What are the weirdest complaints you have heard in WDW?

At AKL last year, the guy on the balcony next to me shouted "I DID NOT PAY $300 A NIGHT FOR THE GIRAFFE TO WALK THE (expletive) AWAY FROM ME! COME BACK HERE YOU LONG NECKED MAMMAL"

The wise-guy in me would have yelled back "He's an ungulate, sir!"

/Yes, I know ungulates are mammals.
//No, that doesn't make it any less funny.

I once had a friend complain on Splash mountain that she wished they just brought you straight to the hill first and not go through the rest of the ride.

I told her to go to six flags.

Or Busch Gardens. Or Sea World. Or Knott's Berrry Farms. Or Hershey Park. Or any amusement park that has a "Shoot-the-Chutes" ride.
This happened to me a couple times when I worked there. Some jerk guest forgets his wallet/purse/camera/whatever valuable and when you go out of the way to return it to them undamaged and whole they have some threat like "its a good thing I got this back", or "you better not have taken any money". Very few did it, but the ones that did I wished I had thrown there stuff away instead. Most people were shocked to see that they got their valuables back. One guy was blown away that I returned his belly pouch that had over $1000 in it. I had to go in to look for ID, but I of course took nothing. He was stunned by that and wanted to give me $50, which I am not allowed to accept which stunned him more. Those experiences made up for the few bad ones, but the bad ones still agravate me.

(people leave a lot of stuff under the chairs at Star Tours).

Kinda OT, but I had a similiar experience at home. On Hanes Mall Blvd in Winston Salem (a VERY VERY busy road at times) I spotted a wallet and cards scattered. It was peak traffic time. My wife pulled into a gas station and parked while I ran over to get it. I was hoping to find a wallet with NO ID and lots of cash (why lie???) but I found credit cards, social security cards, medical cards, and licenses, etc. I had to cross 3 lanes of traffic and dodge oncoming cars to gather it all.
I then began a quest to find the lady, which cost me approximately $5.00 in phone calls, several hours of my time, and a lot of trouble. Once I found her, she acted like she didnt even care. She acted mad that I had the nerve to call her for this good deed. She admitted it was her fault and her wallet fell off her car. I mailed it to her (another $4.50) and I never even got a thank you, let alone reinbursed for my trouble.
I told my wife if I had known from the beginning I was doing a good deed for a hateful person like her that I'd have just found the shadiest character I could find and gave it to him and saved myself the trouble. :rotfl2: People are strange.
I was in line at Test Track, just passed the line queue and getting ready to go into the preshow. A woman, very upset, asked to speak to a manager. She told the CM that they were waiting in line a very long time and because it was so hot they were dehydrated and they needed to go on the ride right away.

The CM offered to take them to first aid, but they didn't get to go on Test Track without waiting in line.

I just thought it was funny. Like everyone else around her weren't waiting in the same lines and standing in the same heat. Come on, it was Florida, it was August.
I was in line at Test Track, just passed the line queue and getting ready to go into the preshow. A woman, very upset, asked to speak to a manager. She told the CM that they were waiting in line a very long time and because it was so hot they were dehydrated and they needed to go on the ride right away.

The CM offered to take them to first aid, but they didn't get to go on Test Track without waiting in line.

I just thought it was funny. Like everyone else around her weren't waiting in the same lines and standing in the same heat. Come on, it was Florida, it was August.

What a moron. That's really all I can say without getting any uglier.

--Mr. DB
Not a clue. I'm guessing they went to the bank earlier and converted foreign currency. They were from Holland.

Their being Dutch may have something to do with why there was so much cash in the pouch. I lived in Switzerland for nearly a year and learned VERY quickly why I HAD to stuff my wallet with a lot of money. Some cities are just old-fashioned. I couldn't use a debit or credit card anywhere and they don't use checks in any of the cantons I visited in Switzerland. On the other hand, crime in Switzerland is very low so I didn't feel too worried about being whacked on the head for my wallet. Some people come from societies where they don't use credit card scanners or write checks (quick fact: Americans write more checks per person than anyone else in the world. I'm serious.). As a result, they find nothing unusual about carrying massive amounts of cash.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I cannot stop laughing about the corn!!!! I will never be able to look at corn again without thinking about this!!!
This occured in DLR but it is the same

I was sitting in the theatre in DCA for the Alladin show and we were there for a few minutes and the little girl that sat next to me was complaining how bad the theatre looked compared to all the New York Broadway shows ( i guessign that they were from New York) i just thought that it was a nice theatre really nice 4 Disney standards
But i thought that this would tie in with this thread
It's probably about 90+% children. That could be why it's a weird request. Your in Disney World!!!

