From WDW to DL With Love - January 06, 2011 part 4

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Sorry we're going to miss the get-together today. We were so looking forward to meeting you. Our dot-ter, 7 yr old dalmatian Cocoa, had to have a large cancerous tumor removed from her mouth and is still not able to be left alone. We tried to find a sitter but...well, you know how that goes! Anyway I know we're sure to meet onboard. Have a great time today.


Jackie, so sorry to hear about your pet. Hope Cocoa and you are doing ok. We will miss you tomorow. Val
Ask and you shall receive! This is what concierge just sent me


Does that help?:rolleyes1
Thanks for getting this information Jenn. As much as I like surprises, the planner in me likes to know what's coming.

My mother was always the believer that things happened in three's and we have had a dreadful threes week here starting with my dear friend's granddaughter's boyfriend shot & killed himself and she found him. Another dear friend's dd was riding a motor cycle and was hit by a truck and killed the same day and the next day a dear friend was killed in an auto accident. I said we can take no more sad news! That is why I know my dd has to get good news! What a week it has been:sad2::sad2::sad2:
:grouphug: That's so sad Harole Ann. Lots of love, prayers and pixie dust being sent your way for you and all the families.

I have no idea about flights or transfers as I let DH take care of all the travel arrangements. All I know it they were made long ago. Just tell me when we're going and where we're going and I'll be there with the bags packed.

I'm feeling productive, though. The dress I purchased off ebay for DD arrived today. I need to get her to try it on. I hope it works out, but if not I only paid $15 including shipping so no great loss. And DS's tuxedo arrived the other day. He's so excited, he loves to get all dressed up. (He's still wearing the one we purchased 2 years ago when he was 3, but just to play in now.) If anyone is in need of a tux for their son, this one was only $25 from an ebay store with free shipping.

I also finalized my FE gift order. If you were on the August 2008 EBPC and participated in the FE exchange, then you'll have an idea what your getting this time, too.

One other purchase I made this week, Dropps laundry detergent. I know we'll be doing laundry a couple times on the ship and these are so easy to carry and a lot less expensive than purchasing detergent on the ship.
I just got invited to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party on Nov 30th....DH is fine with me going since he is on a business trip. I've never been to WDW at Christmastime, I'm sooooo excited! My friend has the week all lined out so that I see all the Santa's and Christmas decorations at all the parks. What a friend!
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: (It just deserved five!)
Central FL Meet. We are doing the Candlelite Dinner package at the German Pavilion for 1:55 and then the early show to see Whoopie.We will be with some friends, who are not crusing, but they would probably love to do a get together. Let me know what is decided. thanks
Sorry we're going to miss the get-together today. We were so looking forward to meeting you. Our dot-ter, 7 yr old dalmatian Cocoa, had to have a large cancerous tumor removed from her mouth and is still not able to be left alone.

Wihsing Cocoa a speedy recovery!

I now have a large baker cyst behind my right knee. Can't even get into the Ortho Doc until mid Dec with Xrays in early Dec. I have had 2 knee surgeries to that already. I do not have the time for this so close to this awesome vacation.

Oh no, I hope it's not too serious.

I just got invited to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party on Nov 30th....DH is fine with me going since he is on a business trip. I've never been to WDW at Christmastime, I'm sooooo excited! My friend has the week all lined out so that I see all the Santa's and Christmas decorations at all the parks. What a friend!
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: (It just deserved five!)

How exciting, I love the parks at Christmas time.
Sorry we're going to miss the get-together today. We were so looking forward to meeting you. Our dot-ter, 7 yr old dalmatian Cocoa, had to have a large cancerous tumor removed from her mouth and is still not able to be left alone. We tried to find a sitter but...well, you know how that goes! Anyway I know we're sure to meet onboard. Have a great time today.


I wish Cocoa a speedy recovery. In my younger years, we had 2 dals and they were great dogs and awesome with the boys when they were young.

