to be around your computer for most of the morning. Is anyone interested in trying this?

Good training everyone!
For those considering Not tapering, think again. I am no expert, but from all I've read & researched the taper is very important no matter your fitness level. Your muscles need time to rest & heal. So yes, Denny, you need to taper. Enjoy your taper madness for a couple of weeks :teeth:

Anne-as one former couch potato to another: YOU CAN DO IT!!!! I had never done any kind of event when I signed up for the 1/2 last year. I also followed the 14 week MFM plan to the T. It worked well for me. I saw how excited you were at the Minnie. Well, I'm better there will be alot more excitement going on at DL so that adrenaline will surely carry you through the race. And you've got DH to keep you going :goodvibes

Mel-congrats for your DD!!! That is very cool! And what other forum, your visiting other forums , you've been cheating on us :eek: Great job on your 5 miles! I'm hoping to do RFTT next year :cool1: Got to aspire for all those Disney medals , ya know.

I'm heading out shortly for my 8 miler. Then its all downhill before DL. I cant believe I actually think my 5 miler next weekend is piddly. Before the "adult onset athlete" took over I would have never thought that. Man, how things have changed. I got some of the new Jelly Belly flavors to try today. I didnt think I would like them (punch & a berry flav) but mom says they're good.
I also got a new pair of Kayano's & a couple pr of my fav running socks yesterday. So I spent $200 yesterday on this "free" sport :rolleyes:
Good Morning Team! :surfweb:

I've been gone for a couple of days. We took the princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:, on an overnight trip to Niagara Falls, ON for a last fling before schools starts. We stayed at the new Great Wolf Lodge there which is one of those indoor waterpark places. It was pretty amazing, and we had a great time. I got my runs in though.

Thursday - ~3.6 miles in 38 min on the cross country course (Garmin lost the signal in the woods).
Friday - 30 min cross training; 10 min on bike and 20 min on elliptical.
Saturday - 6 mile LR. I ran the 10K course that goes right past my house (the Lilac 10K that I ran in May). I got out there at 6:30am which was good because when I was done Ernesto was just moving into town. It poured cold, cold rain the rest of the day. I felt really good during my long run, and finished in 60:30 min or 10:05 mpm pace. But that was with walking breaks too. I was doing my 10R/1W intervals, and my legs felt great! Here are my splits:

Mile 1: 10:06
Mile 2: 10:17
Mile 3: 10:18
Mile 4: 9:42
Mile 5: 9:48
Mile 6: 10:19

Today I'm running a 5K sponsored by Fleet Feet. A lot of my friends from my running group should be there. I'm treating it as a training run. Will take it easy on my legs, and will take a rest day tomorrow.

OK, I'm going to go catch up with the posts I missed now.
Hello everyone! I got my new shoes and they are FABULOUS!!! I ended up getting the New Balance 857's and I :love: them. I also tried on the Mizuno Alchemy's, but decided to go with the NB's. I did my 6 miles (68:00)yesterday and it was a great and a bad run. The great part was my shoes and not having any pain in my legs, the bad part was I ran in the evening after a family picnic, I did not fuel properly before the run and I felt sick the entire 6 miles. I actually had to stop a couple of times to let my stomach settle. Make sure you eat properly before you run!!!

Mel--We're watching a highlight show of 2005 Steeler season, I am getting so pumped!! We're less than a week away. :cheer2:

Dave--Great job on your 6 miles, good splits. It sounds like you had a fun time with the princesses, the Great Wolf Lodge looks like a lot of fun. I've seen the one by Cedar Point and they are buildling one by Kings Island. The frame looks HUGE.

Denny--Are you doing the 1/2 as a "training" run or as a race on it's own? If you are doing the 1/2 as a race on it's own, then definitely taper, but if you are doing the 1/2 as a training run for a longer distance, then you don't really need to taper because you should be working your way up or mostly likely already running longer than 13.1 miles. When Stephen and I did the Flying Pig 1/2, I treated it as a race that I trained specifically for, went up to 11 miles and then tapered and I was fine. Stephen did the Pig 1/2 as a training run, I think he was running 14-15 miles as lr's before the Pig, did not taper and he was fine because that's what he trained for. It just depends on how you are treating the 1/2 marathon. Good luck.

