Wishes 10/8/11 WP/GF-- Love's First Kiss-- Trip Report Complete

I think I like the 2nd ones! It's very pretty and I think it would compliment yours very well :goodvibes
These are just a few things that we have ordered over the past few months. I’m going to take them with me to my planning session as I think stationery and such is always very telling of your overall style.


Cocktail Napkins (close up)

These were one of the first things I ordered. I noticed that The Knot was having a huge sale so I snatched some up. They are not exactly the pink I had expected; they’re a little less of my Snow White vision and a little more “Congrats you’re having a girl!” haha. No big deal though. I try to save my meltdowns for something bigger than cocktail napkins. They’re still cute. The one in the pic is all wrinkly because I’ve shown it to everyone who would hold still long enough!

Save the Dates (or STDs, the good kind)

I absolutely love our STDs. Back in the fall, I wasn’t having any luck finding a design that I liked, so Brandon surprised me with a design he made. It was everything I wanted: whimsical, unique, and just a touch Disney. It also fits perfectly with the romantic, Snow White ceremony that I want. I spent a lot of time ordering pink cardstock samples until I could find just the right color (the winner was MyGatsby.com, I highly recommend them. They sent me a bundle of about 50 business card-sized cardstock samples, which is extremely helpful when you’re trying to match “your” shade of pink.) Then we had them printed at a local print shop and sent them out 10 months before the wedding. I know that’s early by all magazine timelines, but we thought everyone could use the advance notice for a WDW wedding.

Personal Stationery

With my soon-to-be new name on them :lovestruc



We wanted something that was mostly traditional, but not boring. The lettering is raised, which I love because it adds a little texture. I think the invite is a great balance to the STD; Between the two of them, we incorporated all of our colors (Blush, Raspberry, Cream, Gold). We will be sending the invitations out in July. I know 3 months before the wedding is a little early, but we wanted to have time to get our headcount certain, since we’re inviting so many people.

Sorry, some of these pics aren't the best quality. I was using my mom's crappy old camera, as mine is tucked away in a packing box somewhere.
subbing into your PJ :goodvibes

Everything looks brilliant! Your dress is beautiful & not nightgown like, you'll look beautiful in it - btw you get married 4 days after us, not too far away now is it? lol

your cocktail napkins and STDs look great. As for the flowers for your bridesmaids I think I prefer the 2nd ones, they're so beautiful.

look forward to hearing more :goodvibes
Let me give a little background: I grew up going to WDW 1-3 times a year with my family, and I think I love it more every time I go. Brandon went once as a kid (what????), and didn’t get why I was so into it. After we’d been dating about a year, I pressured him into going with me. He was instantly an addict. Somewhere I have a picture of him laughing like a loon on Dumbo. We’ve gone 4 times since.

Us by the wishing well

He especially loves turkey legs…

Back to the engagement: Last May, we took a trip to Disney World. We normally stay in an All Star (broke students), but this time we stayed in Polynesian (my old favorite). He claimed we were celebrating my college graduation, thus the upgrade. The first night there, we went to California Grill (also my fave). I remember thinking that he looked really nervous but I did not put two and two together. We got there, he had a word with the host, and took a seat at the bar because our table wasn’t ready. He ordered a scotch and downed the whole glass in about 30 seconds! LOL. The fireworks were about to start, so he suggested we go outside to watch. I absolutely love Wishes. We got a spot right on the railing and watched the show. Just as the finale started, he turned me around, slipped a ring box from his pocket, and asked me to marry him. It was so perfect!

This is the ring:

Back inside, our table was covered with confetti, and a bottle of champagne was chilling in a bucket. We were the very last people in the restaurant, and our waitress was so incredible.

We didn’t have a camera with us (shame on Brandon), but our waitress snapped this on her phone and sent it to us.


They gave us this delicious cake for free:

A few days later showing Mickey & Minnie the ring


He also scheduled an engagement portrait session with Disney

Next up- Choosing a Disney Wedding

LOVE how your DF did all of this! the CG cake is wicked! Love them at that restaurant! Your dress is amazing (you are going to look amazing in it!), your shoes are to die for... everything about your day is going to be impeccable and elegant.
subbing into your PJ :goodvibes

Everything looks brilliant! Your dress is beautiful & not nightgown like, you'll look beautiful in it - btw you get married 4 days after us, not too far away now is it? lol

your cocktail napkins and STDs look great. As for the flowers for your bridesmaids I think I prefer the 2nd ones, they're so beautiful.

look forward to hearing more :goodvibes

Thank you so much! It's starting to feel so close, especially since we've been engaged over a year! Do you get a little more excited each time you see your ticker? I do!!

