Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.7

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DD Samantha just walked into my office here at home and says, "Oh forgot to tell you a box came for you yesterday"!! Didn't she know I was anxiously awaiting them? She and BF think DH and i are a bit nuts about this cruise so no surprise she didn't think the box was important.

I absolutely LOVE the shirts and the little thoughtful "surprise" present. I can't wait to wear them as we board the ship!!

Thank you to Todd and Helen for all your hard work. I think thanks need to go to Sue Kraft for all her efforts with the tee shirts as well.


DD's BF, had NEVER been to DL so at 23 yrs old, my DD took him for the very first time. She got him his 1st Visit button and his HB button. So imagine a 23 yo man seeing DL for the very 1st time ever. Then all these employees telling him HB every time they saw him. He was in 7th heaven.

How said BF has a fetish about dolls - meaning he DOESN'T like them. So my youngest DD :love: to torture him by hanging pictures of dolls, placing dolls around him and swooping in and dropping off "babies". His GF, my oldest DD, too him to It's a Small World. She says that he was in ga-ga land over everything and was watching the clock strike time and even mentioned how neat that was. So Imagine a smiling happy BF get loaded in the boat, instructions given and all of a sudden, the "announcer" wishes BF a Happy Birthday and sings to him. So, off they go - happy at being so celebrated......until they round the first corner and the smile starts to waver. 1/2 way through the ride, BF leans over and tells DD, this ride is NOTHING but dolls. I don't like it.

Needless to say, he was not a happy camper. She has a smiling picture of him at the entrance and a not so happy picture of him on the way out. She honestly forgot to tell him that it was dolls. But she didn't forget to take pictures. Maybe its a guy thing? :confused3 But we do still laugh about it. She posted the pictures on her FB so when we need a laugh, we go there to remind us of the poor boy's dilemna. Cruel? yes but we still get a laugh out of it. BTW, BF is ok with GI Joe dolls....excuse me - action figures. :lmao:

DS is turning 15 ten days before we leave.

:banana: Yeah! He's starting to catch up to his height. LOL :banana: ANy special plans Monica?

Either that, or we just really iritate them! :rolleyes:

::yes:: but it's a good kind of envy. :thumbsup2

That is so true! When we were on the EBPC, I didn't know about this thread and felt very left out. It is good to be part of this group. Thank you for being so welcoming to newcomers.

Which one? I was on the first WBPC back in 2005 when I came across the DIS. I too was like: "AW!" so I found out about them and then stalked them aboard the ship. Luckily they were a friendly lot and allowed me to join in some festivities. So when we did the WBPC, I joined in. Now, 15 cruises later, I usually find myself in the midst of most things. DH isn't sure if that's a good thing or not. :rotfl2: This will be his 1st TA so he has no idea what is in store for him. AND I'M NOT TELLING HIM. He thinks he will get to sleep for 5 days straight on the ship. Poor, poor man. :lmao:

(Because, ironically, we were just last night talking about the possibility of buying wedding bands in Gibraltar or some other port on this trip----because last time we were on the TA we saw many shops in Gibraltar that were selling high end jewelry at discounted matching rings/wedding bands would be a pretty cool souvenir! :thumbsup2)

See note below

I can understand your position completely. We have gay friends here in California who are very upset about the marriage reversal here.

However, let me point our health does not always enter the equation. I lost my husband when I was 29, he was 31. He was run off the road by a drunk driver and killed instantly. You can never really ever plan for things like that to happen to you or your loved ones.

You could always buy the wedding bands in Gibraltar and save them for that special day.

Just my thoughts...

Noel? :grouphug: So sorry to hear about your DH. I am vicious about drinking and driving. Haven't lost anyone yet but I ripped into my siblings when they would do that. (Hm...maybe that is why I became a call-to person :scratchin) Luckily, they don't do that anymore. I guess I can get loud. Anyway, I was going to state that great minds think alike.....I was going to suggest the very same thing. ;)

Erik and Jason? Either way, you don't need a paper when you find your real love. But it would be nice to be recognized by society. Whatever you plan on doing, if you do get married onboard, you can always have an extended DIS family with you. They will support you and you can share your Magical memores shots with them when you get home. :cloud9:
What I like about the Food & Wine festival is there are dozens of food booths from different countries, all serving small portions. So you can order different dishes to try without the commitment of ordering a full entree at a restaurant.

It's a great way to discover new and different dishes that you may have seen on restaurant menus.

Order a few plates to make a meal -- just like tapas.


