Kids on shoulders comments

"I would truly hope that everyone be considerate to those around them regardless of the situation."

Of course, I couldn't agree more.

"I also believe there are ways to do this and be unobtrusive."

Again, I coudn't agree more.

I believe that putting your child on your shoulders can be done without ruining the view of everyone behind you.

Wonderful! I agree with you totaly! Until now, I had no idea that you understood that parents aren't always in the act of being selfish when thier children are on thier shoulders. I'm glad you made that clear.

I certainly hope that this explains what I was trying to say. I'm not sure I can explain it any clearer than that. If you disagree....I accept that.

Apparently, we don't disagree. Thank you for clairifying that.
Again, I agree with some of the points Shasta is trying to make here. It is NOT black and white, which is what she
My only point is to say that I'm not "she" but "HE". :lmao: If you saw me, there is no mistaking me for a lady. I'm in the photo below, holding my daughter. :)
Wow, four pages of comments and stories and ranting and raving in the end no one is right and no one is wrong. As a guest, we just have to remember that everyone else is on vacation as well and we just need to be as considerate as possible. Remember we are in a happy place and You Tube has Disney World videos that can be watched if you miss something. I know, I know, a lot of money was spent and we should be able to enjoy it all. Then, remember a lot of people come to the World so you may have to pick a spot out early. And using your screaming kids as an excuse is not acceptable. I have given up many spots in line to meet characters and squatted many times for kids. Kids will have to learn like everyone else that sometimes we just don't get what we want. That is a fact of life.
Of course, I couldn't agree more.

Again, I coudn't agree more.

Wonderful! I agree with you totaly! Until now, I had no idea that you understood that parents aren't always in the act of being selfish when thier children are on thier shoulders. I'm glad you made that clear.

Apparently, we don't disagree. Thank you for clairifying that.

You do realize that all of those were quotes from my previous posts right?
I also would not have a problem with a child on your shoulders if you do that as soon as you choose your seat and/or your viewing location. So, if you are there 2 hours early and already have a kid on your shoulders...I will know that this is your priority and will not stand behind you. :lmao:

If you mean this quote, I never took it seriously because I didn't think you were seriously expecting a parent to put a child on thier shoulders two hours prior to a parade. I based this opinion on your choice of smiley ":lmao: ".

If you are now saying that were serious and would expect that of a parent, maybe we don't see "eye to eye".
Nope, definitely not trying to entertain my kid for any more than 30 minutes in one place like a parade. DH (6'2") and I (5'11") will happily stand at the back with DS up on our shoulders.
Sorry, but I don't get how blocking someone elses's view on purpose(not ala Kevin, but doing something in addition to your height) could ever be seen as OK. If you have someone small with you, get there early or deal with it.

