Don't Hate Me for Knowing More

With a forum as large as the DISboards, it is inevitable that there will be some folk with un-magical attitudes and that is really a shame. :sad2: The DIS is supposed to be a place where people who share a love of Disney can come together, not pick each other apart. At least IMHO.

I am sorry you were blasted for following what you were told was Disney's policy regarding boarding with wheelchair occupants. And remember that there are plenty of friendly folk here as well! :)

:goodvibes :)
We have gotten nasty looks in the fast pass lines, and on EMH nights as well. When others have to leave and resort guests stay, I have witnessed many off property visitors yelling at CMs over this.

However, our worst problem came actually from a Disney bus driver. Me, my mom, two of my sisters, and my 85 year old aunt went to Disney in May two years ago as my aunt wanted to go one last time before she could no longer make it. She is ill and lives in WV, so it was quite an ordeal for her.

She rode in a wheel chair the whole trip although she was able to transfer at rides. Every morning we would line up with her in the designated wheel chair area for those with a handicap. This driver threw a fit and said that she could come on but not us, and that we were cutting and would have to wait for the next bus. I never say anything to anyone, but my mom spoke up as well as my sisters. He finally let us on but not before giving us a huge lecture in front of everyone for like 5 minutes.

I am very easily embarrassed and upset, and I am the Disney freak of the family. I had just got done telling them that everyone was nice in Disney World and that in all of my years there I had never witnessed a mean person. Anyways we reported him to guest services in Epcot as I was still in tears, and before we could even tell them his name, they already knew who it was. Makes me wonder why they didn't remove him before if his goal is to make everyone feel like dirt for trying to be with their family members when one happens to be handicapped.

Can someone tell me what possess people to come and stand directly in front of three little boys two minutes before the fireworks start when they have been waiting there for an hour? I had to hold a boy on each hip one year, and listen to the other in tears the whole time because people came and stood directly in front of us. I understand that everyone needs to see, but we had been there. They could have at least sat down. The lady actually looked at my one son who was crying because I couldn't hold him to see. She looked at her husband shrugged her shoulders and turned around while their two children had a perfect view. Of course I once again was quiet, I guess I need to learn to speak up.

The title of this thread is "Don't Hate Me For Knowing More" & apparently you did KNOW that the policy is to have the family ride with the handicapped passenger. IMHO I wouldn't expect that because a group is traveling with someone handicapped, that they should all split up because they might be inconveniencing somebody. It's tough enough to be forced to sit in a wheelchair or ECV, and then to be separated from the rest of your group & have to sit around & wait for them to arrive somewhere long after you did is just sad. Yes people now might have to wait for a next bus because a few extra seats were taken, but at least THEY are with their family & isn't that what going to WDW as a family or group is all about? Unfortunately a big part of WDW is waiting in line & we make the best of it. In fact we've met some of the nicest people & I love listening to others talk about their first or their many trips to WDW. You sure can learn a lot that way! ;)

And EVEN if you were doing something wrong, to have the bus driver give you a long lecture in front of bunch of people is unacceptable. As many times as we've been to WDW, we sometimes make mistakes & I've also been rudely berated by a CM & it's not very Disney like to be in that situation. :sad2:

As for having those people stand right in front of you & your children. Unfortunately as I mentioned, I've run into a LOT of rude people at fireworks & parades & I know it will continue to happen so I go expecting it & I've learned to not let it ruin my time. I think you definitely should've said "Excuse me, you're standing right in front of my sons" as politely as possible, but to be honest sometimes that works & sometimes people just don't care. But I'm not you & I don't know how difficult it must be to travel alone with 2 small children & maybe after a long hetic day, I might've just sat down & cried right along with the kids. ::yes::

This is a very large discussion board & you will always find people from all walks of lives & different backgrounds who don't agree with you, but you have a right to your opinion just as they do. Don't let it get under your skin. :hug:
I was not personally blasting YOU..I have this opinion any time I am standing in a bus line and see it happen. the title of this thread was about being rude, and while you may know that is the policy I personally find it rude(that policy)

However, what you and others fail to realize you may waste 2-3 hours of your day if the adults had to split up, you getting on the bus ahead of the rest of us may waste 2-3 hours of OUR time. No one has more special time than another.
In your case, you said that time you were first in line, but if you had cruised up where 30 of us had been waiting 20 minutes for a bus and then gotten into the wheel chair line(your whole family and we are not implying small children should wait apart from their silly) and then you got on the bus and made other folks wait another 20 fair is that?

