***Disney Design Addict's Chit Chat,Designs and Pixie Dust! Everybody WELCOME!*** Part 4

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tink2020 said:
Quick question for those of you around now:

Do you prefer trip reports where each day is a thread or one continuous thread with updates?

Just curious, as I plan on starting soon :goodvibes

Bring a fleece jacket with you. They keep you warm even if they get wet. A wet sweatshirt will make you cold.

Hey peeps... I need help with something. While we were at WDW, DD(12) got a ring that she just loved and now it's gone :( !!!

It was a silver ring with Mickey diamonds and her initial. We found it at AK but hey didnt have her first name "K" and the CM said it was an outside company and they were not sold everywhere, so she got the last name "C", then at DTD the World of Disney, we found a "K" and was able to trade it. The K's are hard to find. She was sooo HAPPY!!

Then at the airport when we got home, she washed her hands and forgot it on the sink in the bathroom :( she remembered as soon as we got to baggage claim, we went to go back and security wouldn't let us go back to that area! The man was sooo rude and huffed and puffed when I asked him to go look because we were the only plane in and it was midnight and there was no people around, we just knew if he let us go in we would find it right there on the sink! ARGGGG He said he went and looked but I know he didn't. It is gone. I did report it to lost and found... but no word on it.

It was only $18.00, but she LOVED it and I am so sad for her.

SO help... how can I get another one? I can't find it online? Can I call the store World of Disney? What can I do? I want to get another "K" ring and give it to her for Christmas :sunny: !!

HELP, ideas???
triplefigs said:
Speaking of acting and "hams", today was the music program at school. Well, Davis was on the front row. He was so into it, doing all the motions, really putting on a show. EVERYONE kept stopping me telling me he should go into show business. He was quite the site! Thank goodness I got it all on tape for later in life to embarass him with...

After looking at your trip pics (which were great btw!), I can totally picture it! He looked like quite a ham. :)
miss missy said:
Hey peeps... I need help with something. While we were at WDW, DD(12) got a ring that she just loved and now it's gone :( !!!

It was a silver ring with Mickey diamonds and her initial. We found it at AK but hey didnt have her first name "K" and the CM said it was an outside company and they were not sold everywhere, so she got the last name "C", then at DTD the World of Disney, we found a "K" and was able to trade it. The K's are hard to find. She was sooo HAPPY!!

Then at the airport when we got home, she washed her hands and forgot it on the sink in the bathroom :( she remembered as soon as we got to baggage claim, we went to go back and security wouldn't let us go back to that area! The man was sooo rude and huffed and puffed when I asked him to go look because we were the only plane in and it was midnight and there was no people around, we just knew if he let us go in we would find it right there on the sink! ARGGGG He said he went and looked but I know he didn't. It is gone. I did report it to lost and found... but no word on it.

It was only $18.00, but she LOVED it and I am so sad for her.

SO help... how can I get another one? I can't find it online? Can I call the store World of Disney? What can I do? I want to get another "K" ring and give it to her for Christmas :sunny: !!

HELP, ideas???
If you can't find a way to order, just let me know. I would be happy to "pay it forward" and pick one up for you when we are there....provided they still have a "K".
Thank you for the advise Denise, I really do apprediate it. I will see if I can get him to sip some gatorade. He just woke up, so I will let you know how he is doing.

triplefigs said:
Hold off all liquids and NO FOOD for about 3-4 hours and then try small sips of clear liquid (Gatorade or Pedialyte). If he cannot keep that down or starts to get dry tongue, lips, or you pinch his skin and it stays "up" call your doctor. Kids get dehydrated very quickly. Do not give him any meds for the diarhhea, as it can actually keep the bacteria/virus in their system and make them much sicker. I'll be on tonight, so keep posting or PM me.
my3princes said:
You are very welcome. My Dad was driving a dump truck that was hit by a freight train. He had a small brain bleed and lots of body aches. He was left with vertigo. He spent a couple of days in the hospital and is now feeling better. The vertigo isn't completely gone, but much better. He is very lucky to be alive. Here is the picture of the aftermath.


Wow, Deb. I knew that he was in an accident, but hadn't gone back far enough to see how major it was. I'm glad that he is doing so well!
Tammi67 said:
Kate - I got my DVD's today!! Did you get yours??

I did!! I was going to tell you you would probably get them tomorrow! I am so glad they came - maybe they will help Alyssa feel better!!!!
Thank you, I will be watching him all night. He just took a few sips of gatorade, keepng fingers crossed that it stays down. We are watching Toy Story on The Disney Channel now. I just love this movie :goodvibes Thanks for the PD!

