The Running Thread - 2018

This question is so apropo today. Just yesterday I bought a running journal. I felt that I needed a way to hold myself more accountable and like to write stuff down. It will also allow my to track my mile on my shoes as well as diet and hydration. I work in college admissions and right now is our busy time so it can be really easy to become unmotivated so hoping the journal helps with accountability.

I don’t have a journal on here but I think I am going to be using Instagram (missjulie815) to track as a pic journal. It’s just so much easier to post quick updates that way and fun. Although I do love reading everyone else’s training journals on here. So fun to follow along and root for everyone
Attqotd: I started my disboard running journal a few years ago when I was trying to talk myself into running 5ks. Having people here be so encouraging and rooting for me/helping me contributed so much to my journey. Check it out if you like really detailed race recaps, pictures of food, wacky gifs and honesty about how hard but how fun running can be. Also a great place to vent about raisins.
Right now in life I've been really busy so all my Monday updates have crept later into my weeks. But that's ok.

Oh and if you have a journal...prepare yourself for the best kinds of peer pressure :)
ATTQOTD: I do have a running journal here. I occasionally actually post pictures of my races in it, but usually get too busy with life to complete it. It's mostly turned into a mileage log now. I also have a spreadsheet that I've also started using to track how many miles each pair of running shoes has.
I signed up for the full and booked a hotel. Now I need to figure out flights... and childcare.

I am also registered for the full! We can drive there so I just need to pick a hotel. DH didn’t want to go the guest cottage route. I’m thinking North Waco so closer to the parking for the race and not having to worry about streets being closed? Idk. @Keels where is this pub you were speaking of? :)
I am also registered for the full! We can drive there so I just need to pick a hotel. DH didn’t want to go the guest cottage route. I’m thinking North Waco so closer to the parking for the race and not having to worry about streets being closed? Idk. @Keels where is this pub you were speaking of? :)
GAH! So jealous of both of you. I just can't commit yet. I have commitment problems. But if I do go, I am only doing the half. I'll keep you both posted.
I am also registered for the full! We can drive there so I just need to pick a hotel. DH didn’t want to go the guest cottage route. I’m thinking North Waco so closer to the parking for the race and not having to worry about streets being closed? Idk. @Keels where is this pub you were speaking of? :)

It's central Waco - south of the Brazos and East of 35!
Also a great place to vent about raisins.
:rotfl2: I needed that laugh tonight (err...this morning, I guess)!! We went on for pages about raisins, if I recall correctly...:D

ATTQOTD: No journal here. I can barely keep up with this thread and the journals here...
I keep track of the time and miles with Garmin Connect (since I got the Garmin in May 2017) and Strava (previously used the Nike app to log runs).
I also recently started to keep a google doc as a kind of journal for myself...race recaps, thoughts on the training plan, inspirational quotes from you guys, goals, etc.
I'm definitely a bit of an introvert and have never really had a desire to have a public training journal, but really and truly, I enjoy reading the journals on here, and I am thankful that y'all have them and keep up with them.
Yesterdays QOTD was informative and entertaining. The ole chafing discussion always brings out some interesting reading. I'm afraid todays question will be a let down now lol.

QOTD: Today we will have two questions, which will become clear on why there are two in a second. You are welcome to answer both if it applies though.

1. Ladies of the running thread, what type of running bra's do you find to work best? Brand or structure, ect...

2. Guys, do you run without a shirt during warmer weather? Any advantage to doing so?


1. I got nothing on this topic, but thought it could perhaps provide helpful information for those new to the sport or looking to change things up.

2. Never been a person to run without a shirt as I lack the confidence even during my healthiest period to do so. I do think the shirt helps though with wiping sweat from my face. That is until the shirt is fully saturated and then that doesnt really work.

I do not run without a shirt. I feel fat even with a shirt on so nope.

QOTD: Do you have a journal on this site? If so, do you keep it up to date? Do you have a journal at home that is more than just data collection (Garmin connect, Strava, ect)?

ATTQOTD: I do have one, but rarely get a chance to keep it current. Outside of that journal, I do not have anything else. I look over Garmin a lot and try to look at Strava from time to time. I like looking at both the short term and long term trends on the Garmin site.

On a personal note, work is crazy at the moment. I am lead on a project and people are under performing on it. I have been asked by my boss to update him on how people are doing on it, so I have. Well yesterday the rumor started that layoffs are coming. I believe I am safe at the moment, but to be over confident of that would be foolish on my part. I do feel bad for the people who are being watched as it seems they have no idea or either dont care. Trying to cover for them would also turn out bad for me, so I find myself in this weird situation that I cant say I like. The construction industry is brutal folks.

@LSUlakes i wish you luck making it through the layoffs if there are any.

No journal for me. I'm in the middle of packing my house while also getting my new place ready to move into. That's why I have been so busy lately. So for now, it's all I can do to get back in the habit of not making excuses and missing runs, as well as coming on here. Once the housing it settled I hope to get back to the stuff I like more, like my motivational quotes and adding in cross training. I want to get back to my preinjury conditioning levels.
ATYQOTD: I have my journal on here which is more of what I remember to post/training questions I ask Billy. I also got a bullet journal for Christmas because I find being able to give myself a sticker every time I finish a run scheduled on my training plan really encourages me. I also put in cool things like coloring in states and countries I've run in. This year if all goes well I should be able to add 4 to that list.

Unrelated: I am not a fan of raisins period. The white ones gross me out. The regular kind are not something I enjoy eating but I will accept their presence in non-cookie items.
QOTD: Do you have a journal on this site? If so, do you keep it up to date? Do you have a journal at home that is more than just data collection (Garmin connect, Strava, ect)?

ATTQOTD: I do keep a running journal as it was pounding into my skull when I first began my running adventure last year. I use an App called Daily Notes which is extremely customizable. I completely redid tabs for running which are now basic running info, diary, goals, stress causers and gratification (there is something good in every day, somewhere!) I find it super helpful when I'm looking back at runs (like that really slow long run in September where I looked back and saw I took my flu shot the day before!)

I didn't realize there was a place here for training journals but I'm sure no one wants to read me whining about it being too hot or too cold! I'm hoping to get in my tempo run today if it gets warm enough fast enough. I'm having extensive dental work this afternoon so Saturday's 6.5 miles will be an interesting write up!
Yeah, what @ZellyB said! (although I don't like raisins on their own a whole lot, either.)

Jealous off all you Waco-goers. It's three weeks before our spring half, so I didn't even try to lobby @MoanasPapa for it. The timing just won't work. But I'm SUPER excited to read your recaps, everyone!
Looks like I missed a lot of talk yesterday about the Silo District Marathon. DW watches that show from time to time so I am familiar with the cast. It seems to be one of the more realistic home shows instead of the "Meet Bob and Sue. Bob collects old beer bottles, and Sue is a professional daydreamer. Their budget is $1,500,001.00 for a new home. Lets see what options they have and where will they end up!"

Back to Waco, May seems a little late in the year for a marathon. Average temps according to the internet is a low of 60 ish and highs in the 80's. Maybe I am a wimp, but I dont like those conditions for 26.2. On top of that you have ~3 months to get ready for it now. I'll stop being negative now.


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