People can think I am a jerk and not magical, but in this case my vacation time is no less important than your vacation time.

I agree that obviously younger children should not be left behind....And i will also agree that if you have a group of 10 in your party...It's totally unnecessary for all to board at the same time. I'll be in that position in the next month or so...traveling with about 15 people. One family i'll be with have 3 young i'd expect the 5 to travel together, but as for the rest of us, we should stay behind.... yes we'd get broken up, but i don't think it would take hrs to meet with eachother.
As to the orginal poster of this part of the thread... it was only 5 people....wasn't gonna break the bank here...i see no problems with that, and was already stated, is within disney rules. turn on the soap box....
Overall, i think people move too fast while on vacation. Gotta step back and slow down, appreciate the surroundings around us...and give ourselves lots of time in getting to our destinations. Blood pressure stays down that way too! Is waiting another 20 minutes going to ruin our whole vacation because we either waited in line allowing a larger party through, or waited in line while some of our party goes through? :thumbsup2 Getting off soap box now.
I'm pretty sure the HM is a regular line. I would be really angry if somebody tried to pass me in line there. There isn't room for it to be more than just a regular line until I guess you get to the very front where the doors are.
It is a regular line until you get into the Stretching Room, where it's a Fill in the Space.

Because of DIS, I knew that if I stood in a certain place, we would be 'first' to the Doom Buggies. We took advantage of that and sure enough we were first out of the stretching room.

After the ride was over, the family that had ORIGINALLY been in front of us line grumbled when they saw us (outside, getting a PhotoPass done) that we 'skipped' everyone and 'didn't we feel special?' for doing it... The words themselves aren't mean, but the mom was extremely snotty in tone. I wanted to smash her just for assuming anything (Being in customer service, I don't suffer fools gladly!).
Between you and the lady who said I was asking someone to take advantage of me, I am beginning to think the DIS boards are not a very magical place for me to be. I will remember to keep my mouth shut in the future.
I believe I'm "the lady who said I was asking someone to take advantage of me", so let me clarify. :goodvibes

You had said that you were disappointed about how you had been treated when someone came and stood in front of you at Wishes and the last minute and thought perhaps you should have spoken up in that particular situation. I was actually agreeing with you, and to make that point, I related a common quote (from Ann Landers, actually): "You cannot be taken advantage of without your permission." As in, "if you don't speak up, then you're telling the person who stood in front of you that it was okay to do so". That's all I meant. I wasn't berating you at all, just relating how the non-confrontational approach is flawed. I'm sorry if it came across otherwise.

:earsboy: turn on the soap box....
Overall, i think people move too fast while on vacation. Gotta step back and slow down, appreciate the surroundings around us...and give ourselves lots of time in getting to our destinations. Blood pressure stays down that way too! Is waiting another 20 minutes going to ruin our whole vacation because we either waited in line allowing a larger party through, or waited in line while some of our party goes through? :thumbsup2 Getting off soap box now.

:thumbsup2 I couldn't agree more. When I am waiting for a bus at WDW and have to wait 20 mins for someone in an ECV to board, I am usually just grateful that no one in my family needs one. We're all healthy, happy and at WDW together. What else do could you want?

If you are bothered by waiting for buses and feel that handicapped people boarding with their families hold up your vacation then why not rent a car?
I think that the people who are annoyed by a whole party of however many people boarding with the person in the wheelchair / ECV have never traveled with someone in a wheelchair or ECV. If you had someone "with wheels" in your group, you might feel differently and be a lot less annoyed. Just sayin'

What a thread! I think we've all probably encountered some rude people, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone as mad as I've read about here.

We've had a couple of incidents -- about 4 years ago, we went to Universal for a Mardi Gras night. It wasn't too crowded, and we got a great spot for the parade, knowing they were throwing beads. My kids were probably 12 and 8, and about 1/3 of the way through the parade, a dad and his son stepped right in front of us and kept grabbing beads from rightin front of my kids' faces! We even had a couple of times when the person on the float would call out to my kids -- they were wearing something distinctive, don't remember what, and toss beads, and this dad would tell his son to grab them! I couldn't help it, I lost my balance and banged right into him... "Excuse me! I didn't realize we were sharing this space!"

