What's Cooking - The Recipe Exchange

Stacey, any word on the job? Are you still at Disney?

Still thinking happy thoughts for you!


Rob, All,
Well today I go in for the last stage. I am to discuss the package and responsibilities that go with the position. And then meet with the CEO/President for his final approval.
Rob, All,
Well today I go in for the last stage. I am to discuss the package and responsibilities that go with the position. And then meet with the CEO/President for his final approval.


I'll think happy thoughts for you and send pixie dust your way!

Good luck!
An offer is on the table.......BUT it is much much much lower then where I expected it to be. It is at an insulting level for the position and responsibilities. It's a crappy market I know, but it doesn't even make the lower 25th percentile of what the salary range is for the job, ans isn't even in the ballpark of the median salary. In fact it doesn't even make the entry level scale for the location. So needless to say, I'm in a lousy mood right now. I told them I would let them know by the end of the week. I wish it was only a couple thousand difference...but the difference is in 5 figures. I am so PO'd at the moment. I'm not some idiot, I did my research. The money they are offering is for a level or two below the position. I'm really at a loss......
An offer is on the table.......BUT it is much much much lower then where I expected it to be. It is at an insulting level for the position and responsibilities. It's a crappy market I know, but it doesn't even make the lower 25th percentile of what the salary range is for the job, ans isn't even in the ballpark of the median salary. In fact it doesn't even make the entry level scale for the location. So needless to say, I'm in a lousy mood right now. I told them I would let them know by the end of the week. I wish it was only a couple thousand difference...but the difference is in 5 figures. I am so PO'd at the moment. I'm not some idiot, I did my research. The money they are offering is for a level or two below the position. I'm really at a loss......


That blows. I'm sorry. I don't have any idea of what to say here. Any chance that they'd raise the amount if you called them on it?

That blows. I'm sorry. I don't have any idea of what to say here. Any chance that they'd raise the amount if you called them on it?

I'm not sure. I called them out on it, and they were like Oh well it is what it is. Mind you I did all the online salary research, spoke to headhunters, I've worked in the industry, and know what the same position at other companies in the area make. So it really was a blind sided lowball. He proceeded to ask me my sources, when I expressed it was much lower then I expected. So maybe they'll reconsider. I never even met the CEO/President today....turns out it was dependent on my accepting the offer. I am going to send off a list of questions tomorrow, before I make my final decision.

Did I mention how much I dislike job hunting!?!?!?!? I never should have set expectations. If you don't have expectations, you cannot be disappointed.
Did I mention how much I dislike job hunting!?!?!?!? I never should have set expectations. If you don't have expectations, you cannot be disappointed.

On the other hand, if you didn't do the research on it (which is what sets the expectations, of course) then you open yourself up to being sc**wed over. At least this way you KNOW they're offering you a bum deal, and can make your decsion based on real knowledge, not just what they're handing you.
latest update:
Last Wens. I sent off an email asking follow up questions to the offer - no mention of the salary offer - just asking for clarification & details on some benefits/points of the offer. I have received no reply, only a read receipt. Yesterday another email - no response only a read receipt. This morning a phone call, got voicemail, no return call as yet. The email receipient, would be my boss and does not have a assistant that would be opening his email. This afternoon, I sent off another email, but this time to the VP I interviewed with. So the saga continues...........
latest update:
Last Wens. I sent off an email asking follow up questions to the offer - no mention of the salary offer - just asking for clarification & details on some benefits/points of the offer. I have received no reply, only a read receipt. Yesterday another email - no response only a read receipt. This morning a phone call, got voicemail, no return call as yet. The email receipient, would be my boss and does not have a assistant that would be opening his email. This afternoon, I sent off another email, but this time to the VP I interviewed with. So the saga continues...........

Yikes. That blows. Does he not realize what kind of message that sends?Why would you want to work for someone who ignores you like that when they're in the process of offering you the job?
Rob, All,
Well today I go in for the last stage. I am to discuss the package and responsibilities that go with the position. And then meet with the CEO/President for his final approval.

