Official 2009 College Football Discussion Thread

would someone please clue our quarterback in on this on film today....thou shalt take a sack and not throw to the jerseys that are not the color of thy school he attends


Good game versus those Aubs. They have a week off before they play Bama!

What's this I hear about the UGA fans trashing the North end of Campus while they're tailgating? Not cool, dude. Talk to your brothers and sisters about taking care of their place. I was at a UGA game once and it's too nice a place to be trashed up.

Bama played State to a 31-3 finish. It's a good thing the SEC has ruled that no noisemakers (cowbells) are allowed <ha>. Still not a complete game for Bama. We play UT-Chattanooga next and hopefully we can get through with no injuries to the Lovliest Village On The Plains. The conference bowl picture will firm up shortly too and we'll know where everyone is going.

Kind of a thin lineup of games this week. I guess LSU-Ole Miss is the best game on the calendar...

Will have to listen to the games this Saturday on my XM radio while driving to the Fort! :cool1:

Bama ED
We only get to 1 or 2 games a season (tix for family of 5 are $$$$$). In the past, we used to be able to park on the sidewalk on North Campus and tailgate there. Now the school has blocked off all the parking for VIPs. When people tailgate on North Campus now, they have to lug all their stuff there. I guess people are too lazy to clean up and take stuff to their cars now. I will have a word with them.

Woohoo, I get to go to the Auburn/Alabama game this coming Friday! Woohoo! We probably won't win, but I'll be there! Woohoo!
Hope everyone had a nice and tasty Thanksgiving. Packing the MH this morning and heading for B.R. The television set survived the LSU loss to Ole Miss last weekend, and we decided to go to the last home game of the season. At least there will be 90 thousand people to call TIMEOUT if the coaches don't do it in a timely manner.
We really enjoyed the Auburn-Alabama game. I always just hope that the best team wins. Good luck to all those teams who are looking forward to their bowl invitations. We are not planning on attending any as we are going to WDW the last week of January instead.
Love college football and WDW.
I have to say that the Auburn/Bama game was ausome! (and yes, I spelled that correctly!;)) I went into the stadium knowing that there was no chance for us to win, and we actually almost pulled it off. I look for good things to come from our coaching staff in the years forward. I will post pics from the 50 yard line when I get home. We are on the Turnpike parking lot right now going 10mph.

Pete and TCD will be happy to know that I will be routing for reptiles next week!:cheer2:
I will post later on the Alabama - Auburn game but I am a week behind in posting here.

We drove down to the Fort the Saturday before Thanksgiving and I listened to several games on the XM radio in my Suburban including the LSU-Ole Miss game which had as its ending LSU spiking the ball with one second to go when trailing. Since I have Alabama season tickets and go to the games I had forgotten how exciting a radio broadcast can be. It was kindof a new experience for the kids too since they go to the games with me...

Yesterday I listened to several games coming home from teh Fort. I listened to parts of TN-KY, MSU-UM, ND-Stan, and Clem-SC. It was neat! Made all those traffic woes more tolerable!

Bama ED
Bama disposed of Auburn on Friday 26-21. It was a close game as many of the rivalry games were over the weekend. Great drive there at the end for Bama - very dominating. Auburn fans are claiming a moral victory which is fine with me. Pat Dye was on the radio this afternoon and it was entertaining to say the least. I could tell one team had two weeks to prepare for this game and the other team had 5 days.

Oh well. Bama is headed to a repeat of last year's conference championship. At the office my buddies who are 'Canes and Seminole fans are pulling for Bama. Should be a great game!

BTW, Charlie Weiss finally got fired today. I don't think Urban Meyer would leave Florida to take that job so someone else will have to fill it.

Roll Tide Roll!

Bama ED
Bama disposed of Auburn on Friday 26-21. It was a close game as many of the rivalry games were over the weekend. Great drive there at the end for Bama - very dominating. Auburn fans are claiming a moral victory which is fine with me. Pat Dye was on the radio this afternoon and it was entertaining to say the least. I could tell one team had two weeks to prepare for this game and the other team had 5 days.

Oh well. Bama is headed to a repeat of last year's conference championship. At the office my buddies who are 'Canes and Seminole fans are pulling for Bama. Should be a great game!

BTW, Charlie Weiss finally got fired today. I don't think Urban Meyer would leave Florida to take that job so someone else will have to fill it.

Roll Tide Roll!

Bama ED

The game was much better in person. That is the only place I would rather be than the Fort, but to each his own. And thanks for the permission to be proud of the way we played. ;) By the way, why on Earth would you listen to Pat Dye on the radio? Do you honestly think we do? Come on...if you are in Alabama, you know the history of that man as well as I do. I am sure you have toenails to clip instead of listening to that droll.

Needless to say, I will be watching the game closely to see who wins. Sorry, but I can't even vote for Bama to win a coin toss. Go Gators!

I am also pumped that I get to spend my New Years in Tampa with a darn cool Gator family and watch some football at the Outback Bowl this year.