I just got invited to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party on Nov 30th....DH is fine with me going since he is on a business trip. I've never been to WDW at Christmastime, I'm sooooo excited! My friend has the week all lined out so that I see all the Santa's and Christmas decorations at all the parks. What a friend!
:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: (It just deserved five!)

Five - maybe :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:! How awesome is that??

OK - I have a Dropps question. I saw them in the grocery this week but didn't pick them up - do they only come in liquid?? I did get the Tide booster tablets that I though I would thow in with the Purex sheets.

Well, we had quite the productive trip to the country store. Guess I won't complain about not having enough meat. I got 2 beef tenderloins (at 4.99 a pound, I probably should have gotten 3) the BEST bacon and some ground pork so DH can make (or try) Italian sausage. I can't decide if I want breakfast for dinner or a steak dinner. Decisions, decisions!

Enjoy your evening all.
Plenty of room. They accommodate 150 people :scared1: Feel free to download the image and add it to your sig if you want.

I didn't bother putting in my flight info. They don't really need it.


We may get 150 peeps in the boat ... My question is what are they gonna do with all the bags?
OK - I have a Dropps question. I saw them in the grocery this week but didn't pick them up - do they only come in liquid?? I did get the Tide booster tablets that I though I would thow in with the Purex sheets.
As far as I know they're only liquid. But I can't stand powder detergent, and these worked so well on the last cruise we took. I couldn't find them in any stores around here this time, so I ordered from Amazon - got way more than I really need, but the cost came out to less than .35 per load. I'm definitely going to have plenty for future trips to WDW (unless anyone wants to buy some of them from me. ;))

So looks like Susan Egan will be on this cruise. Such a nice lady!!!

Can't wait to see her again.

My mother was always the believer that things happened in three's and we have had a dreadful threes week here starting with my dear friend's granddaughter's boyfriend shot & killed himself and she found him. Another dear friend's dd was riding a motor cycle and was hit by a truck and killed the same day and the next day a dear friend was killed in an auto accident. I said we can take no more sad news! That is why I know my dd has to get good news! What a week it has been:sad2::sad2::sad2:

Aw Harole Ann, :hug::hug: Sending prayers her news is good.

(And yes, I subscribe to that same notion as it seems to always happen doesn't it. )

With time, women gain weight becasue we accumulate to much information and widom in our head that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when i look at my butt in the mirror i will think: "Good Grief, look how smart I am!!"


YOWZA! We are brilliant then.

If u can help I would soooo appreciate it. what is the best way to take action shots at night when the flash is not needed? I tried the action setting but my pictures were blurry...... :confused3

:wave2: - Just saw this and hope its not too late. I'll send you a PM.
It must be more than a rumor since it's listed on her website.

That's us. I can't wait to see here again. When I worked for Disney it was with Beauty and the Beast the Broadway Musical in Los Angeles. She was our Belle for the first year. She is such a great, nice person. I can't wait to see her again.
Sorry we're going to miss the get-together today. We were so looking forward to meeting you. Our dot-ter, 7 yr old dalmatian Cocoa, had to have a large cancerous tumor removed from her mouth and is still not able to be left alone. We tried to find a sitter but...well, you know how that goes! Anyway I know we're sure to meet onboard. Have a great time today.


I hope Cocoa gets better quickly!

Doug & I are looking forward to meeting NorCal cruisers tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 pm at Cuesta Park. Look for the lime green balloons - we are going over early to reserve two tables. The weatherman is promising sunny weather in the range of 74º-76º.:cheer2:

To help us get acquainted, be thinking of your favorite Disney character and/or movie.:yay: Also, let's check out activities that we may be doing together; when our dining times are; etc. If there are questions about the cruise, hopefully, some of us will know the answers. Don't forget your camera, too.
Have got my first dress for 1 formal night! Surprised that the Prince and Princess was semi formal..princess:

Its hot here is Sydney. Hope the rain stays away for Oprah when he comes here!

DS has declared that he wont be going to the kids club:rolleyes1

I am sure he will change his mind when we get there!
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