VMK this is going TOO FAR!!!!RANT

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Maleficent2 said:
I totally agree with you here. That is exactly what they have done.

I think maybe it was a knee jerk reaction to the generator.

Also want to clear something up that....there is a misconception that this code generator generates the code for a sparrow costume like it does for the Narnia Teleporters it does not. It is my understanding that it only generates random codes for that game just as the game does.

For Narnia it generates the exact code for the item you want as it does with the Pink doors(which can be won the right way in seconds why would you need to generate these :confused3 ).

I truly feel that what has been stated over and over again since the Narnia game and the Plunder game was released that VMK should not make items 1:5000 that is just too rare and too hard to get!!

Be fair with players and hopely the players will play the game(s)fairly.

I totally agree with you Mal! They did made the problem themselves, and now they are just making it worse. The only problem they solved was the greed of those trading these particular items for loads of stuff. And that's still going on with the green flips (as already seen in this thread), inferno, and other rare items. But, that's the nature of trading.
So I don't get what they really think they've solved. :confused3
Just a note for everyone to be aware of...this was my assumption all the time, but I decided to confirm it. I was in Phinny's room this morning and asked her if she or any IN GAME STAFF had any input as to how things like this situation are handled, and she responded that they DO NOT. It is a decision made by the producers. So, yes, express your feelings to in game staff, but at the same time be very aware that they did not have anything to do with this decision of making certain items untradeable.
i totally agree with you mal! i thought it was bad that they banned people and took the items away from the pirate quest but this is just crazy! Punishing people for using codes and not making the items trade able any more.. so if you traded a lot for an item and now you cant trade because of a few people that is absolutley rediculous! Can people still trade Sparrow? because if you can't i will be going crazy because i traded a lot for that! plz let me know thanx

totally Agree with Mal!
CaptinJackSparrow said:
remember it is just a game and life is way to short to get this worked up over that wich is so trivial.

:thumbsup2 have a nice day

For some players, this vmk decision to make items non-tradeable is not trivial. There are so many different ways it affects players, and their playing of the game.

1. It affects my and my son in that we often trade items between us where we only have 1 of it. Luckily I didn't end up with any of "his" items. Or I'd never hear the end of it!

2. It came without warning. Had their been warning and a grace time, ppl could have got their items in order.

3. EVERYONE got punished for the act of some.

4. Impossible items have become even more impossible

5. The only way to get these impossible items is by code. Meaning that ppl will set up more outside contact to get items. There will be more bans of people in the game, trying to explain how to contact them.

6. The problem is not resolved, in fact, more problems are created now.
lovethattink said:
1. It affects my and my son in that we often trade items between us where we only have 1 of it. Luckily I didn't end up with any of "his" items. Or I'd never hear the end of it!

2. It came without warning. Had their been warning and a grace time, ppl could have got their items in order.

3. EVERYONE got punished for the act of some.

4. Impossible items have become even more impossible

5. The only way to get these impossible items is by code. Meaning that ppl will set up more outside contact to get items. There will be more bans of people in the game, trying to explain how to contact them.

6. The problem is not resolved, in fact, more problems are created now.

1) How do you know VMK is not working with players to sort that stuff out?
2) It probably makes a stronger statement to do it without warning and help players sort out stuff later. A couple of days a warning would have been a couple of days of frenzied code cheating and trading of the ill-gotten goods.
3) True, that happens all the time. Everyone uses a restricted dictionary because some people would break the rules if it weren't.
4) More impossible? I know what you mean but I think part of problem is greed. People should get used to the idea of not being able to own everything.
5) Yes, people will continue to get banned if they continue to break the rules. :confused3
6) Check out the site that the generators were distributed from. The generators are gone. Problem solved?

I don't really blame people for being upseat. But really, I don't think it's all that big of a deal. It's nothing worth quitting the game or cancelling your vacation over.
KrazyPete said:
1) How do you know VMK is not working with players to sort that stuff out?
2) It probably makes a stronger statement to do it without warning and help players sort out stuff later. A couple of days a warning would have been a couple of days of frenzied code cheating and trading of the ill-gotten goods.
3) True, that happens all the time. Everyone uses a restricted dictionary because some people would break the rules if it weren't.
4) More impossible? I know what you mean but I think part of problem is greed. People should get used to the idea of not being able to own everything.
5) Yes, people will continue to get banned if they continue to break the rules. :confused3
6) Check out the site that the generators were distributed from. The generators are gone. Problem solved?

I don't really blame people for being upseat. But really, I don't think it's all that big of a deal. It's nothing worth quitting the game or cancelling your vacation over.

Let's see...

1) Have you read one post where anyone has posted VMK is working to help them out? I haven't and how does that help all the players who can now not trade or gift these items, I am not talking about Narnia teleporters.

What about all of us you do not have a Jack Sparrow costume? What about the people who have traded for an extra one to trade off later??

2) Stronger statement in what way other than to tick off a bunch of players??

3) :confused3 That happens all the time :confused3 Does that make it right? I think not.

4) Greed? Really. I do not think this thread was motivated by greed :rolleyes:

5) :sad2:

6) That is not the problem she was referring too. What problem did that solve for the players who were not using this generator to begin with. LOL
The ones you were using it still have it downloaded so exactly what problem did that solve again????

OOps typo not you were using it...should read who were, sorry about that KP ;)
Gosh Greedy Vmk'ers ( not anyone on DIS ) ruin all the fun.....

Ok lets all go to a concert and calm down..
i think VMK has gone way to overboard on many of these things. These ten year bans are crazy. If your going to put out a site like this you have to educate yourself enough to realize WHO is going to be playing your games. VMK could solve the problem via a technical solution instead of being big brother and coming down with a hammer.

