How often do you order take out these days?

We're not big take-out / restaurant people even normally but with this present situation I'm even more resistant. No we've not done any take-out.
We order probably 3-4 times a week, which was more than we did pre-COVID. We order from local restaurants in order to support our local economy - no big chains.
Once since the shutdown.

The little ones love trying to help with cooking at home. They grow up too fast.
WOW that’s a lot. I’m lucky if my wife cooks three times a week. You never have cereal, or toast or fruit or yogurt or waffles for breakfast? Something you don’t have to cook? salad for lunch, sandwiches? Dinner make enough to have the next night. That’s a lot three times a day just like our prisoners get. I’m sure yours is a lot better.
Most of the time everyone is on their own for breakfast and lunch, unless someone is making eggs and asks if anyone wants some. I have 5 kids and gave up years ago. Now only 3 are home and on different schedules anyway. We’ve always done dinner together if schedules allowed, and now every night.
We order delivery about once a week, try to order at different restaurants each time (last night we had thai delivered, DH picked up our deli order today). Easter dinner was delivere.
Tonight will be our 4 th Friday ordering takeout/pick up. We take it out of the bag unto a plate, that's all.
We're also ordering from Non- chains and since we have 3 to 4 FAV family run restaurants we just want to do our part to keep them going!
Average of once a week since my state has been on a stay at home order. We bring it home and depending on the food we either eat off our own plates, use disposable plates they provide us, or eat out of the individual containers. We wash our hands as normal before we eat. Normally my DH pitches a fit at the girls and I eating out so much or at least he would rather we don't as much. Since resturants being open even for take out and delivery means he is still able to work he is much better about letting us get a to go order and bringing it home to enjoy. Now if he would just get me that list of all the local places that are his companies customers it would help a bunch. He knows the ones that order ice cream because that is his primary area and the ones that he has gotten the order in the rest of the freezer to pull when he is done with ice cream orders at the end of the night other than that his answer when I ask if a place is a customer is I have no idea.
We have done so far since the end of March

Olive Garden just ate out of the containers well except for the dipping sauce for the breadsticks and the breadsticks we used some left over small plates we had for serving small desserts. The leftovers because I had ordered an extra soup for me and my youngest didn't want her soup (at that hard age of I want more food than I get in a kids meal but no way is she going to try a soup-the only one she will eat is canned add water chicken and noodle and then only at grandmas (inlaws) house with grandma and grandpa) we just reheated in the microwave. This one we got because our youngest who has special needs used her ipad one day to tell us I see Olive Garden (Olive Garden is 5 miles down the road) which is her way of saying I want to go to Olive Garden. We had to tell her we can't go to Olive Garden because they are closed (tears and crying commenced at that point), DH had to go to work so even ordering and having him go pick it up was out as the closest pick up time would not have allowed him to bring it home and gotten to work on time. We did order the next day and she enjoyed her cheese filled raveoli with meat sauce and some meatballs and some breadsticks but she wasn't touching that soup.

Dominos We used the paper plates they provided us and the plastic cups because I was nice and got a 2 liter bottle of their lemon lime soda to enjoy and didn't feel like dirting any of our glasses. (they give nice plastic glasses which we were able to wash and reuse. We regularly order a delivery from here as it one of the few places that deliver without a huge fee due to where we live. Plus I had a how fast can you click the link contest entry from trying to win free pizza for a year. Once again didn't get it but got a percentage off my order that was expiring the next day.

Panda Express We ordered two of their family meal consisting of 2 sides and 3 meal choices. Due to these being in the boxes by each food type we brought them home, dug out the serving spoons and put them on the table along with a set table of plates, silverware, and our water glasses.

This week we are not ordering because groceries were more than I expected. It would have been fine if someone (cough cough DH cough cough) has stuck to my list and not gotten a bunch of extra things. While we have enough to get buy we are keeping money back for putting gas in his car to get to and from work along with picking up milk and if needed a few other things that we are out of at the same time usually bread but sometimes a bag of potatoes. We get our milk 2 gallons at a time at costco which is good because we have a certain little girl that drinks a lot of it. The 2 gallons DH picked up on his way into work and placed in one of their fridges with his name on the box while he was at work if we are lucky will last us until Sunday night/Monday morning when DH can bring home another 2 after stopping to pick it up on his way to work Sunday night. We might take next week and pick up a couple of the $12 Tuesday Special deal at Papa Murphy's Pizza. Considering that my state is starting to open back up and we have a little girl upset that she has not been able to go see Grandma and Grandpa. Not that Grandma has not been missing a little girl either. We might just have to place an order pick it up on our way there and bake it in Grandma's oven and all enjoy. (we would then have just a couple of days left till the next payday).