It is such a fun way to eat and drink around the world!!!!
DD's BF, had NEVER been to DL so at 23 yrs old, my DD took him for the very first time. She got him his 1st Visit button and his HB button. So imagine a 23 yo man seeing DL for the very 1st time ever. Then all these employees telling him HB every time they saw him. He was in 7th heaven.

Now said BF has a fetish about dolls - meaning he DOESN'T like them. So my youngest DD :love: to torture him by hanging pictures of dolls, placing dolls around him and swooping in and dropping off "babies". His GF, my oldest DD, took him to It's a Small World. She says that he was in ga-ga land over everything and was watching the clock strike time and even mentioned how neat that was. So Imagine a smiling happy BF get loaded in the boat, instructions given and all of a sudden, the "announcer" wishes BF a Happy Birthday and sings to him. So, off they go - happy at being so celebrated......until they round the first corner and the smile starts to waver. 1/2 way through the ride, BF realizes its all about dolls and leans over and tells DD, this ride is NOTHING but dolls. I don't like it.

Needless to say, he was not a happy camper. She has a smiling picture of him at the entrance and a not so happy picture of him on the way out. She honestly forgot to tell him that it was dolls. But she didn't forget to take pictures. Maybe its a guy thing? :confused3 But we do still laugh about it. She posted the pictures on her FB so when we need a laugh, we go there to remind us of the poor boy's dilemna. Cruel? yes but we still get a laugh out of it. BTW, BF is ok with GI Joe dolls....excuse me - action figures. :lmao:

Oh my God thats so funny! I love it!

Dans first trip was in 08 and he was 31! I made him do Its a Small World almost the first ride ever and he hated it so much he choose all the other rides!
The earliest the strike could go ahead is 19th August as apparently they have to give 7 days notice after the ballet.(or so I understand from all the reading ive been doing)

STAFF at Scotland's three busiest airports are to be balloted for strikes in a pay dispute that could halt all flights next month.
The move by the Unite and Prospect unions comes as another blow to Edinburgh Airport, whose managing director Gordon Dewar has provoked widespread anger over his "kiss-and-fly" charge of £1 for passengers being dropped at the terminal.
Dont get me started about this pound charge!!!

Voting will
ADVERTISEMENTstart next Friday at BAA's six airports, which also include Glasgow, Aberdeen and Heathrow. Strikes could be called from about 19 August.
Dont forget St Maarten has really really good deals on jewelry there as well .... Good for you too :thumbsup2


:scratchin Now how in the world can I forget about "CANDY!" DH owes me one. (He forgot to give me an "open on your birthday" present.) No matter, he's usually pretty good to me. AND....I don't have anything from St Maarten I think, but if he comes up with something, there's always Tortola (I hope) ;)

I :love::love::love: candy. :rotfl2::rotfl:
Off for a weekend visiting my parents and, naturally, visiting WDW. I'll try to catch up on Monday (likely 33 pages later).
The earliest the strike could go ahead is 19th August as apparently they have to give 7 days notice after the ballet.(or so I understand from all the reading ive been doing)

STAFF at Scotland's three busiest airports are to be balloted for strikes in a pay dispute that could halt all flights next month.
The move by the Unite and Prospect unions comes as another blow to Edinburgh Airport, whose managing director Gordon Dewar has provoked widespread anger over his "kiss-and-fly" charge of £1 for passengers being dropped at the terminal.
Dont get me started about this pound charge!!!

Voting will
ADVERTISEMENTstart next Friday at BAA's six airports, which also include Glasgow, Aberdeen and Heathrow. Strikes could be called from about 19 August.

I think they are aiming for the Bank Holiday weekend!!
This is a weird question, but does anyone know if I can Pampers diapers in Barcelona? Just trying to decide if I should bring them with me or use the diaper service onboard. Although, it's going to be $140 if I use the onboard service. So, pretty expensive!


Same issue for us... As we are travelling with DS Simon (1year)

A friend of us has lived in Barcelona, she told us that there is a huge grocery store at the Ramblas! Which is where we are planning on buying diapers!

Being European I can tell you that we use Pampers too!!! So buying Pampers should be no problem!!!

BTW: I have super good friends in Colorado! Love the state! I did a students exchange thousands of years ago and we stayed in contact ever since!
Oh my God thats so funny! I love it!

Dans first trip was in 08 and he was 31! I made him do Its a Small World almost the first ride ever and he hated it so much he choose all the other rides!