I would love to see some of these items stay rare or hard to get...but im not going to get bent out of shape simply because there not. I personally could finish the pirates ship game which gave me some nice trade bait for awhile but thats gone..oh well...ill live...

As to "breaking the rules" or calling it "cheating".... you could argue that
allowing quest spoilers diminishes the game quite a bit. How many people here could finish these quests on their own??? especially the weekend only versions...wouldnt that make some of these items more rare? Instead becasue of quest spoilers people can run all of their mules through the quest and get many items of something that was intended for a one time item for that player.

also i have seen posted on these boards ways to get the pirate codes quicker by a direct link to the end of the pirates game ...or hitting refresh after you got your code....technically speaking isnt this cheating?? your not playing the game the way disney intended...and your basically short cutting your way into getting codes...sure its still a few steps...but alot less steps than doing it from the begining....so the only difference between a code generator is that it in turn cuts out a couple of more steps....ones cheating and the other is not?? kind of subjective i think.

In my opinion they made a mistake in how they generate codes for narnia items...so be it...live with the fact that narnia teleporters are not rare..they solved that problem with pirates by having a random code generator.....so the worse thats going to happen to an outside code generator is what?? they will have a 1000 deadmans chests?? let them have it....are there odds of a sparrow suit that much greater...maybe....but we have seen plenty of people get them after a few tries of playing the game..while others have entered 100's to no avail.

I laud VMK for wanting a good game experience and understand some of their goals. However they really need to spend more of their effort solving the problems in game. They have the ability to be more creative in their solutions than to just be heavy handed at the first apparent abuse.
KrazyPete said:
1) How do you know VMK is not working with players to sort that stuff out?
2) It probably makes a stronger statement to do it without warning and help players sort out stuff later. A couple of days a warning would have been a couple of days of frenzied code cheating and trading of the ill-gotten goods.
3) True, that happens all the time. Everyone uses a restricted dictionary because some people would break the rules if it weren't.
4) More impossible? I know what you mean but I think part of problem is greed. People should get used to the idea of not being able to own everything.
5) Yes, people will continue to get banned if they continue to break the rules. :confused3
6) Check out the site that the generators were distributed from. The generators are gone. Problem solved?

I don't really blame people for being upseat. But really, I don't think it's all that big of a deal. It's nothing worth quitting the game or cancelling your vacation over.

1. I haven't heard of anyone that vmk is working with to sort out the stuff. (Pink have you heard any response about the sparrow hat?)

I'll address the others once I think about it.
I have been playing tons of games trying to get the Sparrow suit. I was going to gift new (Guest) players with the items I was getting but did not want. So, now you tell me I won't be able to do that??? :furious:
it sounds to me like VMK has raised the proverbial terror alert! who knows maybe it will come back down. i don't like it either cos let's be honest the only way that, 4999 out of 5000 of us, could hope to get the sparrow suit is through trading.

just my opinon, like it or not

why, VMK? WHY!!!! im TOTALLY with you on this one, Mal. this is not right whatsoever. i mean come on, how many HOURS do you think ppl spent on trying to get that Sparrow Costume code? and now it is all useless?!?! what is up with that?! please staff, something MUST be done about this. it CANT be right!!!

Muling has been around from day one and I don't know of VMK taking any steps to stop it. All of your examples are apples and oranges because while they may violate the spirit the of the game they aren't against the rules. It's like "taken." You can whine about it until the cows come home, it's not against the rules!

Using scripting programs to extract and enter codes is illegal and you have been warned about it before in the newsletter. Furthermore, it directly harms the players who play the game fairly. A person who plays through on the "Plunder" game can't compete with people who are extracting a hundred codes from the game in a couple of minutes. IF the odds of winning the Sparrow costume are 1 in 5000 who do you think are going to get those codes? Cheaters, That's who! People who break the game's rules. That's who!

VMK attacked the problem at the motive. It's genius! If you want a Sparrow costume, go play the game. You can still win one. You can even use your code generator (if you got one before the people who made it decided to become a "fan site"). But you can only have one. :lmao:

I understand that some people got caught in the crossfire. I'm sorry if you traded stuff and now your are stuck with two costumes. I'm sorry if you let a friend borrow your costume and now you can't trade it back. Yes, I am naive enough to believe that VMK will help you out if you go to the black hole and calmly and politely tell them your situation.

I don't like it when everyone gets punished for the actions of a few. I accept that is a fact of life. I'm sure this forum has restrictions that apply to all of us because people who came before us abused the resource.

But the most outrageous part of this is that I am hearing that some of you people are MORE likely to use a code generator now than before. What is it going to take?

Here's thing... I don't hate ya. I completely disagree with most of you. I think most of you are way overreacting. I'm going back to playing the game. I'm going to leave this thread to its original purpose, complaining. I sincerely hope that you all get a positive result for your efforts. Seriously, I really do. Except you Mal... I hope you get banned. Ok, I was just kidding about that last part. OK, no, just a one hour ban... uh... did I just say that out loud. :teeth:

See you all in the game :thumbsup2
KrazyPete said:
But the most outrageous part of this is that I am hearing that some of you people are MORE likely to use a code generator now than before. What is it going to take?

Here's thing... I don't hate ya. I completely disagree with most of you. I think most of you are way overreacting. I'm going back to playing the game. I'm going to leave this thread to its original purpose, complaining. I sincerely hope that you all get a positive result for your efforts. Seriously, I really do. Except you Mal... I hope you get banned. Ok, I was just kidding about that last part. OK, no, just a one hour ban... uh... did I just say that out loud. :teeth:

See you all in the game :thumbsup2

Banned for what?

I am not using the code generator now or ever and never said that this action would make me more likely too either.
Maleficent2 said:
Banned for what?

I am not using the code generator now or ever and never said that this action would make me more likely too either.

I was just picking. ;)
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