Hope all of you have a merry christmas I watched Shrek tonight it was really good Shrek 2 is on tomorrow good film for Christmas Eve isn't itpopcorn::
Christmas eve tomorrow going to visit family and drop of & pick up presents. Come home and make Jelly for DD Christmas day dessert and then in the
evening DD and I are going to watch Mickey Christmas DVDs and eat mince pies(hopefully she is better, seems to be getting better) and than later on DBF and I are watching Public enemy on DVD with a glass of champagne.

Santa's coming tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

It's Christmas Eve !!
Well im just going to defrost the car before heading to asda, should not have left it this late :rotfl2:
You can see him on Norad now, he's packing up his sleigh by the looks of it.
Woohoo, it's Christmas Eve - I'm pretty excited but not quite as excited as Daniel who was up at 5.50 this morning :scared1:
I've got another mad day today. I've got to take Becky into town for her hair appointment first thing, then I'm having my hair done at lunch time. Got to pick Becky up from Cov this afternoon, then it's the Christingle Service at 4pm. We'll be having a Chinese takeaway for dinner, then we'll finish off the night playing bowling (Kerry's working tonight, so we thought we'd keep her company for a couple of hours)

Have a great Christmas Eve everyone :santa:
Sounds like you've got a busy day planned Mandy. We are not likely to venture out today, apart from to get the Chinese this evening. I will be spending the day baking and getting all the stuff ready for tomorrow. I still haven't wrapped DH's pressies so I ought to crack on with that really ;)

Have a lovely day everybody - good luck at Asda Nat :)
DD is being sick again, after seeming to get better yesterday.:sad1: don't know if we will be having christmas dinner tomorrow now.:confused3
DD is being sick again, after seeming to get better yesterday.:sad1: don't know if we will be having christmas dinner tomorrow now.:confused3

Hope your DD feels better soon:hug:

woohoo Christmas Eve is here what are you guys doing today:santa:

I have finished ironing all my uniform as i'm back at work on Boxing day. Got to prepare the veggies for tomorrow, cook the turkey & sort the snacky things for this evening/tomorrow.

Hopefully my cold will shift soon too:thumbsup2
Me too, I know how awful it is to be ill at her age at christmas, feels awful missing out. I am going to watch Mickey christmas on DVD soon with her to see if it helps get her mind of feeling ill.
Me too, I know how awful it is to be ill at her age at christmas, feels awful missing out. I am going to watch Mickey christmas on DVD soon with her to see if it helps get her mind of feeling ill.

Oh dear Claire, she's had it tough this week your little DD! Hopefully Mickey & the gang can help her recover :wizard:
Well all the shopping is done, the veg is peeled, the table is set ready for tomorrow and the turkey is cooking so all that is left to do now is curl up and enjoy it :santa:
Merry christmas all.

DD seems much better, strange how kids change so quickly. We have made Jelly, watch dvds, eaten crisps & pizza.:banana::banana::banana: I am now wondering if I should open the bottle of wine in the fridge.;)


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