:lmao: OK - that beats BF....hands down. Poor Dan. Was he scarred for life? :rotfl2: Oh the things we do for a chuckle. Did you know before hand his dislike or did Small World do it for him? BF says it was Twilight Zone and
"Chatty Cathy" that did it for him.

I have been looking over the spread sheet I did up on Google for people to fill in - one of the things I added was how many nights on Disney/how many cruises = so far 27 people have answered and it is a total of

994 nights!

119 cruises!

now that includes this cruise. That is a lot of nights just a few of us have spent on a Disney Ship!

Keep adding info!

and please use this for your wristbands now - I am removing the other one so we do not get confused.


:scratchin Krisann, I just bumped up your stats by "a few nights." :lmao:

Care to pass this on to DCL/Cruise Director? Even though they have it - they won't have it in the capacity of the DIS. Maybe they'll give us a shout-out like they have in the past. Although, I'm sure they have an idea once they see Lime Green shirts and lanyards come aboard.

Run for your lives - THEY'RE BACK!

Noel? :grouphug: So sorry to hear about your DH. I am vicious about drinking and driving. Haven't lost anyone yet but I ripped into my siblings when they would do that. (Hm...maybe that is why I became a call-to person :scratchin) Luckily, they don't do that anymore. I guess I can get loud. Anyway, I was going to state that great minds think alike.....I was going to suggest the very same thing. ;)

Erik and Jason? Either way, you don't need a paper when you find your real love. But it would be nice to be recognized by society. Whatever you plan on doing, if you do get married onboard, you can always have an extended DIS family with you. They will support you and you can share your Magical memores shots with them when you get home. :cloud9:

I know with my friends its not the bit of paper its the financial security that worried them, families can become horrible after someones dies, I am sure every one can tell a story or two about this, I certainly can.Not that I am saying your family are horrible Erik and Jason but certainly I know len will be fine if I died, happy days:laughing: Actually, there is a bit in my will re my beagles to make sure they are cared for if anything happens to us,:confused3daft I know.
In response to the question about if we got married elsewhere it being recognized in our state (for some reason my quote feature wouldn't work)-----yes, technically that is true in New York State. If we got married someplace it was legal (like Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, D.C., Canada, Spain or a handful of other non-US countries) then it would technically be recognized by New York State....we just can't get legally married IN our state. For the time being we've decided to wait and see if our state won't get its act together and do right by us (and literally thousands of other LGBT families in NY state).....because we think it's pretty disgraceful that as New Yorkers we should have to leave the state that our tax dollars support (or as US Citizens to potentially have to leave the country that our tax dollars support) in order to access our rights. We're fortunate at this point that we're both (relatively) young and in good health and not entirely financially dependent upon one another (although our finances are certainly 100% co-mingled just like any other family) we feel we do have the luxury of waiting to see if we can't be a part of the process of change in our own state. Time, however, will certainly tell how long we decide to stick to that plan.

(Because, ironically, we were just last night talking about the possibility of buying wedding bands in Gibraltar or some other port on this trip----because last time we were on the TA we saw many shops in Gibraltar that were selling high end jewelry at discounted matching rings/wedding bands would be a pretty cool souvenir! :thumbsup2)

A while back - part 5 or 6 maybe... We all offered to stand up for you... We can hold the wedding on board... Maybe the secret deck on 7... Just need to grab Cap'n Sparrow so he can officiate!
Dont forget St Maarten has really really good deals on jewelry there as well .... Good for you too :thumbsup2


That's a great suggestion. Now that you mention it I do recall that in the Caribbean ports there is lots of jewelry shopping promoted. Perhaps we will keep that in mind.

I can understand your position completely. We have gay friends here in California who are very upset about the marriage reversal here.

However, let me point our health does not always enter the equation. I lost my husband when I was 29, he was 31. He was run off the road by a drunk driver and killed instantly. You can never really ever plan for things like that to happen to you or your loved ones.

You could always buy the wedding bands in Gibraltar and save them for that special day.

Just my thoughts...

Sorry to hear about your loss....and thank you for this reminder. It's funny but as I was typing the thought about our health, I was thinking of that. I have certainly had some sudden and shocking losses in my life before (a dear friend of mine was aboard that plane that crashed into a house outside Buffalo in Feb. 2009....and in June of 2006 a terrible car crash killed 5 teenage girls from the High School where I coach cheerleading----and four of the girls killed were from my squad). So you are right.....banking on being healthy is is probably not wise.....and, like I said, more time that passes, the more seriously we discuss our options in terms of going somewhere to get legally recognized to at least protect our rights in terms of hospital visitation, healthcare decision-making, etc.

