The DIS Dad's Club XII: Oh... There You Are Perry!

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Just catching up with the thread...

Stopher, glad you checked in with an update. Been thinking about your search and praying you find something quickly.

Doc: Sounds like a load of Beverly to have to put up with. I could draw so many parallels between that and my place of employment. Suffice it to say, you're doing the right thing. And I'm glad you're trying to change the culture. Not too many people willing to stand up for what's right anymore. I keep wondering where all of the adults have gone. :confused3

Oh I understand, I think it's awesome for him:thumbsup2. And even more awesome that you're "leading a charge" to change the's hard to find that now a days...(now if you can manage to use the phrases "Fix Bayonets" and/or "Jack Bauer would've killed every one of you blankety blanks by now" get bonus points:lmao:)

+1 :thumbsup2 for the Jack Bauer reference. :rotfl:
It seems that all the Scouting talk is about DS's, are any of our DISDads involved with their DD's in Girl Scouts?
Advice I have heard is to NEVER write anything down and if confronted DENY DENY DENY....:rotfl2::rotfl2:

1. Admit Nothing.

2. Deny Everything.

3. Make Counteraccusations.

I will NOT disclose where I learned this;)

+1 :thumbsup2 for the Jack Bauer reference. :rotfl:

Why thank you:lmao::lmao:

I actually stood up in a meeting at HQ and made that statement---the really really big boss in the room (the highest ranking guy there) thought it was hilarious and almost died laughing....which is probably the reason I'm not buried ina basement right now.!:lmao:
Paul, how long do you think you can hold a Fists Full Of Bacon?


It would probably depend on if this was the fist full of bacon.... :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:


We'd probably need a pretty big supply of bacon, on second thought...
Just catching up from the flurry of activity here this weekend.

Stopher: Good luck, we're all counting on you. (job hunt karma) And we will keep your FIL and your family in our prayer.

Bacon: Man I gotta be careful with this thread, some of those bacon pics are getting a little close to the NSFW category.

Scouting: Doc, sounds like you're taking the right approach to your son's troop. We have all girls and DW is very active in the Girl Scout Troops for our 2. (Co-Leader for DD1 and Troop Leader for DD2). They also are experiencing some of the typical behaviors of Grade 2/3 girls but they are facing it head on. DW is making sure that any type of clique that gets formed is imediately broken up and they constantly remind the kids that the tenent of the of the Girl Scouts is that they are all sisters in scouting.

I try to get involved as I can with the Girl Scouts (typically in the Daddy-Daughter functions) but their troop meets right after school (3:15) so I have to focus on the extra curricular activities. (side note, we have a Daddy Daughter Hay ride coming up next week where I'm the substitute Troop Leader for both troops)

Fed: If you get the chance, borrow a patrol car and pull Dave over for excessive use of "boat trailer spinner references" I'm sure he'd appreciate the thought. :lmao:
On the bulling front I just don't know anymore, it just seems like one of those "decline of modern civilization" things, but I don't see it getting better. Its like there are two main sides, people who don't give a damn what their kids do, and people who are too PC to call out those parents for not doing their job. Left in the middle of this whole mess is The political views, and opinions on this forum vary greatly to say the least, but the one thing that seems to unite us is not a fun place to go and ride cool rides, but the ideal behind that place. We care about our kids, want them to have the "magical" experiences, and actually be there to see it.

Is it really too much to ask for 5 or 6 of us to win the powerball in our respective states and buy up enough of Golden Oaks to start our own Utopian society?:confused3

Afternoon Dads..sure has been a rough post summer for everyone. I'l be sending out prayers and good vibes to all. I've missed a lot here lately, can't find a lot of computer time anymore. I've had to give up the Caption Contest as a result.

Amelia has been struggling big time in school, where we've figured the french-immersion is a setback and not helping her. We've met with her teachers and working on principals now, but essentially we have to pull her out of french. The biggest problem is she never had a proper grade one education, so is far behind. Also, we'd have to change schools since the school she attends is out of our boundries. So lots of time devoted to helping her cope and arranging a transfer to a new school. She will be able to stay in grade two, snce she'd be assigned a special teacher to help catch her up, but there are a lot of intangibles. What is bothering me is I've learned she is being somewhat shunned at school (likely due to stuggling in class), and is off by herself most of the time at recess etc. She says she doesn't mind, but ugh, it can't be good for her psyche in the long run. We are doing what we can for her.

What with all that, and work is kicked into overdrive, ( I am in charge of cleaning, and reorganizing the shelves, on top of my inventory and beer duties), I come home hurting to go back at it the next day, but that should be done by Halloween (then our Xmas season starts).

