What's one place you have been to which you would never go back to?

San Francisco for many of the same reasons already mentioned.

Pigeon Forge/ Gatlinburg. Just got back. The Smokies are gorgeous but the rest is way way too commercial. I’m from the Midwest and my opinion is that Pigeon Forge is the Wisconsin Dells on steroids
India. Thats where my family is from. its a different world for me since I grew up here. Have only been a couple times.

San Francisco I hear as really gone downhill since i was last here. Sad....Used to love it.
Baltimore. I spent two weeks in downtown Baltimore when my late husband was having major surgery at Johns Hopkins. The hospital was amazing, but Baltimore, not so much.

I was gonna also say this - I was there 20ish years ago right in the downtown when things were brand new and the waterfront was beautiful...and even then, walking back to my hotel at night with another female intern was not safe.

Now - man, I probably wouldn't go even if I had President Biden's security detail...
It's surprising how many Disers have different opinions of many places I love. This summer we took the kids to New Orleans and stayed in the French Quarter. We had a blast. We did avoid Borboun St at night though. We also loved our trips to San Francisco and Boston.

The one place I won't go back to is Hungary. I went with my sister during the early 90s on a backpacking trip and had a horrible experience. The people were rude and most of them seemed depressed, unlike the people we met in other former Eastern Bloc places. We had such a bad experience there we decided to go to Austria early. Even though we didn't speak any languages other than English and Spanish, we had traveled enough through Europe to be able to find our way around using train schedules and maps. That is until we got to Budapest.

Several stops after we got on the train we realized we were going in the wrong direction. Instead of heading towards Austria, we were headed towards the former Yugoslavia during the war there. To make matters worse, all of the stops we saw were just benches in the middle of farmland. That evening, we got to the last stop before the border and luckily, there was an actual building there. Relieved, we got off the train to wait for the next one headed in the opposite direction.

When we got off the train though, things went from bad to worse. The first thing we saw were two crying women who were arguing with train officials. Even though one of them spoke fluent Hungarian, we could tell they were tourists. The one who didn't speak Hungarian came to us to ask for help. It turns out she had come to Hungary with her friend to help her bury her father. The woman's father had fled Hungary to the US right before the Soviet invasion. After the collapse of the USSR, he returned to his homeland for retirement.

The women had gotten on the train to do a little European sightseeing before they returned to the US. Right before the train left, the officials had confiscated their passports and forced them off the train claiming they didn't have the right stamps. They wanted a bribe, ideally in US dollars, and the women didn't have enough cash to pay them. They had offered to withdraw the money from an ATM but the officials refused to take them to one. We had a little money left, which we gave them. We figured that it wasn't likely to be a scam because this area wasn't exactly crawling with tourists. If we had been in Budapest we would have been much more suspicious.

The officials gave them back their passports and they thanked us profusely. We all caught the next train and arrived in Vienna quite late. The women paid for a taxi to take us all to an ATM so they could pay us back and then to a hotel. The hotel was definitely above my sister and my budget but by that point, we were just grateful to be out of Hungary and somewhere safe.
I've always heard that the French locals are rude to visitors (sorry if there is anyone from France on here), so I'm wondering if that's their reason for not wanting to go back.

As for not wanting to go back to Cleveland...well that's because it's Cleveland!!!!! Don't get mad, I'm from Cincinnati so you know we're sports rivals.

I have to disagree here... We went to Paris, and DLP and the people that we encountered were very warm, and very nice to us... We got off the beaten path, and did not have anyone treat us poorly. Now with that said, we were told many times that we did not look or act American, as well I learn some French to help us along, which I would start in french and then switch to English, that goes along way.
I gotta say Olive Garden. The smell alone on the parking lot is enough to turn me off. Unfortunately there are family members who that is their favorite place, so I end up going every few years. I did at least find a soup that I don't hate.

As far as cities/states there are some I wouldn't particularly care to see again but I don't have a "reason" for avoiding them.

Any foreign country (although the list is quite short Canada, Spain, France) I have visited, I would LOVE to go back and spend more time.

Most likely NYC... we had planned a family trip for this fall, and my DD said no way... DH and I have been a couple times. So really not somewhere that we need to go to...

