Becky & Jason's Fairy Tale wedding 9/3/11 on Long Island - *complete*

awww you look so lovely. bride:

your flowers look amazing, glad you were pleased with them.

Love the pic of your sister with her sad face, priceless! xx
Beautiful!!!!! :goodvibes

So good to have some commentary with the photos, I also already stalked on FB! :lmao:

Can't wait to read more!!
So even though I've seen all of these pictures already due to my incessant facebook stalking :rolleyes1, I LOVE hearing the story behind the pictures!

*I'm sorry you were so stressed/nervous all morning! And OMG boys are so useless sometimes, huh?!?
*Your flowers are GORGEOUS
*That picture of your sister in her nice dress, with the broom, and a sad face is adorable. You should print it out and give it to her for Christmas or something; I love it.
*If I weren't an almost-married-woman, I would have SUCH a crush on Martin! :lmao:

It's okay to have a crush on Martin... everyone does! :rotfl: After having a few drinks at the wedding I asked Jason if he minded if I had a crush on Martin and he said go ahead :laughing:

Lovely photos sweetie!!! Looking forward to seeing the rest. I agree with Jackie about Martin (and that is from an old married, newly renewed lady ;))!!

Thank you! And see what I said to Jackie above ;)

Wow, you're so lucky about the make up thing, I'd totally be freaking out the entire time if I didn't have a trial ahead of time.. and it's family doing my makeup! ha.

I love all of the pictures. Especially the one of your sister with the broom/swiffer! Tooo cute!!!

Can't wait to read more.

You really were gorgeous on your wedding day!!

Haha, I guess with the make up I just couldn't bring myself to spend a bunch of money for a trial. And I figured the absolute worst case scenario would be that if it looked horrible I'd either ask her to take it off and re-do it the way I wanted it, or I'd just re-do it myself... but I'm not too picky about make-up as long as it's nothing over the top!

I just finished reading your PJ, and I've made it just in time to see all your plans being put into action! Your wedding photos are lovely so far, you look very beautiful! I can't wait to see and read more!

Thanks so much! Glad you are here reading my PJ!

awww you look so lovely. bride:

your flowers look amazing, glad you were pleased with them.

Love the pic of your sister with her sad face, priceless! xx

Thanks so much! Yes, I love that picture of my sister! She is quite a character, she has some other interesting pictures later on, most notably at the bouquet toss popcorn::

Beautiful!!!!! :goodvibes

So good to have some commentary with the photos, I also already stalked on FB! :lmao:

Can't wait to read more!!

Yes I think some of these photos have good stories behind them so I'm glad I can share the details!

Just beautiful! Love it! You did a great job. And "hi" btw. :yay:

Thank you! Hello, and welcome to my PJ! :goodvibes
The typical flowers/shoes shot:


So after I am all ready, the photographer decides that I should descend the staircase and my father would be waiting at the bottom for me. Funny story behind this - my dad had decided to completely re-do our staircase about a month before the wedding. My mom had been flipping out for weeks about it, because it took him so long to do and we didn't have a railing for awhile. In the end it looked great but he literally finished it about two days before the wedding. She was so mad that he didn't wait until after the wedding to do it - but at least the staircase looks great in the photos!



We all couldn't help laughing because right after we take all of these pictures and have this big serious moment where my dad is seeing me for the first time, we're all at the bottom of the stairs and Bob, my cat, starts slowly walking down. It was like he decided it was his turn to make his grand entrance! :rotfl:


Once we were all ready I wanted to go to the church! It was about 2:40 - the ceremony started at 3 and the church is only 5 minutes away, but I'm early for everything! And I couldn't stand just sitting around my house waiting, so we left.



Once we got there it was, not surprisingly, more sitting around and waiting. But the photographer had the opportunity to get some good pre-ceremony shots.

Here are all of the ushers:

The guest book set up in the entrance with some signatures already in it:

And here's a cool grouping of all of our ceremony "accesories" - the ring bearer pillow, bubbles, ceremony program from the church, and the "scroll" program I made which listed the music and the bridal party:


The church and the unity candle:



Mary-Kate started playing the harp at 2:30, and I was so glad I could hear her music because I was so nervous, but it was really calming. She is seriously so talented and I'm so glad I had her play at the ceremony!


Jason and his best man waiting for the ceremony to begin:


We also took a few more pictures of the girls in the back room. In this first one I'm holding on to the wall because I was so nervous I swear I was going to pass out or vomit or something! I've never felt so nervous in my life, and I really am not sure why.




We unfortunately had to wait until around 3:15 to start the ceremony. The reason being was because everyone was still arriving until around then. I know that's the way things go now, and people are never on time, but it's still a huge pet peeve of mine when things don't start on time, and when people are late. And we were on a pretty tight time schedule, but luckily the ceremony was short. Still, I wanted to get things started because I was so nervous! The wedding coordinator said I was the only bride she's ever had that wasn't late herself. Luckily everyone was there by 3:15 and I don't *think* anyone missed the ceremony, so we were finally ready to start! :woohoo:

To be continued!
I'm the first one to comment again! I really need to get a life. :rotfl:

I really do love your flowers, Becky. They're unique and pretty while still being traditional.