Fingers and toes crossed for you! :goodvibes

Anybody got any good yellowtail and albacore recipes? Mr. TuckandStuiesMom just got back from a 6 day fishing trip off Mexico and the freezer is FULL!!! I like sushi as much as the next fella -- but I am a little intimidated by the volume of fish we suddenly have. I'm grilling yellowtail tonight.
p.s. -- have you ever seen an Albacore? What a funny shaped fat fish!!! I swear if you took slices along the z direction, you'd have pretty near perfect circles...
Well, this is my 5000th post, so I thought I'd perform a little magic :wizard: and resurrect this long-dead recipe thread! :rotfl2:

Without further ado, I give you the recipe for:

Triple Choclate Carmel Cookies

2 Cups melted dark choc
1 cup softened butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 large eggs
2 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 package (6ounce) white baking bars cut into chunks
2 cups milk choc chips
1-2 cups chopped carmels (depends on how much carmel you like I usually do

Heat oven to 350
Beat butter, brown sugar and vanilla in large mixing bowl on medium speed until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs and melted choclate until light and fluffy. Stir in flour , baking soda and salt. Stir in remaing choc chips, chunks and carmel.

I put parchment paper on my cookie sheets that way the carmel wont stick to the pans.

Bake 12 to 14 minutes

Make sure they are completly cooled before removing from the paper.

Here's my contribution - this stuff is too addictive for words:

Black Bean and Corn Salsa

2 cans black beans, drained and rinsed
1 ½ cup corn (better frozen than canned)
1 red bell pepper, diced
6 green onions
½ cup chopped cilantro
1 jalapeno, diced
2 tomatoes, diced
1 avocado, diced
1 tsp. salt
½ cup olive oil
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
½ tsp honey
1/3 cup fresh lime juice
1 clove garlic, crushed

Combine all ingredients and refrigerate at least 6 hours before serving.
Here's my contribution - this stuff is too addictive for words:

Black Bean and Corn Salsa

Jane, that sounds delicious!

And I've been looking for a recipe for the black beans we've got in the pantry, so thanks!:banana:
Easy Squeezy French Toast Bake
Adapted from Ellie Kreiger's French Toast Bake

3-4 peaches, sliced thin
1/2 cup frozen or fresh Blueberries
1 whole wheat crusty artisan loaf: four slices about 3/4 inch thick.
1/2 cup eggbeaters (or two egg whites)
1/2 cup lowfat milk.
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 tsp Cinnamon.
1 Tablespoon brown sugar.

The night before:
Put slices of bread in glass baking dish sprayed with cooking spray.(8x8 works well)
Beat eggbeaters, vanilla and milk with a fork. Pour over bread.
Toss peach slices with cinnamon and brown sugar. Layer over bread slices.
Toss blueberries over top.
Cover with plastic wrap and stick in the fridge overnight. The bread should soak up most of the liquid.

Next morning preheat oven to 350. Bake uncovered for 40 minutes or until slighly puffed.
Easy Squeezy French Toast Bake
Adapted from Ellie Kreiger's French Toast Bake

Ooh! That sounds yummy too. And I'm thinking of trying it with either apples or bananas and strawberries in place of the peaches and blueberries. :woohoo:
OMG, ALL of these sound amazing!!!

Being that we live in NC, we tend to eat alot of comfort foods. Here is one my family loves. ULTRA easy!!

Chris' version of Chicken & Rice:

Instant Rice

Boneless Chicken

1 LG can of Cream of Chicken Soup ( the BIG family sized one)

1 LG can of Cream of Mushroom

1 pint of sour cream

1 roll of crushed ritz crackers

Cook enough rice for everyone to have 1 serving, set aside
boil chicken till tender

Let chicken cool down and cut away fat and dice the chicken up.
In a large backing pan, add both soups and sour cream. Mix really well
Add chicken

Cook at 350 till the sauce bubbles. Add crumbled Ritz on top, cook for 5 minutes. To prepare each plate, I always scoop rice as the bed and serve the sauce over the top. We always have biscuits and a veggie!! Of course, salt & pepper to taste!

Y'all enjoy now!

Chris ;)
Well, this is my 5000th post, so I thought I'd perform a little magic :wizard: and resurrect this long-dead recipe thread! :rotfl2:

Without further ado, I give you the recipe for:

Triple Choclate Carmel Cookies

I'm going back on "The Cleans" again. :snooty:

Happy 5000! :goodvibes
Kiss my Rice cakes! :mad:
I was not Rob!

You're right. You didn't get cranky. You went CRAZY! Isn't that when the infamouse "Sunshines and Rainbows WallyAnna" episode occurred?

So, while we're on the recipe thread, do you have any tasty vegan recipes from the "cleanse" to share with us?


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