opening up of my state is as follows
phase 1 no end date in site it takes as long as it takes and if necessary we will go back to stay at home orders
Stay at home order ends at midnight on April 25 but we are not to be around groups of more than 10 people unless your household is larger than that and I know a number of families that have 6-10 kids all still living at home so yes it is possible to have that.
Churches can start holding in person services provided that they can maintain a distance of 6 ft or keep groups to 10 or less. They have to make sure that there is appropriate cleaning and ways to do sanitation. This starts on April 26 though my church is going to wait until the following week and start back up May 3. There will be sanitation stations in the lobby along with just inside the sanctuary, the ushers will be making sure that families sit 6 ft apart from other families, there will be no kids activities including nursery though the nursing mother's room will be open for those who need it. There are some churches that meet in smaller building who will not be able to start holding services due to space to be able to social distance effectively. My church will continue to have services available on youtube, facebook and the church website as they have had for years even going back to when the church owned the local christian tv station and broadcast the services in the mid to late 1990s (everyone else was trying to get a spot on the christian radio station that was local to the area they had tv complete with cameras on platorms mounted over a couple of the pews and a media team in the sound booth consisting of someone who ran the monitors, someone who's job it was to put the words of all the songs on the screens using little film cards (later this was switched to a computer and as someone who did this that was so nice to be able to just hit the next one especially when they would tell me in a headset we are going to add a song right now) and someone who was running the huge two level sound board. Plus more if they were doing anything with special effects including pyrotechnics. I ended up stepping down to raise my kids when they were small and had planned to go back but having a child with high special needs I am needed to be able to go handle any emergencies that may arrive that the workers in the children's area can not handle though they do a great job and she is happy there.
April 27 retail stores that have been considered non essential along with beauty parlors, and tatoo places can open provided they keep 6 ft between customers, and any stations, screen customers if there will be close contact between the workers and the customers. Probally won't have a tempature check to go into places like Kohls or Ross but if you want your hair styled be prepared to have one done.
Resturants can open for in person dining on May 4th provided that they can maintain 6 ft of distance between tables and they have to show how they are doing that which could include removing tables, blocking off booths, not having chairs at some tables, ect. Only those from the same household can sit at a table and no more than 6 to a table have a larger family well you will either have to split into two tables and ask them to just had you one bill for both or sorry ouu will have to wait until it opens up more to go dine out (the families I know that are that large might eat out a few times a year usually for all the birthdays that fall that month because when you have 8-12 people in your family having a month or two with more than one birthday is a highly likely chance of happening. No self service anything that includes condiments, buffets, and drink stations will be allowed. In my county to make sure this is complied with the county health inspector has stated that owners must submit a letter detailing their plans to carry out all necessary steps, if you own more than one location they can be on the same letter with the license number of each place listed on the letter. There are already some calling for places to just open up and run at full capacity and get back to normal no matter what any official tells them because they can't tell anyone what to do and these restrictions are going to hold back the economy. There also has to be increase sanitation. We don't have a high number of buffet type places so it will be interesting to see if those open up and just have servers going and filling plates for customers, or if they will have servers at the stations to fill plates for those that do open. Personally I plan to wait a bit to dine in any place and especially a buffet place though there is a mongloian grill place that you normally get a bowl fill it with your choice of protein, noodles and or rice, vegetables and sauces and take it to the grill where they cook it for you that we might go to because they have a good system in place for those who want to order a to go meal before all this that could easily be implimented in an all you can eat but your server will get each plate for you in which case we will tip extra well or be prepared for a higher price for the all you can eat.
We order takeout every Friday and Saturday. We used to go out to eat on Fridays but now we get takeout from 2 of our favorite local restaurants. We want to help support them. Saturday night is usually salads at our local pizza/sub place to support them. We take the food out of the bag, unwrap the food, and put it on a plate. If it is not hot we will heat it up in the microwave.
Soooooo......I'm getting the nerve up to order a pizza to be delivered at our home tomorrow. That's never happened before as we always drove the quarter of a mile to pick it up.

