Sarah & Joshua's PJ~WP/Napa~6/25/2009~Updated 6/23~We're at Disney!!!

OMG!!! I just got the first starter e-mails for the contract and am so excited!!!:banana: :cool1: :woohoo: I have a lot to do, but I am having so much fun doing it. I am hoping to get the four e-mails done by monday to send back to my coordinator. I can't wait to get my contract, and this just gets me one step closer!:cool2:
It has been about 10 days since I received the 4 starter e-mails that I have to send to my coordinator to start up my contract. It just seems like it is taking me forever to get everything done.:guilty: I think the hardest part is the room block. I almost have all of the addresses ready and the basic information for the contract ready, but the room block has me stumped and frustrated.
How am I supposed to know how many rooms I will need to reserve at which resorts if I don't even know who will come for sure? My mom, grandma, and fmil all tell me people who they think will come. Should I just keep track of who will come or not come, should I contact all of my family and future in-laws myself, or could I just guess on the high side for numbers for my room block.
My other thing is the website that Disney provides. I don't think that I will be using it very much because I'm not really planning any events there except for the wedding. No get togethers before the wedding or anything, and if I do plan something, it will probably be in a welcome bag itenerary I will provide.
School has also started and I am taking 18 credit hours this semester and working, and my grades really, really need to be good this time for my GPA. I am beginning to feel a little overwhelmed with everything, and I just would like some input everyone on the disboards about everything.

that felt good to get everything out in writing.:)
Don't worry! You can make it! Theres always a little extra energy left for wedding stuff at the end of the day!
I was also working full time and going to school full time.. getting wedding stuff together.. and signing the contract for our new house in the months leading up to our wedding.

So I know it can be done! Just think of the end!

I didn't really use me website either.. in fact.. I don't think most of my guests new we had it! I just sent out letters and made a welcome bag itinerary.
The room block is also pretty simple... but if you have extra rooms at one resort.. you can switch them around if you need to later on. I had to. I put most of my rooms at the All-Star (because I figured everyone would try and be cheap) but everyone (except my cheapo FIL;) )Went for the moderates.. So I ended up switching alot of rooms around! There is no way to know how many rooms you need, just fill in your required.. and work from there.

You can do it! Plus.. a Disney Wedding is worth all the headache it takes to get there!!!!
You can do it! The end result will be fabulous! I just finished my BA doing an overload every semester and working full time, so I know how stressful that can be! You will get through it, though. Think on the bright side, since you are so busy, the time will really fly by!
One great thing on the website is you can do a link to your Disney Honeymoon Registry. This was maining used when my girls gave me my shower but people are still adding to it. This will give us a great amount of money to use on our honeymoon for all the meals we want and all the tours we want to do.

I've got faith in you sweetheart! You'll do just fine.


ps. I should be able to pick up 2 extra days at work this week. Yeah!:yay:

more wedding money:cool1: Go me :cheer2:
Mom just made a dinner ressie at the California Grill for our December trip!:cool1: It is on Dec, 27 at 9:50 pm. It was one of the only times left, but it's better than nothing and it will act as our food tasting. Yum!:)
Yay for the Cali Grill Ressie!!!! So how did it go with the room block? Have you received your contract yet?

Good luck with school!!! That's quite a load your taking.
Yay for the Cali Grill Ressie!!!! So how did it go with the room block? Have you received your contract yet?

Good luck with school!!! That's quite a load your taking.

I haven't really gotten the room block done yet. :scared: I'm hoping my mom and I could maybe take a shot at it tonight. I have everything else done though!

YaY I just saw you were at the 9 month mark!! How exciting!! :goodvibes

Wow! I just noticed since you said something! The months sure flew by and I am so excited!!:banana:
Wow! So a lot has happened since I last updated.

DF and I are in the final process of buying a house. :banana: I can't wait until everything if finalized so that I can start working on it. I'll try to post pics whenever I can.

I finished the room block and sent everything in early last week and I got my contract yesterday! I was so excited when I found it in my email. :woohoo: My mom freaked out a little when she read that we had to use 53 out of the 66 rooms that we reserved. I think it will be fine though, but just in case...does anybody know how long it would take to make a change to the room block in the contract? If I do have to change it, I don't want to have to wait another week to finish signing everything.

On a lighter note, I finally got my save the date postcards finished, complete with clear printing labels that look very snazy. My birthday was last wednesday, and since my aunt hadn't gotten me a gift yet, I just asked her for about 50 post card stamps. :rotfl: Those little suckers can sure add up fast!

DF and I went out to his grandparents farm on monday with his mom. We were heading out to his great-grandmother's old house to look at using the cabinets in our new house. While at the farm, his mom took some engagement photos. I hope to put those up sometime next week.

I think that is all the wedding stuff I've done since last post. Oh, I almost forgot, DH and I booked our honeymoon the other day. It was so nifty!:lovestruc
Sarah Congrats on the new house!!! That's awesome! YAY for 8 more months!! :cool1: :dance3:

I can't wait to see the pics your mom took!
Yeah for the contract, the new hourse, and 8 months! You have lots to celebrate!
Here they are! The engagement pics that we took on monday this week. They were taken out at DF's grandparent's farm by his mom. Isn't she wonderful. :love:

Here are a few of my favorites!




I'm not sure why the camera decided to focus on the trees, but I like the effect.


Please excuse my squinty-ness! It was very bright that day.
Congrats on the house.. Thank goodness the contract is done right?? I had to change my room block a few weeks ago and didn't have any trouble and it was done right away but mine was adding on .. ask your planner though I'd love to know as well! Great pics !!
Sarah those pictures turned out great!!!! You two look so happy together!! :lovestruc
Thanks! They really did turn out better than we expected.

Congrats on the house.. Thank goodness the contract is done right?? I had to change my room block a few weeks ago and didn't have any trouble and it was done right away but mine was adding on .. ask your planner though I'd love to know as well! Great pics !!
I am so happy that the contract is done. I decided not to make any changes to the room block because we didn't get to add 2 families that we just invited.

beautiful pictures!!! What a gorgeaus back drop!
I loved the trees out there! They were just so colorful even though we missed peak tree colors by a couple of days. I would love to go have some pics taken when it snows too. I also love snow.:santa: lol


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