The "I am Banned from VMK" Thread.

Were you buying and selling VMK items?

You did state above you did buy some vmk cards on ebay for your friend who collects disney stuff... and it was those codes that you were entering. To say you didnt buy them on ebay is a stretch. Did you mention you got them from ebay (for a friend) when you wrote contact us about the codes not working?

With that said, I am soooooooooo sooooooooooo sorry this happened to you. :grouphug: :grouphug:

Major bummer
You did state above you did buy some vmk cards on ebay for your friend who collects disney stuff... and it was those codes that you were entering. To say you didnt buy them on ebay is a stretch. Did you mention you got them from ebay (for a friend) when you wrote contact us about the codes not working?

With that said, I am soooooooooo sooooooooooo sorry this happened to you. :grouphug: :grouphug:

Major bummer

Yeah I understand where you are coming from. However, having seen some VERY well known Vmk members selling ACTUAL virtual items (Inferno, Eye pin, stitch) on Ebay, I believe there is a huge difference between that and what I did. I was not even expecting to use the codes. I understood that person's post to mean was I buying or selling the actual virtual VMK items. While yes I did purchase VMK collectable cards, I was not getting them with the intent to use the codes, even though that is allowed and I have done that once in a while in the past for various park quest items (once again, bought the cards, not the virtual items). It is the selling and buying of actual virtual items that is not allowed. I did tell Contact Us the full story, including the Ebay part and the friend's birthday, because I figured, hey if they don't know everything, how can they help me? :sad2: Guess it didn't matter :sad1: What a mess. Sorry for any confusion. Thanks for your hugs though Bears. I'm pretty upset about all this.
Fight it - Call the VMK Operations number (which is in the guide) and talk to a live person
How did you create another account if they banned your IP? Hope you get this resolved soon. Oh you might PM Mal, I know she has a number for VMK that you can call and talk (OK YELL) at a real live person (preferably one with a fully functioning brain lol). She did and they reversed her ban!
How did you create another account if they banned your IP? Hope you get this resolved soon. Oh you might PM Mal, I know she has a number for VMK that you can call and talk (OK YELL) at a real live person (preferably one with a fully functioning brain lol). She did and they reversed her ban!

I haven't created another account. I tried signing on with my DH's, but that's when it said my IP has been banned. I think I'm going to have him call them. I tend to start crying and getting all my words mixed up and forgetting what I mean to say when I have to deal with emotional confrontations. And in regards to getting someone with a fully functioning brain, I was just telling Roller I'm pretty sure VMK is run by robots, not real people. What else could possibly explain the strangeness that is VMK_Shorty?!?!??!?!
Bubbles you should try to change your IP address. Just look up how to do it on Google and then see if it will let you log in then. It takes about a day or so to change it, so you just have to be kind of patient :).
Bubbles you should try to change your IP address. Just look up how to do it on Google and then see if it will let you log in then. It takes about a day or so to change it, so you just have to be kind of patient :).

Or she could just PM me and I will tell her how to change it in under 5 minutes
Bubbles you should try to change your IP address. Just look up how to do it on Google and then see if it will let you log in then. It takes about a day or so to change it, so you just have to be kind of patient :).

That won't work for everyone and if her character is banned, won't help at all. Best thing to do is call vmk and ask them to review the ban. They will do this and return her call within a day or two.
That won't work for everyone and if her character is banned, won't help at all. Best thing to do is call vmk and ask them to review the ban. They will do this and return her call within a day or two.

If she is on dialup, her IP will change every time she dials in. If she is on a cable or DSL modem, the IP can be changed in mere seconds depending on the router she is using.
The last thing I want to do is get into any more trouble with VMK :( I'm so worried. I know I didn't do anything wrong, but I have heard so many horror stories that I'm just sick to my stomach. This day has just been awful. Thanks for all your help and suggestions. I'm going to try calling them tomorrow.
I disagree with that. I have 3 kids and them and I play on VMK. Last Sunday my kids were all away for the day and I was at home playing on vmk and cleaning house. I was talking to Bubbles inbetween loads of washing and dishes, just as she was. Now I wasn't playing any game, other than jungle cruise. Jungle cruise is where I go when I have think to do, and yet still make money, granted only 20 credits, but better than nothing. As I write this I'm on the jungle cruise. Now Bubbles and I are friends, and she did not tell me she was banned!!!!!, and have shared many a game of pirates with roller, super, princess and so on, but I'm not a person who talks in open rooms and if I do it's always just hi how are you? pink or green, you start or I? you know the pure basic stuff and nothing more! anyways, I told bubbles I'd brb and went off to put another load in the washer and wash the dishes and during that time I got dc for inactivity, which was fine. I cooked supper and then logged back onto VMK, to find this nice little note from staff saying this was my warning and that you can't give out personal information. I promptly logged out and went to writting vmk via the contact us option. I was very detailed in that I wasn't online do to dc for inactivity. They replied today, from my the person I dislike...vmk shorty, who doesn't answer questions, just leaves you with me that you started with. I had said to vmk that I wanted them to send me proof that I did or said something wrong, but I know I didn't and no one else from my account could have either! Shorty's reply was this:

You/your child received an Alert, which is a reminder about what is and is not
acceptable behavior in VMK.


VMK Player Support
I tried to write back, but got the it's been closed because problem solved. Well hello, nothing was solved, because you didn't answer my freaking questions Mister!! I called today, and got told deal with it or leave VMK, so unless someone has a better way of reaching a human who knows what they are doing I am about to give up. Now on a side note, my 17 year old daughter logged on Sunday night, to find the same message from staff about the warning, but now my 2 youngest kids didn't have the note so it's not a blanket ISP message. Someone did tell me that if your in a room and someone gives out personal information, anyone in the room can get the warning or ban. I disagree with that 100%!
I want VMK to show me what I said that was wrong, but they won't. I use to run a BBS so I know for a fact about all the capture programs so I don't buy they can't show me. Granted my BBS only had about 2500 members, but still I could look over everything that was said or done in the chat rooms, mail, pm's, mud game, tradewars game and ect for the past 30 days, so I know they can too.
Bubbles, I have bought lots of cards off ebay, plus I have a sheet of codes from playing narnia, yeti, pirates and so on, I don't know how to go about it, but we need to get together and support each other. I get a warning for saying nothing, bubbles gets banned for entering codes, but yet I see people talking about having sex and all kind of other things, but they don't get in any trouble? How is that possible??? Oh wait I know, the adults get banned but the kids run rampid?
Bubbles, I'll write you later on, and keep your chin up, we will work it out I promise, somehow!
Hugs Bubble
Alonelymom AKA HopelesslyLost on vmk
I totally agree, the moderation in VMK is ridiculous. I had the same message while on a quest. I had to got to the esplanade for my next task. Message pops up about giving out personal information, huh. I was only there until next task and said NOTHING. I also found the same message in my messages when i checked them after the quest. Now how can I be giving out personal information without speaking a single word???? Pure insanity! Hang in there bubble. Maybe if enough of us contact VMK this can be resolved!!
I miss you already bubble!

I miss you already bubble!


*Bubble will not cry, Bubble will not cry.* *Tears leak out* Drat. You guys are the reason I stay on VMK :( Thank you, Tiki! I look forward to seeing you again when I'm hopefully unbanned *keeps fingers crossed*
Okay, Bubble, first - so sorry this has happened. :hug: I understand the emotional side of this as vmk is a social circle that we all have come to love for various reasons. The friendships and laughter shared in game are amazing.

That said, you need to remove yourself from that completely and view this only logically so that you can see what has happened, why, and how to approach it to find a way to get your access rights back.

I have read the above and would like to try to offer a view that will hopefully help you pull together the facts needed when you speak with someone associated with VMK tomorrow.


Apparently I have been banned for "buying and selling items." I sent in a contact us form yesterday because two Holiday cards' codes would not work. I had puchased the cards off Ebay for a close friend who collects Disney pins, cards, and memorabilia. He does not play on VMK, so he allowed me and my DH to use the codes. Due to a glitch with my wireless, two of my codes would not go through. I wrote into Contact Us explaining the situation and they sent back two replies. One with how they can ban you for selling and buying items and accounts (even though I clearly explained this is not the case) and another saying they can do nothing with things puchased outside of Disney parks and stores (never mind that the cards were in their original packaging -_-)...

...They gave me a lecture about buying/selling items and accounts, and that appears to be why I was actually banned.....

Okay... so, quite clearly, FROM VMK'S VIEW:
You bought cards on ebay, along with codes. From the VMK House Rules:
"#10 Don't buy or sell accounts or items. We reserve the right to cancel any player account that was bought or sold, or player accounts that have bought or sold items." I would have to say that codes most likely is the same as items in VMK's view (not ebay's, VMK's). So... FROM THEIR VIEW, you have broken this house rule (I am guessing).