Christa--Nice pics! I can definitely tell they are brothers. I should post a pic of my sisters, we look a lot alike too--although not as much as you and your sister. I hope the Nexium works for you.

I'd love to chat longer, but we are 27 days out from WDW and Stephen and I are getting ready to make some last minute plans. We are so bad about planning our trips, we always book the trip intending to stay at the All Star and eat CS, but end up at the deluxe resorts and eating at the California Grill!
chimera said:
I have a proposition for someone that would be available on Sept 17 that is NOT doing DL. There's another Disney-focused forum that did a really cool thing last year for the WDW half/full. Someone who did not attend signed up to track the members that were running and posted the updates as they were received. I was planning to do this for our WISH team members who'll be there at DL for the half...until I realized we'll be in WDW that weekend. I think it would be relatively easy for someone on the east coast due to the time difference, but you would have to plan to be around your computer for most of the morning. Is anyone interested in trying this?

Good training everyone!

Anne - another FORMER couch potato here - up until about a month ago. :blush: I'm counting on the MFM plan to work for me.

Christa and Jen - great pics! Thanks for sharing. I ought to take a before and after pic of me. I'm hoping I'll notice a difference by January!

Dave - sounds like your training is on track! :thumbsup2

MelRhoads - hope your neck is better now from that spill you took the other day. :teeth:

Mel - congrats to your DD! :banana: :cool1:

For all of you going to DL half - :cheer2: :goofy: :cheer2: We'll be rooting for you!

Speaking of.....Mel, I can track the folks running the half. I'll be around. I'm going to be tracking a friend of mine that's running in the DL half anyway. I don't live on the east coast but close enough. Just let me know what I need to do and how to set it all up....if you don't mind. :teeth
Guys, I don't know what's up with me....

Yesterday's long run was 6 miles. (3R/2W) Splits:

Mile 1: 8:15 (yeah, too fast).
Mile 2: 9:07
Mile 3: 9:12
Mile 4: 9:05
Mile 5: 9:35 (water and gel stop)
Mile 6: 8:29

So, 53:44 or 8:57/mile pace. :banana: Two PRs in 2 days after returning from Slug-ville. I blame it on the WISH socks. :teeth: A little sore this morning, guess I need to do a better job of stretching.

Dave/Krista-- Great LRs! :thumbsup2

Anne/Denny-- Here is a big vote for doing a taper. I "ditto" everything Krista said. If you are doing it as a regular event, taper. If not, then you might be OK if you plan to run it that way.

Mel-- Don't get down about your pacing. Running outdoors is naturally going to be more tiring on your legs (tougher impact), so you can expect things to be a bit slower. Add Florida heat and humidity and I think you did a great job!! :thumbsup2

OK, off to enjoy my rest day.

Happy training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
Wow I have missed so much.

I have to pretty much walk the DL marathon, I had some issues and was off training for almost 2 months. I am back at it at a W5/R3 pace so at least I hope to complete nbut wo't be setting any record.

Should I taper since I am not at full capacity if just keep giong like this for now. I do about 65-80 minutes a day works out to about a 14:46/12 mile. If I should taper HELP! LOL - really I am no good at figuring them out and now I am even more confused.
Quick drive-by post: Just back from the Oak Tree 5k in Geneseo, NY. I finished in 30:36 min/9:41 mpm. I found the woman I used to run with in my running group, and I ran with her for her pace. Here's the splits:
Mile 1: 9:38
Mile 2: 10:05
Mile 3: 9:39
I felt great! Legs felt great, and I was running a 7:40 mpm pace for the last quarter mile. I was bookin'. Taking tomorrow off for a rest day.
Couldn’t get motivated to run yesterday, but got out there this morning.