Because I really didn't want to ask about tipping on the main board as we KNOW how ugly that can get, I'm hoping that our $14 order can be written with a $20.00 check with the remainder being our tip for our delivery guy..........probably was his/her substitute teacher at one time. :love:

Or does the tip have to be separate from the bill??
Do you by chance have a link to an official source where this is recommended (same with the boxes)? I keep seeing things circulating around YouTube, here, other internet corners, but then can’t find those official recommendations. Like that Dr one YouTube who did the whole video on sanitizing groceries (along with the horrible advice to wash fruit/veg in soap, don’t do that!), but the CDC and FDA say just put your groceries away and wash your hands. It’s so hard to know what’s what out there these days!

Sorry, it was a recommendation from our own doctor and our local health officials. And it was early on before they knew as much, which is why I said I wasn't sure it was necessary, but since we're used to doing it now, I figure it doesn't hurt. I have seen what you're saying that if you're not going to use something in the next 24 hours, it's safe to put away and forget about - and I do believe that's true. However, having 4 kids, I don't trust them to not touch/move things before they're safe to do so. Personally, while everything I read now says low risk, that isn't no risk and personally we haven't done SIP for 5 weeks to run the risk of ruining it ourselves.

Here is an NPR article about transferring food to your own plates (it's towards the bottom). And yes, I saw that loon who went viral about that grocery wipe down and couldn't believe people were thinking soap and water on your fruit was a good idea!
I went to Wendy's to pick up lunch today, and I'm still confused. The girl holds out a plastic container for me to put my credit card in. She then picks up and runs said credit card, puts it back in the container, and holds it out for me to grab out of the container. This container was flat on the bottom and was difficult for me to pick up the card and receipt.. I'm pretty sure I touched the plastic, and if I touched it, I''m sure other people have as well. She then hands me straws out of her hand. I don't understand the plastic container. It doesn't protect either one of us - she's still touching my card, and I'm touching the card that she touched.

I mean.. I get most of the steps restaurants are taking, but this just doesn't make any sense to me.
Tonight will be the fourth time this week I'm tired of cooking!
Soooooo......I'm getting the nerve up to order a pizza to be delivered at our home tomorrow. That's never happened before as we always drove the quarter of a mile to pick it up.

Because I really didn't want to ask about tipping on the main board as we KNOW how ugly that can get, I'm hoping that our $14 order can be written with a $20.00 check with the remainder being our tip for our delivery guy..........probably was his/her substitute teacher at one time. :love:

Or does the tip have to be separate from the bill??
We have literally dozens of pizzerias in a 2 mile radius, order from many, I’ve honestly never even thought to write a check. We now give our credit card information when we order (not wanting to be handed cash back), if we can’t put the tip on the card we tape it to the front door.
Soooooo......I'm getting the nerve up to order a pizza to be delivered at our home tomorrow. That's never happened before as we always drove the quarter of a mile to pick it up.

Because I really didn't want to ask about tipping on the main board as we KNOW how ugly that can get, I'm hoping that our $14 order can be written with a $20.00 check with the remainder being our tip for our delivery guy..........probably was his/her substitute teacher at one time. :love:

Or does the tip have to be separate from the bill??
It doesn't need to be separate. 👍
Just ordered pizzas for dinner.. contactless delivery, prepaid, tip included. Box with a seal placed on it over the opening, placed in a clear plastic bag & sealed. Delivered to door, driver knocks then leaves the food. Calls from his cell as he’s safely socially distanced to verify you know it’s there.

Worked well two weeks ago or I wouldn’t have ordered again 😊
We have been picking up Olive Garden every Friday for a few weeks now - important for us to get some air here in nyc, and gives me a chance to help out some of these places and spend some time with my kids (outside of the house!) - and they have a BOGO since they had to close and they make it really easy - we.order online and it takes 25 mins and the manager personally brings out to your car - complete on a serving tray and the food in a wicker basket - and we have enough food for at least two days !
We're trying to support small restaurants here, so doing takeout about 3 times a week, and adding an insane tip. Usually, we go out maybe once a week, and that's it. But we live in a small town, and our small businesses are getting creamed. We don't really do any special precautions. We've always been big handwashers.


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