Offical Check-In List 10/30/04 "Magic"

Good Morning everyone:

I was glad to get on and still see some of us out there.

Ginger: See you on the ship!! Have safe travel down. Have a drink for me when you see everyone Friday night!!:drinking1

Teri: I case I am so excited about this cruise, I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!:bday: :bday: :bday:

It's a very busy week for everyone, I'll be here till Friday. We leave on Sat morning. Early flight 7am..

I got myself 85% packed. DH just went out and bought a new Sports coat. Looks good. So I guess we are on the way to being ready.

The kids have a couple more projects and after school things going on, but we are all trying to keep our heads.

Off to work today,

Good morning to those who are still here. We got back from Disney yesterday afternoon. We had a GREAT time!!!:teeth:

We met up with KEH and family at EPCOT and spent the day with them. They are a wonderful family!!

Then in the evening we went to MNNSHP. What a blast that was with Emily. She was soooo good!!! It was amazing to watch her get such enjoyment out of EVERYTHING!!! The park wasn't crowded at all. Of course we got LOTS and LOTS of candy!!!:hyper: Just what I need right before the cruise! We only stayed until 10:30 and then went back to the hotel.

Now its back to getting ready for the cruise.:Pinkbounc :bounce:

MICHELLE: It takes us about 1hour 45 min to get to WDW from our house. And it takes up 1hour to get to the cruise terminal.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TINA!!!:cake: :bday: :cake: I didnt want to forget either.

GINGER: I will see you on Friday. Have a safe drive!!

Hi everyone-
Sorry I haven't been on in a while- I changed jobs and had to take a nursing certification exam so I've been studying quite a bit-
Happy and safe travels to those getting ready to head oot-

Radisson group- still out by the pool ~4:30pm? We'll probably be the ones with a prune for a child : ). This is our first time and Greek food sounds better than McDs.

Ginger- any special hooch you want? And again THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! Ryan's so excited about the cruise!! and his Mom is even more! We lost our Betta "Harry Potter" a few weeks ago. We'll probably get another one when we come back cause I miss he little guy!

Bob- Thanks for making the paddles- I think that will help with add ons but I did pack extra candy just in case.

Judi- We'll definately want one of the CDs. Thanks so much for thinking of that and the pictures.

Jennifer- glad to hear about your amnio. I know it's hard waiting for those results.

Teri- you sure are brave swimming now- I don't want summer to be over yet either but scraping frost off the windshield has a way of making you face up to it. You live in a beautiful city.

Dena- I'm gonna get in the Emily line- She sure is a cute.

Baton twirlers- I'm an old.. I mean ex twirler myself so I'll definately come cheer you on!

I can't wait to meet everyone-
See you soon!
Now I gotta pack- Ugh!

Thanks Michelle and Dena for the Birthday wishes.

I finished packing today and have been busy cleaning house. I have 2 big suitcases of clothes, 1 medium full of Halloween stuff, and 1 xtra large with my pillows, fan, (take it everywhere can't sleep without the noise,) and miscellaneous Items. We also have a carry-on bag with breakable items.We are leaving Thursday and I can't wait. My Husband has been printing out count down notes for the last month complete with various picture's fron the ship, CC and islands. He leaves them next to the coffee pot so I will have something happy to see each morning.

Donna- We are still planning on meeting by the pool around 4:30. I will probably be swimming way before then. WE plan to get to the Radisson by 11:00 a.m. I hope to be in the pool by noon. The temp has dropped here this week, so I have not been in my pool. I think I am done till next Spring.:sad: It is getting to cold to get in. At least I can swim all next week on the magic.

Okay you vets of the 7 day. I am now confused. How does this rotation for dinner work. I just printed three different rotations for the san juan cruise in Sept. I do not know if they are the same as ours. How do I know what one I have? I want to make reservations
faireygod mother,
You will receive your Dinner reservations when you board. You will have tickets in your room with your name , table # and dining rotation. You will rotate between ( AP- Animators Palate) Tritons, and Parott Cay. You could start in any of these.

You can only make reservations for Dinner for Palo's.

Good morning,:wave:

My last day of work :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :Pinkbounc .

All over packed and ready to go.:Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce:

Donna anything you like. Sorry about your Betta, we are going to get a new one also. This time I'm going to make sure it's not an old one thou.

I'll be looking for everyone around the pool Friday, Ashley and i will be there early too Teri.
Donna there are other good eating place close by besides Greeks and Mc D's.
We can talk about that on Friday.
got to go.
See you all soooooooooooon!

Last one here turn off the lights:crazy:

Love ya! Ginger, Bill and Ashley

:wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
Let's Go Joepuckerup:
I want to go now!!!:sad: Well at least I got two more days to finish our packing. DH and youngest DS are done, suitcase closed. I have almost all of oldest Ds's clothes ready to go in the suitcase. Just have to find all of the socks that the dryer ate.LOL

My neighbor is hemming a skirt for me and hopefully she will be done today so I can pack it. Going to finish everything but the laptop tonight. Can't pack the computer until tomorrow because I have to get our flight seats in the morning.

I can't wait to get on the boat. Hopefully I will get to meet some of you guys on Saturday at the port. Wish I could be joining you all for drinks by the pool on Friday. But we will be down in Orlando for the night. If anyone needs anything from the store just let me know. I am going to pick up some soda and wine on the way up to the port on Saturday.

Got to go finish doing the cupcakes for TJ's class. He won't be there to be the birthday boy so his teacher is letting us bring the stuff in today. Then I am done, and I can clean my house.

