Ignore. Just practicing posting pics

BTW- Just so no one worries, I will be away from the Disboards for the next few days, but I'll be back. . .

Please feel free to carry on without me.

Whew! Thanks for the heads up! You know if you vanished for a few days, all the Fiends would start thinking the worst! You would be presumed dead for sure! I know you've signed off and won't see this for a few, but it needed to be said! Have fun wherever you'll be.....:rolleyes1 Hmmmmmm....could it be?

BTW, what an insult to the poor Hoop De Doo guy! Bruce looks rough in that pic, dog! :lmao:

Fess up! Y'ur goin' to the Fort!

I was thinking the same thing! Good thing he gave us permission to go on w/out him. It would've been tragic to be forced into shuttin' down the thread! :laughing:

Is that Bruce Jenner or his mother?

You beat me to the punch line! I thought Bruce looked more like a little old lady in that pic than an Olympic Champion!
Remind me to get you a captain hat when we see you in November.:lmao:

That captain hat was cool. Disney made me hit my cousin with it. It was great. I got to hit my cousin and never got in trouble. Got to love the magic od Disney.
I'mDownWithDisney you are right at one time even if you where going to hell you had to go to TTC first
I am glad I am among others who decided to look into the thread that said ignore:lmao:. I love all the nastalgia, though I grew up going to Disneyland. I was told my first trip to WDW was when I was 4, all I remember is shutting my fingers in the car door in the parking lot:scared1:. Otherwise I started taking my kids in '93. I am also an 80's kid and fondly remembering videopolis. We moved so much in my teen years that alot of my pictures and things are gone, I use to save everything!:rotfl2: Thank you guys sooo much for sharing your memories.
I'mDownWithDisney you are right at one time even if you where going to hell you had to go to TTC first

:rotfl2: and i'm still not sure which would be worse!

I am glad I am among others who decided to look into the thread that said ignore:lmao:. I love all the nastalgia, though I grew up going to Disneyland. I was told my first trip to WDW was when I was 4, all I remember is shutting my fingers in the car door in the parking lot:scared1:. Otherwise I started taking my kids in '93. I am also an 80's kid and fondly remembering videopolis. We moved so much in my teen years that alot of my pictures and things are gone, I use to save everything!:rotfl2: Thank you guys sooo much for sharing your memories.

Slamming your finger in the car door isn't exactly the best first Disney memory is it? ....and in a parking lot at that. It's not like it got slammed while boarding a really great Disney attraction! Then you would have a memory of one Disney ride at least! :sad2:

Sorry about your memorabelia being lost in transit. We would all loved to have been able to see it! Maybe you can come up with some little something to share w/ us. We're not picky. We like it all! BTW, glad you dropped by to ignore us. Welcome to the thread that took on a life of its own! :banana:

Would people love to have .50 parking again and make sure you lock your vehicle
About a week ago, curiosity finally got the best of me and I opened this thread that had been mysteriously staying on at the top of the camping board. I wanted to wait till I caught up to post, but I have to chime in and say that I love this thread! It has been so much fun seeing all that old FW, DI, RC stuff. I hope there is still more to come!

I've posted this before in another thread, but since we have new fiends since then, I thought I'd post this again. It's not FW, but it is vintage WDW. It does have a blurb about FW in the resort part, though. This is the only WDW artifact I've come across in my mom's old stuff:


















Keep the memories coming!

That's a great brochure Leslie. I especially like the description of the Crystal Palace....exotic salads. What the heck is an exotic salad?? :confused3

I guess back in those days, anything that wasn't iceberg smothered with ranch or italian dressing was considered "exotic". Like thousand island dressing or, if you imagine, Caesar!
I agree w/Dave, this one was a great one! I actually have that booklet too! (Imagine that, KF MOM saving a WDW guidebook! How could anyone have guessed! :laughing:) I wanted to post it, but my arms were tired of lifting the lid on the scanner already!:rotfl: Thanks for sharing! I loved it! Anyone else?.......Please share your stuff with us! I have some more FW Gazettes on the way! Just been busy the last couple of days. :goodvibes

BTW Leslie, it's OK if it's not FW only! There are plenty of posts that are just good old fashioned vintage Disney! Plus there's a pic of somebody's daughter dressed as a princess. I think they saw the title and thought it looked like a great place to practice too! :lmao: The title of the thread is Ignore, practicing posting pics, so I don't think it's even possible to go off topic. Besides, if you ignored the first rule and didn't ignore, then you probably wouldn't obey another rule anyway! :laughing:;)

Hey Dave! The salad probably had a really out there dressing like Green Goddess! Now THAT'S exotic!:banana:
Oh, neat. I notice the brochure says: "Please do not bring food into the Magic Kingdom." I wonder when they changed that? I'm sure my mom always rented a locker and brought a backpack with ice packs and food whenever we went.
That's a great brochure Leslie. I especially like the description of the Crystal Palace....exotic salads. What the heck is an exotic salad?? :confused3

I guess back in those days, anything that wasn't iceberg smothered with ranch or italian dressing was considered "exotic". Like thousand island dressing or, if you imagine, Caesar!

Actually ranch would have been exotic at this time.

Growing up in the 70's if you ordered a salad, only to be eaten before your meal never as your meal, you got a serving dish that had three bowls. You got Italian, French and I think thousand island. Maybe it was Russian dressing?

You could also get oil and vinegar in separate little bottles with shaker tops.

Ranch didn't become popular until the mid 80's.
Oh, neat. I notice the brochure says: "Please do not bring food into the Magic Kingdom." I wonder when they changed that? I'm sure my mom always rented a locker and brought a backpack with ice packs and food whenever we went.

I don't know when it changed, but we've always taken in a little something to eat. ;) I've been know to slip my own drink and candy into the movies. Heck, KFM has been known to take our own popcorn into a movie theatre.....hidden in a giant diaper bag of course! :lmao: (It was definitely NOT the same...def not the same.) :sad2:

I got this Main Street Electrical Parade pin when the parade was originally at WDW. The batteries that operate the lights died a long time ago.

The 10 year CM pin is from my days as concierge at the GF. It was a fun job.

The room card is from the same period. Just one of the famous people that were under my care at the GF. What a nice guy. Edsel Ford II is the great grandson of Henry Ford. I thought it was worth keeping.

Not to resurrect the "is it the same ship on Discovery Island" debate...but I located a few pics of my first Fort trip at Christmas 1977, and they include a shot I took from the boat of Treasure Island and the "shipwreck". The quality is poor at best, as my scanner is currently unavailable so I just snapped a shot with my digital camera.


Unfortunately, I don't have many pics of that trip, and hardly any of the Fort. In fact, this is the only Fort shot I found...of my Mom and Dad outside our TT.


I have a few shots at the Magic Kingdom, including the Christmas parade!




And, here I am on a ride. I'm pretty sure it's If You Had Wings...


We also went down to the Keys on that trip. Here is a shot of my Mom, Dad, Brother and Sister in front of our Coachmen Cadet Bunkhouse. Man, how I loved that trailer!



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