Lights, Actions and Engines Quest Guide *Spoiler*

So I finally have time to do the quests and I'm doing the Blue car quest and it won't register when I go to Tommorrowland Hub. I've tried several times. Is there anything I need to do besides just going to the correct room?
Any ideas?

how do i get the suit pin? iclick the bilboard, do the test thingy, go to the graVYARD have no pin :(
Great, thanks. Now I can't find number five.

Where did you find the 2nd atom on the yellow car quest. And how about 3 to 5 as well :)

I tried sitting on the four red chairs on the platform, but nothing happned. I am jsut not seeing it.

Can anyone list where the atoms are for the green car? I did the same thing that Lynn did, spent all night trying to get the 85 ghosts (because no one would play 3 or 4 against me) and then I couldn't find the atom. I tried quitting, but when I pull the quest up again it immediately says that i didn't complete whatever number i was on and it sends me back. I want to cry, that I wasted so much time tonight. :guilty: Can anyone help out, so that it doesn't happen to me again? Even just the first atom would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
ekmdisney said:
Where did you find the 2nd atom on the yellow car quest. And how about 3 to 5 as well :)

I tried sitting on the four red chairs on the platform, but nothing happned. I am jsut not seeing it.


It was on the chair furthest to the left towards the corner. I'm suprised that you didn't get it when you sat on all four. I'm not sure what else to tell you. I definetly got it by sitting on the chair. Now I can't find the ones for level four. :badpc: I shouldn't get this frustrated by a game...
planes trains and automobiles. in tomorrowland find the place where all the cars have metal wheels.

or something like that.

is that the monorail? and if so i can never find it through tomorrowland. :( just everywhere else.
citrussplash said:
planes trains and automobiles. in tomorrowland find the place where all the cars have metal wheels.

or something like that.

is that the monorail? and if so i can never find it through tomorrowland. :( just everywhere else.

At the Tomorrowland Hub, go into the third teleporter. You'll go to the Tomorrowland monorail station.
When playing this challenge (right now I'm playing the beginner one), do you have to get the whole 75,000 points in the fire works game in one game? Or, can you play until you rack up 75,000 points? If you can play multiple games, can anyone give me pointers on how to improve me score? I'm pathetic at it. My best score so far was only a little over 9 thousand. :blush:

Anyone complete the expert quest? I'm doing it now and am at the fireworks part (thank God! that it is not timed!). The 280,000 score is so hard to reach! I only did it once a long time ago, which is how I got fireworks magic. Even though I did it before, anyone have any advice for reaching that score? My average for the last few times I've played it is 240,000. Thanks for the help.

VMK name : ItsTheRoc
The only time a few players were able to beat it was when it was originally 200,000 the first two nights it launched. On the third day they moved it to 280,000 and it has not moved ever since. Only the top Fireworkers can get it, but most of them can't achieve 85 ghosts in HM either.
T i DuBL GuH eRR said:
Anyone complete the expert quest? I'm doing it now and am at the fireworks part (thank God! that it is not timed!). The 280,000 score is so hard to reach! I only did it once a long time ago, which is how I got fireworks magic. Even though I did it before, anyone have any advice for reaching that score? My average for the last few times I've played it is 240,000. Thanks for the help.

VMK name : ItsTheRoc

Hey. I am also doing this quest. I just got the required number of ghosts, but only because of the help from some great people (PrncssPmpkn and Selphi), but the fireworks will take much, much longer! I have never, ever reached 280K. My best score is in the 260's, but I hope with practice that I can achieve it. I am wondering if I have to get a "perfect" for each and every firework to obtain the 280K, because I don't think that I can. I would also welcome advice from the experts!
I am now convinced that this expert fireworks task is impossible. I have seen no one do it. Can vmk just please lower the score needed to pass this task!
I've become desprite. I am TRYing to get my new mule on the yellow car quest. Everytime, EVERYtime I play a game the other person ALWAYS leaves because they lost the first round. I just need SOMEONE ANYone to help me get 45 ghosts, three rounds. That's all I'm asking I've been trying since VMK opening.
mtblujeans said:
In the Beginner Quest, how do you earn the 500 credits?

play any amount of mini-games, or just sell stuff until you sold an amount of 500 credits
I can't remember where those atoms are for the yellow car @_@ please someone help lol!!!! ASAP
Tiinkerbelle said:
I can't remember where those atoms are for the yellow car @_@ please someone help lol!!!! ASAP

Hmm.. the first one is on the far side of the platform and the second was on a chair.. I'm sorry I can't remember the rest... but, they weren't too difficult :) Good Luck!!


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