Hula's Magic Pin Switch Trick 1/14 MERGED

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I love the DIS VMK board. We're all so passionate about our cartoon people in their little cartoon theme park. :thumbsup2

This is just about the only good part of this thread.

I will just say that I am glad Host events are back.
Not trying to enter into the fray or anything, but I thought I'd point out a couple of, what I perceive to be, fallacies in your arguments.
Lets try this one:

If your local supermarket offered a 2 hour even where they give everyone a free toaster. And 1000 people lined up to get it, and then, it took the entire two hours to give out only 75 toasters, would you thank that person for a job well done?

I can answer that one for you. No you would not. You would write a letter of complaint to the company for a disorganized and time-wasting event. Noone is going to care that the person giving away the toasters had car trouble and was 20 minutes late.
The difference between your analogy and the Trade Event is this:

1)Pin Trade events are inherently slower than, say, a teleporter game. If it were like a teleporter game, all 1000 people in the supermarket line would expect to get a toaster. If it were like a Pin Trade Event, the vast majority of those people probably wouldn't wait more than 10 minutes (assuming they get in line at all).

2)Let's assume, for argument, that Hula got through 75 people. That's about 1.5 minutes per person, per trade. That's not too bad, considering that average has to take into consideration people who were afk, laggy, and/or slow. Sure, Hula dc'd at least once or twice, and :eek: performed the Treasure Detector Magic once:eek:. With all of that taken into consideration, I think we should be thanking Hula for getting through so many people.

3)The Pin Trade Event had the excitement of random pins - the people in your analogy are expecting a specific prize. If they had the chance to be given anything in the store, from a pack of gum to the 4-wheeler, then the complaints would be minimal - especially if the person in charge was late, but continued to give out the random items for an equal amount of time after the event was supposed to end.
VMK did a bad job by simply having Hula host the event.

and seriously, I am not bent out of shape. I am pointing out inaccuarcies in the posts of people who are bent out of shape by people who complained. Life is not all perfume and roses. People complain about poor service. Thats what they do. Today, we received poor service. It does not matter who gave us the service. Or why.
Given my statements above, I don't think you can argue that we got poor service. According to my understanding, Hula isn't "assigned" events - she proposes what she want to do for the next month, and it's approved. Clearly, the VMK Team had no problem giving a very competent host a 2-hour event that a limited number of people would be able to participate in.

Personally, I'm glad for events that have limited access. I am very weary of the teleporter games that give out thousands upon thousands of the same prize all month long. Those items have historically never been of value because of that. It's nice to have the opportunity to get a rare pin, regardless of what pin that is. 75 pins in a span of 120 minutes? Great job, Hula!:woohoo:
I went out to dinner, just got back, and this thread is still going. You'd think we were talking about reusable resort mugs or pool hopping by the page count. ;)

I don't see why the "love for Hosts" being shown here is a problem. I don't suck up to anyone. It is not in my personality, never has been. If I say something, I mean it. And feelings are a huge part of my job, so I think about feelings a lot and how they can be hurt; you'd be surprised how many people seek counseling because of someone hurting their feelings. So in daily non-work life, I do what I can to try and make people feel better. Giving well-deserved compliments to help offset some of the unconstructive criticism (i.e. snarky comments) is not that big of a deal, IMO. Plus it's showing not everyone around for the event was that bothered by the problems.

Unrelated, but how do we even know the delay in starting was a Hula's computer problem? We heard "tech problem," but what if it was on VMK's end? VMK has not exactly been running optimally for me for quite a while now, so who knows.

Aengus brought up a great point: the staff member whose feelings were hurt during Dreams Month over rants lobbed their way about playing a Pirates game (or was it Mansion?). I remember this so well because I was in the room when that staff member came to set the record straight. Lag was so bad I didn't see what they typed until almost 20 minutes after the fact, but I wanted nothing more than to give this person a hug. Yes, it's a job for VMK staff, but I think they do the best they can even in the not best of circumstances. Disney employee or not, they are still people and still have feelings. As others have said, I'd probably be physically sick if my job performance was being critiqued on a message board with, what, 10,000+ members and many more readers. No thanks to that kind of job! :scared:

And lastly, I freely admit I am biased: I have seen Hula's extreme kindness in action too many times to not come to her defense and state positives. I make no apologies for that. Not that anyone was asking me to make apologies for that, but you know what I mean. :laughing:
Given my statements above, I don't think you can argue that we got poor service. According to my understanding, Hula isn't "assigned" events - she proposes what she want to do for the next month, and it's approved. Clearly, the VMK Team had no problem giving a very competent host a 2-hour event that a limited number of people would be able to participate in.

