Your favourite shot at the moment...


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May 3, 2001
Please post here with your favourite shot you've taken lately that you seem to really like right now...and tell us what it is and why you like it. You can post a different one later if another sparks your interest.

Here is mine from right now...It's of my 15 year old cat Bébé but there is such innocence about it and that is what he is all about. Even at 15, he does not seem wise but like a kitten stuck in an old body

no photo(have to go through some) but wanted to say our one cat that died last yr was like that, always seemed like a baby even though he was 12 while the other one always seemed like an adult even as a kitten...
no photo(have to go through some) but wanted to say our one cat that died last yr was like that, always seemed like a baby even though he was 12 while the other one always seemed like an adult even as a kitten...

Sorry for your loss...:sad1:
You have one cute cat! awesome picture!

I took this picture in Macy's NYC. I like this picture because it looks like a holiday card. (at least to me it does :rolleyes:)

I took this picture from the balcony of the Azamara Journey enroute from Bermuda to Bayonne, NJ. I really like rainbows! :rainbow:
I can't decide between these two. They are very different - but I love both of them.


I love this one because it is my first intended silhouette. It was taken about 5 minutes from our house. I have no idea who the man is. He was standing there fishing (public park area) and I very discretely took the shot.


This was also taken earlier this month. My favorite portrait I have done so far. That is my youngest DD right before the high schools Regency dance.

Sorry I posted 2 - I honestly can not decide which of the 2 I like better. :confused3
Post away.,..both are great and I would have trouble deciding.... Very good shots everyone.

I'm impressed and yes, my cat is some cute eh?:lmao:
Like Jen, I actually have two faves - sorry about that, but you can't play favourites where kids are involved ;)



They are both candid shots taken in the last year, basically straight out of camera (except to process from RAW, and a bit of cropping/resizing), and definitely my favourites.
Ok, sorry I have 2...

This first I took about 12 years ago, but finally had the negative scanned last June. I entered it in the Iowa State Fair last summer and won Superintendents Choice for black and white. I'll probably never repeat that feat...


The second picture just makes me smile whenever I look at it. Taken about 4 years ago, my daughter and our dog, Arrow (who we lost about a year ago). He was a great dog, and would do anything as long as there was food involved in it (he got treats at the end of this shoot).

I love that I can see the Photog/you in the reflexion on the glasses the Dos is wearing.

You all have such nice looking kids...:thumbsup2 Love all the shots.
I love that I can see the Photog/you in the reflexion on the glasses the Dos is wearing.

You all have such nice looking kids...:thumbsup2 Love all the shots.

Ha, thanks! Arrow was my "favorite son" for a while, much to the dismay of my other son, Charlie!

Sorry to add one more, but here's another along the lines of the reflection in the sunglasses (we call this one "view of Arrow's family")


I have to add that I really like your close up of your cat. There is just something about that photo that makes me want to take a second look. I like the long hair at the bottom, it draws my eyes back up to his nose. It is just really nice.
Sooooo CUTE!!!

I love it.:thumbsup2

I don't know what it is about that photo of my cat either...I just REALLY like it. It's so him...Our DIS friend wenabre (Canadian Board) came out for a visit last week and as a thank you, she bought us a frame that has 4 opening and the word MEOW written in the frame.

We are going to put 1 pic of each of the 3 cats and one of them together.
this is an older one i had "archived"... which means never got converted from raw for a yr but i like the way it looked like the flower was on fire it was so bright, evidently from the way the light was shining through the green house glass.

number 2 was a recently updated version of an older one..this one i used the loma processing in alienskin color, then used the photoshop palette knife effect and i just liked the way it turned out..

sorry both of mine are in the "freaky vein" be glad i didn't post the graveyard photos i just did:lmao:
Since the trend seems to post 2 favorites, I will too.

I posted this is in another thread recently, so sorry you have to look at it again. This is just my DH having a look at a frozen Lake Erie.


From winter to favorite tree.

Sorry, I'm going to try again, this time following directions properly.... :confused3

This photo is untouched... the distortion is from natural causes


Sorry, I'm going to try again, this time following directions properly.... :confused3

This photo is untouched... the distortion is from natural causes



Very rare shot nowadays...
at a conference for my work last weekend we just learned it is a federal offense to enter railway property. They consider it "interfering with interstate commerce" or something like that. $10K fine if caught and convicted. Just a heads up for anyone else wnating to try that shot.

and I assume many would have loved to try to reproduce it. It is a spectacular viewpoint and image.


I love this one because it is my first intended silhouette. It was taken about 5 minutes from our house. I have no idea who the man is. He was standing there fishing (public park area) and I very discretely took the shot.
WOW JEN! That is an absolutely gorgeous shot! I love it! Amazing job! :thumbsup2


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