Official 2009 College Football Discussion Thread

War eagle!!!!!

Two running backs with over 100 yards. 526 total offensive yards. For a game that ended in 3-2 last year, I would say this was a huge improvement. I like what we have so far. We still have a long way to go, but we are getting there in a positive manner! War Eagle!
Congratulations to all the winners! Sounds like everyone's team won this weekend, except for Tennessee. :(. Alabama, Texas, USC, Mississippi, and even Auburn are all looking good. The Gators looked a little shaky during parts of the game on Saturday. I even saw Tim Tebow fumble, and saw the Gators have a three and out (I didn't even know they had a punter on the team). All of this should be worked out by the next game, though.

I attended the FSU/Jacksonville State game in Tallahassee on Saturday. I had never heard of Jacksonville State before this game. Are you Alabama folks familiar with this team? Jacksonville State is in Jacksonville, Alabama. ( I didn't even know there was a Jacksonville in Alabama). Their quarterback is Ryan Perrilloux, who was formerly at LSU. I believe he was the player of the game at the SEC Championship the year that LSU won the National Championship. He apparently got into some kind of trouble, and was kicked off the LSU team. That is a shame, because I could see that he is a talented athlete.

Anyhow, I got to watch one of the worst college football games that I have ever seen. And, I had to sit in the rain all night to watch it. FSU travels to BYU next week. Uh-oh.

Hopefully, I will make it back to Gainesville this weekend to watch the Gators defeat the third cupcake that they scheduled to open their season.

I've always pulled for the Gators but the past 2 years have been hard. The last time I heard football was a TEAM sport. During this period I refer to them as the Tim Tebow/Urban Meyer Show. There are other people on the team who would love to make a name and put some stats on the board but they can't because Tebow has the show. I would love to see that kid go last year.

His little speel at Gainesville last year when he came back on the stage and said "oh by the way I'm coming back next year" about made me sick. Kinda like saying this team won't make it without me.
So excited to see the revival of the College football thread!! Finally returned home long enough to reply. We vacationed in the Portland,OR area over the Labor Day weekend to visit family and went to the LSU game in Seattle, WA. The weather and game were great, returned to La. on the 10th then headed for Baton Rouge for the home opener against Vanderbilt. It's been hectic, and it's been fun now that the games have begun!
I've always pulled for the Gators but the past 2 years have been hard. The last time I heard football was a TEAM sport. During this period I refer to them as the Tim Tebow/Urban Meyer Show. There are other people on the team who would love to make a name and put some stats on the board but they can't because Tebow has the show. I would love to see that kid go last year.

His little speel at Gainesville last year when he came back on the stage and said "oh by the way I'm coming back next year" about made me sick. Kinda like saying this team won't make it without me.
What?? You're supposed to love Tebow...haven't you read the script? :rotfl: jk. Even though I am a Tebow fan, I hear what you are saying. Can you say "overexposed"? Like a certain President of ours. Even those that like him have to be getting tired of seeing his face on TV every hour.

BUT, I'd like to keep seeing Tim on TV all the way up to around 11pm on January 7, 2010, hoisting a certain crystal trophy!! :cheer2:
Donnie and Dave- I hear you on the Tebow overexposure. And, I agree, it has gotten a bit out of hand. But, I can't help but like this kid and everything that he stands for. I would much rather have my DD's watching and cheering for him than a lot of other athletes in the public eye (not mentioning any names, but think about the NFL, NBA and MLB players who get all the press).

So, War Tebow!


p.s. Auburn Fan, am I getting this "war" thing right?
Kind of TCD....usually when we accentuate something with usually has a damn in the as follows

War Damn Eagle
War Damn Toliet Paper (for rolling Toomer's Corner)
War Damn Donnie
War Damn Gators (when they are playing B**A)

It has to be used sparingly, as to not overdo. War Eagle is also used as a greeting to other Auburn folk as well.
whatever, it seems so confusing.... easier just to say Go Gators or How 'bout dem Gators.
The third week of college football is coming up.

So, what games are you looking forward to watching?

-Georgia Tech and Miami? It's tomorrow night! Georgia Tech barely beat Clemson. Miami barely beat FSU. What is going to happen in Miami?

-Tennessee at Florida? The Gators play their third game against the third straight cupcake. The only interesting thing about this game will be whether Tennessee scores at all. I'm saying not. Except maybe late in the game when the Gators put in the third and fourth string players. Tebow and company will cruise to another easy win here.

-FSU at BYU? This one should be interesting (although I am not sure it is going to be televised). BYU upset Oklahoma. But, I'm not sure they are for real. FSU looked horrible last Saturday against Jacksonville State. But, I still think FSU will give BYU a run for its money. Heck, I'll even call my shot on this one, and say FSU will upset BYU.

-Texas Tech v. Texas? I am not sure I care about this game very much. Should I?

Are there any other interesting match ups this week?

TCD - I think you should care about the Texas / Tech game for one reason. Texas is ranked #2, and the Big 12 champion is often in a position to play for the BCS title in January (they have for 6 of the past 9 years). So, IF the Gators are fortunate enough to play into that game for like, the 3rd time in 4 years (not that I am counting), they just may see a Big 12 team staring them down. Might as well get used to watching that style of play.