Personally, I'm glad for events that have limited access. I am very weary of the teleporter games that give out thousands upon thousands of the same prize all month long. Those items have historically never been of value because of that. It's nice to have the opportunity to get a rare pin, regardless of what pin that is. 75 pins in a span of 120 minutes? Great job, Hula!:woohoo:

Ok, she may, in fact have proposed it and it was approved. Therefore, VMK does not have a problem with poor service. Ever get to the "express" checkout, only to find that they have the oldest, slowest checker on duty there? (I am not saying Hula is old, so please do not read between the lines there like so many have done so many times in this thread) That is VMK's fault. I do not mind llimited events at all, but seriously, 1 person for every 1.5 minutes and you call that good? No way is that good. An event like this is nice and limited, yes, but the fact of teh matter is, I clicked on her room literally 5 seconds after it opened and was number 100 in line - without going into detail about how THAT should never happen either, at #100, considering Phinny typically will bang out 250 in a 3 hour even, I felt confident I would get in, for the first 10 minutes or so. Then, 25 minutes later, I was #98 (someone must have dropped out because my wife went from 24 to 23) so for the first half an hour, she services 1 person while hundreds of others wait. then, for the next hour and a half, she gets, maybe, and this is a strong maybe, 1 person for every minute. The room closed with me at #15.2 hours, and I did not get in. Mind you, I really, really do not care that I did not get something. What I care about is teh fact that, I should have. And the fact that I did not, after waiting 2 hours in a relatively good position, is what really bugs me. VMK dropped the ball by allowing the slowest checker to run the express lane, instead of being the greeter (pic events), or manning the automated checkouts (teleporter games).
^Someone already mentioned this, but we don't know what was involved in the "magic" that chose what pin each person got. If she had to use a number generator or computer program or whatever, that's going to take extra time no matter which Host runs the event.
^Someone already mentioned this, but we don't know what was involved in the "magic" that chose what pin each person got. If she had to use a number generator or computer program or whatever, that's going to take extra time no matter which Host runs the event.

when you go to McDonalds and order a burger, do you really care about a new process by which they make the burgers? or do you just care about getting your burger in a timely manner?
when you go to McDonalds and order a burger, do you really care about a new process by which they make the burgers? or do you just care about getting your burger in a timely manner?

I do care about getting it in a timely manner. But, I pay for food from McDonald's. I don't pay for VMK unless I choose to buy Pirates pins, or if I, in the past, planned WDW vacations around quests or because of quests (I didn't). I see your point doc, I do, but I just respectfully disagree with that analogy. Agree to disagree, I suppose. :)
mtlhdoc, in some ways, I think you're note seeing the whole big picture here. I don't think anyone here thinks that there would be a large number of people would be able to participate in the trading eventss. I'm sure we have all been shut out of this kind of event from time to time in our VMK days.

So, you are basically saying that VMK should not run games and events that don't have high capacity? Should they only run teleporter games and quests on the Q button because those have higher capacities?

I think that would get very boring very quickly. I think it's great that they have a combination of events that are relatively easy for everyone to get in, and more creative games and events, even if I can't always get into them. It keeps things fresh and exciting. If I don't get into an event one night, I can always try again at a later date.

So I don't really buy your whole customer service argument, because ultimately, I think that they are giving us what we really want. More events, and new events to keep VMK fun, fresh, and exciting.

Just a bit of an analogy here. Let's say Aerosmith was doing a show one night at a 70,000 stadium and we all got in. And then the next night, they were playing a theatre at a 1000 seat theatre, and I got in but you didn't because you didn't get through to get tickets in time. Would that make Aerosmith a bad band because they had an event with a lower capacity and you didn't get in?

Some events have lower capacities than others. I think most people on VMK know that a pin trading event is not going to get to as many people as teleporter game. Doesn't mean that the customer service is bad.
I would love to see 2 or 3 hosts all in the same room doing the pin trading!
I think the point is that there's no reason to make an already low-capacity event run any slower than it needs to. Hula's computer problems affect some events more than others.