Most likely NYC... we had planned a family trip for this fall, and my DD said no way... DH and I have been a couple times. So really not somewhere that we need to go to...

Yeah, I had a trip planned to NYC in Aug 2020 (then Covid happened) - now that we're on the other end, I have no interest replanning the trip, although I have hope for that city and have it on the "maybe in 3-5 years" plan:)...my spouse and I have no rush - we've been - but we want the kids to see what we saw, which is not NYC still right now (although probably few cities are where they were yet)...
Yeah, I had a trip planned to NYC in Aug 2020 (then Covid happened) - now that we're on the other end, I have no interest replanning the trip, although I have hope for that city and have it on the "maybe in 3-5 years" plan:)...my spouse and I have no rush - we've been - but we want the kids to see what we saw, which is not NYC still right now (although probably few cities are where they were yet)...

We know several people that have been and they all have said what a waste, and several of them had issues with the homeless, and groups of young people screaming at them about mask. Safety is one of the biggest problems, that they all voiced concerns about. One couple we know very well, lived in NYC during college, and they said it was a sad sight, and most likely will never go back... they left 2 days early...

Most likely NYC... we had planned a family trip for this fall, and my DD said no way... DH and I have been a couple times. So really not somewhere that we need to go to...
Not sure what you mean by your daughter said no way.
Nassau. It was dirty and I felt besieged by peddlers and pan handlers. Some other places I have no burning desire to go back but if there was some reason, like a wedding or work trip, I wouldn't not go. The Jersey shore comes to mind. I would just rather spend my time somewhere else. I'm also not really a fan of the touristy beach towns like Myrtle Beach, Outer Banks, etc. I'd rather go to a random small town than one built on that type of tourism.
San Francisco
Las Angeles

I will not say why because I do not want to insult people and I would be kicked off the board if I said some of the reasons.
Not sure what you mean by your daughter said no way.

Soooo Okay... sorry... Our trip was DH and myself, our DD, DSIL, and our Sweet grandson ( 6 years old)... The plan was to take him to see the Mummy's and Dino's at the Met which he is on and on about, the Bronx's Zoo, See the Rockettes Christmas Special, and the Lion King/or Aladdin something that he would like to see...and some other touristy attractions...

So Covid hit last year, and we shelved our plans, and decided to try for the week before Thanksgiving, or the week after of 2021...

They were over for dinner, and I brought it up and she said that they did not want to go any more. Her reasons, first off was safety and they both felt that it's not safe.

They had been over when our friends who went to college in and go to NYC like 3 or 4 times a year, where regaling us with their trip, and both of them saying they completely felt unsafe the whole time, and left 2 days early because of the situations that occurred, they were sitting in the park, drinking Starbucks, and a group of young people approached them, yelling at them to put on their mask, and harassing them and saying some pretty awful and scary things to them, they got up walked across the street to a bodega, and the man inside let them in, then locked the door, he said I would call the cops, but their aren't enough of them around any more, and told them to stay out of the park it is completely not safe. They had a issue with group of homeless people, and At the hotel they would not allow them to stand outside and wait for Uber, the doorman said its not safe for you to stand out there.
Her friend from work who is from Manhattan, had been there visiting her parents for the first time since covid, and them getting to see the newest grandbaby and said that this guy just came up, and stole their stroller right on the sidewalk in front of her parents building, with a doorman, she was holding their daughter and her DH had the 3 year old, and the diaper bag.... he walked up and said I'm taking the stroller, and shoved the husband, who was trying to protect the 3 year old... the doorman step in front of my DD's friend and the new baby, while they did not see a weapon, he was menacing, and acting like he was on something... The DH said just give it to him, and the guy took the stroller. Once they were all back inside the doorman called the police, and they said if no-one was hurt they really could not do anything, and took somewhat of a report over the phone, not enough police... The doorman told them right around the Met was okay, but don't go into the park, and be back before it gets dark... My DD's friend told her not to waste the money it's not worth it.... She said that they completely felt unsafe the whole time, and now she wants her parents to come stay with them, her dad was robbed last week at gun point leaving the grocery store.

Then all the videos of flooding in the subways, rats, trash, and human waste on the sidewalk, the issue with the homeless.

So that's where the "No Way" came from...
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