Glynis said:
Be really careful. This happened to my DS when he was barely 1. He threw up for about 11 hours off and on. We took him to the ER and he was so dehydrated they couldn't even get an IV started. His veins had collapsed. He had a really advanced case of Rotovirus that really set him back. By the time he was let out of the hospital, he had forgotten how to crawl and could barely sit up by himself. It really set him back. I just kicked myself for not getting him to the doctor sooner. DH is one of those men who always say, "he'll be better in the morning." But he wasn't. He looked like a little ghost; so white and still.

I'm sending lots of :wizard: for your little one.
Tammi67 said:
If you can't find a way to order, just let me know. I would be happy to "pay it forward" and pick one up for you when we are there....provided they still have a "K".

O My gosh Tammi! That'll be awesome! I will let you know soon. I am hoping I can call and order it somehow. But I know she would be sooo HAPPY to find one on Christmas day. She is like her Mom and gets all attached to memories.
triplefigs said:
Originally Posted by tink2020

It went from 3 days, to 4, now every day.

Dollar Store ponchos, 2 or 3 pairs of shoes, an umbrella...

AND HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!! It rained every day on our Disneymoon, and we had a blast. :rolleyes: :earseek: :rolleyes1 The crowds are smaller and all of the rides were still open.

I learned a great trick that worked like a charm! Monday night of our trip it POURED while we were watching Spectromagic but Terra didn't want to leave. Someone on another group gave tips on drying out shoes. I really didn't think it would work, but the next morning my sneakers were good to go....

Take a white hotel towl and stuff one end into each shoe. Shove the corner all the way down to the toe. The next morning, the towel was wet and my sneakers were dry.
my3princes said:
Bring a fleece jacket with you. They keep you warm even if they get wet. A wet sweatshirt will make you cold.


You know, you are so right. I didn't think that way, but I did have fleece on and I wasn't cold when wet. I think that fleece and a good hat should be fine.

Now I saw people that we cold and wet and it looked so icky.

Good point Deb! Smarty you are!

It rained every day (except our last day when we were leaving!) of our 9 days at WDW this past October. We had our ponchos & extra socks in the backpack each day & boy did we use them. BUT we had an awesome time & the rain never stopped us from having fun. I know you'll have a great time...:wizard:
It rained everyday on our trip in Oct. But it was still a wonderful trip. The rain ponchos were very handy ;) You will have so much fun! I wish we were going soon, Dec. 2006 is a long way ahead.

tink2020 said:
I checked accuweather (had looked at Weather Channel site)... it sounds a little better, so I'll take that one, please :rotfl:
julia & nicks mom said:
I did!! I was going to tell you you would probably get them tomorrow! I am so glad they came - maybe they will help Alyssa feel better!!!!
We watched 2 of them and Alyssa feel asleep. Poor thing still has a fever of 101.5, but she is acting fine and eating. The only thing she complains about is her nose. It is red from wiping/blowing. I guess I just need to let it run its course.

The only thing that I was disappointed about was the the MGM parade was taped before the Power Rangers started participating. That would have freaked Nicholas out. Are you happy with them?
Tammi67 said:
We watched 2 of them and Alyssa feel asleep. Poor thing still has a fever of 101.5, but she is acting fine and eating. The only thing she complains about is her nose. It is red from wiping/blowing. I guess I just need to let it run its course.

The only thing that I was disappointed about was the the MGM parade was taped before the Power Rangers started participating. That would have freaked Nicholas out. Are you happy with them?

Santa is bringing them to our house - I will have to let you know after he drops them off!!! ;)
tmfranlk said:
I learned a great trick that worked like a charm! Monday night of our trip it POURED while we were watching Spectromagic but Terra didn't want to leave. Someone on another group gave tips on drying out shoes. I really didn't think it would work, but the next morning my sneakers were good to go....

Take a white hotel towl and stuff one end into each shoe. Shove the corner all the way down to the toe. The next morning, the towel was wet and my sneakers were dry.

Thanks! I'll definitely keep that in mind!
I have never heard of this virus before, I will definetly be keeping him close to me!

my3princes said:
Keep a close eye on him. When my oldest 2 were ages 3 and 5 they caught the Rodo viris which is one of the 24 hour bugs that goes around every year with the vomiting and diaherria. They both wound up lathargic and dehydrated and had to be admitted for a couple of days for rehydration. The 2 yr old was admitted one day and the other the next morning. Thankfully they put them in the same room so I could take care of both at the same time. It was horrible. They had to both be put in diapers because they just couldn't make it to the bathroom.

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