VMK Zeta Secret Pals***Round 2 Info on Post 22***

Tishke said:
I also want to put notice out there that anyone who has not met the requirements of the program this time around will not be added to round 2. It is not fair to those who are putting time and effort into spoiling someone to get nothing in return. Hopefully this will allow for a better round.

Tishke, would you start a new thread about Zeta secret pal membership for round 2 and list what you would like us to do for mail and VMK pals? If it is a mail surprise every week, or once during the event, or whatever you would like for minimums. Also how we can spoil our vmk person without giving away our identity? I know you have this all figured out, but us newbies, (well, me anyway) have no idea what the expectations are or how to impliment this.

Maybe a new thread for membership in round 2 would help get this one back on track, as I see that all us newbies are so excited to join that we have completely hijacked your original thread.

and thanks! for organizing what sounds like a very fun event!
Hijack away!! LOL

I am trying to keep everything in this one thread so I don't inundate the boards with Zeta stuff. It has been said that this topic has been brought up several times :rolleyes: Let me go ahead and put some of the basics on here so you all can get an idea:

Zeta Mail Program

*Runs for about 5 weeks
* Requires one mail package during that time. $20-$25 in value (so as not to break the bank), but you are free to do more. However, not everyone CAN do more, so keep that in mind.
*Contact your pal 2 times per week, either by PM (with a new "mule" DIS account) or "mule" email (hopefully this time I will remember to put a line for email addresses).
*Just try to generally make your pal feel like they have a fairy godmother out there looking over them. We all need a laugh and a hug sometimes :goodvibes

Zeta VMK Program
*Runs for about 5 weeks
*Requires a gift a week....can be anything from a chair to a Fireworks Magic Pin. You will get a list of your pals wants.
*You can contact your pal with a "mule" to keep it secret.
*Send your pal a message twice a week, just to let them know you are still out there.

This is a great way to make a new friend, and I try to pair up people with similar interests in order to spark a connection. We're a great group of ladies, and it is time to be treated like the princess: we are!!
add me to the list for round 2!! (for the mail program)

subscribing to the thread to keep up with it :sunny:
I too would love to join round two...

to bad I'm a west-coaster... or I would join you on a Zeta-weekend ^_^
I would love to be part of the Zeta mail program for round #2. Sign me up - I'm ready to shop!! :)
go ahead and andd me to both groups... this sounds like fun
Oh goody goody I did not miss it this time. Yeah. Woot Woot.Though I posted before this is now my offical sign me up reply. So Cool and so close to Christmas this will be so much fun.
:Pinkbounc Bumping so others get a chance to see this and sign up....don't want anyone saying they missed out on all the girly fun ;)
Ok, I am already addicted to the exchanges on the CB, so count me in for the Zeta Mail program as well! :teeth:

Let me know what you need sent in a PM and when you want it sent to sign up on your list Tishke!

-Pilikia :goodvibes
*NikkiBell* said:
Tishy, when do the mail people find out their partners?

Surveys will go out next week for the new round. Hopefully Monday on those. I can have pals out Friday if I get the surveys all back by Thursday. :goodvibes
nmudisneyfan said:
Wow, I'd love to do this. I could use a pick-me-up lately.


I really hope everything is ok :grouphug:

Remember...you can ALWAYS count on the Zetas as a group, to be there for you! That is why we came together in the first place :goodvibes

(I know, I know...it isn't ALWAYS talk of lava boys and minute cake).
*NikkiBell* said:
Tishy, when do the mail people find out their partners?

People in Round 1 will find out their partners on Saturday. If everyone participating would please PM your pal then and let them know who you are :teeth:
Are Round 1 people automatically included in Round 2? (unless they are dropped for non-participation?)

If not automatic, you can include me in Round 2 as well. I have had a lot of fun spoiling my people! (The mail exchange is a little harder for me, but the person I'm gifting said I have done well so far, so I guess I'm ok :) )
Hi! I would love to participate in the Zeta VMK program! Thank you for posting the info! :cool1:


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