13:47 mile 1
13:09 mile 2
12:45 mile 3
12:44 mile 4
12:28 mile 5
13:09 mile 6
16:41 mile 7

Last mile didn’t really count as I swung by the house & got DD so she could practice riding her bike. It was a good cool down. Have a great week & keep moving forward.

CJ – Fishers, IN
1k @ time
There's nothing more beautiful than an AWESOME LR!!!!!!!!! :cloud9: I got out at about 6:15 this morning. I tried to do everything like I thought I would for DL. Had the breakfast I plan on eating, wore the clothes, etc. The weather was actually cool when I first went out. Where the heck did that come from?! Don't know, but I love it! Everything was working for me & felt great. At the halfway point , when I realzied the whole run was going to be great I was smiling & jamming to the songs on my MP3. Its hard to maintain pace when you want to shake your booty :teeth: It all went great. I so needed this before DL.

While I was out there I was thinking of how lucky we are that we can move like this. Most of my friends think I'm insane for getting up at 4:30 a.m. so I can eat properly before I go out, but how wonderful that I can! I was thinking about Sunny & how frustrated she must be & praying that she is able to get back out there soon. Also, I watched a show on Discover Health yesterday about these 2 severly obese (700 lbs) women. One had lymphodema (I think that's what it was) and had all this excess skin, tissue & fluid on her right leg. Her right leg alone was 200 lbs and that had nothing to do with how she ate. Can you image lugging that around? She is happy that she can now walk accross the airport. I cant imagine what that poor lady has gone thru.

I was feeling very blessed that I got to enjoy this LR today no matter how many question my sanity :crazy: Just wanted to share my rambling LR thoughts for the day.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Lr today 13 miles in 1:50 felt good after last weeks 22 miles. Thanks for the advice on tapering. Running full in 4 weeks what would you make your long runs. Thanks for your help.
MickeySP said:
Wow I have missed so much.

I have to pretty much walk the DL marathon, I had some issues and was off training for almost 2 months. I am back at it at a W5/R3 pace so at least I hope to complete nbut wo't be setting any record.

Should I taper since I am not at full capacity if just keep giong like this for now. I do about 65-80 minutes a day works out to about a 14:46/12 mile. If I should taper HELP! LOL - really I am no good at figuring them out and now I am even more confused.

Welcome back, Lisa :grouphug: Good luck with DL.

I went to work on Friday and made it 7 hours. I didn't do any work, just sitting in my chair was more work than I could handle. :confused3 It totally wiped me out. I tried to do DWR at the Y afterward but had no strength and then slept all day Sat and have been in total slug mode today. I sure hope that was a one time "back in the saddle" thing or I'm sunk.

RW had an article on the mistakes during taper-- everyone should read it. What ever you do, don't think you can improve your performance by skipping or skimping on tapering. Its a critical part of the training process.

Good luck to all you DL-ers! I can' wait to hear the reports and see the pics.

Thanks Krista and Christa and Lily for brining me along on your LRs :cloud9:

TiffJ-- congrats on the perfect LR! Those are the ones that keep us coming back for more.

WooHoo!! :cool1: :banana: :Pinkbounc

I finished my last LR (wog actually) before the DL 1/2. Overall I was pleased with how everything went. I started out great. Finished the first 6 miles in 1:15 (so fast for me! :teeth: ). The last 4 weren't as great. I ended up walking most of the last four, but I felt good when i was done. I ended up doing 10 miles in 2:12:41, which averages out to approximately 13:30mpm pace. I'll take that. :) I did this workout on the track, so I know I probably won't be as fast on the roads, but at least it gives me a little breathing room.

I had planned on doing the ten and then at about the 7 mile mark, I was struggling a little and thought I'd cut it to 8. Then I thought, no way - my WISH buddies would be kicking my butt :cool1: all over the internet :teeth: So I sucked it up, thought about Sunny and finished those last 3 miles.

