What is VMK Pal?


Succulent Wild Woman
Feb 18, 2005
I have seen several people today that say they are using VMK Pal but I have no idea what it is.

Anyone know?
Nope. Consider me another member of the old, lame, and clueless club. :thumbsup2 :rolleyes1
I have heard of it and I am using it :)

It's a frame for VMK that stores your login info and has some tools for storing codes and screenshots. It's like a skin for Internet Explorer but a little more advanced. It's very well done.

You can get it at the VMK Fansite. :thumbsup2
I saw the link, thought the add-on looked cool, but I don't trust it.
It's a program "helper" some dude created to "wrap" around Internet Explorer
for use in VMK.

Considering some of the "I've been hacked!" messages from the other boards,
I'm wondering if those people were using the VMK Pal program.

It's not sanctioned by Disney or VMK, and I will not download it due to my
well-developed skepticism. :)
Well Briar your right, but I have experimented WITH a mule. They never took anything and I " lent " it some teleport pins.

Still be careful :)
im not sure what it is but it gives me a good idea but i dont think that they could put it in...

The "Help Pop-Ups" you get when making a new character can be a Pal Mickey Doll
I figured the Fan Site would know about it but they would rather tell you the question has been asked then answer a question. I really don't like the attitude over there.

I think I am going to pass, I don't need any more help than my trusted notebook which is starting to fall to pieces.

I am not endorsing this program or rejecting it because today is the first day I have heard of it.

I will add a link to the guide but as with any new program that is not put out by disney....use at your own risk.

I've read all about this program on the other board. I haven't downloaded it, mostly because I'm lazy.

As far as I can see - it's a superficial skin to go on IE to manage codes and take screenshots easily. The only thing it could offer me is easy storage of all my mules and their passwords. That and I guess being able to take screenshots and pasting them without a different program would be nice.

In the meantime, people are going crazy over VMK Pal. Both good and bad. I'm taking the backseat for awhile to see how things go with it.

Lisa, I'm with you. While I don't have a notebook. I have 50 post-it notes with mules, codes, and trade information. I'm definitely not as organized with you, but I have my nice little VMK pile o' information adjacent to my computers.
Wendot said:
As far as I can see - it's a superficial skin to go on IE to manage codes and take screenshots easily. The only thing it could offer me is easy storage of all my mules and their passwords. That and I guess being able to take screenshots and pasting them without a different program would be nice..

Internet Explorer does that...it saves your signin name and password no need for a special program

:confused3 :confused3 :confused3

if that is all it basically does I do not see a need.
Maleficent2 said:
Internet Explorer does that...it saves your signin name and password no need for a special program

:confused3 :confused3 :confused3

if that is all it basically does I do not see a need.

Yes it does. Another reason (besides being lazy) why I haven't felt a need to download it. For me though, I play VMK on 2 different computers and not all mules get saved on all the comps and sometimes I save the wrong usernames and passwords. Yes yes it's laziness! But in the end, I would still have the same issues with VMK Pal, because I'd have to repeat it with each computer.

I guess that just leaves screenshots. Code storing isn't too special, because I just printed out a list of credit codes and the rest are just one-time use.

Really, there's no need to download it and contrary to what people post on other boards, it won't improve your DC frequency.
I've only used it for a day but here's what I see.

1) I have a cute VMK button on my desktop for one click access to the program. I could have set that up without VMK Pal but I never thought to do it.

2) It stores the usernames and passwords for all your accounts. You click the login button in VMK Pal and you get a list of them all. Most browsers only show you the most recent one that signed on with and then replaces it if you start to enter in another one.

3) It takes screenshots without the browser chrome. It saves them automatically and has a built in library for viewing them. It will also let you crop them and save them again. For most people that will mean no more pasting screen caps into an editor like Photoshop unless you are doing some manipulation.

4) It stores codes. I don't have codes long enough to need to store them but it seems like it would be a little more efficient than post-it notes to me :)

5) I like the interface. It is themed to VMK and for me isn't as visually distracting as the normal browser frame. I think it makes it easier to focus in on the action in the game. I'm probably be a tad ADD so that may be just me.

It is a "must have" application? No
Will I keep using it? Probably
yeah i remember this being mentioned yesterday in reds mansion and VMK_Red said that we shouldn't use it because it was not made by disney aso it isn't safe

still haven't thought of using it though it sounds good
2) It stores the usernames and passwords for all your accounts. You click the login button in VMK Pal and you get a list of them all. Most browsers only show you the most recent one that signed on with and then replaces it if you start to enter in another one.

My version of IE stores any and all character names and passwords not the most recent ones....

While the photo feature sounds neat it is not something that I would risk downloading software for.

Of course this is just my opinion.
Wendot said:
Lisa, I'm with you. While I don't have a notebook. I have 50 post-it notes with mules, codes, and trade information. I'm definitely not as organized with you, but I have my nice little VMK pile o' information adjacent to my computers.

A stack of post-its + a few staples= instant notebook :teeth:
I am going to have to agree with VMK Staff on this one. If it was not made by Disney, Saluke, or anyone associated with VMK, it should not be considered safe. So I will not be using it. I know there have been a lot of hacker stories floating around recently, and this makes me wonder if these people were using vmk pal. Until, I hear more on this, or until staff approve of this, I will not take the risk. I have way to much stuff to lose. :)

Someone from these boards contacted me and suggested I post something here to quell the curiosity.

My VMK name is Carioca and, while I'm new to this particular board, I am active in several other Disney boards. I'm a lifelong Disney fan and have been playing VMK since beta.

I also happen to be a programmer. I noticed that my young son, who loves VMK too, was often getting frustrated when he was disconnected from VMK because he is too young to type in his username and password. So the idea for VMK Pal was born.

It's a simple little program that is, as others have pointed out here, basically a shell around Internet Explorer. I wrote it mainly for my own family and friends. Then, as more people learned about it, other people wanted to get it, too.

If you want more information, please visit my web site for more information (sorry, I can't put the actual address in a post yet- but its basically the name of the program). I have a section there of frequently asked questions that should address a lot of people's concerns.

The #1 question I get asked is, "Is it safe?" Would you believe me if I said it was? I'm actually pleased that there has been this level of skepticism towards it. People are right to be cautious today with all the bad software going around. Feel free to talk to people who have used it for their opinions about it.

The bottom line, though, is that if using VMK Pal makes you at all uncomfortable or worried that one day all your stuff is going to disappear, then please don't use it. I won't be offended, I promise :) As I said before, I wrote it mainly for my own family's use and, if anyone else wants to use it, I'm happy to help.

If you have any questions, you may contact me at (sorry, can't put in my email address either- please look at my profile).




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