New Rules for Disney Parks

Michelle and Crew, and MomtobrandonandJacob, this thread is clearly not up your alley, why don't you go away now so we can make up so more New Rules that WE find funny, even if you don't. I can tell from your screen names that you are moms and that it is an important part of your life, but you're not my mom, nor the mom of anyone else on this thread, so just let us have some fun, without the moralizing. And please don't try to make this into a, oh but I guess you think you're perfect, thing, that's a cheap way of winning an argument and really kinda misses the point.
I'm not perfect and I know it, in fact here's one about me...

New Rule: We don't care what you read on the message board, or how you think they could improve the park by changing it back, now shut up and listen to the funny bird from Aladdin.

BTW, this is intended to be in good fun, not actually bashing the folks or hoping for kids to get hurt, more along the lines of indulging those base instincts that take over for a few seconds when something happens that irks us in the park. None of us would ever actually do some of these things, even if we could get away with it.

New Rule: When you take flash photography of fireworks you are stating loudly to the world, "I am either a moron who doesn't understand how photography works, or a jerk that doesn't care how it annoys everyone else," most likely you are both.

LOL ok I just realized you're from Bensalem so now I understand everything! I promise not to take anything you say seriously given your geographical location.

Just kidding of course! ;)
From what I understand this is her thing. She likes to stir the pot! Let her have her fun!
I, myself found post graduate school the best time of my life!;)

darn me for sticking up for people...bad pot stirrer!!:worship:

lol, must go stir pot elsewhere. That would be the giant veggie soup on my stove. Have a lovely day mocking people. :) It is such a nice way to spend a day!
Agreed. Why do people have to take EVERYTING literally? Either you get Bill's sense of humor or you don't. I get it. Here's mine:

New Rule- Hey Family, I paid a LOT of money for the DDP, so I better not see ANYONE eating chicken nuggets this trip!

A big :thumbsup2:thumbsup2:thumbsup2 to "Why do people have to take EVERYTING literally?" Glad someone said it!
It seems to me we have a few people who missed this part of the first post. :rolleyes1

I agree! I actually think some of these rules are funny (some...not all). But I've always had a weird sense of humor that most people don't get.

New Rule: if I find you smoking in a non-smoking area, you are not allowed to get peeved at me when I spray your cigarette with my mister fan.
New Rule-If you are posting on the Disboards and you stay in a value, you are considered a non Disney person and shall stay in a Deluxe, become DVC, or Mickey will find you!!:rotfl:

New Rule- we all know even if you post a innocent question or answer on Disboards you will get flamed more than a Burger King whopper so for right now have it your way!! MMMMk
darn me for sticking up for people...bad pot stirrer!!:worship:

lol, must go stir pot elsewhere. That would be the giant veggie soup on my stove. Have a lovely day mocking people. :) It is such a nice way to spend a day!

Anyone wanna bet that she does NOT leave, and continues her moral war on this thread?? I have 10 more posts before she re-surfaces. Any takers?
New Rule: People that post pictures of half eaten meals in their trip reports will be served half eaten meals at Disney.
I found the op quite amusing and understand the spirit in which it was posted. Unfortunately, this does open up a thread that is likely to hurt many fellow disboard followers. Unless you've walked in the shoes of someone who has been directly affected by various disabilities you may not understand the sensitive "buttons" you are pushing.

I quoted the post that hit my sensitive grandma button. I'm sure wtccheermom came up with that one because I've seen many families that might apply to. But, if she had seen us giving our 7 year-old awake and happy granddaughter a ride in a Disney stroller one afternoon a year ago May in EPCOT she would not have known the story behind it. J.. has been a "toe-walker" from infancy. She's has physical therapy but still is unable to stand flat on her feet. We did WDW slower than commando style for a week (visiting parks for part of 6 days.) But we knew that the only way she could make it all the way around EPCOT would be if a stroller ride gave her some relief. She and her older sister loved their one and only trip to WDW. They still look through our photo album almost every time they are at our home.

Jeezum Petes I will add this so not insult anyone if your child is a healthy free from disability over ths age of the 6!!!! Is that better!!!!!!!!!!!
New Rule: Anyone who allows his/her child to use a portable toilet while waiting in line for an attraction should then have said "product" dumped on their feet (which is about as disgusting as I feel watching your child relieve him or herself in a public place).
darn me for sticking up for people...bad pot stirrer!!:worship:

lol, must go stir pot elsewhere. That would be the giant veggie soup on my stove. Have a lovely day mocking people. :) It is such a nice way to spend a day!

Are you mocking me because I am a meat eater or because my arms are too short to stir soup.... hence my nickname.... T REx

Real nice:confused3
New Rule: Don't make excuses for your kid, we know why they did that, they are a kid. The real question is, why are you such a bad parent.
New Rule: People that post pictures of half eaten meals in their trip reports will be served half eaten meals at Disney.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! That is hilarious!!! I love seeing people's leftovers, and the stained napkins on trip reports. This is usually followed with a 'the dining plan is tooooo much food', usually followed by the ticker tag of 'I've lost 20 pounds--40 more to go!!".
New Rule: Anyone who allows his/her child to use a portable toilet while waiting in line for an attraction should then have said "product" dumped on their feet (which is about as disgusting as I feel watching your child relieve him or herself in a public place).

ew. Do people really do this??? ugh Sorry....I will stop at every single bathroom in the parks if I have to. I will leave lines without complaining [much]. I could not imagine subjecting strangers to that situation, but my child as well - could you imagine going potty in front of strangers like that.

(sorry...just had to respond)
Unfortunately, yes. There was a large thread on this very subject a few months ago... ewwww...
New Rule: Don't make excuses for your kid, we know why they did that, they are a kid. The real question is, why are you such a bad parent.
:lmao: :lmao:

New Rule-please dont let your child pick his nose and then eat his food IN FRONT OF ME!! Then you dont let him wash his hands therefore we are touching these boogers as we are leaving

New Rule- Please parents change your babies diapers often. Nothing like a good "sag" walking around in Florida weather
New Rule: Anyone who allows his/her child to use a portable toilet while waiting in line for an attraction should then have said "product" dumped on their feet (which is about as disgusting as I feel watching your child relieve him or herself in a public place).

No please tell me people don't do that!!!!!
Congratulations :woohoo:! I gave you extra time because it seemed to me like you needed it :rotfl:.

Ok, what are you trying to accomplish here?

New Rule: If your child is sitting quietly, watching the 3-D with their glasses off, you do NOT have to ask them every 30 seconds if they want to put their glasses on. They'll figure it out. Now zip it and let Michael sing.
ew. Do people really do this??? ugh Sorry....I will stop at every single bathroom in the parks if I have to. I will leave lines without complaining [much]. I could not imagine subjecting strangers to that situation, but my child as well - could you imagine going potty in front of strangers like that.

(sorry...just had to respond)

Can't say I ever saw that at Disney, I did, however see it at Plaza San Marco in Venice but in the above example, the parent had the sense to use something portable. In Venice, the little kid was crouching and pooping into a napkin in his mothers hand. And yes, I took a picture b/c I knew no one would believe me!!


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