DaveInTN’s Off-Site, Off-Topic, Off His Rocker Trip Report (Updated w/FINAL DAY)

Great update, Dave. Your pictures of Fort Wilderness are great (we've never been there in our over 20+ visits to Disney World).
Thanks! You should really get over to the Fort sometime...maybe for a showing of the Hoop De Doo. Go at Christmas time, and you can take in the awesome ambience of my favorite resort.

Based upon all of the above, you now have a solid A+ on this report.

Well, I am glad I could pull my grade up prior to final exams. Only a couple more updates till I put this one to bed.

Dave....been quietly reading along with this TR and enjoying your photos...which brings me to the following observation. It's a dam good
thing your kids take after their momma. :rolleyes1
True that, Denny.
Thanks! You should really get over to the Fort sometime...maybe for a showing of the Hoop De Doo. Go at Christmas time, and you can take in the awesome ambience of my favorite resort.

I think we will try to get over there on our next visit.

Do you know where Adamsville, TN is? I have a friend who has a farm there, but I'm not sure how far it is from Franklin.
Do you know where Adamsville, TN is? I have a friend who has a farm there, but I'm not sure how far it is from Franklin.

I didn't know where it was...but looked at the map and see that it is about 2 1/2 to 3 hours west of us.
... yes, I did and do live a very sheltered life.

Thus the whole fear of hippies thing.

But enough about me. Let's keep the focus on Dave, please.


You should know by now that by requesting that we leave you alone will probably only make matters worse.....

But I promise to do the best I can to focus on Dave.

*Now focusing on Dave*

Dave, great update! The photos of the TCD farm are fantastic.

Knowing that many of the familiar sights will soon be gone, I'm very glad we took a ton of pics on our last trip as well.

We may need to add the 5th park to our itinerary as well. The kids have destroyed our furniture. :sad2:
Loving the report. Awesome job, Dave! :thumbsup2

Looking forward to more...

Why is it every time I read an installment of your TR I get hungry? :confused3

Thursday, October 21st

On Thursday, we slept in and hung around the house a bit in the morning to rest. I hit the grocery store for some food and drinks for our drive home on Saturday, and then we headed over to Epcot for more F&W.

The first thing we did when we arrived was to ride the golf ball. On our last trip I somehow ended up riding the darn thing with the language set to German, so this time I let my daughter program it for me. It is a much better ride when you can understand it, although I’m not a fan of Judi Dench as narrator. She sounds too much like Christiane Amanpour, who I can’t stand. But still, I wasn’t a fan of Cronkite either. I think the ride would be better narrated by Gary Sinise. I’d believe him. I don’t gain much hope for the future of the human race from Damn Judi Dench. :rolleyes1

Anyways, afterward we grabbed FP’s for Soarin and then rode Captain EO. Being a child of the 80’s, and having seen it back then, I thought I’d enjoy it. Well, I suppose I enjoyed it a little, just to remember how bad it was. Kind of like how I’m curious to know what waterboarding feels like. I’d like to find out, very very briefly, and then be able to walk away and go about my day. But we were there, so we sat through it. And got a chuckle or two out of it. Like when the queen is supposedly “beautified” and it turns out to be Anjelica Huston. Who thought that was a good idea? She looked better covered in snakes.

Ok, so we were batting a thousand. It was time to do what men do when the going gets tough. They go eat. So off to the WS we went. And here is where my brilliant plan was put into motion. Remember how our first foray into Food & Wine turned into Food & Whine? It was too hard sharing items between all 6 of us. In particular, DD14 and DD13 wanted to try everything…and they have adult appetites. I couldn’t blame them for wanting to try things, but it wasn’t working. So, I get them their own wristband gift card and loaded it with enough money for them to try some things on their own. And we sent them on their way, with plans to meet back at Soarin at our fastpass time.

Brilliant! It was SO much more enjoyable for all parties. My two older girls are extremely responsible, they stuck together, managed their time well, still got to ride Test Track and they enjoyed some delicacies. The rest of us ate our way from Canada to Germany.

Here is a shot of the roses along walkway.


Our first stop was Canada. Having never dined at Le Cellier, I was interested in trying the Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup. And what better to wash cheese down with than a Moosehead!



Next up was England. Fish and chips and a Bass. :thumbsup2



DD10 of course had to pose for the standard phonebooth shot.


We then wandered over to France.



And then I tried another item I love…the Spicy Tuna Roll from Japan.


We stopped at America to get some “kid” food for DD4 and DD10, and watched a little of the drum and fife corps.


Then we went to Germany so I could get one of these.


Yep, that’s the Nurnberger Sausage in a Pretzel Roll, made famous in a very disturbing photo by TCD some time back. Notice how appetizing it looks just sitting on its plate. It was quite good. And I’m glad I gave it a chance. I had vowed to NEVER try one after seeing TCD’s picture.

We then started to leave the German pavilion, and who should we see??

Yes, you guessed it.

It was none other than…the Octo-Ho herself. My dear Ms. White! :eek:


Woo hoo! And the line wasn’t even that long. So we headed toward the end of it. And it see her motion to the CM manning the line like this.


She was pleading with the CM to close the line! At least that’s the way it looks to me. Doesn’t it look like she’s saying “pssst! That creep is coming! Close the line! Puh-LEASSSEEE!”

