Fantasia Gardens Question...HELP!!

OT, you never fail to crack me up. roflmbo. I just got my new annual passes. Do you think I should photocopy them just in case I am stupid enough to lose them or they disintegrate after being exposed to water on Kali River Rapids? :p

How about the loser has to eat dirt???? lol

Okay I will post the link to this thread on the trivia thread. I hope I don't get into any trouble. After all, I am the good one. :)
Cannot ..... stop...... laughing........ Vintage...... '71........ Seven Seas Lagoon......... Water........ Spurting Forth....... From My Nose...
So sorry I didn't join this thread in its infancy!
Too bad I'll be at WDW right after you fine golfers, 'cause I would loooove to do color commentary for this tourney. :( :( :(
While I cannot comment on ball color or other equipment questions, I can give pointers on stylish swinging poses. ;)
By the way, do you think I should a family-sized cooler of food for snacks/lunches, or will I have trouble getting it through security?;) ;) ;) ;) ;) Should I photocopy the cooler in case I get it wet? Can I tether it to a stroller? ;) ;) ;) ;)
We'll let Miss Cleo tell us who the good one is Jas ... define "good."

So if the loser eats dirt does the winner get to squirt the loser with a bottle of 1971 Seven Seas Lagoon making sure to get the Mickey ears that say "Loser?"
OT, you seemed a tad stressed in your last post.

Just pregame jitters, or are you just coming completely unglued?

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

edit: The sun must be over the yard arm somewhere in the world - perhaps a little belt would help.
:DJen, I love you compilation of all these great Ideas..... may I add that the loser has to wear a Pink Tutu ( ala the hippo scene in Fantasia) too..... ;)
What an excellent suggestion MBabe:D OT will look just divine in pink tutu with his pink speedo and gold chain and of course Mickey ears.

I wonder if there is a dress code at Fantasia:p
Alrighty then Jen.... Let's see if we can get mclar to fit OT for that Tutu ....oh, oh, oh...we could probably sell tickets for the fitting alone!!!! :jester:
Oh, I think the sun will have to be WAAAAAAAAAAY over the yard arm before OT wears a tutu.
But think of the money we could make ... yeah ... that's the ticket ... this is a charity tournament:p
I LOVE the idea of a charity tournament... Have fun while helping others.

Ummm now we need to find a pink tutu.
And we need a charity cause as well ... and no, funding OT's trip to WDW or more DVS points do not count as charity.
Hmmm ... we can't use this as a tax write off if any of us receives anything of value greater than what we pay to play golf ... So Jas I am going to have to say no:(

Maybe MBabe or Mlcar or Granny can come up with some ideas:cool:
:sunny: Well you could benefit the WDWWDS..... after all if my application for the position of VP of Technical Information/Professor of CM Schmoozing is accepted..... My first order of business is to look into the aquisition of space in the Castle Missel Silos for our WDWW cellar....and we may need funding for that.;)

MBabe yet another excellent idea ...

We can set up a 501c3 non-profit foundation for WDWWDS and have the tourney proceeds benefit the foundation:earseek:

now we need a corporate sponsor to underright the whole thing ... including Jas' DVC points;)
It may be a good idea to buy stock in Pink Tutus!!!:Pinkbounc

Hello *Three to Tango* for mini golf...

I just wanted to let you know that the *secret weapon* has been sent out to DisJen and she will do with it whatever she wants...*read in madonna's best sinister laugh* ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....


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