Anyway, the staircase DOES look great, and the pictures of you and your dad are so sweet. You should give him one for his birthday or Christmas or something. They're adorable. :D and LOL at your cat!

Jason looks so handsome!!! You guys are such a cute, attractive couple and you compliment eachother so well. And in your "nervous" picture, you don't look nervous at ALL, you look gorgeous.

And I agree with the whole being on time thing--- I have nervous breakdowns when I'm late, and I HATE it when people are late. It's so disrespectful.

And, um, where are more pictures of Martin!?! Joanne and I need them!!!!!! :lmao:
And, um, where are more pictures of Martin!?! Joanne and I need them!!!!!! :lmao:


haha I actually meant to include this one but forgot! He rode with my sister to the church, so he held her flowers for her - holding the flowers and everything, he really COULD be one of my bridesmaids! :lmao:
haha I actually meant to include this one but forgot! He rode with my sister to the church, so he held her flowers for her - holding the flowers and everything, he really COULD be one of my bridesmaids! :lmao:

OMG Becky this is adorable. I am sitting here DYING laughing!!!
Ok, so I'm a horrible friend and haven't posted a response yet, but I have been reading the whole trip report, so far!!

Everything looked absolutely wonderful! Becky, you were a gorgeous bride and you have awesome friends and family. I loved the bachelorette party and all the getting ready shots. Actually, I really LOVED the staircase shots (the stairs look great-Tell Dad good job. ;):thumbsup2) But I loved your cat there too! :laughing: Martin seems like such a good friend (handsome to boot--I'm with Jackie and Joanne on that one)! It's so lovely that he came out to your wedding. I'm really excited to read more! Congrats, again!!! :hug:
I'm so far behind... but caught up now!!!

Your pictures are fantastic... you look great, and happy and beautiful... I could go on, but I'm still waking up and running out of adjectives.

I can't wait to see more... I'm so happy that your day turned out like a true fairytale!!!
OMG Becky this is adorable. I am sitting here DYING laughing!!!

Hahaha good! I didn't even get to the best Martin story yet - that happens at the reception ;)

Ok, so I'm a horrible friend and haven't posted a response yet, but I have been reading the whole trip report, so far!!

Everything looked absolutely wonderful! Becky, you were a gorgeous bride and you have awesome friends and family. I loved the bachelorette party and all the getting ready shots. Actually, I really LOVED the staircase shots (the stairs look great-Tell Dad good job. ;):thumbsup2) But I loved your cat there too! :laughing: Martin seems like such a good friend (handsome to boot--I'm with Jackie and Joanne on that one)! It's so lovely that he came out to your wedding. I'm really excited to read more! Congrats, again!!! :hug:

Don't worry about it, you're super busy with your wedding being a little more than a month away!! Thank you so much :goodvibes I was very lucky on my day to be surrounded by so many people that care about me - including my cat and my Norwegian pen pal! ;)

I'm so far behind... but caught up now!!!

Your pictures are fantastic... you look great, and happy and beautiful... I could go on, but I'm still waking up and running out of adjectives.

I can't wait to see more... I'm so happy that your day turned out like a true fairytale!!!

Thank you so much! It really did go almost perfectly and I couldn't have wished for more.
The Ceremony

Finally, around 3:15, it was time to start the ceremony! I just couldn't wait because I wanted to get it over with! I wanted to be able to hug Jason and have him hold me and just talk to him.

Now, this is really the only part where anything went "wrong" during the day, and it was all because of the ridiculous wedding coordinator. I'm not 100% sure, but I think she sent the ring bearers down the aisle before the mothers? At least that is the order that the pictures are in. I don't understand it at all, but at least they're adorable:


Here's where I really got annoyed though. After the mothers were seated, the ushers began to roll out the aisle runners. We had two aisles so there was one on each aisle, and the girls were coming down one aisle, the guys the other. The aisle runner is placed on the girls' aisle, but the ushers are just starting the other one when the wedding coordinator tells the girls to go. They know what's going on and try to wait for the guy, and the wedding coordinator literally places a hand on the back of the first bridesmaid and pushes her to start going down the aisle. So they really have no choice but to start walking. The guys see what is happening and realize they need to get moving, so they ditch the 2nd aisle runner and start walking as well. Grrrr. I mean, I guess in the grand scheme of things it's not a huge deal, but it really annoyed me at the time (and still does, thinking about it). Plus, as they are walking down the aisle at my wedding, with the harp playing, the wedding coordinator is talking to them in a very loud voice saying things like, "keep your back arched!" "walk more slowly!" Ugh I really don't even want to think about it because it does annoy me.

So we got one of my aisle runners that I made placed down:

And then finally it is time for me to walk down the aisle with my dad!



I felt a good deal better once I got down there with Jason.


