An Instagrammable and Dole Whippy 4th of July Trip Report!**UPDATED 3/4

I forgot to mention this but during and before the fireworks there were lots of tour groups just screaming and chanting. It was definitely the most obnoxious tour group I witnessed this trip.

After the fireworks, the area really just cleared completely. Corey and I sat at the partners statue just relaxing and people watching. The area around the statue was just trashed. There was garbage allllll over. I have never seen MK that dirty.

We got some really nice photos of the castle in 4th of July projections.

While I was people watching I was watching this lady on her phone. She was talking to someone and from the gist I got, that person found her phone and she was so happy because it was her husband's phone and he was going to be upset if she lost her. So she wanted to meet up with her to drop it off. The lady in front of the partners statue goes, "I am at a statue with Mickey and some guy." What!??? Mickey and SOME GUY!? You don't know who Walt Disney is!!!? You are at WALT Disney World after all! !I was shocked! Anyways, pretty soon someone came by to drop her phone off! At least she got her phone back.

Well that made two ridiculous things we heard at MK: a fat mamma joke and Walt Disney being referred to as "some guy".

Anyways- Corey was having a hankering for some dole whip so he went off to get dole whip again! I was just in time for another Celebrate the Magic screening so I watched it again with a perfect view right in front of the castle.

After the show I finally found Corey and we decided to head out.

I knew it was only 5 minutes until Main Street Electrical Parade so I begged Corey to wait. We got a good spot because there was barely anyone there. About a minute left until it started someone came over the loud speaker and said the MSEP was delayed because of unforeseen problems! I was sad because I was excited to watch it.

Like 30 seconds after it was supposed to start it started! They must have figured it out. So we did get to stay! Corey took a video of the music and posted it to instagram for his mom. His family loves the MSEP music and so do we! When we arrived for Christmas in Ohio last year from the 11 hour drive, Corey's dad had the CD blasting throughout their entire house so that's how much we love it!

Such a fun parade!

We said goodbye to MK and called it a night and headed back to bus spot #11 to AKL!

OH... MY... GOD! I can't even imagine the reaction to that little boy's joke (and it is a good one that I am totally stealing). That show is usually just so cute that this would have been right out of left field. Love it!

I will never get iPad as camera thing either. Never.

Um... I'm pretty sure I would have to have that woman ejected and banned for life. "Some Guy"?????????!!!!!!!!!! There are just no words. :sad2:
OMG that boys joke is so funny but not really for a little boy to say :rotfl2:

I don't get the whole photos on iPad thing, I just don't understand why you'd want to take an iPad around with you. I love mine but would not take it out with me!!

So glad you got to see the Electric Parade, I love the music too :)
Whoa! Don't give that kid the microphone again! :scared:

Your fireworks photos are still incredible even without your tripod. I've not seen the special July 4th castle lights. That was so perfect.

Speaking of love of MSEP music... my brother and his wife has that soundtrack as their processional music for their wedding.

The lady in front of the partners statue goes, "I am at a statue with Mickey and some guy." What!??? Mickey and SOME GUY!? You don't know who Walt Disney is!!!? You are at WALT Disney World after all! !


You're kidding, right?


That's too funny. Someone needs to go visit One Man's Dream pronto!

Your castle projection pictures are lovely!

So you're heading back to stay at YC and BW? That's were I was on my last trip - part of it at BWV and the rest at AKL. They are completely different. I can't say I like one more than the other (except for the obvious easy access to Epcot). I just love them both and I'm glad I picked such contrasting resorts for a split stay. Enjoy!
OMg it took me a while9longer than i will admit lol) but i found where i left off last n read straight through WOOHOOO!!! okay I would be mortified that that came out of the mouth of a child GASP!!! like what?
and as for the "some guy" comment i feel like some one should usher this woman out of the park if you don't know who Uncle Walt is what r u doing with your life? Why are you here? are u even human ? I can't even wrap my head around that!!!
trip in 40 days n that was a while ago so when are you going? I'm going very soon n can't wait!!!!

Sadly, this is my last day of this trip report. BUT, I leave in 2 days for another Disney trip and I will be doing a trip report again! Yippee!!

This morning we had plans to eat at Boma. However, my body slept right through it. I didn't want to wak up early so we missed our reservation. I regret that now, but at the time I didn't.

We got on the bus at 9:05 for Epcot!

The first thing we did was get fastpasses for Test Track and then ride it.

I designed the car this time, and of course, i chose pink.

I look like a goof but I pretended to sleep on the ride.

After we rode Test Track it was time to try the infamous bread pudding that I kept postponing.

