
If I'm understanding correctly you did download the pictures off the SD card onto your computer. And you are able to open and view them on your computer? Is that correct?

If so, then are they saved as jpgs? I haven't double checked but believe that is the file type photobucket requires. Perhaps you have them saved as something else?
You did not say what type of camera you used. Have you made sure the files are supported file types by photobucket? It looks like they accept gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, are you uploading something besides what is listed, if so that is your issue.

Dave pirate:
Ditto what KAT4DISNEY and saturndb said. I'm thinking that maybe you took the pictures in RAW format.
I would do a screen shot but dont knwo howto do that.

I have a nikon d40 and yes I am able to view them on my computer, and it reads nef as file type does that mean anything to anyone?

and sorry about the long sentence apparently I dont do english well lol :)
I would do a screen shot but dont knwo howto do that.

I have a nikon d40 and yes I am able to view them on my computer, and it reads nef as file type does that mean anything to anyone?

and sorry about the long sentence apparently I dont do english well lol :)

The problem is the format then. Nef is the Nikon version of raw format so Photobucket won't be able to "see" them. You need to convert them to a compatible format such as jpg before you can upload. I don't own Nikon but AFAIK you should have received software with your camera that will allow this. There are also lots of different software available to do this - many that are free. I'm guessing that since you can view them on your computer you already have sofware installed that would probably let you do the conversion.
yes i also have photoshop and i need to look at the manuel for one of them to see how to convert would not have any clue as to what pixals to put in or percentage lol :)
You should just need to open a file then goto file- save as - choose file format from the drop down menu and choose jpeg.

Dave pirate:
Oy. Since you're completely new to this, I recommend that you use the software that came with your camera (View NX or Capture NX), not photoshop, to convert the NEF files to jpg. The reason for this recommendation is that the software that came with the camera will be able to create a jpg that looks exactly like what your camera would have produced as a jpg. Photoshop, on the other hand, ignores many of the in-camera settings and cannot read some of the NEF data, so it will, by default, produce an image that is completely different than what you saw on the camera's LCD screen. When you learn a little more about working with Photoshop, Adobe Camera RAW, and RAW files, you'll be in a better position to tweak the files or create presets that closely mimic the camera's settings. At this point photoshop may give you unnecessary aggravation.
Stitch, CaptureNX2 is an awesome software! I love it more than photoshop. I use the Nikon ViewNX software to put it in the computer. BTW, I shoot everything RAW+JPEG Fine so if a photo comes out 'good enough' without PP or I don't have time to PP, I can just upload the JPEG. I actually started shooting that way because I thought my Photoshop Camera RAW plug in wasn't reading the NEF files correctly (there were issues with it and my camera which didn't exist when my PS was released) and some photos were not editable in the RAW format. Come to find out, I was using an older Nikon software to trasnfer the photos from the camera to the computer and it wasn't reading the files correctly. Dumped that software, installed the one that came with my camera, and all is working well now.
Stitch1986, the easiest solution of all would be to shoot in JPG, not RAW (this will also save you lots of space on your memory cards and computer hard drive). Switch to RAW when/if you're ready.
Stitch, CaptureNX2 is an awesome software! I love it more than photoshop. I use the Nikon ViewNX software to put it in the computer. BTW, I shoot everything RAW+JPEG Fine so if a photo comes out 'good enough' without PP or I don't have time to PP, I can just upload the JPEG. I actually started shooting that way because I thought my Photoshop Camera RAW plug in wasn't reading the NEF files correctly (there were issues with it and my camera which didn't exist when my PS was released) and some photos were not editable in the RAW format. Come to find out, I was using an older Nikon software to trasnfer the photos from the camera to the computer and it wasn't reading the files correctly. Dumped that software, installed the one that came with my camera, and all is working well now.

nevermind I think I got it :) I was just messing with it and then it showed up on photobucket lol now I just got to see if it will appear on here :)
Hello everyone I have a ? for anyone that uses Photobucket. My problem is when I upload pics to my computer I use Picasa 3 to do minor editing. I know I need to get something else. I've noticed today with the pictures I took that when I upload them to the Photobucket album the original pic shows up as the thumbnail in the album, but when I double click on it to look at it by itself the edited pic shows up? Anyone have this problem? Looking to go to SmugMug or Zenfolio.
Never seen that problem. The pic I upload is the pic I see in photobucket. It will only show and display the the files you upload.

I have used pb for about 4 years now and have never had a any troubles with it.
Ok I figured it out. What was happening was I was doing editing in Picasa 3, but the edited pics were'nt being saved to the computer just to picasa 3. When I uploaded to Photobucket it was taking the pics from the computer and not from Picasa 3. All I do now is hit save in Picasa 3 and it replaces the pic in my pic library on the computer.
Rather than using "Save", and overwriting your original file, it might be best to choose "Save As", and save the edited file with a slightly different name (for example add "edited" or a letter to the end of the original file name). This will allow you to preserve the original file, kinda like a negative. Whenever you edit and save a file, you throw out file data and re-compress the image. If you overwrite the original, that data is lost forever. Years later when you look back on those photos and realize that your photo-editing skills weren't as good as you thought they were, you won't be able to re-do them.

For example, I recently discovered that for years now my mother-in-law has been overwriting her original images when she downsizes them for e-mail. I discovered this problem when she up-sized those low resolution files to make prints and mail them to. The prints came out horribly pixelated and lacked detail even though they looked fine on her monitor. All those memories are ruined. Additionally, I have a brother-in-law who likes to convert some of his digital pictures of his kids to black & white. When he overwrites the original, he no longer has the color originals to make color prints when requested.
I was going to upload a couple pics taken with my fixed M 200mm with a 100% crop to show the clarity of this lens... until I saw what it looked like on Photobucket! It looks fantastic on my Laptop with windows photo gallery, but I do the exact same crop over on Photobucket and it is pixelated and fuzzy looking.

I know you all are going to tell me that I should switch to Flickr but I have a membership over at photobucket that I've had for years. Is there a setting that I am not using over there or is it that crappy and strips data from my file to meet there bandwidth parameters?

Here is a pic. I know its not fantastic I actually took it as a fluke, but when I enlarged it on my computer the woodgrain is quite clear and very vivid.


Heres PhotoBuckets Crop


Heres windows Crop



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