Personally, I'd rather see them go up against a Big 10 creampuff....I mean "team". Their weaknesses seem to become rather exposed on the national stage. Like Ohio State in consecutive title games within the past few years. But, we'll see. A lot can happen between now and January. Just ask an Oklahoma fan how quickly a season can go south.
TCD - I think you should care about the Texas / Tech game for one reason. Texas is ranked #2, and the Big 12 champion is often in a position to play for the BCS title in January (they have for 6 of the past 9 years). So, IF the Gators are fortunate enough to play into that game for like, the 3rd time in 4 years (not that I am counting), they just may see a Big 12 team staring them down. Might as well get used to watching that style of play.

Personally, I'd rather see them go up against a Big 10 creampuff....I mean "team". Their weaknesses seem to become rather exposed on the national stage. Like Ohio State in consecutive title games within the past few years. But, we'll see. A lot can happen between now and January. Just ask an Oklahoma fan how quickly a season can go south.

Dave, good point. But I think I have the Big 12 figured out. All offense. No defense. Defense wins championships! (at least that's what we Tampa Bay Bucs fans always hear when we complain about the fact that our team always has some has-been playing quarterback).

Ohio State?

War Damn Sweater Vest!

(How did I do on that one Jen?)


This discussion thread looks like it is turning out to be a dud!

I am surprised that not a single Hurricane fan has posted about Miami whipping the snot out of Georgia Tech last night! That was a good old fashioned butt whoopin'. Congratulations to all you 'Canes fans out there. My only request is that you lay off that stupid "U" gang sign. Enough already. If I was a Va. Tech fan I might be feeling a little puckered up right about now. Y'all are next, and I think Miami can do it.

Where are you Colson?


I know some of you have had it up to here (I am holding my hand up to about a half inch from the top of my head) with Tim Tebow, but if you can just take a minute to read this newspaper article, I think you have to agree with me that this is a very special young man:

Tim Tebow Article

Yes, there is a lot of hype about Tim Tebow, but I would rather read a thousand corny stories like this one than hear one word about some of the "stars" that get even more media attention (e.g. Kanye West, Micheal Vick, A-Roid, Brett Fav-ray, etc. etc. etc.).


War Damn Tim Tebow

This discussion thread looks like it is turning out to be a dud!

I am surprised that not a single Hurricane fan has posted about Miami whipping the snot out of Georgia Tech last night! That was a good old fashioned butt whoopin'.

Yes, when your a tech fan and you get a whipping like that, you usually just lay low....

South Florida (playing Charleston Southern) should be an easy romp this week but I am pretty worried about UGA (playing at Arkansas). We'll see if I have anything to crow about after Saturday.
Yes, when your a tech fan and you get a whipping like that, you usually just lay low....

South Florida (playing Charleston Southern) should be an easy romp this week but I am pretty worried about UGA (playing at Arkansas). We'll see if I have anything to crow about after Saturday.

Shoot, I know what you mean. TN loses to UCLA AGAIN and they play FL tomorrow. What's there to say?
it's lame kiffin's job to keep the game close, not Urban Meyer's job to not run up the score. or something like that.... - Lou Holtz.
War Damn Tears in my Coffee!

I gots to get me a tissue...

Agreed. Tim Tebow and Urban Meyer are class acts. I don't care what anyone else says.

Yes, when your a tech fan and you get a whipping like that, you usually just lay low....

South Florida (playing Charleston Southern) should be an easy romp this week but I am pretty worried about UGA (playing at Arkansas). We'll see if I have anything to crow about after Saturday.

I'm sorry for your loss. What happened to Tech? One theory I have is that this was their third game, while it was only Miami's second. In the second half, the Tech players looked tired. I think these guys were worn out, and possibly not in as good condition to play in the Miami heat and humidity.

Shoot, I know what you mean. TN loses to UCLA AGAIN and they play FL tomorrow. What's there to say?

Even with all my previous trash talk, I do not count Tennessee out. Even though I think the head coach is a buffoon, we can't forget that there are talented kids playing at Tennessee. And, Monty Kiffin is a brilliant defensive coordinator. This game will show what these teams are truly made of. I am confident that Florida is the real deal this year. I think Tennessee may be a better team than a lot of people are giving it credit for. I still say Florida will win, and win big, but I don't think it will be a cake walk.

And even though I said Urban is a class act, I still expect that there will be some form of payback (like the time-outs at the end of last year's Georgia game) to teach Lame that he had better watch his pie hole.

it's lame kiffin's job to keep the game close, not Urban Meyer's job to not run up the score. or something like that.... - Lou Holtz.


Thank you all for joining in the discussion!

I was about to change the title of this thread to "TCD and DaveInTN discuss Gator football," but now I think I can leave it as is.

Don't any of you Auburn folks even want to shout out a War Eagle for the Auburn/WV game?

And, I will repeat here that I am calling an upset in the FSU/BYU game. If I'm right, I'll have bragging rights. If I'm wrong, we can discuss that, too.


War Disboards!


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