DaveInTN’s Off-Site, Off-Topic, Off His Rocker Trip Report (Updated w/FINAL DAY)

Dave, before I forget,

I have an etiquette question for you.

Let's say on my next visit to the Fort, I enjoy some cowboy beans.

And let's say as a result, I develop a bit of what you refer to as "gas."

Is it OK for me to use Ohhhhhhh-HANA?

Or should I be saying something more cowboy-ish?

Like Yippie-Kay-Ay?

I would hate to commit a social blunder.

So please advise.

But bad job on not getting a Nuremberg Sausage on a Pretzel Roll while in Germany.

Do you really think I made it half way around the WS and then gave up and went home?


You better stay tuned.

Although there was NO WAY I was going to try to recreate your incredibly disturbing image.

Dave, before I forget,

I have an etiquette question for you.

Let's say on my next visit to the Fort, I enjoy some cowboy beans.

And let's say as a result, I develop a bit of what you refer to as "gas."

Is it OK for me to use Ohhhhhhh-HANA?

Or should I be saying something more cowboy-ish?

Like Yippie-Kay-Ay?

I would hate to commit a social blunder.

So please advise.

I think you have a couple of options here.

It is always socially acceptable to shout out "Ohhhhh-HANA!" in those situations. No one should have an issue with that.

But considering the source of said "gas" being cowboy beans, you also have the option of using a more "wilderness" themed line. My personal favorite, which is horse and carriage related, would be to shout "Rusty!".

The Seinfeld fans out there will get that.
Do you really think I made it half way around the WS and then gave up and went home?


You better stay tuned.

Although there was NO WAY I was going to try to recreate your incredibly disturbing image.


I'm happy to hear it.

And, I'm tuned in! :happytv:

No photo is necessary (or desired) I will take you at your word!

I think you have a couple of options here.

It is always socially acceptable to shout out "Ohhhhh-HANA!" in those situations. No one should have an issue with that.

But considering the source of said "gas" being cowboy beans, you also have the option of using a more "wilderness" themed line. My personal favorite, which is horse and carriage related, would be to shout "Rusty!".

The Seinfeld fans out there will get that.


Thank you.

And, I do consider myself a Seinfeld Fan.

But, I don't remember Rusty.

I do remember Rusty was Clark's son in Family Vacation.

But that doesn't help me here.

I guess I will stick with Ohhhhhhh-HANA!

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Although there was NO WAY I was going to try to recreate your incredibly disturbing image.

I think you have a couple of options here.

It is always socially acceptable to shout out "Ohhhhh-HANA!" in those situations. No one should have an issue with that.

But considering the source of said "gas" being cowboy beans, you also have the option of using a more "wilderness" themed line. My personal favorite, which is horse and carriage related, would be to shout "Rusty!".

The Seinfeld fans out there will get that.

Thank you, oh, thank you for not recreating the TCD image!

I don't know if I could go through that again! :rotfl2:

"RUSTY!" :lmao: The good ole Beef-a-Reeno episode! :rotfl:

That one is perfect for intestinal distress at the Fort.

Next time I'm at MK, I'll put Ms. White in a headlock and wrestle her to the ground!

She'll be needin' one of Liv's Grammy's Goody Powers when I'm done! ;)

Shame on her! :sad2:

What a fun TR! :thumbsup2
Thank you, oh, thank you for not recreating the TCD image!

I don't know if I could go through that again! :rotfl2:

I would never do that! That image is burned into my brain.

"RUSTY!" :lmao: The good ole Beef-a-Reeno episode! :rotfl:

That one is perfect for intestinal distress at the Fort.

Yay! KFK is a Seinfeld fan!! And I'm glad you get the reference...I worry a bit about TCD.

Next time I'm at MK, I'll put Ms. White in a headlock and wrestle her to the ground!

She'll be needin' one of Liv's Grammy's Goody Powers when I'm done! ;)

Shame on her! :sad2:

Thank you! Give her the business.

What a fun TR! :thumbsup2

Well I am glad you are enjoying my B- effort.
I'm with TCD on the Dole whip bowl. You should be ashamed. I can easily pile it 12 inches high or more and manage to balance it to a table without dumping it on an unsuspecting kid. If Disney is stupid enough to turn me loose on a serve yourself Dole whip machine, they're gonna get what they deserve.

I'm thinking your wife may have something to do with the elusive Ms. White. I caught my wife giving Jasmine the "look" last year and the poor girl ran away like I had a bad case of OHHHHHHHHHH- hana.
I'm with TCD on the Dole whip bowl. You should be ashamed. I can easily pile it 12 inches high or more and manage to balance it to a table without dumping it on an unsuspecting kid. If Disney is stupid enough to turn me loose on a serve yourself Dole whip machine, they're gonna get what they deserve.

Convince me to eat more Dole Whip.