All in all though, I cannot really complain. I've skimmed through the past couple of weeks here and there are far more pressing problems I really hope get resolved for everyone.:grouphug:

Sorry to hear she's having a rough time of it, hopefully they can get her the help she needs to catch up. I can have a dozen crappy days in a row at work and brush it off but it just kills me dropping DS off for school and spending the day worrying about if he's having a good day.

Did some apartment hunting on Saturday. Only looked at two places, though. One was nice and big, but a bit out of our price range (although, manageable). The second one was slightly smaller than our current place (and our current place is a bit tiny). The wife's back in Pohang today to look at more. If she doesn't see one the likes, we'll most likely be going for the big one we saw on Saturday.

Moving day will be on the 15th of October and I'll be starting my new job around the middle of that next week.

Should be interesting.

Hopefully she'll find something a bit more spacious within the budget.:thumbsup2

...which is probably the reason I'm not buried ina basement right now.!:lmao:

I'm pretty sure the reason you're not burried in a basement has to do with them wanting to keep you somewhere they can keep an eye on you.
the one thing that seems to unite us is not a fun place to go and ride cool rides, but the ideal behind that place. We care about our kids, want them to have the "magical" experiences, and actually be there to see it.

:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 thumbs way up!

Is it really too much to ask for 5 or 6 of us to win the powerball in our respective states and buy up enough of Golden Oaks to start our own Utopian society?:confused3

It seems that all the Scouting talk is about DS's, are any of our DISDads involved with their DD's in Girl Scouts?

Trying to get a Brownie troop for DD. Looks like it isn't going to happen easily if at all. Tiny town, all girls that are interested are already in the troop which meets right after school at 3:10. DD goes to a different school in the next county and doesn't get out of school until ~3:50 and the troop meeting ends at 4:00. Thought about a troop at her school, but she and the other girl (yes there are only 2 of age) aren't enough to make a troop and SWMBO and I can't lead the troop together according to my understanding.

At this point we are probably just going to do what we can and hope the Civil Air Patrol squadron the next county over is still going when she is old enough and hope she is interested.

Living in the hollers of Appalachia isn't all it is made up to be sometimes.
My BIL and SIL are in the World this week. :mad:

I am not. :sad1:

Didn't even offer for me to come along...I mean they have a King size bed...surely that would have fit all 3 of us. :confused3

My BIL and SIL are in the World this week. :mad:

I am not. :sad1:

Didn't even offer for me to come along...I mean they have a King size bed...surely that would have fit all 3 of us. :confused3


i told you nate you could stay with us but tammy farts!:lmao:

2011 Charger....I got rid of the Fusion Hybrid:lmao:

i wont even make it now, ill be flippin off every state trooper from s.carolina to florida thinking its fed.:lmao: so im looking for a 2011 charger with spinners??popcorn:: remember, im the tall asia looking man with long hair in a toga.:lmao:
i wont even make it now, ill be flippin off every state trooper from s.carolina to florida thinking its fed.:lmao: so im looking for a 2011 charger with spinners??popcorn:: remember, im the tall asia looking man with long hair in a toga.:lmao:

Dave, if that's the way you think you look, Fed's gonna have to add a DUI to your list of offences. :lmao:
Dave, if that's the way you think you look, Fed's gonna have to add a DUI to your list of offences. :lmao:

i got to run. i have a few things to get done for work and tammy has a list here for me to do while she gets her nails done, both hands and feets.:rolleyes: andi want to hit the rack early tonight, we are getting up around 2am. i probably wont be on till wednesday sometime. now that trons not around anymore i have no picture ideas to text to barry. fed, i will shot you a text when we hit ga. hopefully if we dont hit traffic, i should be at the florida welcoming center between 4-6pm. ill have tammy text you from my phone so you know who it is. i dont like texting and driving 90 mph.:lmao:
talk to you guys later!!!:thumbsup2
oh, lets congrad. mark on his phabulous phighting phillies!! 0-8. they beat the mets on sunday 9-4 and they are back on track for the play offs!:lmao: im sorry mark, atleast your eagles are looking good!:lmao: to quote mike vick, "they keep knockin me down".:lmao:
Thoughts from the Corn Field...

Why would you wear Flip-Flops to a Corn Maze?
Why would you ever wear Flip-Flops?
Why do people with Ugly Toes always wear Flip-Flops?
Why do you pay money to go to a Corn Maze...then try to find Shortcuts thru the corn?
Why do Smokers feel the need to light up in the middle of a Corn Maze?
Why do Smokers feel the need to light up at all?
Teenage Girls...we are Corn Cops...not people placed in the Corn to scare you...chill out.
Parents...Make your Children behave! are the example...Behave Yourself!!!
"I could not find the Path" is not a valid excuse for cutting through the corn.
Why do people want to run through the Corn Maze?
Why do people who run through the Maze seem surprised when they do a face-plant in the dirt?
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