Have a great day!!!
Morning everyone:

I'll be here till Friday late afternoon. Then all hech will break out. The kids have a spirit parade and high school football game complete with fireworks Friday Night. We hope to have the car packed, and ready to go by the time we all get home. Off to the airport EARLY Sat morning. 4:30 am. :crazy:

Judi: If you could pick me up a bottle of Pinot Gir (sp) I would love it. Something around $10-$12. I'll be glad to find you in line at the port or find your room later. I thought I could find some water at the airport and bring them along.

Does anyone know if the room steward will give me a bottle opener?

Teri: How long will it take you to get to FL?

Ginger: I guess I'll be the last one here.:sad:

Donna: I know all you have to do is pick up that baton and it will all come back to you. It's just like riding a bike. A few twirls and the whole routine comes back. I think Lynda and I both brought them.

Dena: Gald you had a good time in WDW. Looking forward to seeing that little one of yours. Also the older ones, I think we have children the same age.

Okay, still looking for the site t get on to find out what is going on in St. Maarten the day we are there. If I remember correctly they are have a festival.

Okay, better go to work. I'll be here later. Wish I was on that plane already!!!

Michelle, It takes us about 7 hours to get to Port Canaveral. We are leaving at 3:00 tomorrow when Hubby gets off work. We will probably drive to Ormond Beach (about 5 hours).

Ginger, Donna, Dena, Linda, Robin, and any other "DIS'er's, I will see you by the pool Friday at 4:30.

Judi- I will be looking for you at the terminal.

Hi everyone, just chcking in quickly from Disneyquest. We saw Dena & family at Epcot on Sunday - Emily is just so cute.

Went to MNSSHP last night and stood right next to Julie & her family during the parade! How starnge is that!

See you all on Saturday.

MHB In St Maarten on Tuesday it is "All souls day" and "Carribean Tourism Day"

On 11/11 there is a parade and festival.

Please let me know that I am not the only one out there not packed.
Well, I am still "around" because I am local. :teeth: I'll keep checking the thread until Friday evening, and <I>possibly</I> Saturday morning if I am not running late.

Have not heard anything more about the festivities in St. Maarten. I was thinking there must be something "happening" for "<I>All Souls Day</I>" and "<I>Carribean Tourism Day</I>" - which is the day we will be there - but no further word. Guess we'll find out when we get there!

Did my second MNSSHP of the month on Sunday with my adult nephew as Boba Fett from Star Wars. He was so "real" (voice box and all) that several people asked to be photographed with him, and a couple asked for his autograph. He explained that he was not a Cast Member, but they wanted him to sign their WDW autograph book as Boba Fett anyway. Strange. I guess since it is not a Disney character, it was okay.

I will be at MNSSHP again tomorrow night. Have not decided if I want to go in costume. That jumpsuit for Gadget is really too uncomfortable to dine in at LTT (probably couldn't breathe!), plus it recommends dry cleaning so . . . I don't know.

My already packed "normal" Disney cruise luggage is one checked bag and one carry-on shoulder tote, but the Halloween candy is accumulating (what I bought for the t-or-t plus received at MNSSHP), so I <I>may</I> end up lugging a second carry-on full of candy. :eek:

I hope everyone has a good safe trip down here. I still have a rental car reserved for to and from the port, which I did in case another hurricane arrived. But since none are predicted, I will probably go ahead and drive my own car to the port and park there as usual. Since a tornado already passed between the terminals about a week ago, there isn't likely to be another one, right? :confused:
Anyone heard an update on Formal Night conflict with Halloween and any potential changes? I keep calling, and they tell me they don't know yet.

Were you and your nephew at MNNSHP on Sunday? We saw someone dressed as boba fett and the costume was awesome. My DH and BIL thought he worked for Disney. I was in such awe of the costume I never even looked at who he was with. As a matter of fact, we passed by him 3 or 4 times during the night. Oh well, if it was you I missed you, but I'll see you Sunday.

Just getting finished packing, and filling in our documents.

Ginger, I'm so sorry about the fish, and Erin is sad for Ashley.

Getting to excited. Can't believe we leave in less then 48 hours and on the ship in about 68. We are staying the night before at Port Orleans Riverside.

Everyone be safe and Happy in your travels, see ya onboard.
Donna in NJ
Dena - Yes, we were there Sunday and he was the only Boba Fett that evening. I was always in front of him somewhere, because he looked better alone. He was fine for the first couple of hours. After that, because he was sweating like crazy, his "armor" started disconnecting from his uniform. I kept having to put him back together, so to say . . . even resorted to using masking tape from a CM at a gift shop, to use on the underside of the armor to help keep it on. But the perspiration won out and the armor kept falling off. Finally we went back to the car for him to change. We came back in the park after that, but he was already exhausted from his "ordeal." He has since resolved the problem and will be "trooping" somewhere with the 501st Stormtrooper Garrison this weekend I think.

As for me, I may be a "bits and pieces" Gadget tomorrow night. I don't know. :crazy:

Looking forward to meeting everyone on the cruise!
Faireygodmother - You are not the only one still not packed! I ended up taking the extra day off work today, so I'm feeling a little bit less panicked about having time to do everything. I think only one load of laundry is left to do. My husband, bless his heart, ironed all his short-sleeve sport shirts himself last night. Also, need one quick trip to the store for some toiletries, etc...

We had trouble getting Matt to go to sleep night before last - he kept saying "Only 2 more school days and then we go on the Disney Cruise!"

Quick question for repeat cruisers - are there hairdryers in the staterooms, similar to what is provided at a hotel?



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