Your Aerosmith analogy isn't quite right. A better one would be if the 1000 seat venue had a single cashier selling tickets at the door on a ten year old machine with a ticket printer that kept jamming, and only managed to get through 500 of the tickets before curtain.
I think the point is that there's no reason to make an already low-capacity event run any slower than it needs to. Hula's computer problems affect some events more than others.

Your Aerosmith analogy isn't quite right. A better one would be if the 1000 seat venue had a single cashier selling tickets at the door on a ten year old machine with a ticket printer that kept jamming, and only managed to get through 500 of the tickets before curtain.

Beautiful. That is it in a nutshell.

I am all for these events. BUT for an event like this, first of all, to be the first real host event since August of 07, is ridiculous, second of all, an event like this needs your top seller. You should really try to get as many people though as quickly as you can to make it a timely event.

As for "we do not pay for this" - well, yes, yes we do. We pay for it every time we visit Disney, every time we buy something with the Disney name attached to it. Every time we turn on ABC or the Disney Channel or listen to Radio Disney, we pay for this. VMK is an advertisement for Disney, and how do you think advertising dollars are raised? By selling product. If the product does not sell or the advertisement does not work, it is discontinued. Look at the Miller "Man Law" commercials. They are hailed as some of the best commercials of the last decade, yet they were discontinued. Why? Because they did not translate into additional sales. VMK obviously does, therefore it continues to exist. We may not pay an entrance fee, but we certainly do pay and we should be treated as paying customers.
Thank goodness this event was only for pins and during an "off" time. Could you imagine this thread if the event was held during the weekend and was for rare or high in demand furniture items? :laughing:

Wait until it's held next week when the schools and many businesses are closed. It'll be mayhem!
Ok, everyone wanted "constructive criticism" - basically, solve the problems that VMK does not care about or an entire advertising wing cannot figure out:

Here they are for these pin trading event:

1: No Hula - seriously, Hula is my favorite host, but she has the worst possible computer luck, her teleporter games are top notch, let her do those.

2: If you are going to advertise an event, make sure the event actually is open for the times stated. For this event, it was really only a 3 second event. If you did not get into the queue immediately, you didnt get in at all.

2a: to assist that, make it so the event is actually a 2 hour event. Eliminate the queue altogether. When the room is full, it says "full" and gives you the old "queue is full message" we used to get or something to that effect, this way everyone, including people who were not on and clicking into the room at open+1second, can attempt to participate.

3: streamline the process, it simply should not take the host more than a few seconds ton give each person their pin. It could be a pay-gate, or some other way, but the whole takes a minute or more to trade" thing is a joke.
Its unfortunate that you feel that way, but I dont listen to customer complaints either. In my world of financial services, I cannot really help you if you dont provide me with what your possible solution is to the problem that occurred. Provide that, then maybe I could see what I can do for you and if the tax law allows me. :thumbsup2

Since most of us are not financial experts how could we possibly know what are the solutions, isn't that what we pay experts for? My solution would be "Fix it".

Shame on you for not listening to your customer complaints. They must call you the "Black Hole" too.
Maybe my eyes were starting to blur half way through all these posts, but did I miss something? Did anyone at any point say something that was actually mean and hurtful towards Hula? All I really saw was stuff like "Hula is a great person and very nice, etc." followed by "but her computer is known to have problems and she really shouldn't be the one in charge of events like this". I don't recall seeing anything like "Hula sucks! Fire her now!" So, how is all of that supposed to be hurtful? It's not like it's a personal attack on her...and I can't imagine that she'd really take comments about her computer being difficult to heart.

As a side note...I've mentioned this before, but really the one thing that bugs me about Hosts and other VMK staff reading these boards and such is that *they* have a habit of bringing stuff into the game. Which, the last time I checked, it was against VMK values for *us* to do that, so I'm not sure why it's okay for them. I've seen where stuff from here gets mentioned in there. And the strongest example of this was when Yavn was bringing up things, either on his newsletter or on That kind of thing is completely unprofessional. I feel that, if a person is saying something about VMK outside of the game (whether it be criticism or praise), as long as they are not making personal attacks (e.g. so and so is so ugly, they are really stupid, etc.), they have that right to do so without worrying about a host holding it against them in game. Just my two cents.
:sad2: - sigh - :sad2: I really dont even know where to begin on this thread. I stepped away from it because the so called critisism was getting way to personal for my taste.