LOVE how your DF did all of this! the CG cake is wicked! Love them at that restaurant! Your dress is amazing (you are going to look amazing in it!), your shoes are to die for... everything about your day is going to be impeccable and elegant.

Thank you, you're so sweet! I was so so happy with the engagement. He really planned out exactly the kind of night I would want. And the people at CG were just amazing! They all stopped by our table to say congratulations, and our waitress just felt like an old friend, she was so wonderful. We really had a perfect, special night. :goodvibes
I also ordered these shortly after our engagement.



I originally thought I would use one or the other for the cake topper, but now I don’t think I’ll use either. We’re thinking we will place the horse one at the sweetheart table and the dancing one by the guest book. I love Disney collectibles.
They're gorgeous! I have a couple of the Mickey mouse ones! And Ariel and Eric. But plenty of room for more! I love them all!
I also ordered these shortly after our engagement.



I originally thought I would use one or the other for the cake topper, but now I don’t think I’ll use either. We’re thinking we will place the horse one at the sweetheart table and the dancing one by the guest book. I love Disney collectibles.

Oh wow! I love the horse one :lovestruc I love disney collectibles too x
Thank you! And I agree, there is always room for more! They're just so neat! One of the first gifts Brandon ever gave me is a Steamboat Willie Jim Shore piece. I absolutely love it and I've been (slowly) collecting Jim Shore ever since.

I don't have much to update about at the moment, but we're packing our bags tonight and hitting the road in the morning for DISNEY WORLD!!! Our PS is Thursday, until then we're just having fun at the happiest place on earth :goodvibes Hopefully I will have lots of fun things to update on next week!
Sadly, I have returned to the real world from our fabulous WDW vacation/PS trip. However, I am very happy to be back on the boards because I have lots of things to update about!

There are so many things to say, I don’t know really how to start. I’m just going to begin chronologically. Here goes…

Brandon and I got to the World last Monday and checked into the All Star Sports. Needless to say, this was not our first choice of hotels, but I got a great deal on the room a few weeks back. We headed over to Magic Kingdom and pleasantly discovered that it was not at all crowded (AND it was Memorial Day)! While shopping, I found the cutest little pin


And later we saw a bit of some outside dance party thing, which was playing footage of a cat “dj”-ing. Brandon thought this was the funniest thing in the world, he had to take a picture of it


The next day we went to MGM (take that, rebranding dept.) and Epcot. We went to Chefs de France for dinner, and we got a table right by the window—without even asking! So we enjoyed a romantic dinner together and watched Illuminations right from our table. It was awesome. Quick note: If anyone is a fan of goat cheese, you absolutely MUST go to Chefs de France and order the cheese plate. I swear their goat cheese was one of the best things I have ever tasted!

My mom flew down on Wednesday and we all checked into the Grand Floridian (….should I even mention that it was just a *smidge* nicer than the AS-Sports? :rotfl:) After we settled in, Brandon and I went to sneak a peek at our venues, which we had never seen in person. I am happy to say that as of yet, there are zero signs of construction anywhere around the WP. The tennis courts haven’t even been touched yet—I read on some Disney blog that the courts were likely to be the first thing removed.

We didn’t do much else that day, as it poured down rain for hours. We did go over to Narcoosee’s for dinner, where I noticed that the Iron Horse Fairy Tale Cuvee was available by the glass. I’m glad I ordered it there, because I found it to be very bitter, as another Disney bride had warned me, and I definitely don’t want it at my wedding. I’m a huge Champagne fan, so the selection is very important to me.

I'm going to take a quick break and then I'll get to the good stuff, promise!
Thursday morning, we headed over to Franck's for our 9 AM planning session. My mom snapped a few pictures of us on the way in


Me armed with my binder of ideas and swatches!