Another time, I went to WDW on a solo trip and went to go on Jungle Cruise, which I don't remember ever doing. A couple behind me kept pushing forward until they ended up about 10-12 people in front of me! I'm pretty good about asserting my "line rights" (ask the lady who tried to get in front of me at Target on Black Friday during the third pallet of the toy I wanted...) but this? Who cares? We were all going to get on the ride. Karma, baby!

And one time, I was the rude"ee", but not really -- we were stuck in a line for HM -- the ride kept breaking down, fastpasses were not available, so my then 8 yr old was standing in line. I had to get out -- we had a minor emergency (nosebleed, I think), and of course while I ran to get napkins, the line moved -- and my kid went right with them! Everybody was very nice about letting me through when the saw the panicked lady saying, "Excuse me, my child's alone up there!" I didn't find him on the ride -- he made it all the way through adn we didn't meet up until we all got out, but then I felt stupid not ending up with my kid when I had pushed past all those people "supposedly" looking for him!

Keep your cool, be superior, let them have the meltdowns, don't ruin your day!

- Erin:crowded:
Just my opinion, but from experience, the defintion of manners certainly differs from culture to culture. I'm sure that I don't know the nationality or other of said peoples, but most people don't start their day with a chip on their shoulder, expecially at Disney.

I do believe that I read on another board that Disney itself has had problems with those requiring a wheelchair legitimately and those who don't.

I wanted to jump into this conversation to add that at least in most of the western hemisphere, the internet is something we all use to research everything........especially a vacation. Recovering from surgery and being a Disney addict, I have been viewing the various sites and there are so many. Maybe I am wrong to assume that everyone researches things as much as I do, but even those who are computer challenged can pick up a book.
About the wheelchair/ECV and buses.

This was not at WDW, but at the NC ZOO. I just want to share what happened to shed some light on why it might be a problem for the group to split up.

We went to the NC Zoo with my mil (ECV). When we went to take the bus back to the other end of the zoo we split up. There was a line and we thought it was wrong for us to board with mil and skip the line.

There was dh, me, and 4 dc. We didn't want 1 adult with 4 dc so we left mil go ahead without us. We thought she would be alright waiting at the bus stop for us.

When we finally got off our bus a little (not sure how long) later. Mil was missing. She decided not to wait for us and got lost. She has memory issues at times.

I will not let that happen again. It was scary not knowing where she was or if she was alright.
I have another one!

DH and I were eating at Teppan Edo. I ordered the shrimp, dh ordered the chicken, and the couple to my right ordered veggie, and beef/shrimp. Well the cook (who was GREAT!!!!) was cooking my shrimp and the shrimp for the guy to my right. The guy got his portion and I got my portion. Since I only ordered shrimp, i got more. This guy whispers a little too loudly to his wife "Bah! Why does SHE get more shrimp than me? She got more shrimp than me!! Look!"

ok, geez... really?

So the wife says ''I think it's because she just ordered shrimp dear..."

HA and THEN, since DH and I were on our disneymoon, we got a FREE DESSERT! and he didn't... ::yes::
I'm pretty sure the HM is a regular line. I would be really angry if somebody tried to pass me in line there. There isn't room for it to be more than just a regular line until I guess you get to the very front where the doors are.

Actually HM at MK is not a regular line where you are single file when you get in the line it is wide enough for several people to stand side by side, it is like this through the turn stile and up to the doors, so yes people can come in the line and go past you if you are single file.
Disclaimer: I'm legally blind from a degenerative retinal disease (RP) and I've encountered more rude experiences/comments than I'd care to recall. I have tunnel vision, but see well enough to not need a white cane in normal circumstances. In fact, unless you know me/know the signs, nobody would even guess I had a vision impairment. Since I am always with someone else, I don't carry a cane at WDW.

One of the worst encounters I've had was on a college vacation > 10 yrs ago in Epcot. I was walking around WS with a friend one afternoon and at one point as I went to step up on a curb, a child (maybe 3 or so) ran right in front of me and caused me to fall. At first I thought it was due to my vision, but the funny thing is that my friend didn't see him either, so he was obviously running "loose" and it was, in fact, NOT due to my vision. After I fell, I was still in shock and trying to figure out what happened when the child's father came along and started yelling at me. BTW, the kid was fine and I don't recall him even crying. He just kept yelling about how it was my fault for tripping over his son, etc. Luckily, my friend stood up for me and yelled back at the father for letting his kid run out in front of people. I couldn't believe it. After the father and his run-away kid left, I lost it and just cried. I had a huge bruise on my leg and had been berated by a poor excuse for a father. From the way he was acting, I highly doubt he would have reacted any differently even if I had a white cane.
I can't say that I've ever encoutered rudeness at WDW and from the post on this thread, it seems we may have had reason to.