And wouldn’t you know it…but as we approached the end of the line, the CM made the pronouncement I have heard so many times now I could repeat it in my sleep. “I’m sorry, but Snow White is going to be taking a break soon. Please come back later”. GRRRRR!!!!!! :furious: I couldn’t believe it. Clearly, I am done playing this thing on the up and up. I try to play by the rules. I get in line like everyone else, but the deck is stacked against me. Why is she hating on me so?!?

I need a better plan. And I am a patient man. Some day. Some how.

After that public humiliation, I needed to duck inside somewhere and collect my thoughts. So we rode the Maelstrom. And tried on silly Viking hats.


And then it was time to get back to the Land for our Soarin fastpasses. Our girls were waiting there for us when we arrived, and we all rode it together. And then we left the park.

We saw the Tron monorail on our way to the parking lot. That is always cool.


On the way back to the house, we stopped at one of the tacky giftshops along 192. This one was particularly eyecatching…and it didn’t hurt that it was next door to a Dunkin Donuts.


Didn’t buy anything, as it was all crap. But it did inspire us to spend the evening shopping for even higher priced crap….at Downtown Disney.

I can’t go to WDW this time of year without stopping by Earl of Sandwich for the Holiday Sandwich. I love that thing! Turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce and mayo. Yum!


One thing to remember when going to EoS. While they don’t take the Disney discount cards (TiW or AP), they DO give a AAA discount of 15%. Those are real savings!


We walked around DTD for a while, hitting some of the shops, but we didn’t buy anything. Feeling too cheap I guess. But we enjoyed ourselves.


At that point, I had a major sweet tooth. Ghirardelli is right there, but the last time we got ice cream there I was very disappointed in the serving sizes for what they charge. The sundae dish looks big, but the glass is about an inch thick so there is only like one scoop in there for $7! So, we got in the car and drove to the Beach Club to hit Beaches and Cream.

We decided not to get a table and get the kitchen sink this time. It was such as nice evening, we got ice cream from the window and grabbed a table outside.

It’s Not Cindy and I each got hot fudge sundaes.


I forget what the kids ordered, but 3 out of 4 of them were very happy. One didn’t care for hers. And when you are raising 4 girls and get a 75% approval rating on anything, you run with it.

And that was it for our day. We ran ourselves through the mill again, and everyone was tired. But no one more so than DD4.


Scary, huh?

Next up…our final day, including Please Don’t Let Them Sing To Me.
Enjoying your trip report! popcorn::

And sending prayers up for your adoption efforts; its easy to see that there is plenty of love to go around in your family.
I was wondering throughout Capt EO what the deal was with the weird t shirt MJ had on - the strange orange swoopie thing that he kept ripping his military style silver jacket open to expose. It came at the oddest times, and didn't have any writing or anything. Then when we left and passed the obligatory souvenier stand, it was evident - a marketing scheme by Disney to sell odd Tshirts. There they were - big as life. I don't remember them from the 80's, though. Could Disney have had that much foresight - they actually had Mikey rip open his jacket several times in the movie to expose a shirt that was not to be sold until the re-release of this movie in the 21st Century? Or did the Mouse actually figure out a way to bring Mikey back to film a couple of sequences for the benfefit of free enterprise and the American economic system?

Gotta tell you about that troll - my wife had an Uncle Joe who looked EXACTLY like this guy. Every year, we have to pay a visit to Uncle Joe.
The last last pic of your 4 year old is to cute. Mine is 14 months and she is growing fast.
Another great update, Dave.

So what did you think of the Cheddar Cheese soup in Canada?

You really do crack me up with your Snow White adventures (or lack of them). :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

That sandwich at EOS looks right up my DH's alley. Too bad we are never there near the holidays though.
Enjoying your trip report! popcorn::

And sending prayers up for your adoption efforts; its easy to see that there is plenty of love to go around in your family.
Thank you! On both counts. I think I have one more update on this report. And hopefully we have some good news on the adoption front in the next couple of weeks. It's been SLOW!

Could Disney have had that much foresight - they actually had Mikey rip open his jacket several times in the movie to expose a shirt that was not to be sold until the re-release of this movie in the 21st Century? Or did the Mouse actually figure out a way to bring Mikey back to film a couple of sequences for the benfefit of free enterprise and the American economic system?
I believe Disney actually had him bumped off, so that they could bring back EO for nostalgia sake, and sell the warehouse full of ugly shirts that never sold in the 80's.

The last last pic of your 4 year old is to cute. Mine is 14 months and she is growing fast.
They grow up way too fast. I still think of my 14 year old that way.

"Sad eyes, turn the other way. I don't want to see you cry!"
IIRC, we paid at bedtime that night for pushing her a bit too far. You always do! :rotfl:

Another great update, Dave.

So what did you think of the Cheddar Cheese soup in Canada?

You really do crack me up with your Snow White adventures (or lack of them). :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

That sandwich at EOS looks right up my DH's alley. Too bad we are never there near the holidays though.
I liked the soup...but would really like to try it with the pretzel bread sometime.

You just need to book a December trip to WDW sometime. Get the Holiday sandwich, and visit the Fort to see the lights. Book it for next year!
Brilliant! It was SO much more enjoyable for all parties. My two older girls are extremely responsible, they stuck together, managed their time well, still got to ride Test Track and they enjoyed some delicacies. The rest of us ate our way from Canada to Germany.

This is one of the best things about kids getting older. So many things make you wistful of the young, sweet, loving children you have for several years. But, when they start going off on their own and show you that you've done a few things right by working well together, not taking advantage of you, etc., it's really special. (And, it makes them feel awesome too...)

Love it!


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