90% children? You think for every 1 adult at Disney World, there are 9 children? I think your calculations are totally off - I would put it more at about 55% children.
My wife ran into a similar parent one time while using the restroom. She heard a mother YELL LOUDLY at her kid because she had to go poop. The mother said "Your father and I are spending thousand's of dollars on this trip and we have to take time to let you go poop. From now on you better make sure that you go at the hotel because we are not going to miss out on the rides so you can poop whenever you want!"

We felt so sorry for the little girl!

I'm sorry, Hello people poop! Poor little girl, when you take kids your trip will go slower.
I always think it's funny to hear people complain about the returning fastpass people SKIPPING in line. I realize that not every visitor to WDW spends hours on the DIS before their trip.................but come on! Fastpass is advertised EVERYWHERE and it's available to EVERYONE! How long can it take someone who is smart enough to FIND WDW to figure out the fast pass thing?:lmao:

HAHA that's funny. Actually I have a similar story...

We were in line (standby) at Soarin, behind a group of adolescent cheerleaders. After about two hours of waiting, a whole bunch of people walk through the FP lane, and one of the cheerleaders says, "What just because they have a FastPass they can go on the ride faster and before everyone else?!" Sadly, she was not being sarcastic but being completely serious and upset at this. That still amuses me today, although its been well over a year since it happened.
HAHA that's funny. Actually I have a similar story...

We were in line (standby) at Soarin, behind a group of adolescent cheerleaders. After about two hours of waiting, a whole bunch of people walk through the FP lane, and one of the cheerleaders says, "What just because they have a FastPass they can go on the ride faster and before everyone else?!" Sadly, she was not being sarcastic but being completely serious and upset at this. That still amuses me today, although its been well over a year since it happened.
Misread that quote and posted the wrong thing.
A lady seated next to us at Le Cellier (A few years ago) was complaining, very loudly, about, oh everything. The last straw was when she made the server cry by telling her she would have her fired because the chef refused to come out with a thermometer and read the temp of her creamed spinach...seriously!

This was a while back in the threads - but I had to comment. My SIL is a CM at RFC in DTD. She said she gets screamed at on a daily basis about the food not being cooked right. She takes the orders, gets the drinks - but doesn't even deliver the food (or cook it). I mean SCREAMED at before they even tell anyone the food is not right or cooked right. This is why I will take a job digging sewers before I waitress, because I think I would have to hurt the first rude customer :rotfl2: and get immediately fired!

My experience may also be a bit more rude than weird, but in March we were waiting for the bus back to our resort from Epcot. There was a long line of us waiting in the queue line (that you see every time you get in line for a bus- hello). It just wasn't just one or two of us. A woman dragged her daughter past us all, and stood in front of all of us, not in line but right up in front where she could have gotten hit by the bus pulling up. When the girl next to us tapped her on the shoulder and told her the line was behind her between the bars, she ripped into this girl, saying how was she suppose to know where the line was. :confused3 And that she (the girl) should have told her nicely. Then she moved to the back and we all had a laugh - after all, how was she suppose to know where the line was!
This was a while back in the threads - but I had to comment. My SIL is a CM at RFC in DTD. She said she gets screamed at on a daily basis about the food not being cooked right. She takes the orders, gets the drinks - but doesn't even deliver the food (or cook it). I mean SCREAMED at before they even tell anyone the food is not right or cooked right. This is why I will take a job digging sewers before I waitress, because I think I would have to hurt the first rude customer :rotfl2: and get immediately fired!

My experience may also be a bit more rude than weird, but in March we were waiting for the bus back to our resort from Epcot. There was a long line of us waiting in the queue line (that you see every time you get in line for a bus- hello). It just wasn't just one or two of us. A woman dragged her daughter past us all, and stood in front of all of us, not in line but right up in front where she could have gotten hit by the bus pulling up. When the girl next to us tapped her on the shoulder and told her the line was behind her between the bars, she ripped into this girl, saying how was she suppose to know where the line was. :confused3 And that she (the girl) should have told her nicely. Then she moved to the back and we all had a laugh - after all, how was she suppose to know where the line was!

I just about have to smack the snot out of somebody everytime I go to WDW. At least once if not three times during a trip someone pulls this and I have no problem with being rude and making them look absolutely stupid by telling them to go to the back of the line.

--Mr. DB


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