1. We always use fastpass and my sister and I will exhaust ourselves in the single rider lines for both EE and TT.

2. We always go to to the left side line at the counter service restaurants because they're usually empty.

3. We always skip the longer middle turnstile lines for the shorter ones on the left and right.

4. We always move straight over to the other side of the room on rides like HM and TT.

5. We have asked to ride in the front car of the monorail on more than one occassion (normally because we are always bringing newbies with us.)

I have never been skipped in line or treated rudely or disrespectfully. My sister would say it's because I always wear a "don't **** with me" look, but I really don't. I don't wear the look, but I wish somebody would..... :mad:
Pickles, yes, it is YOUR pet peeve. But, it is not Disney policy.

Disney does mainstream wheel chairs and ECVs in some lines. But, Disney has decided not to mainstream the bus lines. If you don't like it, fine. Just take your frustration out on Disney. Write them a letter and make your point known.

But, please do not rudely criticize a lady for doing exactly what she was supposed to do.

When I took my 85 year old grandmother to WDW, she refused an ECV. We just walked a little slower. And, she took an evening or two off. But, if she had used an ECV or wheel chair, I would have boarded the bus with her.

By the way, I do believe that there is a limit to the number of people that can accompany the person in the wheel chair or ECV. I think it's 5 or 6. But, I've never seen it enforced. If you think it should be only 1 other person, then complain about that if you must. But, your experience and what WDmommyof4 did are quite different.

Save your venom for someone who deserves it.

One day Pickles may be in a situation just like that and then how would she feel. Always try to put your self in other people shoes before you open your mouth.
In my case I am disabled but to look at me you would never know it. I have a degenerative joint disease that is uncureable but with meds it is at time managable I have a handicap placard and use the WDW Guest Assistance Card when I am in the world, I am able to use the handicap lines, for the buses, rides, etc... and people are always getting ill because they think we are line breakers just because we look normal. And I'm sorry but I don't want my family separated from me in such a big place. We are all at WDW to have a magical time with our family's the attitudes should be left at home.
I was not personally blasting YOU..I have this opinion any time I am standing in a bus line and see it happen. the title of this thread was about being rude, and while you may know that is the policy I personally find it rude(that policy)

However, what you and others fail to realize you may waste 2-3 hours of your day if the adults had to split up, you getting on the bus ahead of the rest of us may waste 2-3 hours of OUR time. No one has more special time than another.
In your case, you said that time you were first in line, but if you had cruised up where 30 of us had been waiting 20 minutes for a bus and then gotten into the wheel chair line(your whole family and we are not implying small children should wait apart from their silly) and then you got on the bus and made other folks wait another 20 fair is that?

People can think I am a jerk and not magical, but in this case my vacation time is no less important than your vacation time.

There is no way that one group getting in front of you would waste 2-3 HOURS of your day! At worst, you may have to wait for the next bus. How would you like it if your family had to split up EVERY TIME you used the bus-for us that's 4 times a day! Families of people in ECVs have just as much right to stick together on their family vacation as yours does. If you don't like the way Disney handles that-complain to Disney, not the people who would give anything to be able to walk around all day like you do and are only following the rules!
OK, I'll go ahead and label myself as :offtopic: but I couldn't resist responding.
So then that justifies rude behavior. :sad2:
No it doesn't. The quote doesn't address the rude person at all. It talks about the person who feels taken advantage of.

If you read my entire post, you will see that I agreed that what the rude person did was wrong. But if I'm not going to speak up when someone takes my parking place or stands in front of me at a parade or cuts in front of me in line, then I'm partly to blame as well, because I am allowing the behavior to continue.

I guess I'm just tired of the whole "victim" mentality. Rude people exist. We know that. We are unable to change these people and make them polite, so we can either deal with them, let them take advantage of us or walk away. That's pretty much it. But the choice is ours.

Here is something else "I Know" because of the many family members I have in law enforcement. Be VERY careful of the people you decide to confront because you choose not be taken adantage of. There are many violent & angry people in this world that will not hesitate to assault you because you dared to confront them & these same people do visit WDW. You will most definitely be the "victim" in that case. The advice to "walk away" is the better one, but as the poster in question mentioned, when you're squished in a crowd of people it's not always easy to do.


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