PS- If you really believe that Bama only spent five days preparing for Auburn, you are really fooling yourself, or you are a bama fan. Bama played UTChattanooga the week before.:rotfl2:

Here is the photo album from the game, the pics of the bama game (and the pulling of the prevost out of the ditch) are towards the end of the album
Jen you not going to be at the fort this New Years?

sorry, but no...the Outback Bowl is a calling my name...

(if I did, I certainly would not go to the parks again like last year, but that was a special mother-in-law really enjoyed herself and that was the last big trip she took before she passed)

Listening to Coach Dye is like Roman citizens going to the Coliseum to see who gets killed next by the lions. He has a 30-minute segment and the host hardly chimes in as Pat rambles from one topic to the next making sorry excuses along the way. When Bama was on probation and losing to the Aubs six years in a row, we didn't cling to any moral victories. Wins are wins, losses are losses.

I really do believe Bama spent only five days preparing for Auburn because if you recall, win or lose against Auburn, we are playing Florida this weekend and have known so for several weeks (you may have heard about it). :surfweb: This is the game we've been waiting for the last 52 weeks. So during the week of UTC prep I don't think we gave one rat's rear about Auburn but we were putting in plans to beat Florida. Last year's SEC Championship game was exciting but a loss for Bama; check with me about 7 p.m. on Saturday about this years' game.

Bama ED

Listening to Coach Dye is like Roman citizens going to the Coliseum to see who gets killed next by the lions. He has a 30-minute segment and the host hardly chimes in as Pat rambles from one topic to the next making sorry excuses along the way. When Bama was on probation and losing to the Aubs six years in a row, we didn't cling to any moral victories. Wins are wins, losses are losses.

Like I said before, listening to that man is pointless. I am an Auburn grad and I don't. I guess you just like listening to droll. I would rather cut my toenails.
And yes, losses are losses. I claimed no "moral victory", all I said was I was proud of how the boys played. You can interpret that as you like.

I really do believe Bama spent only five days preparing for Auburn because if you recall, win or lose against Auburn, we are playing Florida this weekend and have known so for several weeks (you may have heard about it). :surfweb: This is the game we've been waiting for the last 52 weeks. So during the week of UTC prep I don't think we gave one rat's rear about Auburn but we were putting in plans to beat Florida. Last year's SEC Championship game was exciting but a loss for Bama; check with me about 7 p.m. on Saturday about this years' game.

Bama ED

And this is the reason Bama was behind for 3 of the 4 quarters. It is this high and mighty attitude that almost lost the team it's wonderful #2 ranking. Enjoy your win Ed, I just might be an 0-2 postseason for the second year in a row!;)
As the unnofficial spokesman for Gator Nation, we will take Tiger/War Eagle cheers any time.......
All eyes on the SEC championship game Saturday afternoon! May the best team win and the officials alert! Good luck Bama and Florida.
Love college football and WDW.
Enough Tiger talk, back to college football!

Old TCD hasn't been on the Disboards much lately.

I was wasting way too much time on the Disboards, so I am going to be less of a presence here. But, I will check in every now and then.

I have a few photos to share from three college football games I attended in November.

First, a few from November 7th- UF v. Vandy . . .

Here is DD meeting Tim Tebow at Gator Walk (these photos came off of a video, so sorry for the graininess) :


And here is Riley Cooper:


And Brandon Spikes:


Now, we are in Tallahassee on 11/21 to see FSU v. Maryland. It turns out this was the last game in Doak Campbell Stadium for not only Mickey Andrews, but also Bobby Bowden!:

The pregame festivities:



This was pretty cool. Instead of Chief Osceola spearing the ground, he handed the flaming spear to Mickey Andrews, who got to spear the field:



Mickey got a decent send-off from his time at FSU. Bobby got nothin'. But his name is on the stadium:


Now, it is 11/28 and we are back in Gainesville. UF v. FSU!

Here is my niece, whose mom (like my DW) is a 'Nole. There were a couple of haters outside the stadium, so I went ahead and got her photo. She is going to use this as her Christmas card:


Timmy and Urban:


Check out the mullet on this FSU fan!:


That is Joe Dirt, isn't it?

Bill Gates was in the house, too. And wearing a speedo, to boot!:


Borat was there, too!:



Some random photos from the stands:




I love the fact that the UF Athletic Department had the foresight to leave a place for the 2009 National Championship recognition:


Here is my oldest DD and one of her FSU friends doing the chop. They didn't get much chance to do this at this game!:


After the game, my middle DD made it down to the field for Tebow's victory lap. If you look at the far right of this photo, you will see my DD after she met Brandon James. She is right next to the girl with the white headband:


Now, look at the location of the people in the photo above, and compare them to this photo. Do you see a girl's forehead, with curly hair, parted at the side, right on the other side of Tebow? That is my DD! Score!


Sadly, this was our last college football game for the season. We will be watching tomorrow's UF v. 'Bama game on TV.

Go Gators!!!



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