And thanks to whoever posted the ladder lady so I didn't have to go searching for that photo! :rotfl2:
5 pages on why to avoid parades......and what a great time to hit the rides! :wizard:
About midway through the show she comes over almost in tears. A person with a stroller and a bunch of kids came up from behind, pushed her on the ground and then out of the way and told her to leave - they wanted to see. I do wish I had stayed at her side instead of being so considerate, but was simply apalled at the level of rudeness I do see from some folks. nise
Then is the time to take your daughter back to that very spot and reclaim your place and stay with her.
I So here I am, in my good spot. And I waited for the parade. Just as the front of the parade comes into view a woman pushed through the crowd with a toddler in a stroller, handing the kid off to another woman near, but not at, the front by the rope. Next thing, the kid is pushed up to the front. Then the whole family follows. About 6 people. By now they've wedged themselves almost in front of my ECV and the rope. It started to drizzle. Out comes the umbrellas (so the kid doesn't melt) and now I can't see a darn thing. !
Next time you need to go with somebody so he can grab the umbrellas and furl them, clear the parade crashers from in frojnt of your ECV and then pull the ECV forward sp upic ccan see.
Hi Everyone ! I have read through all of the comments. I think that a lot of you have very valid points on both sides. My husband and I have 3 daughters princess: princess: princess: and have been going to Disney World for the past 13 years with them. I have to say that we will do anything to ensure the best experience for them but NOT EVER at someone else's expense. Maybe it is because we see how ridiculous people act when they think nothing of people who are already there waiting.....the pushing, shoving, and even standing in front of my kids who were there when noone else was.... :mad: My husband and I try very hard to be considerate to those around us and work hard to teach our daughters' that. My husband and I have always put them on our hips to hold them if people are behind us, or purposely walked behind everyone if we felt that we needed to put them on our shoulders. I am not trying to sound like some goody goody, but I feel that a little common courtesy is nothing more than exercising common sense.:thumbsup2 We don't always go at the busiest times granted, but we always head over to Frontier land to get a spot for the parade early on right behind the rope. I wouldn't expect to be able for us to see the parade in the same capacity if we just waltzed up the last few minutes before the start. I think for the most part though from the sounds of the people posting on this thread that most of you wouldn't expect that anyway. If only EVERYONE who went to Disney would be Dissers and podcast listeners. :grouphug:
:tink: :tink: ok...this is my number 1 issue when we go to disney. I have a two year old and in january this will be our third trip with her. We always get to our parade spot about 2 hours before hand. We save our spot taking turns making bathroom trips and getting lunch or dinner to eat while we wait. This gives my daughter a break, we use the bathrooms so we dont have to stop later and get our eatting out of the way. Then after we have sat there all that time people shove their older children right in front of my daughter. The first time we went she was just under 1 and we had her in her stroller and as soon as the parade started the parents just pushed their kids in front of her. This really makes me mad because we sit the enitire time so the kids behind us can still see. I think so parents are so rude. If you want you and your children to see the parade well then get there early enough! And if you choose to not show up till 10 minutes before the start then stand behind everyone else with your kid on your shoulders.
Has anyone brought up the issue that kids on shoulders is dangereous for the kid. period? The kid could fall off>
Has anyone brought up the issue that kids on shoulders is dangereous for the kid. period? The kid could fall off>

Nope, your the first. Everything else about parades aside, I myself am strong enough to handle my 2 yo on my shoulders. Of course something could happen, but a train could hit us too.
Nope, your the first. Everything else about parades aside, I myself am strong enough to handle my 2 yo on my shoulders. Of course something could happen, but a train could hit us too.
Or a Segway....;)
OK I gave up reading after the first 3 pages b/c my eyes started to hurt but almost everyone had great comments on this. I remember when I was young and light enough to sit on my fathers shoulders (1980s), we were always considerate. I was young but I always remember standing in front of a tree (and getting yelled at for trying to climb it while on dads or against a wall whenever I was on dad's shoulders (I have pictures of me sleeping leaning against the wall way up there). My father was always polite and would always turn around and see who was behind us. He's always instilled in me that you have to be considerate of others...THEY PAID THE SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY TO SEE THE SHOWS TOO. :) Maybe my dad came from a different time of all the new guys that don't 'care' about others around them.

I know its impossible for everyone with small children to get there an hour early... but at least look behind you when you throw your kid on your shoulders and make sure you aren't RUINING another child's Disney dream.
I think that I, as a childless woman have a hard time understanding the people who bring their kids up on their shoulders up near the front. In the back? Fine, I can understand that. But in the front I just don't get it.

But honestly what really irritates me is the people who do it regardless right in front of someone taking video! It has happened to both DH and I at both WDW and on the Disney Cruises (especially on the cruises!) and it's very frustrating. Even more so when they look back at you and see that you have a video camera to your eye. DH actually had this happen at the Villains Mix and Mingle and then happen with 5 different sets of parents during the sail away party on our cruise, just our last two Disney related trips. It seems to happen every time! It's enough to drive me up a wall and let out a little groan any time I see it now. It's not that I believe that all parents who do this are inconsiderate, I've just come across quite enough of them to last me a lifetime.
i haven't heard this podcast yet, but we're just back from a 9 day visit to WDW....

DD and I had several encounters with the kid on the shoulders problem....

you find a 'really good spot' to view wishes or the parade and then suddenly, as it begins, up goes the kid right in front of you blocking your view..

we quickly learned to watch for this in placing ourselves for wishes....
we strategically positioned ourselves behind people without kids and stayed very close behind them no matter where they moved (generally they were doing the same thing - trying to stay close behind other childless groups)..

for the most part we were successful in avoiding being behind the last minute two headed 7 foot person...


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