What is happening to some Disers??

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Ugly things like these are why I rarely talk to anyone while I'm playing VMK. For me it is more about collecting and building than chatting and trading.

I've seen first hand how vicious little people who hide behind pixels can be - disgusting, just disgusting:sad2:

I just don't understand it...
Just wanted to pop in and say I got the pm's and thank you Bug and cteddiesgirl. :hug:

I don't know if if the name of this person has been forward to mking624, CaptHook34 and Sharkm yet, but I will do so now. It's the least I can do.:hug:
I would appreciate it if someone could PM me the name. I too am totally shocked that someone would say something like that knowing everything that Ink and his family have gone through.

I certainly hope that this person will realize how hurtful their comment was and have the decency to apologize. Karma will get you!

i would really like a pm sent with the name i am really mad at this person to wish someone ill that is really mean.that is just awwful to hear that someone said such a rude comment to you bug :grouphug:.
Ugly things like these are why I rarely talk to anyone while I'm playing VMK. For me it is more about collecting and building than chatting and trading.

I've seen first hand how vicious little people who hide behind pixels can be - disgusting, just disgusting:sad2:

I just don't understand it...

No matter where you are in this world there are going to be people like this. There are so many more wonderful ppl. I have made some great friends on vmk for my real life friends too. My vmk friends always put a smile on my face. I can have a really bad day but they can turn it around. So sorry you don't get to know some of these ppl. :disrocks: Would enjoy chatting with you anytime you feel like it.:hyper2:
OMG, this is totally outrageous. I'm so sorry you had to go thru this. I'm glad to hear everything is going well, and hope everything continues to go well. If someone could please PM me both names, I'd greatly appreaciate it. I don't want to have anything to do with this person.
No matter where you are in this world there are going to be people like this. There are so many more wonderful ppl. I have made some great friends on vmk for my real life friends too. My vmk friends always put a smile on my face. I can have a really bad day but they can turn it around.

Same for me :goodvibes I have the greatest friends from vmk and I can't imagine a week going by without talking to them! :love:
It just makes me so sad that someone would wish somebody to not get better:(.But who is it, can somebody PM me? Just in case he's on my list.:confused3
well, for my two cents- I have to say I really feel sorry for this person and for that scammer. Imagine having a life so bad that you have to make other people's lives miserable just to make yourself feel better. I just hope and pray that this was a thoughtless comment and this person didn't realize the full extent of what he was saying, although I doubt it from reading everything so far. If someone could please pm this person's name, I'd appreciate it. While I can handle nasty remarks from a pirates game, my little girl is still sweet and innocent and I'd like to keep her that way as long as possible. I'd like to be able to warn her to stay away.

On a brighter note-that's great news bug about his getting better! I've been following the story through my mom who is a fellow dis'er but I don't think I'd heard he was doing so well! I almost cried when I heard he got to meet Yavn-so woot! for you and your family!
Aww Bug :hug: I know you have heard this many times but I am sorry too. Nobody should ever say that. I do not care if it is a child or an adult. That comment was so low and hurtfull. I hope karma bites him on both "cheeks". I want nothing to do with this lower than life slime. Heck I like the slime better than him.

Could someone be so kind to send me his VMK and Dis name so everyone in my family can delete him?

Bug, You should report him. Now he clearly has not broken the swearing or scamming rules but his actions deserve a well deserved ban. So if VMK needs a reason here it is spelled out in their own terms that we all live by.

VMK House Rules
Whether this is your first time online or you're a seasoned visitor, we've spelled out our house rules for you here. Generally speaking, these rules simply require respect and good manners. Use common sense and you'll feel right at home.

Our specific house rules:
In VMK when it comes to messaging, or chat of any kind, we don't allow obscene, racist, or sexually explicit language, nor do we allow chat or activities that are not consistent with the VMK site. We reserve the right to remove postings and communications that defame or insult anyone, as well as notes that are abusive or hateful. Political or religious statements are not appropriate in VMK. Any harassing comments or messages that might be construed as stalking will be deleted and made available to the proper law-enforcement officials.