Hula I am sorry if you have read this post. It was not meant to be an 'attack Hula for not giving me a pin' day. I for one am happy you are Hosting this event. I cant wait till next Monday :goodvibes Thank you for all the great pins you handed out and even giving some lucky players a treasure magic.

Now.. where to begin...
Ok, she may, in fact have proposed it and it was approved. Therefore, VMK does not have a problem with poor service.
I'm not going to express my feelings on this except to remind you that words do hurt.

Seems to me some people forget the extra and most likely unpaid hours all the staff put in yesterday all day to get the rooms judged. For a free game I highly doubt if anyone gets paid overtime, let alone a good amount of pay. Thank you Hosts for those extra hours you put in and worked late just so we would have one less thing to complain about.

Hula did have a problem getting on that was totally out of her hands. She did everything she could. To make up for this she kept the room open past the hours she was supposed to have so we could have a full 2 hours of pin trading. Again so we would have one less thing to complain about.

Nobody knows how the pins were chosen. My personal opinion? Hula did a quick peek into each of our inventories to see which pin we did not have yet. Hence " magical " pin trading. Takes a little longer yes, worth the wait? definately!

Did everyone forget this was the first host event in weeks? Everyone who got in had a chance to tell Hula something. I know most of us here even the ones not happy with todays event have missed seeing her :hug: Then take into count the people who have been waiting for weeks at a chance to ask a Host a VMK technical question. Not sure she would have even answered them today but still it takes time to ask while others are waiting.

Also bc this event was at a different time some people who dont normally make it into pin trading got to. I am sure a few had to be told what they needed to do.

Can I see with all of this combined (slightly tired from gingerbread house judging, possible needing to peek into everyones inventory, quick hi's or questions, new people in the event not sure what to do) Yeah I can see a minute and a half per trade. Oh and yes we shouldn't forget the lag monster who always seems to find Hula at the worst possible times.

I think those of you who are unhappy should first take a breath and count to ten. Then take a moment and think of how this is going to look to someone else and most likely the person/host you are upset with. I feel bad for Hula bc she does not have a voice here. She has no way of explaining what happened. You want to ask about today, then try in game during her event. If she says something there that makes you not happy then by all means.. complain. I for one will not stand in your way. But dont sit here knowing she has no voice and take it out on her like that. Nobody deserves that kind of treatment.

With all that said I hope those of you who did not make it in this week get to next monday. For those of you not happy with Hulas pin choice or the long wait, nobody is going to make you get back in line. For those of you who did make it in congrats!

Many hugs to you Aloha Girl! Sorry this thread was hurtful at times but I hoped you looked past that to those of us who understand life aint always perfect.

Side note: Hulas last trading event? As far as I can remeber was her yard sales. Everyone had a great time there as I am sure we will have doing pin trades with her.
Just a quick note! Dont forget this is a game, sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. well I lost as well in the pin trades, but the pirates were wonderful :cool1:
Since most of us are not financial experts how could we possibly know what are the solutions, isn't that what we pay experts for? My solution would be "Fix it".

Shame on you for not listening to your customer complaints. They must call you the "Black Hole" too.

Cat, that is why you have a tax advisor or at least have some knowledge of your own tax picture. Financial Institutions cannot and will not provide you tax services because they do not know your "total" financial picture. If they do, then they are violating regulatory laws. Most individuals have assets in multiple financial insitutions, so therefore giving you a solution on what we retain, can harm you more than make it better.
I'm not going to express my feelings on this except to remind you that words do hurt.

Yet another shining example of someone taking something out of context and highlighting it and trying to make me sound evil.

This is why people complain about the "Host love" - because certain people totally dismiss others complaints and rain praise down on VMK and the hosts.\

Next time you are at the checkout counter, and the girl stops to chitchat with her friend instead of ringing up your order after you just spent 2 hours shopping ina crowded store and then waited an hour in line while your ice cream is melting, just think... it may be her first time checking out in weeks! Maybe she has not seen that friend in a while! Who are we to complain that we are not getting proper service that we expect?
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