This is Us- Season four

Just because I’m sure I’m not the only one who can’t keep track:
Army lady (Jennifer Morrison) - Cassidy
Kate and Toby’s future daughter - Hailey
Horse girl - Sadie Mason (Madison’s doctor - Eli Mason)
Jack Damon’s wife - Lucy

So many names that end in a -y sound. (Not to mention Sophia Bush’s character - John Legend concert girl - was Lizzy)

I like the theory that Hailey is connected to Jack Damon.

As far as Kevin goes people age differently. It would be nuts for him to have TWO sets of twins though not ruling that out. But my dad went from all black hair to all gray in the span of about 7 years so... not outside of the realm of possibility.
The fight between the boys was epic, and I'm even madder at Randall right now than I was before. - But maybe it pushed Kevin into going "all in," which I think is a good thing.
I agree so much. Randall is infuriating right now and not very likeable but it was the kick in the pants for Kevin that came at the perfect time. He has to prove Randall wrong. But I hope he does marry Madison and they do fall in love, not in the classic love-at-first kind of Pearson way, but a way that will endure. I feel like the scenes have been leading up to this. Madison and Kevin, two lost souls chasing after something and finding their way to each other.
I'm going to have to rewatch the finale because SO MUCH happened.
My thoughts right now: I'm afraid Kate is dead. Someone said a page or two up that Nicky is wearing a ring to be "Jack" for Rebecca because she's very confused now and I agree with this very much. Also, I follow Sterling K Brown on Instagram (along with other cast members) and he mentions the scene where they are all gathering around Rebecca's bedside as taking place in 2045. Which means Kevin could have kids with Madison AND someone else.

Boy this show sure keeps you guessing 😂

I have watched this video too many times to admit because I am in love with this -


Not Jack. Not Milo. Simply the way a man looks at a woman he just adores. Sigh.

But the song was written to follow the arc, written for the show.

Check out two things. Because the writers love to drop their hints. Watch Cassidy and Nicky where they place it. And Kevin's LAX to PIT screen. I think both have bigger meaning.

I don't really care how it all ends up with friendship/love/impact. But we're not finished with Cassidy. However it unfolds I am overjoyed for Nicky going forward. It makes me happy.

I love so many romantic relationships on the show. I just mentioned Jack. Have never shut up about Beth since season one.

But I decided today that the non-romantic relationships have impacted me the most.

*Nicky and Kevin
*Deja and Randall
*William and Randall - William and Beth. William. William. William.

Redemption. Changing the trajectory of people's lives.
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Also, I follow Sterling K Brown on Instagram (along with other cast members) and he mentions the scene where they are all gathering around Rebecca's bedside as taking place in 2045. Which means Kevin could have kids with Madison AND someone else.
If that’s the case, the kids could actually be Kevin’s grandchildren. Assuming “present day” in the show lines up approximately with now, Madison will give birth in late 2020/early 2021, meaning Kevin’s children would be about 25 in 2045. Did the boy ever actually call Kevin “Dad” or was it just an assumption?
If that’s the case, the kids could actually be Kevin’s grandchildren. Assuming “present day” in the show lines up approximately with now, Madison will give birth in late 2020/early 2021, meaning Kevin’s children would be about 25 in 2045. Did the boy ever actually call Kevin “Dad” or was it just an assumption?

Randall said, "Where's your dad?" ( I think)

And the child definitely said "Hey Uncle Randall".
If that’s the case, the kids could actually be Kevin’s grandchildren. Assuming “present day” in the show lines up approximately with now, Madison will give birth in late 2020/early 2021, meaning Kevin’s children would be about 25 in 2045. Did the boy ever actually call Kevin “Dad” or was it just an assumption?
I believe in the season 4 finale Randall said to the boy as he walked by "where's your dad" and he responded he'd gone out for food (which we saw Kevin hand to Beth this season) and Randall responded "typical Kevin."
If that’s the case, the kids could actually be Kevin’s grandchildren. Assuming “present day” in the show lines up approximately with now, Madison will give birth in late 2020/early 2021, meaning Kevin’s children would be about 25 in 2045. Did the boy ever actually call Kevin “Dad” or was it just an assumption?