I'm thinking your wife may have something to do with the elusive Ms. White. I caught my wife giving Jasmine the "look" last year and the poor girl ran away like I had a bad case of OHHHHHHHHHH- hana.

You could be on to something here. Not that my wife is responsible for her elusiveness, but that maybe Ms. White can't handle the Ohhhhh-HANA!

Maybe I need to lay off the beef-a-reeno and cowboy beans. :confused3
Convince me to eat more Dole Whip.

You could be on to something here. Not that my wife is responsible for her elusiveness, but that maybe Ms. White can't handle the Ohhhhh-HANA!

Maybe I need to lay off the beef-a-reeno and cowboy beans. :confused3

See my new post on dole whip
This is so much fun! I'm totally hooked! I'm impressed that your DD4 likes BTMRR - gives me hope that my DD will enjoy more rides next year. The pics from that ride are awesome - your DD sitting with DD4 has a phenomenal smile - makes you just want to hang out with her!:)

Sorry about your encounter with the apple-munching princess. I think she has Dave-dar and sensed your presence.

Last, I am so in awe of you and It's-Not-Cindy's ability to handle all those girls and everyone have fun. The "go ride Maelstrom" plan was GREAT - and bribery never hurts. :rolleyes1

OH, and last, lay off the beef-a-roni.. :rotfl2:
Convince me to eat more Dole Whip.


Nuff said!

I'm pretty sure that I could live on DW Floats and carrot cake cookies. At least I'm willing to try. :upsidedow
I missed two updates (I was busy updating mine before Karin leaves for Disneyland Paris).

I love the picture of you and your daughter at the Plaza -- it is priceless. The Plaza is one of our favorites -- it is always our last meal of our trip before we head home or to the beach. LOVE the french fries.

I love your stalking Snow White (I've skimmed your previous reports).
I'm with TCD on the Dole whip bowl. You should be ashamed. I can easily pile it 12 inches high or more and manage to balance it to a table without dumping it on an unsuspecting kid. If Disney is stupid enough to turn me loose on a serve yourself Dole whip machine, they're gonna get what they deserve.

I'm thinking your wife may have something to do with the elusive Ms. White. I caught my wife giving Jasmine the "look" last year and the poor girl ran away like I had a bad case of OHHHHHHHHHH- hana.

Jim you know very well it wasn't the look that Carol gave Jasmine. It was the look everyone of you men was giving her. LOL She was a smart girl to run while she could. She was probably scared shi*less with all of you standing there wanting to take her picture.
See my new post on dole whip

I need to try that recipe. :thumbsup2

Sorry about your encounter with the apple-munching princess. I think she has Dave-dar and sensed your presence.

Dave-dar? :rotfl2:


Nuff said!

I'm pretty sure that I could live on DW Floats and carrot cake cookies. At least I'm willing to try. :upsidedow

That looks AWESOME Monique! I wouldn't mind trying to live off those things either. But the Ohhhhh-HANA's would be unbearable.

I missed two updates (I was busy updating mine before Karin leaves for Disneyland Paris).

I love the picture of you and your daughter at the Plaza -- it is priceless. The Plaza is one of our favorites -- it is always our last meal of our trip before we head home or to the beach. LOVE the french fries.

I love your stalking Snow White (I've skimmed your previous reports).

Those fries were definitely good. And while I had planned on getting the burger, I ended up with the tuna salad sandwich as we were sharing some things and wanted to try it. In any case, it was VERY good tuna salad. I'd get it again.

Jim you know very well it wasn't the look that Carol gave Jasmine. It was the look everyone of you men was giving her. LOL She was a smart girl to run while she could. She was probably scared shi*less with all of you standing there wanting to take her picture.
Batwit right? So, a bunch of guys in goofy hats is leering at the girl, and she runs away?

She sounds like a better judge of character than Snow White.
Yay! KFK is a Seinfeld fan!! And I'm glad you get the reference...I worry a bit about TCD.

Well I am glad you are enjoying my B- effort.

I worry about TCD too. He missed a couple of my references on the 70's thread a while back.....

He must live a sheltered life. :laughing:

The effort is def an A+. :thumbsup2
Wednesday, October 20th

On Wednesday, we planned on doing some off-site shopping in the morning before heading back to the Fort to get in a pony ride and pay our respects to those parts of the Fort that will likely be meeting the wrecking ball before we can return again.

I asked It’s Not Cindy where she’d like to spend the morning, and we decided we would hit her favorite theme park. It’s not a Disney park…but we came to refer to it as the 5th Theme Park of our visit. It’s as big as a theme park, and just about as much fun. At least for the adults.

Yep, we went to the famous Swedish Theme Park…



We hit the café there for lunch. As always, I enjoyed the Swedish meatball dinner, plus a chocolate almond torte for desert. Wow! Good stuff, and CHEAP!