Brandon looks so grumpy, he almost never smiles in pictures. Which is funny, because he's really silly and fun (remember the cat dj?)

We went inside and met Meri, our planner. To anyone who has Meri, you are in such good hands!! We all loved her. She is really funny and sweet, and she speaks very frankly (which I think we all want in a planner). We started off chatting a bit, and then we got right into the details. Here are the basic things we decided:

Photography- DFTW, the 8 hr package

Videography- DFTW, the "Celebration" (ceremony only, but including arrivals and departures) package

Transportation- 2 limos will shuttle the bridal party around pre-ceremony, then also shuttle guests to the reception.

Tentative- Cinderella's Coach. This one requires a bit of explanation. I never thought I wanted the coach; it was a little too flashy for me, Cinderella wasn't "my" princess, it was a waste of money, etc. Then shortly after joining the Disboards, I stumbled upon the TR of a bride who had the coach. I fell in love and I've had my heart set on it ever since. My mom keeps saying no, but I have a suspicion that she wants to surprise me with it. (To any newcomers who may end up here, you should go read the trip report of Raspberry Bubbles. It's really good!)

Music- I will provide a CD for all ceremony music; We will have an IPOD hook up for the cocktail hour; A DJ will play during the reception (we specifically requested someone who does NOT sound like a sports announcer)

Staged Exit- Nothing for guests to toss or hold. I really don't like the idea of anyone throwing things at me. I told Meri I'm fine with everyone just cheering and clapping.

Alcohol- Open, Premium Bar for both the cocktail hour and reception. We also would like a signature cocktail, but we're waiting to hear back on what they can make. Meri said they can't do any drink (I don't know why).

Reception- We're cutting out a lot of traditional things. No one will be introduced at the reception except for Brandon and I. The only planned dance is the first dance (Brandon & I). We aren't doing any "tosses" (bouquet/garter). Also, we are having open seating. I expected Meri to try to talk me out of it, but she said that was fine. Her suggestion was that we have seating for more than the actual guest count so no groups had to split up if most of the seats happened to be taken. We are also reserving two tables for our immediate families to use if they wish. Brandon and I will be at a sweetheart table.

We are also toying with the idea of a lounge area in the reception -- a couple of couches and arm chairs where people could sit and visit. I love anything that helps the room feel more intimate. Right now we have requested the tulle canopy, but we will see if that stays once the BEO is in. We declined any colored lights or gobos. I also said no to characters, but lately I've been thinking of surprising my guests with Mickey & Minnie -- again, I'm sure the BEO will squash a lot of these ideas. But it's fun to dream, right?

Next we tasted cakes! I was a little worried because I had read about brides not enjoying the samples. However the samples we tasted were delicious! The cake was very moist, and I loved several of the fillings. In the end, we chose:

Bridal cake- Yellow cake with raspberry mousse & fresh raspberries
Groom's cake- Chocolate cake with Bailey's mousse

Next up: pictures inside Franck's and the WP!
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Before we met with our floral planner, we looked around Franck’s and the WP. Brandon took lots of pictures as we went







Brandon kept saying "You're moving around too much!" But there was always something new I was trying to see :goodvibes


Another DVC Disaster note- Meri generally avoided talking about the upcoming DVC project, although she did mention that the WP's side windows will be all stained glass, like this, by the time of our wedding. This seems to be how they intend to block the sight of construction.




Love your PS trip report so far...

One thing I'm concerned about that you mentioned was the WP windows on the sides are scheduled to be stained glass :confused3 Oh no, this is going to take away from all the lighting coming in and the natural beauty of the WP... Did she mention when this will start and be completed?? Since she said that this would be finished by the time your wedding happened, did this concern you with the lighting it would effect?? I'd love to hear your insight, I think the stained glass will make the WP much much darker:headache:

I can't wait to try the cake!! Your flavors and choices sounds sooo AMAZING!!
That cat dj picture was making me laugh so much!!! Your df sounds like mine. He thinks it's so funny when animals dress up in people clothes or do people things :rotfl2:
How was Narcossee's? We haven't been before but that is where we are having our wedding dinner. I hope it's going to be good!
After reading about your cake I can't stop thinking about cake. I seriously think I'm about to go bake one :laughing:
Awesome PS trip report!! Thanks for posting!!


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