Yeti has answers.
Remember the VMK Values are always changing to meet the needs of the growing community so be sure to review the VMK Values from time to time.
The VMK Values are guidelines for safe play, but you should always be respectful and aware of other players – and that your actions might offend other players in the game. If other players report you, our moderators and community mangers are obligated to look into the situation – so be careful of what you say or do. Have fun, but if you're not sure if what you're doing is right, it's better to be safe than sorry and not get yourself into a sticky situation – don't take part in any activity you think might get you banned.

VMK Safety & Security
6/22 – Remember to review the VMK Values and game guidelines. New rules include that Pay to Play rooms are no longer allowed. As always, violence or inappropriate subject matter of adult nature will NOT be tolerated and involvement in this activity will result in a ban of your VMK account.
VMK is NO place for negative behavior. Have fun, make friends, play games and chat, but please keep in mind VMK must always be a safe and appropriate place for Players of ALL ages.
Please help keep VMK just like the Disney Theme Parks - a safe, fun and magical place for everyone!
Respect other players. Scams (theft), violence, giving out personal information or discussing adult content (sexual or otherwise), vulgarity or inappropiate behavior have NO place in VMK.

VMK reserves the right to update and/or revise the VMK Values and House Rules wihout notice. Please make sure you periodically review the VMK Values and House Rules for the most current game guidelines. Worried about being banned? Then ALWAYS USE GOOD JUDGEMENT when playing VMK. Treat other players as you would like to treated, don't use foul language or take part in bad behavior - any activity like this will get you banned, in many cases, permanently.For more information or a reminder of what's acceptable in VMK refer to the VMK Values page.
First of all, Bug I am so sorry for you and Slink. I think that is the meanest thing I have ever seen said in VMK. I sent a PM to CTeddiesgirl for the name of the person, so I can make sure he is not on my list, and that I have no contact with him whatsoever.

Second, I agree with ForeverWDW - this is definitely a reportable offense. This is a disgusting, despicable human being who doesn't deserve the privilege of playing VMK. He should be held accountable for his actions. I really hope that you report him - your screen shots should be evidence enough.

Good luck to you and Slink!
This is absolutely why the staff need to not be doing games in their rooms or not even being logged on, but actually reading and fixing problems.

I feel so bad for you Bug, and especially Slinkyman who fought through it all and now has to deal with the rudeness of certain players on VMK. To anyone else who has been emotionally affected by this person, don't think I don't share the same feelings for you all as well.

I definitely need someone to PM me the name of this person. Hopefully, if everyone knows who it is and stays away, it will be long enough for the VMK Staff to process the report and ban him for being completely abusive and rude to two great VMK players, and two great VMK friends as well.
I'm not sure who all has received pm's, but I have sent pm's to these people:
MulanFan, RaggedyAnnPrincess, pretty in tink, ForeverWDW and Adventurejimbob.
:scared::scared1: uh that was sick for someone to do that! it is just a game but about ink uh it just makes me so mad:mad: here is some hugs and pixie dust to you!:hug: :hug: :grouphug: :wizard: :wizard:
I would like a PM from someone who knows who this person is. I cannot even begin to express my anger with this issue, so I just won't do it.
Thank you so much! I have had several encounters with this said person, and I must say I got a feeling that he was a "DIS Elitist" and only really wanted to play nice with other DIS people. So for some reason this really doesn't surprise me now. I have felt you pain several times by some fellow DIS'ers Bug, although not in the magnitude that he was rude to you in that way. The fact that someone would honestly stoop so low to wish sickness and terrible things upon another person which I'm sure he has never met and knows nothing about. If he keeps acting the way that he does on VMK and in pirates while playing, I have a feeling staff will begin to catch onto his game.
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