Those kids were about 10-12 so Kevin would have to have become a grandpa when his Madison kids are 13-15...I don’t see that happening lol
They are probably not Kevin's grandkids, but it's possible he had kids later in life after having the kids with Madison. Whether him and Madison marry then divorce or they stayed married and Madison gets an oops pregnancy later in life with twins again we shall see. Yes, 2 sets of twins is pretty rare but it does happen.
The IMDb listing does say “Kevin’s son,” his bio gives us the son’s name.
cast in "This is Us" playing Andrew(2019) the son of Justin Hartley (Kevin)
...but it's possible he had kids later in life after having the kids with Madison. Whether him and Madison marry then divorce or they stayed married and Madison gets an oops pregnancy later in life with twins again we shall see. Yes, 2 sets of twins is pretty rare but it does happen.

It doesn't even have to be two sets of twins. - We were clearly meant to think the younger kids we saw in the flash forward were the twins Madison was talking about, but that's not a guarantee. They could be older, and these could be other kids. - Thinking about it, they were fairly close in height, but the girl was definitely a bit shorter. (Of course, the way kids grow, that doesn't mean anything either way!) They could be twins, or she could be a year or so younger. They could be his and Madison's (and they've been together all this time) or they could be from a later relationship (in a scenario where he and Madison co-parented the twins but never got together).

We could go on and on with less and less likely ideas all summer. But I personally hope they are the twins in the reference, and that the 2045 date slip was a mistake of some sort!
2045 doesn't sound right. That's 25 years out. Tess would be middle-aged at that point. Jack and Kevin's twins would all be adults.

Now, it's possible that the "Rebecca near death bed scene" with Nicky, etc. is at some other point (2035 or so), and there are other future scenes--such as with adult Jack having his child. THAT could certainly be 2045, and we might see 65yo Toby, Kevin, etc. Not so sure on Kate (but I hope so--they just haven't shown her at all in the future scenes).

The suggestion that Madison's OB could be Kyle is an intriguing one, especially since they spent so much time on him, versus the Pearson clan. I mean, he got more character development than Gerald McRaney did as Rebecca's OB, and he was more central to the Pearson narrative. But, weren't the Big Three born in 1980? At that time, it would have been customary to view the dead baby, have a funeral, etc.

That fight between Kevin and Randall. It just broke my heart!
The scenes with Jack and Hope's birth could be 2045 but it doesn't really make sense for the death scenes. It is unlikely that Rebecca would live another 25 years with an Alzheimer's diagnosis. Around 70 now, that would put her at 95. Maybe Sterling K. Brown is trying to throw everyone off (as if the writers don't do a fine job of that already)!
2045 doesn't sound right. That's 25 years out. Tess would be middle-aged at that point. Jack and Kevin's twins would all be adults.

Now, it's possible that the "Rebecca near death bed scene" with Nicky, etc. is at some other point (2035 or so), and there are other future scenes--such as with adult Jack having his child. THAT could certainly be 2045, and we might see 65yo Toby, Kevin, etc. Not so sure on Kate (but I hope so--they just haven't shown her at all in the future scenes).

The suggestion that Madison's OB could be Kyle is an intriguing one, especially since they spent so much time on him, versus the Pearson clan. I mean, he got more character development than Gerald McRaney did as Rebecca's OB, and he was more central to the Pearson narrative. But, weren't the Big Three born in 1980? At that time, it would have been customary to view the dead baby, have a funeral, etc.

That fight between Kevin and Randall. It just broke my heart!

Wait, what? We’re actually entertaining the idea that Dr. K stole Kyle??

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I was so glad to see Nicky with the ring.

Randall and Kevin’s fight was awful. How do you come back from one brother saying the worst thing to happen to him was the other joining the family. Some words you can’t take back.


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