What's Cooking - The Recipe Exchange

You're right. You didn't get cranky. You went CRAZY! Isn't that when the infamouse "Sunshines and Rainbows WallyAnna" episode occurred?

So, while we're on the recipe thread, do you have any tasty vegan recipes from the "cleanse" to share with us?

Tofu and kelp delight. :eek:
Well, I like tofu. Seaweed, for the most part is tasty...

Just don't over do the soy, eh? Or is that just a caution for women?

Rob, love your caramel cookies recipe! My wife makes an oatmeal based cookie with dark, milk and white chocolate chips and cranberries. Drizzles dark chocolate over all. I've asked her to NOT make them for any time other than Christmas. They are completely impossible to stop eating. I'm sure she'd love your caramel recipe.
Well, I like tofu. Seaweed, for the most part is tasty...

Just don't over do the soy, eh? Or is that just a caution for women?

Rob, love your caramel cookies recipe! My wife makes an oatmeal based cookie with dark, milk and white chocolate chips and cranberries. Drizzles dark chocolate over all. I've asked her to NOT make them for any time other than Christmas. They are completely impossible to stop eating. I'm sure she'd love your caramel recipe.

I'm glad you liked it! I cannot take credit, however. My sister (who bakes for a living) created it. She brought like 4 dozen of them with her when she came down for the wedding last year and we LOVED them. They're impossible to stop eating, too!
Tofu and kelp delight. :eek:

You're saying that you ate tofu and kelp exclusively for two weeks?:scared:

C'mon! There must be something tasty that you made while "cleansing"!:thumbsup2
You're saying that you ate tofu and kelp exclusively for two weeks?:scared:

C'mon! There must be something tasty that you made while "cleansing"!:thumbsup2

No the food id fine.

But the cleans is - No sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol, no animal protein, no gluten, no dairy.

So we just turned regular recipes into veggie recipes -
ie - veggie chilly.
It's not really that hard to take. :upsidedow
No the food id fine.

But the cleans is - No sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol, no animal protein, no gluten, no dairy.

So we just turned regular recipes into veggie recipes -
ie - veggie chilly.
It's not really that hard to take. :upsidedow

:scared::scared1: NO ALCOHOL!?!?!?!?!

Don't worry.
I hate needles
so it would not happen

NOW you tell me!

I've been busy coordinating your intervention!

I hope I can cancel the caterer . . . .
I am only about a hour south of Mr. Wally... Send the caterer here! ::yes::

Too late. I called to ask if we could switch to vegan appetizers, desserts, and cocktails and they threw a temper tantrum at me. Who knew culinary people could be so volitile? :confused3

I mean, really. That Gordon Ramsay always seems so calm on TV. :rotfl2:
So last night, we decided to use a bunch of stuff that we had on hand and made tuna noodle casserole. Just a standard recipe, but I jazzed it up with cream of mushroom and roasted garlic soup, and added some pepper jack cheese, while using tri-color rotini pasta instead of egg noodles. It wasn't bad, but it reinforced one major thing for me. I really don't like canned tuna.

But it did get me thinking about casseroles and such. It's handy to have something that you put into a baking dish, and then have as leftovers for a day or two (or feed four or five people once). There are two of those kind of meals that I do fairly well, and of those two this one is my favorite. So here's

Easy Lasagne

One box of the "no boil" variety of lasagne noodles (love these things!)
Roughly two quarts of tomato sauce (use canned or the recipe on post 47)
1 Pound of Ground Beef
1 Package of Italian Sausage
1 Tub of Ricotta Cheese (half a pint, I think. we use low fat)
1 Small package of frozen spinach
2 bags of shreeded mozzerlla cheese (I use the mozzerella, asiago, romano blend)
Grated Parmesan Cheese

With a knife, slit open the sausage casings and remove the sausage. In a skillet, brown the ground beef and sausage together so you get a consistent sized batch of loose ground meat. (You'll probably have to break up the sausage a bit with a spatula). While the meat is cooking in the skillet, drain the thawed frozen spinich in a kitchen towel and mix with the ricotta in a food processor (you can add one egg to this if you like. I don't). Blend until fully integrated. Once the meat mixture is cooked, drain off as much fat as possible.

In a 9 x 13 baking dish, ladle a small amount of sauce to barely cover the bottom of the pan. Place one layer of the lasagne noodles (usually three noodles per layer) down on top of the sauce. Spread a layer of the ricotta/spinach mixture onto each noodle. Spread a layer of the meat mixure evenly over the ricotta/spinach. Ladle sauce over the meat so it's evenly covered, but very lightly. Sprinkle a layer of cheese over the whole thing. Take three more of the lasagne noodles and use them to press down the lower layers. Repeat a layer of ricotta/spinach, a layer of meat, sauce, and cheese. Then add a top layer of noodles. On the top, liberally ladle sauce so that it fills in around the sides of the layers. Sprinkle with Cheese and Grated Parmesan.

Bake covered with foil in a 375 degree oven for 45-50 minutes. Remove Foil and return to the oven for 10 more minutes.

Let the lasagne sit for 15 mintues before serving.

We usually get 6 large portions from this recipe. We portion leftovers into individual plastic containers and freeze them. They make a really nice, easy lunch.

So, what other "casserole" type recipes do the rest of you have?
Just an FYI, I use regular Lasagne noodles, and stopped boiling them years ago. I just water down the sauce a little, and cover with foil. Comes out great!

OK here is a recipe that I tried and it came out really good!

Take 6-8 Chicken Breasts and pound them out flat.

Take a package of frozen chopped spinach, thaw and drain. Add to that some chopped up roasted red peppers, sun dried tomatoes, and crumbled feta cheese. Place about 2 tablespoons of this mixture on each Chicken Breast and roll them up. You may use a toothpick to hold this together but I don't find it necessary. Roll the Chicken breast in Italian bread crumbs, and bake at 350 for about an hour!

Same here with the lasagne macaroni. If we use white, we never boil. If we use wheat, we still parboil...

I don't like hot canned tuna. Cold is ok... or hot fresh tuna...

Not a huge casserole fan because we so limit our carbs. Hard to come up with one that doesn't have a starch!

Nice recipes though. Thanks!
Not a huge casserole fan because we so limit our carbs. Hard to come up with one that doesn't have a starch!

I competely understand. We're going to have to go back to the South Beach Diet soon. But we're waiting until some other medical issues resolve themselves first. Long story. Until then we're focusing on low fat, not low carb.

At any rate, here's a recipe that I haven't tried yet but one that sounds REALLY good to me. It's a Green Chile Relleno Bake. Since I haven't made it, I'm not going to type the recipe, just link to it. Using low fat dairy products, it's pretty South Beach friendly, and the carbs shouldn't be an issue.


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