Erik and Jason? Either way, you don't need a paper when you find your real love. But it would be nice to be recognized by society. Whatever you plan on doing, if you do get married onboard, you can always have an extended DIS family with you. They will support you and you can share your Magical memores shots with them when you get home. :cloud9:

True...we don't need paper...but some rights when it comes to tax benefits, estate/beneficiary, healthcare, etc. would sure be nice!! :lmao::thumbsup2:thumbsup2 You're right, though....if we decided to do a DCL wedding we probably WOULD have friends there, it would just be an entirely different group of friends. I'm sure we have plenty of DIS friends and DCL friends who might not really consider travelling up to dull Rochester for our big gay wedding.....but would jump at any excuse to book another DCL cruise or trip to WDW (or both)!! :rotfl2:
I know with my friends its not the bit of paper its the financial security that worried them, families can become horrible after someones dies, I am sure every one can tell a story or two about this, I certainly can.Not that I am saying your family are horrible Erik and Jason but certainly I know len will be fine if I died, happy days:laughing: Actually, there is a bit in my will re my beagles to make sure they are cared for if anything happens to us,:confused3daft I know.

Not Daft, DS says that he's not going to have another Husky after Isis and Chloe pass. He'll switch to another breed IF he'll have any. Isis is our furrbrat that is spoiled rotten. :scratchin.....maybe I should put a codicil in my will? You MUST love my dog (if they survive me) they are only 5 yrs old. Hoping to have another 10 yrs with the brats. ;) My kids say I love my furr kids way more than them. Not true - its just they don't talk back. So I'm sweeter to them. :rotfl2:
Yeah, no douby, unite is pathetic, that guy thats the boss, he has a face you could slap:lmao:

I've read the Pprune forum thread(open only to airline workers) on the BA strike, and my words, the Bassa and Unite unions are something else! sometimes I can't believe what I read. I can't post as I'm not an airline worker, but i would so like to.
That's a great suggestion. Now that you mention it I do recall that in the Caribbean ports there is lots of jewelry shopping promoted. Perhaps we will keep that in mind.

Sorry to hear about your loss....and thank you for this reminder. It's funny but as I was typing the thought about our health, I was thinking of that. I have certainly had some sudden and shocking losses in my life before (a dear friend of mine was aboard that plane that crashed into a house outside Buffalo in Feb. 2009....and in June of 2006 a terrible car crash killed 5 teenage girls from the High School where I coach cheerleading----and four of the girls killed were from my squad). So you are right.....banking on being healthy is is probably not wise.....and, like I said, more time that passes, the more seriously we discuss our options in terms of going somewhere to get legally recognized to at least protect our rights in terms of hospital visitation, healthcare decision-making, etc.

True...we don't need paper...but some rights when it comes to tax benefits, estate/beneficiary, healthcare, etc. would sure be nice!! :lmao::thumbsup2:thumbsup2 You're right, though....if we decided to do a DCL wedding we probably WOULD have friends there, it would just be an entirely different group of friends. I'm sure we have plenty of DIS friends and DCL friends who might not really consider travelling up to dull Rochester for our big gay wedding.....but would jump at any excuse to book another DCL cruise or trip to WDW (or both)!! :rotfl2:

Alaska had some awesome deals too so don't rule them out. I got an AMAZING tanzanite ring there and 1 month later went to the Caribbean, they had the same ring for 1/2 the size but 3 times as much. Same store so can't be beat. And Diamonds International has a sliding scale if your a repeat customer. Don't forget that. In Aruba, we walked out of the store with 3 absolutely beautiful bracelets and we paid way under what the original price for 1 would have been. Course, they looked up our buying history. Took 2 hrs to deal them down. But I walked out of there extremely happy. :) DH is great about getting a great deal. Did I mention I love candy? ;)

But that is the way to think about the "dreaded end" Book another cruise! Hell, have a wedding. Who's not up for a party?

BTW, I remember how torn up you were about your girls. You wrote an amazing explanation on the board and I was truly touched by that post. (I think someone else posted a link to the story too) In fact, I shared your story with my kids when they started driving, my youngest, now 17, is just getting behind the wheel lessons and I will have to share with her too. So sorry you had to experience that but I hope you were able to recover ( I know that's not the right word - words fail me now) from that. But isn't it amazing how something from our past is so influential in others? Know that you passed on a very important lesson to someone on the West Coast. Thank you for that lesson learned. :grouphug:
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