Corey got the red velvet whoopie pie.

OMG the bread pudding was soooo good! I could eat that like every day!

Then we went to the Seas with nemo and friends and rode the ride. I literally only have one picture of that and I am not going to post it.

After walking around a bit we went to our lunch destination- La Cava del Tequila. We got there before it was open so we waited a little while.

To pass time we went on the little boat ride.

After that, We got sat right away and it felt so nice and cool in there. This day was the hottest day yet!!

The whole reason we went here is so Corey could try the queso. He is a queso aholic.

It did not disappoint him.

I got the original margarita.

Wow that was strong. I was definitely feeling it. We were in and out pretty quick and when I left I was totally tipsy. I just wanted to take a nap at that point.

But we had to ride Soarin'

I was still feeling the margarita, but it was making me so sleepy and that was not a good thing. I almost fell asleep on Soarin! And then we went on Living with the Land and I did fall asleep! Oh boy!

Note to self- never drink a strong drink and then walk around outside in 90 degree weather.

Next up was time to explore the World Showcase!

Congrats on a trip in 2 days. That's awesome! I feel like half the DIS boards are there right now!

Aren't the Rita's in la cava the BEST! I love them, probably because they are like two drinks in one glass.

Sorry it's your last day, but it sounds like it's already a great one!
Yayayay for another trip! I am headed through MSP tonight, but I believe you guys are already gone! Hope you have a fantastic time and can't wait to hear allllllll about it!

Seriously those drinks at La Cava are crazy strong! One is more than enough for anyone (and I'm from Wisconsin!)
"Queso acholic" hahahaha! I love that term!

Based on your IG photos looks like you are having a great trip! (I'm amyb223 btw!)
First, it was SUPER AWESOME meeting you this week, even for just a brief period. :goodvibes

I actually liked Test Track better this trip for some reason. I have no idea why though. :confused3
Yayayay for another trip! I am headed through MSP tonight, but I believe you guys are already gone! Hope you have a fantastic time and can't wait to hear allllllll about it!

Seriously those drinks at La Cava are crazy strong! One is more than enough for anyone (and I'm from Wisconsin!)
I bet Corey was there while you came through! His flight left at 7:30pm. We had a good trip but it was way too short.
"Queso acholic" hahahaha! I love that term!

Based on your IG photos looks like you are having a great trip! (I'm amyb223 btw!)
Thanks for your user name! I just followed you.
First, it was SUPER AWESOME meeting you this week, even for just a brief period. :goodvibes

I actually liked Test Track better this trip for some reason. I have no idea why though. :confused3
It was great to meet you as well! I loved meeting everyone and putting voices to faces.
Congrats on a trip in 2 days. That's awesome! I feel like half the DIS boards are there right now!

Aren't the Rita's in la cava the BEST! I love them, probably because they are like two drinks in one glass.

Sorry it's your last day, but it sounds like it's already a great one!

I know, I feel like so many people on the dis were in disney last week. We had lots of dis meet ups. It was fun. I am sad to be home.

Hi guys! Sorry- I have been so bad with this. I must have got depressed after my trip because I haven't wanted to update this!

But I am back!

Where I left off was at the Land!

After the Land we headed over to the world showcase through the UK.

These swords were so expensive!

All of a sudden, what do you know, but we spied a celebrity- Princess Jess!!! I was sooo excited to see her so I had to get my photo with her!

She was so cute and I was so happy to get to meet her.

After we said bye, I really needed to cool off so we went to France to get some food. It was just so hot that I needed to get air conditioning stat!

It was really delicious and hit the spot. I needed that break.

After food Sleeping Beauty was out, so I had to meet her!

She was so pretty! Me on the other hand look like a tomato.

After this, it was just way too hot for my DSLR so I put that away and just used my iphone.

I thought this shirt was cute in France. I like how they are making more world showcase merch have mickey influences.

One of my favorite fountains.

To cool off again I got a kaki gori. They didn't have the honeydew which I love so I just got tangerine. It was refreshing but wasn't as good as if I had honeydew.

There was this super cute show going on.

In Germany I so wanted to get this lamb for my friend who was having a baby in 2 months for her nursery

but alas I didn't because this was the price

I found Pascal who I love!

I loved this puppy!

Goofing around! He would be so embarassed!

I have always wanted to get this but never have.

They had the prettiest tiaras in Germany that of course I tried on!

We saw expensive merchandise in the Germany shop.

it looks like mickey is making an inappropriate hand gesture!

What a fun time browsing in the air conditioned shops!



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