...having seen some VERY well known Vmk members selling ACTUAL virtual items (Inferno, Eye pin, stitch) on Ebay, I believe there is a huge difference between that and what I did. I was not even expecting to use the codes.
VERY TRUE. We all probably know people who have bought and sold VMK items on ebay. The challenge VMK has, of course, is how to patrol and when to enforce. Sadly, you told them straight from your own Contact Us message that you bought cards on ebay and attempted to use the accompanying codes. So, you made it very easy for them to decide to enforce this policy against you. Technically, you bought codes for items on ebay.

However... what about intent?

...While yes I did purchase VMK collectable cards, I was not getting them with the intent to use the codes, even though that is allowed and I have done that once in a while in the past for various park quest items (once again, bought the cards, not the virtual items). It is the selling and buying of actual virtual items that is not allowed.

What you need to explain, calmly and rationally, to someone at the phone numbers you have been provided is the order of events and the intent behind your purchase:
1. You purchased the cards.
2. You gifted those cards to a friend.
3. You were then GIVEN codes by your friend, who does not play VMK.

It is a fine line, but there is a difference. THAT is your "leg to stand on." You need to show them that you did not buy codes or items on ebay. You need to get them to see that you bought cards on ebay and a friend gave you some codes as a gift (they just happened to be the codes on the same cards that you purchased). I don't know how successful you will be with this, but from everything you have explained, and hearing 1.5 years of "banned" stories, this seems to be the best approach.

I hope this helps in some way. Please know I am trying to offer you a perspective that hopefully will help (or I would not have spent way too much time following your chain of events and trying to find a way for your present your case).

Two small side notes:
1 -
...they said about the entering too many codes thing, that they do not allow third party software use to enter codes.... what absolute (words i cannot say here, but am still thinking quite clearly in my head)

It truly seems that this is NOT the issue with your ban, but just so you know it IS against the VMK values to use any software at all to enter codes. From the vmk values: "#1 - Use ANY hacking, scripting or editing program that modifies VMK or changes the game. (This includes the use of code generation tools.)"

2 - It seems this began when you wrote to VMK about the codes not working. Sadly, since you do not know the history of those codes for an absolute fact, they may have already been used. Since you mentioned "original packaging" I am guessing they are stitch cards since they come in a little package. Maybe, the codes were already used and the person truly was just selling the cards. No clue, just a thought.... However, the "validity" of the codes would seem questionable to me since you do not know their "life story."

PHEW! Okay... hope this perspective helps you put together some thoughts and an approach when you speak with someone at VMK. Best of luck to you. Hope to see you in Funville soon!

- Dreams
Bubbles so sorry to hear of your ban .. I hope things work out for you soon :hug:

I am confused about the Ebay thing .. are we not allowed to buy cards that have codes on them? I thought the Ebay rule was concerning selling of virtual items you have in the game. :confused3
VMK does not have any rules concerning buying cards on ebay - transferring the "do not sell accounts" to the cards is ridiculous. A phone call top them is definately in order.

I'm going to pick up extra's of whatever comes out for you until you get your account back on. I will just the extra stuff on my side account and await your return :) I have a "boy" account, so I can get anything new for your husband as well.
I will be counting down the hours 'til you return. No one plays friendly pirates like you do :(
I miss you Bubbles!!!
Okay... so, quite clearly, FROM VMK'S VIEW:
You bought cards on ebay, along with codes. From the VMK House Rules:
"#10 Don't buy or sell accounts or items. We reserve the right to cancel any player account that was bought or sold, or player accounts that have bought or sold items." I would have to say that codes most likely is the same as items in VMK's view (not ebay's, VMK's). So... FROM THEIR VIEW, you have broken this house rule (I am guessing).

- Dreams

Well, I have to disagree. Their interpretation of this stinks. As you know, many people have purchased the 'Pirate' pinsets for friends and reimbursed them. It is the same as selling an item. So, just think how many people should be banned then. Is the fault that she was honest and said the source? I bet that is the case and it is lame. I think it is all lead to interpretation but the complaint reader and threw the gavel down.

Bubbles - I am so sorry to read this. It appears the complaint reader had a bad day and took it out on you, again without clearly looking at the facts. Something we have seen to often in the banning process.


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