Where are you from? and where do you listen to the pod?

"Wake me up! :hyper: Before you go-go. Don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo..." :dance3:


That is too funny!!!

Thanks for the compliment on Vancouver. It was really dreary here this morning. I took my dog for a walk and it just started pouring. I was grumbling the whole time until I looked up and saw the most beautiful double rainbow. :goodvibes
I'm from London in the UK, and I listen when I get back from sixth form on tuesdays and sometimes wednesdays when I don't get through it all. I also have some on my Creative Zen so I sometimes listen to them on the bus to and from school (if none of my friends are on)
Hi! I am in northern NY just a few miles from Lake Placid - home of the 1932 and 1980 Winter Olympics... We are often the Cold Spot in the nation.. It is nothing to be -38 F in January and February! The podcast really helps us to "get away" when it is that cold!I usually listen on my Ipod or on the computer when I am working on lesson plans!
I'm in Southwestern Ontario, Canada. I listen while driving even though I know I shouldn't - I almost choked this week. I listen while at work - fire department dispatch - usually on my lunch in another room driving everyone else crazy as I laugh. If I am not working on Tuesday then I will listen at home as I putter around. Then I go back & play highlights for DH. The Roundtable helped me with a question I had planning a surprise for him for the fall trip so he knows he is not allowed to listen to any of it before we go unless I tell him it's ok! ;). I am not sure if he will listen after our trip or not.
I'm in Southern California and I used to listen in DH's car on our way to Disneyland. He has an aux jack in his car to plug in my iPod.

However, I just purchased an FM tuner so I can listen in my OWN car!
I'm from London in the UK, and I listen when I get back from sixth form on tuesdays and sometimes wednesdays when I don't get through it all. I also have some on my Creative Zen so I sometimes listen to them on the bus to and from school (if none of my friends are on)
Ditto on the Creative Zen, I have 6g on mine so have an endless supply of the podcasts:)
Ditto on the Creative Zen, I have 6g on mine so have an endless supply of the podcasts:)

same, although the majority of mine is just music. Sometimes, I will listen to the podcast when some of my friends are on the bus, but I just want to be alone, and then they wonder why they could hear voices coming out of my earphones rather than loud drum beats!:lmao:
My DW and I are from Connecticut. We enjoy listening from our laptop and from my iPod while driving in the car or mowing the lawn (as I did today). We are originally from the Boston area so we really appreciate Bob's accent. What accent?? :confused: ;)
I live in Christchurch, New Zealand. I listen on my way to work on my bike or in the car. Sometimes before bed as a bedtime story LOL
Hi I am from Central illinois !!!! I listen on my home computer. I love to relax and enjoy after a long day at work. I learn a lot and crack up all the time. :lmao:
What a cool thread!

I am in Southern Indiana, I listen anywhere I can!

Sometimes in a local coffee shop, but that is rare now that school is full swing...I volunteer at my kids school and listen while laminating or making copies :) But sometimes that gets me in trouble for laughing to much and disrupting! :thumbsup2

I also listen while cooking dinner or cleaning house :confused: but the cleaning part is rare too! :lmao:

Love the show and listen as much as I can!!
I am from Eastern Ontario Canada. In the summer I would listen to the podcast sitting in an Adirondack chair on my dock at the cottage. Now that school is back in full swing I have to grab any time I can to listen...and I have to prioritize the podcasts I listen to. Dis Unplugged is the must listen and then I try to get through Lou's before the next one comes out on Sunday.

I am amazed at the reach of the Podcast: New Zealand, Israel, UK, and Scotland. Isn't technology incredible!!!
I am amazed at the reach of the Podcast: New Zealand, Israel, UK, and Scotland. Isn't technology incredible!!!

I know, amazing isnt it. Its one of the reasons I started the thread, sometimes we get caught up in our own little world...but just look how big it is.
i usually listen in the car on the way to and from work but I have recently started walking in the neighborhood and the podcast makes the walk very enjoyable
I am amazed at the reach of the Podcast: New Zealand, Israel, UK, and Scotland. Isn't technology incredible!!!

This thread is very humbling.

I cant speak for the other podcasters, but when we are recording the show, it's not really in the front part of my brain that y'all are out there listening. I'm involved in the conversation and these are people that I know very well so it's just like sitting and talking to friends. I mean I know you're out there, we get the emails, but it's not something I ever really thought about.

As I was reading this thread last night, it became a bit overwhelming.

To hear where you are all from is amazing but finding out how you carve time out of your day to listen was incredible. This made it all very real and it hit like a ton of bricks. as I said...it's not that I thought no one was listening but this drove the point home that y'all are really out there.

All I can say is wow and a huge thank you for the compliments, encouragement and for listening to what we have to say each week.

And you are right....what at times seems like a HUGE world out there can also at times seem like very small indeed. (no singing I promise....stop thinking about that song...think about something else quick....agghhhh!!!!.....oh no....now I'm going to be hummming it for days)

Thank you again for this thread.

Yes Kevin, it's true...though the mountains divide, and the oceans are wide -- it's a small, small, world !!! :goodvibes
Don't get it:confused3 :confused3

"Earworms" are those little tunes that get into your head and play themselves, over and over and over and over, no matter how hard you try to rid yourself of them. I guess it's a local term....
im from MD and i listen before school starts and i love the podcast


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