Reading Tiff's post and thinking about my pre-race food, I'm kinda worried about what I'm gonna do. For WDW, I was in a DVC resort and had a kitchen. For DL, I'll be at the Ramada. I usually like to have a PB&J and a banana for my pre-race meal. Wonder where I can find that at DL at 4 in the morning? :confused3

Tiff - It's so funny you writing about jamming to the tunes during your run. I was at a point in my w4/r2 series where I thought about walking through a run segment. Then this cool song came on and I got my breathing and my steps in time with the beat and I jammed right through that run segment.

CJ - Way to get back in the groove.

Dave - Great job on your 6 miles! :)

Krista - Glad you found running shoes that you like. That makes all the difference.

Mel - Congrats to DD! :cool1:

Sunny - Sorry you had a bad day. Hope it was just a one time thing and you feel better soon! :grouphug:

Terri (off to taper!)
Terri-that is exactly what I had for breakfast- PB&J and a bannana. I am having some stuff delivered to the hotel once we get there. Stuff for pb&j , btl water, d. coke. Albertsons will deliver for a flat fee of 9.95. Great job on your LR. See you soon!
Sunny - So sorry for your bad day! I really have been praying that you can get back out there....I did take you on my LR..You are great company.

About tapering! I will only say one word...TAPER! I know it is hard, but it would be VERY foolish not to taper.

Everyone doing DL - I am so excited for you and at the same time, hate you all for not taking me...no I am JK! So excited that you all are going. Congrats on the last LR and taper!

ryley - See tricharlotte.com for tapering tips...well it gives you LRs for marathons and the last few LRs....12-15 miles, 8-10 miles, something else I think, then marathon...

Krista - congrats on the new shoes

Good luck and congrats to all the racers this weekend!

Mel - Thanks for adding me!

None of my smilies are working! AHHHH!
Did 2.4 miles this morning with the JRT! We have company this weekend so my training is not as it should be. I will bike tomorrow no matter what...I think...HaHaHaHa! My company are our friends from Amman, Jordan. We are having a blast and eating like CRAZY!
OOOOOOH..I told you that I went to the Dr. Friday! Well the dreaded time for weighing came...Last year when I went I was 140...this time...get ready! 115! Hip-hip-hoooooooray! I am 113 on my scales and at the YMCA, but I had just run then ate a big lunch. They asked if I exercised...I just laughed and said, "yeah, I guess you could say that I exercise."
Got back on the bronc today w/o incident. I did ride really slowly though!! Phil and i did some navigation work in the woods. tomorrow will probably get to run and bike some. My neck is still hurting. the running w/ a pack didn't really seem to help too much today :confused3

It is great to see that everyone has started their training and that it is going well!!
Thanks for the advise on the pre-race taper.
I started this training to prepare for the WDW 1/2M. I've worked up to where my LR's on weekends are 11-12 miles. I want to get a 1/2M in before the WDW 1/2M, so I signed up to run one in 5 weeks. Eventually, I'd like to work up to a point where I'd like to try for a full marathon.

My plan is to taper 2 weeks before my run in 5 weeks. Until then, I'll keep pressing at my LR's, maybe even increasing a little bit. After the 1/2M, I'd like to keep working at my LR's and see how it's going. At the very least, I'd like to try the Disney full marathon next year. If things go well, and I find the right opportunity, I might take a stab at a full marathon before then.

Thanks everyone for keeping me on track.
I have been MIA again...

Friday was rest day. Saturday was suppossed to be 60 mins. xt, but I was a total slug. So, then I am all pumped up to go out and do my 9 mile LR yesterday. Chad gets up with Zack yesterday morning, shuts the door, turns off the phone and lets me sleep! :eek: As much as I LOVE sleep, but am always sleep deprived due to my crazy work schedule - I almost killed him! I woke up at 11:30am! Since Chad had to leave for work at 2pm, that meant no LR for me.

So, today I am bound & determined to sneak out of work early and get this LR in before he leaves at 2pm again today. I will miss the in-laws' cookout. but that's fine since I need to get back on plan with Core anyway.

- I've been on prevacid for years & years. I hope you get some relief soon. And, 113 lbs.? I hate you! :teeth: Actually, just really jealous...


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