Here's our pastor, he's a really good guy:


I have to admit that I was very grateful that we chose a super short ceremony. Not only did I kind of want it to be over so I could be with my friends and family naturally, but my feet were already killing me from standing the whole time. It did go pretty quickly: just the basics, like the vows and exchange of rings and a prayer. The one thing that we did add in was a unity candle lighting:


This was a nice touch, though I do wish there had been a taller table so you could actually see it! Also, the pastor said he was going to say a little something during that part, and he ended up going on and on about unity and whatever else. lol it just felt like it was forever because my feet were killing me and I was starting to get hungry! Plus I was trying not to cry.

Here's the exchange of rings:




And then we were officially married! :woohoo:


Came on up, did a little receiving line. Unfortunately all of the hugging was not good for my earrings as they kept falling off, so I stored them in my purse until I could put them back on later for pictures. If you remember I used magnet earrings since I can't wear real earrings. They served their purpose but weren't super reliable, but at least it worked for me!

Also, at some point someone got the second aisle runner down. I don't know how it happened because it wasn't there when we walked down, but when we walked back up it appeared, so I was super thankful for that!


After greeting everyone we went outside, where instead of throwing rice everyone blew bubbles. The kids really liked that!


I think you can see some of the bubbles better in this picture:


And it was slightly windy, so that I was whipping people in the face with my veil!


And of course here's a picture of some of our friends waiting for us to come out of the church (had to include a Martin picture!)


After walking out of the church we stood there a little awkwardly as we had to go back in to sign the license and take a few pictures. Finally we decided to mosey our way out and go in through another door. :rotfl: Here's where we got some parent pictures, since we didn't want to drag them all to the park. Here's all of the parents:


And then we headed off to the park! It was just around 4 by this point so we were in good shape in terms of time, something that I had been worried about! Phew :)
Oh, sweetie, you look absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, you just look SO pretty and radiant and lovely. <3

I am so sorry about the aisle runner though! That stinks. :( The coordinator sounds like a PIA!!!!

Also, I LOVE that veil picture where you're laughing! It's SO you! :goodvibes

And YAY MARTIN PICTURE!!! :lmao: (I'm kidding. Well, mostly...)
Oh, sweetie, you look absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, you just look SO pretty and radiant and lovely. <3

I am so sorry about the aisle runner though! That stinks. :( The coordinator sounds like a PIA!!!!

Also, I LOVE that veil picture where you're laughing! It's SO you! :goodvibes

And YAY MARTIN PICTURE!!! :lmao: (I'm kidding. Well, mostly...)

Aw thank you Jackie you are so sweet!! Yes, that veil picture shows me as my very silly self. :rotfl:

More Martin pictures to come! ;) Though not in the next batch, as he didn't come to the park for formal pics with us...
And we were off the Arboretum to take pictures! We started out doing a large group shots and some with just the ring bearers so the boys could go on to the cocktail hour and not have to stand around posing for pictures for too long ;) This worked out perfectly!




In other news, my aunt (the mother of these two wonderful boys) just got engaged! They aren't having a wedding or anything, just going to the courthouse I think (or maybe going away somewhere the two of them). It makes sense since it's her third marriage but it would have been fun to have a little something... I'm sure our family will find a way to celebrate though! They are planning to make it official the day after Thanksgiving. :goodvibes

The photographer then took the guys to a location to take some pics with just them. They ended up doing some silly shots as well as some serious ones. They liked doing the silly shots better though.



Then it was time for the girls, and we did the same sort of thing. Some serious shots all together, some silly ones, and then I did individual shots with each of my girls and did both a serious and a silly one for each. I'm posting mostly silly ones because I think they're more fun to look at ;)


My sister is strong:

I love my MOH and I adore this picture with her!

Then a few more bridal party shots were done:


The BP was done then and we did a bunch of just Jason and me. I'll post those tomorrow so it's not picture overload ;)

haha I actually meant to include this one but forgot! He rode with my sister to the church, so he held her flowers for her - holding the flowers and everything, he really COULD be one of my bridesmaids! :lmao:

What a great photo!! Delicious!!!!:lmao:
Wonderful update sweetie!!! You had a beautiful service despite the witch of a co-ordinator!!
The photos show how much fun you all had!!
Great updates! The ceremony looked beautiful! Also, everyone looks so spiffy in the group pictures--What fun! I can't wait to see more!!!
Everything looked amazing. Waitkng for this o load and reading all the updates helped me to get through half of georgia!!
What a great photo!! Delicious!!!!:lmao:
Wonderful update sweetie!!! You had a beautiful service despite the witch of a co-ordinator!!
The photos show how much fun you all had!!

:rotfl2: You are too funny, love you! And thank you :goodvibes

Okay, first off... you're KILLING me, Joanne. :lmao:

And LOVELY group shots! I love the way your colors pop out. And your silly pictures are so cute. :D I want more!

Thanks! Yeah I am so happy with the way the colors looked, especially the blue!

Great updates! The ceremony looked beautiful! Also, everyone looks so spiffy in the group pictures--What fun! I can't wait to see more!!!

Thank you so much!

Everything looked amazing. Waitkng for this o load and reading all the updates helped me to get through half of georgia!!

Glad I could keep you entertained during the trip! :goodvibes


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