
I would pay the yearly subscription fee to or

They are certainly worth the money to hold your pictures. Both have great customer service and have privacy and security settings that you can control. They also both store your photos in the FULL resolution. Photobucket (unless you had the pay subscription) automatically compressed your images.

There are discount codes you can use from other members of each place.

I use smugmug. My code is: eeWMM89aMx1lc
Has anyone heard of iWeb?
We are Mac users and iWeb seems to be a web page program that I am currently paying for. I wonder if it is similar to Smugmug? Can I use it to post photos on disboards?
here is a discount code for anyone interested in zenfolio

Has anyone heard of iWeb?
We are Mac users and iWeb seems to be a web page program that I am currently paying for. I wonder if it is similar to Smugmug? Can I use it to post photos on disboards?

I'm an iMac user too and I don't think iWeb is the same. It's for making websites that you can share, not single images (unless there's a portion of it I don't understand). I do MobileMe also and have web galleries posted there for sharing with famly and friends but haven't been able to upload just a single photo from them. Again, maybe there's something I'm not doing correctly. Maybe someone can make it so we can upload an image right from our own libraries.
I know I'm new here in this part of the forums, but I felt it best to warn

Unless you have your account set to private. I am highly suggesting that every single one of you that have a Photobucket account do the following.

1. Complain to Photobucket and let them know that this is not acceptable.
2. Stop posting images or using all together.
3. Mark your account private at once or just delete the whole thing.

I'd like to point out that it seems marking your account as private is the best option...Don't complain to photobucket, because many people use it for the express purpose of creating graphics to share with people who want to use them for blogs and whatnot, so trying to get photobucket to stop letting images be used elsewhere is really just wrong to people who don't mind sharing pictures and/or people who create graphics for all to use...
I'm an iMac user too and I don't think iWeb is the same. It's for making websites that you can share, not single images (unless there's a portion of it I don't understand). I do MobileMe also and have web galleries posted there for sharing with famly and friends but haven't been able to upload just a single photo from them. Again, maybe there's something I'm not doing correctly. Maybe someone can make it so we can upload an image right from our own libraries.

Thanks, that helps a lot.
Yesterday I printed out the user guide for iWeb, but had not had a chance to read through yet. Now, I don't have to. I will keep looking through MobileMe to see if there is a way. Maybe support can help us.
i use zenfolio also, you can set all kinds of options there to select who has use of your photo and it also has watermarks on the premium account. the cheapest account ( $25 a yr) doesn't watermark but i think you can still set stuff as private and it also has copyright info on the page that has your info on it but not sure you can post online if they are locked for private. otherwise you have a number of selections of sizes to post places like here.
I am very computer savvy, but Photobucket is about ready to make me lose my mind! I have been trying for a week now to add new albums and make slideshows for my kids' websites, as we just returned from our 2 week trip to WDW.

I really don't care for Photobucket at all, but the slideshows are cute, so I'm trying to work it out. I have never had problems before with adding albums, but to be honest, I don't use the site very often at all (a few times a year).

I can't seem to make new albums. All it will let me do, is make albums within albums, and furthermore, I can't add photos to those sub-albums either! I have gone through HELP section a million times, and now I'm seriously ready to whip my computer across the room. I have hundreds of people waiting on my kids' websites, but I can't send them out until our WDW albums are complete on Photobucket.

Can anyone help me? I am wanting to make separate albums - Disney Resorts, Characters, Miscellaneous, etc., but yet it's not letting me do so.

If anyone can help, I would so appreciate it! Thanks, Tiger:confused3
I use the Flock browser to upload to Photobucket. I find it easier to use than the tools on the site.
I use the Flock browser to upload to Photobucket. I find it easier to use than the tools on the site.

Thanks. I have never used that program, so I'll check it out.

It's not really the uploading that's the problem, but organizing albums. I'm messing around with it, and might have found the problem.

I'll keep plugging away! Thanks, Tiger
It almost seems as if you may have reached your size limit. You didn't mention what kind of account you have but you might want to look at the restrictions for your account and see if you've hit or exceeded your limits. It is possible that the pictures you are trying to upload put you past your limit as well. I don't have much experience with photobucket myself, but websites usually stop you from uploading and send you a message that you're over your limit. It is possible that Photobucket does this with a pop-up and you have a pop-up blocker turned on that you're not seeing the message.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on it. Good luck getting it sorted out.
It almost seems as if you may have reached your size limit. You didn't mention what kind of account you have but you might want to look at the restrictions for your account and see if you've hit or exceeded your limits. It is possible that the pictures you are trying to upload put you past your limit as well. I don't have much experience with photobucket myself, but websites usually stop you from uploading and send you a message that you're over your limit. It is possible that Photobucket does this with a pop-up and you have a pop-up blocker turned on that you're not seeing the message.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on it. Good luck getting it sorted out.

Nope, it's a brand new account. No photos in there yet. :thumbsup2

I think I have figured it out - it was attaching subalbums within the main albums. I stepped away from it, logged back in, and am having better luck now making separate albums.

Thanks for all suggestions, Tiger :)
Hi all!
In the past, I could've sworn Photobucket gave me some image size choices before I copied the URL for posting on the DIS.

Now, I'm not seeing any such option. For instance, this pic is rather large, and is from a PhotoBucket link:


Anyone know how to 'shrink' it a bit for posting?:confused3


WAIT! Never mind...I think I found it...seems like the menu at top of pic was hidden - have to go over it with mouse...let me try here:

RATS!!! That's too small!

Now I can't seem to enlarge it back again on Photobucket (change was permanent??). I could've sworn in the past I could resize just for posting, not actually resize the picture on Photobucket itself.

Any thoughts, advice?:confused3
ok so I just downloaded some pics I took today, this is my first time having issues so I downloaded the pics from my sd card and when I tried to put it on photobucket when I select the file where todays pics are which are done by date it shows there is pics but when I select it says no files found so I went and I just went to see if I can view it and it shows the pics I took in the file but it doesnt not recognize it in photobucket???

if anyone can help with what to do because I took pics last time and it worked and I formatted the sd card so I dont know what to do so any help much appreciated. thxs in advance
ok so I just downloaded some pics I took today, this is my first time having issues so I downloaded the pics from my sd card and when I tried to put it on photobucket when I select the file where todays pics are which are done by date it shows there is pics but when I select it says no files found so I went and I just went to see if I can view it and it shows the pics I took in the file but it doesnt not recognize it in photobucket???

if anyone can help with what to do because I took pics last time and it worked and I formatted the sd card so I dont know what to do so any help much appreciated. thxs in advance

That is the longest sentence I have ever read.

It would be easier to help you if you described this incident a bit better and perhaps provided some screenshots to help us understand you.


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