Christmas Stocking Sent/Received thread (This exchange is complete! Thanks!)

My package was sent on Friday, late I know but Brooke has been sick and working late, life happens right? I also received my package, I can't wait to open it!
Got home last night and my package was here from Jane! Can't wait to open!

BTW, I did not put my name on the return address to my Diva - for some reason, thought is was suppose to be a surprise until they open it! But I know it arrived and she has posted that she received it.
You haven't opened it yet???? C'mon, you know you wanna ;) Who's going to know??? You know Beth has already opened her's, right :rolleyes1
You are evil. Go put on your bunny slippers and scare someone, would ya.

My package said it was delivered to my person on Friday, but she hasn't posted yet. Hopefully she received it and she's just too busy to post.
If she doesn't post soon, I will PM her for you and see what's up.

We are waiting for 6 more packages to arrive. :yay: If they all arrive in the next few days, we can open early!! :cool1:
You are evil. Go put on your bunny slippers and scare someone, would ya.

It's way to cold and damp for bunny slippers right now, but yes, I am a little bit evil - it's part of my charm. I have an unopened box of fudge covered Ritz....... want one :rolleyes1

Well, don't get too excited. :rolleyes1 It was the only box I had, and it's mainly filled with those air bags and bubble wrap. :rolleyes1 :lmao: But hopefully there will be a few fun treats in there for you, (and the girls!) as well as some useful items.

BUBBLEWRAP?!?!??!? OMG Now I really can't wait to open it. I love bubble wrap....LOL Seriously, I do. ;)
Good morning, exchangers! I can't believe it's yucky Monday again. But, here's hoping for more fun arrivals to brighten up the day! :wizard:

It's way to cold and damp for bunny slippers right now, but yes, I am a little bit evil - it's part of my charm. I have an unopened box of fudge covered Ritz....... want one :rolleyes1
No, thanks. I've got some of my own. ;)

BUBBLEWRAP?!?!??!? OMG Now I really can't wait to open it. I love bubble wrap....LOL Seriously, I do. ;)
Oh good, there will be at least one thing you'll like in there!

Bad Diva posting.
Package was sent late.
My Diva should receive her package this weekend.
Have a great week.
Thanks for checking in, Monica! :)
My stocking was sent out on Friday by DH since I was out shopping till I dropped. It should hopefully arrive today, finger crossed.
My stocking was sent out on Friday by DH since I was out shopping till I dropped. It should hopefully arrive today, finger crossed.

It did! Although the post office got a little rough with the box. There is a tear punched in the top near the return address. Doesn't look like anything could have fallen out unless there is small , loose stuff inside. Gotta love the postal service, huh?
It did! Although the post office got a little rough with the box. There is a tear punched in the top near the return address. Doesn't look like anything could have fallen out unless there is small , loose stuff inside. Gotta love the postal service, huh?

I am so glad it arrived! Hopefully the goodies inside survived the trip, I used a lot of tissue paper, so my fingers are crossed that it all made it in one piece.
I am so glad it arrived! Hopefully the goodies inside survived the trip, I used a lot of tissue paper, so my fingers are crossed that it all made it in one piece.

I can see red tissue paper thru the hole in the box! LOL
Stick your finger inside and try to move the tissue around to see what you can see. :rolleyes1 You know you wanna...

Well, either that or just open it up ;) C'mon, it's already partially opened. How hard is it to finish it off??? Who's gonna know, huh???? I won't tell if you won't!!! :rolleyes1
Stick your finger inside and try to move the tissue around to see what you can see. :rolleyes1 You know you wanna...

Well, either that or just open it up ;) C'mon, it's already partially opened. How hard is it to finish it off??? Who's gonna know, huh???? I won't tell if you won't!!! :rolleyes1

Y'all are SO. BAD. :rotfl:

The box has been put out of sight until we can open them. Removes the temptation...... :rolleyes1
Beth, I'm positive I will find more than bubble wrap in there that I will like. :)


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