We shopped the entire store, and picked up some nice items for the house, again CHEAP! We’ve been buying stuff at Ikea for many years, since we lived in Buffalo and had to drive to Toronto to hit one. And we still have many of the things we bought there 12-15 years ago. The stuff lasts.

After finishing up at Ikea, we drove back to the house for a little while before heading to the Fort.


We parked in the Outpost lot and hopped a bus to the Settlement.


We went right to the pony rides to let DD4 ride.




Her favorite pony is Snow, and her second favorite is Nemo. Snow wasn’t working that day, but Nemo was. She was very happy.



Notice my shirt. :cheer2:






Enough pony ride pictures? :rotfl2:

Now, I REALLY may bore you with this next group of pics…but I wanted to get some pictures of things around the old TCD Farm area before it’s gone forever.





Now THIS is a fine looking horse. Would you expect anything less of a horse named Dave??



I was very sad several weeks ago when there was speculation on the DIS that there will no longer be a blacksmith shop when the barns are relocated. And I was very happy to see a blacksmith shop depicted in the plans that are on the Confirmed Rumors thread this week! I am still going to miss the overall atmosphere and feel of the current location. I love early morning visits here, after grabbing a cup of coffee and wandering over to this spot. We've had some nice visits with the blacksmith before. I hope when they build the new barn and blacksmith shop they design it into a similarly pastoral setting such as this.


I've hit my picture limit for this post, so let's continue below, and then head back to the Magic Kingdom....
Wednesday, October 20th (cont)

We left off in the last post with the blacksmith shop. From there, we wandered over to Pioneer Hall.

I love this open space.



And then down to the marina to catch the boat to the MK.


The MK boat that came was one of the small ones. And there happened to be two boats running the Contemporary/WL route that converged upon the Fort at the same time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 3 of these boats this close to each other before.


The standard, required shot which will soon be no more.


The Discovery Island shipwreck (Hispanola or whatever it is called :confused3) is REALLY disappearing quickly.




Check out the mast. Surprised it hasn’t completely fallen to the ground yet.


The view always makes me hungry for a BLT. :laughing:


We arrived back at the MK, and hopped the train to Frontierland to get BTMRR FP’s again. Here’s a shot of Splash Mountain from the train.


We rode Pirates.


And then headed to Tony’s Town Square for our dinner ADR. We checked in, and waited only about 5 minutes before they took us to our table. And it was a great table, overlooking Main Street!


The waiter brought out bread with dipping oil.


I ordered the Seafood Fra Diavalo


It’s Not Cindy had Spinach Gnocchi


The kids ordered Chicken Parm, Lasagna, and Mickey Ravioli’s.




Overall, we were pretty pleased with our dinners. Like most of our TS meals, we were able to use the Tables in Wonderland card and save a bundle. It’s amazing how much we’ve saved with that card over the past year. Like I tell DW, they practically pay US to eat there!

After dinner, we used our BTMRR FP’s to ride in the dark. LOVE that ride at night! We also were able to ride SM while the MSEP was going on (which we had seen on Monday).


They think they are funny. And I was just scared again.



We then got a nice position for Wishes along the bridge in front of Tomorrowland Terrace. We were directly beneath the wire, and Tink flew that night! What a view we had of her. It was just magical, and the fireworks were amazing as always. I left the camera in my pocket and just enjoyed the show.

And that was it.

Coming up…we return to F&W
Great update, Dave. Your pictures of Fort Wilderness are great (we've never been there in our over 20+ visits to Disney World).

Your family cracks me up -- you are all such a hoot on the rides. :)
I worry about TCD too. He missed a couple of my references on the 70's thread a while back.....

He must live a sheltered life. :laughing:

The effort is def an A+. :thumbsup2

While I appreciate the concern, don't worry about me.

I'm fine.

And yes, I did and do live a very sheltered life.

Thus the whole fear of hippies thing.

But enough about me. Let's keep the focus on Dave, please.

Speaking of Dave . . .

Dave, in your recent updates:

  • You told us about your visit to Ikea.
  • And showed us a tantalizing photo of swedish meatballs.
  • And you parked at FW just so your DD could ride Nemo,
  • And you took some great photos of the TCD ranch.
  • And you wore your Musket Mickey shirt.
  • And you got some great shots of the Discovery Island shipwreck.
  • And you made a good joke about BLT (which I actually got).
  • And you posted some more candid Space Mountain photos.

Based upon all of the above, you now have a solid A+ on this report.

Very nice recovery!

I knew you could do it.

Great stuff!


Dave....been quietly reading along with this TR and enjoying your photos...which brings me to the following observation. It's a dam good
thing your kids take after their momma. :rolleyes1
Dave....been quietly reading along with this TR and enjoying your photos...which brings me to the following observation. It's a dam good
thing your kids take after their momma. :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: Denny


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